I - - Arriving by plane from Van-J touver Saturday afternoon wre and report. The company's re- Hospitals Get Free "Wor Cries' i port appears to be In accord with Tuesday, December 13, 1S49 ' i i i to daughters of Mi. and m. Sons of Norway Fire Truck Is Beyond Repair For Nw" the views of the city automobile . mechanic who had advised the ',.f havin nn fll,tsiri. firrn Trv a Classified Ad lor Results c,ty Marj i I Cards 3rr?f and anil Dance iVanra ! Captain and Mrs. W. C. Poul efront Design.ng uiiu urjinur . iwy made a special wuiuj uitU U UIIUU , ton and their workers of the local committee that the vehicle was t such a report vr,en 'tne cityj as Sou Saw It in The News! Boteven fUi nsmBg "P0" the city engineer agreed, Lao The 19W R tmrk f thP eitv . trip here to visit Mr. Carr who is ; , Corps of the Salvation Army have confined In General Hospital. The c of N"' day night, at been debuting the Christmas - - -rf made upon it. mechanics wno should be com- fire department is In such a weekly card tour- ,. nf th Wflr ,n Prinr. . Aid. Casey, who was in a par- ond Material ,-SEE . ISLAND CITY . BALAGNO Florist j Phone Green 78" Box lWS! farmer in a staff mirst-and the Many of mechanical decrepitude ;icuIar cmicU mood all fve petent cf making such inspec- at R 18 hard'y Practlcable to " in ring, tiid not like the procedure tlon and rervt. 7 repair K. and it would be better : i , ou rals " ' "u " lau,LS , persons have proffered money ley Nels Gunrterson were first w Pcnase a new hair-ton pieK- prize War Cry and Poulton -7. 'Winners. Second prizes were ' ZlZJ L?" IIT" ci council was advised I BailnVrs SHPP' bupreme court OF won won bv by Mr, Mrs. Rf.ifir.rrt Selfjord and Hans " jast tiisht In a soecial renort - SJ. ct Blue ozO PXACrCAS. money has enabled The Salva- .jrom Farker & Co 1 - Federsen. A side of ham was BRrTWH COLUMBIA IV PKCtftATr. n n mnn ,.n,nu uno wis won DV J. Slmnri ... . ' " -" "J ... " - im. v- fluwi- - ui Liie LnrLsims irxip oi i ne commit t-e to make an inspection vmfTton act- and in the Refreshments were served at War Cry in the Prince Rupert MAI IKK OF TUB ESTATE OF , midniplll ""nl1H nnrif-r unc" r MALCOLM Mrnrwi.n r,p.i the convenor- General Hnsnital srwl MilJpr Rnv tea I CEAHT5D INTKSTATlt. i Ship of Mrs C. Strand. She was tWr,itoi X5 d fc7 KL KtSJVIX TAKE NOT1CF vhot bv Ordei- of .u.ic.i k ..... His Honour Jurir.i W. O. Fnlin I ' u oeivig, Mrs. FOCI A8.3- local Judge of the Supreme C urt K- Slatta, Mrs. J. Ritchie, Miss ; .r.TD";!1 WasK- J- hle. Hans ; YOUNG K1TWANGA ipointed Admimmrauir oi the Es- reaersen. Julius Johnson and kiKl K BURIED AT VARIETY STORE OF A THOUSAND GIFTS r-i" TTTlMmtmmmaarniF MURRAY SF.Z (Continued nom Page 4) my opinion will be the best team we will see here this year and I am not overlooking the House of David when I make that statement. , Angus MacPhee has finally come up with his all-star team picked last Sunday and on it we 9 J M If V 5 v late of Liiwer punt, Bntwh Colum-i bi, who died on or about the laih ; Master of ceremonies for the THE 0T of September. 14 at the evening was NpU r.iinHorr, or,rt nntumMa All mnom lni4hiAri tommodore KI TWANG A Funeral of William Bryant of Kitwanga, well known young ortsraan who was killed in a highway accident near Skeena River, was held rc ccntly at KUwanga. He was a I settlement of Dawann Creek. British music Was supplied by Mike Col-j Columbia. All peraon itiaebted to ussi and his accordion 1 the utd catate are required to pay i the amount ol Uietr IndebtedneKs to j m fnhwlth anrt all perwwie rtsviri1 Old trrc ..a (nut Ih. boVi4 ul.tb era Tnil toll 'o frnm tm Vr Cafe TOYS VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE Sunday. 9 p.m., Camosun Tuesday, 1:30 p.m., Coquitlam ALICE ARM, STEWART ANI ruKI SIMPSON Sunday, 11 p.m. FOR SOUTH QUEES CHARLOTTB ISLANDS ss. Camosun Dec. 18 and 30 do not see the names of Jim Fla- -Bfti-r Thn Erer" fnni and Servlc tn Cltj wqulr to 111. tbem itb me pro-,wU, ul hp uc "ne d one one.haf nal1 hours nours c V C wanga opnng ten or Jo DaVis, two Of the Co- perl rerified on or before the 15th Field Club and funeral " arranee-L . u 4 j .a; r ianarf. leso failing which alte in arriving. Due 'at 10:15 i, f J T7 .V , U,P stalwarts who were expected d d the n.h.vm, I by flUb tf make the P 11 iiwinarri 111 arrlve ve at at 11-45 11 P Dm m- .-quad. Accrding to rard to uch claim, of which airectors. SUnley Williarru. Gor-! . , i abaii have been notified ; The The train train was was held held up up due due to to late late 1 ! don rt, r-j ' Angus, h. he v,,,. believes p,at- Flaten may ! if i V ! f 17 for Send-Out Or EVERYTHING IN TOYS TO MAKE YOUR YOUNGSTER " HAPPY Johnson, Edward Smith have been m and forced to mlss j Ire. uTa i-uvw, s train connections at Jasper. and Jeffrey Morgan. Mr. Bryant the practice but ls afraid one Mr. DATED at Telegraph Creek. B C this lat day of December. 194. ERNEST EARL ALLEN. Olficlal Admtntiitraror. lr- . ! rf in i:e umy New- 2M Telegraph Creek. BC v v V was me great granoson oi &oi-iDavls msiy not have gotten omon Bryant of Port Simpson, j ,round to getl!n. tnere that.g aU 1 " ' If so Joe will be missed on the Advertise n mr OhiUr News! ,team but he had fair warning. V 10 p.m. FOR NORTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Camosun, Dec. 9 and 23 and 23 FRANK J. SKINNER Prinoe Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone fvfio NEW ROYAl HOTEL A . M X m i , t X A x fi A A X A A A A i A A A A s lit 41 A A A A A i A A A t A i A A i A A A i f ' aaanaana CHRISTMAS CARDS The Widest Assortment of Xmas Cards in Town XMAS DECORATIONS if y J j V A Home Away From Home 1 j ... . . . ii in Kim- i lot ana oia I CYCLOS RANGE OIL BURNERS .JMTTYtn j j water I ! I) (I Xmas Lights, Wreaths I 1 reiNCK lii;PF.RT, BC. i i I i y SSpZ -i 'z-yh NO t ri nu i nn nn l tia pi hi i-w-t. Soot Carbon Wicks Smell Candles, Wrapping Paper, Ribbon, etc. Gift the Whole Family Will Enjoy The Rodio-Phonogroph of the Year 7 Different Models to Choose From with 3 Speed Automatic Record Changers F'icedfrom 0 $239.50 A k silxiut our Time Payment Tlan with life Insurance at no extra cost NOBLE & WICK JOHN H. j IT VICKER&'IS OISTIUEO IN CANADA AND IS QISTKIBUTiD BY CaWfTt Thij aJvcrtiserocnt is not piif.libei! or Jkphytd by the l iquor Oinlr.il HiurJ Of by the Ooveriwnetit oi Hntish GHunibii. BULGER Iftf DON'T WAIT FOR TOMORROW SEE IT TODAY AT Perfect Vaiwtotbui n-rfect Draft Cwlrol , Easy Operation Stainles-s Steel Burner Free Demonstration In Your Own Home OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue The Store of a Thousand Gifts IMmnc ttlack 881 T H OM riione 100 Exclusive Dealers V,W Ave. W 1 i y !5 i y SHKKT AlKTAl Mil. jjs; cio i.j a... " Rnv 1118 Red 41)0 JIO ul U - ' -' " . Kaa3..S.?.S.5:3'-.S.S.S.I.5.3ia3i2-S.5-i. si 'PER TOWELS PAPER CUP5 lUWtL & T 17 & Attractive, easy-to-use !r . Mil Tef J. ABINETS LIQUID SOAPS SOAP DISPENS- Hirtt Gift Bonds available i.HM'nt .smvMFit PRINCE GEORGE SAlLH FOR VANCOUVER anil liitcrnriliat Porli Rach Thursday at 11:15 p.m. i j r i i -S-DISINFECTANTS DEODORANTS and XTURES LAMPS PASTE and LIQUID for your convenience I l i i WAX DUSTBANE and SlbAL liuliislriiil Janitor Supplies at Vancouver Trices Manufacturer's Represrntative or KETCHIKAl .VI KNKSDAV MIDNIGHT l-Nir ttexervatloiv Write or Cal' I WnV ' if ' ilftl mm RUPERT SUPPLY HOUSE Phone G32 P O. Box 772 ' S'-i'iituI Ave. i. -"ii n 5r ( ITV OR UKPO'I OIIKT. PRINCP RUPKH" BC. . ritxuTV efrnpacTUJi? I I V u'iu' I r I I 1 I n I lj jL1I UllLj I "-l L' Mi !...:. - ... .....jhmm I r i i j i IB f 4 l ' j 3rd Ave. Box 638 f Phone 357 J? '- ,vs 0 ASSURE DELIVERY - n't 8 Order your NOW AVAILABLE BEST HAMBURGERS (Hi IN TOWN SAVOY it' Si, "If your wife can't cook: MAPLE LEAF CHRISTMAS HAMS MAPLE LEAF CHRISTMAS BACON and MAPLE LEAF GRADE A TURKEYS DUCKS and GEESE hrom your dealer NOW! Keep her for a pet And eat at ... . ML W. L. WOODS, Prorj. PHONE 37 P.O. BOX 1391 FRASER STREET quss W' ana t" SNACK BAR rail El Canada Packers Limited RUPERT PRINCE - And ifEN 6 a.m. to 1 a.m. DA1LV EI5 In Time For CHRISTMAS!!! LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOtD SEAL L&BEl Just off Third Avenue 318 6lh St. Ph. Orders Blue 9Z st At The SPORT Shop's Toyiown, It's :rI FINE PRINTING at REGAL PRINTERS PHONE 21 222 Second Avn. A CARLOAD OF KRQEHLER CHESTERFIELDSTHE NEW AND BEAUTIFUL 1950 STYLES AND COVERS RIPl 10 riDl mi THE PERFECT GIFT 65i 3 ROADWAY CAFE I 11841 M Don't Miss This Terrific Selection. A Toy For Every Boy and Every Girl and Hundreds of "Trlkes. Wagons. Pedal Cars, Sleighs. Kiddy Cars, Tn.eks, fVm.t.s, Best Food O s. RIE? Sec Them Now At (if its Dolls and Thousands of Other Toys to Choose from. 0f Fines nest led IiTH Cooking the Gordon & Anderson Hours 7 a.m. to 1 a.m. EVERYTHING IN TOYS THE STORE THAT HAS B. C For Take-Home Orders Phono 200 YOU LIKE iu rx AT THE PRICE - Pin Blue fi!) I.htfi.r.,.ri.r.r.r.a'ty . . 3rd Ave. Box K.!2 . naif