LOCAL CLLE Continued from Page 1; Prince Rupert Daily News Friday, January 27, 1950 FRIDAY w Power sJu,,. be only one matinee Sat SATURDAY ; president, cited among outstand JOHNNY'S Jottings JUST FOR LAUGHS SEE - . . ing events the district convention here and the opening of the new McClymont Park swimming pool. A past president's pin was pre- s Clauderte Colbert Robert Yoi 'Ufli ona ueorge Brent in "Bride For Sale" Burns" .will. I. Balagno accompanying. Attending the installation dinner were the District Oovernor, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Oarner, R. O. Van der sluys, Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Brydges, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Dominato, Mr .and Mrs. W. F. Stone, Mr. and Mrs. R. . Montador, Mr. and Mrs. M. Q. Gormcly, Mr. and Mrs. C. Foreman, Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Fulton, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Van Cootcn, Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Stuart, Dr. and Mrs. L. M. Greene, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Scott, Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Ham, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Noble, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Hurst, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Stew onica. He snarls, slaps her, kicks her in the shins ,and throws her ' against the door. She loves it. I The chase is on. Veronica, ! armed with inside Information, ! and Dan McWho, who never carries a revolver because of certain j MEMORIES, run through a few : hundred feet of cellulodo and, af-jter a lengthy battle, at which I time the hero licks a gang of 20 1 muscle bound thugs his hat re-' mains constantly on his noggin. Veronica is forgiven because she aided Dan and because her grandmother is sick with water on the knee back in Wichita. They are happily married and raise little McWho's. I Then there is Hodda Hopper the girl Who knows every star's business better than the star does. She opens her broadcast: "And do 'you know what 1 One Show Only at 7 p.m. " All MONARCH Yarns PllUS Guelph 3 Ply NYLON KROY m m m This department, as everyone else, is gravely concerned about the power and water situation. Everyone is talking about it so why should this column delve further?. Cheerier topics must exist Take moving pictures for instance. I have seen many moving pictures and the theme is always the same. Beautiful, exotic Veronica is involved in an international gang of false teeth peddlers. The plot deepens. Federal agent Dan McWho is on the trail. He meets beautiful, exotic Ver au. . . I FINE PRINTING And Newlands 4 Ply KROY At WALLACES Of Course Sented to Mr. Brydges by O. Q. ' Stuart. A. i. Dominato, the new pres-I ident, spoke briefly and humor-j ously in taking over the responsibilities of office. He pledged serv- ice to the best of his ability. 1 Mayor O. W. Rudderhain was ! unable to be present to bring the i greetings of the city but R.. O. I Van der sluys and Ed Garner were present with the felicitations of Rotary and Kinsmen's , Clubs respectively, i An appropriate musical incid-'ent on the Burns anniversary was the singing by Dr. R. O. Large of "The Star o' Rabble know? Elsie McSwine left for Reno May and there is a CERTAIN somebody known as but ah, ha, I can't tell you who and bla bla " m m m r-? I'HUAK Z 222 Secon EVERYTHING FOR 5 5 The Babies . J J Pre-School Children l and Complete Knitting Supplies 5 art, Mr. and Mrs. All Rlvett. Mr. ! and Mrs. T. II. Wilford, Mr. and ; Mrs. W. A. McBroom, Mr. and i Mrs. Robert McKay, jr., Mr. and i Mrs. Ralph Hood, Mr. and Mrs.' Norman Baker, Dr. and Mrs. A. W. Large, Mr. and ' Mrs. J. S. , Lindsay, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Glad- j ding. Dr. and Mrs. R. G. Large, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Skinner, Mr. ! and Mrs. Frank Dibb, Mr. and) Mrs. J. II. Bulger, Mr. and Mrs. j Bruce Rogers, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. j Armstrong, Mr. and Mrs. Neely i Moore, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Hunter, C P. Balagno, William Cruick-shank and Bill Scuby. Dancing brought the evening to a happy close. 1 AT " It's business wise J" a r-u i i. i , IT'S OUR FIRST 'i BIRTHDAY ! ! ; ' . And to Celebrate jaV'. We're Offerinit You And why does everybody think Inerld Bergman committed a crime by visiting Roberto? If llie stork slionpe JAIMtKi NO But it sure ha; fun justtro,; : .303 3rd Ave. " Blue 810 20 OFF TOPS FO BROADWAY CAFE wmm REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED. HAMBURGf Ml UII she" feels like being with Roberto, she fc'els like being with Roberto. That's all there is to it. 1 Here arc several ways of enjoying moving pictures: 1. Do not attend moving pic- ' ' lures. 1 2. If you do. stop attending. I 3. If you cannot stop the desire 'of stepping into a movie house, ' think of your financial resources. ,This is a prescribed cure. 4. lai II is said the best judge I of yourself is yourself. j bi One or two stars attend I their own pictures. : Food wmi? ON ALL HADIO It EPA IKS UNTIL KKBKUARY 0th Al l, IH.I K KFM'c RADIO nm a CLINK For Satisfactory Service W 2nd Ave. W. Blue 992 R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. (Near CFPKi rnjjj ' 33-5- OPEN C a.m. lo i J Just off Third finest Cooking JlS6thSt. Ph.Orci 4 ( , ' Hours 7 a.m. to 1 a.m For Take-Home Orders Phone 200 5 it L I 9 Professional and Bush Values for You MATTSOS ass vcyi. UPHOL8TFJ4 9 Lunch Kits Pyrex Ware f) Percolators Pocket Knives Covered Roasters Thermos Bottles Phone Blue 818 f Cutherinc Laurlt- PUBLIC ' STENOGRAPHER 401 Third Ave. Wist (Prince Hupert Realty Co.) Phones: Green 667-Days New Residence Phone Number Red 064 330 Beconil ltd Prlnc. Ruper. This jKlvcfUscnicnt is ut publish! or (Tisplaycd oy the i : 1 i ... i. ii . Liquor . om roi i(iai(i or ny ir.e government Kst. THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. ui initial! uhummui tp -i I . i i: il FOR YO ROCK ii CONCP" CALL BLU M. J. SAW One blanket on your Iwtl to ' New, Modem U All Work GurJ ' -mri' i-mImLiii5 I keep you in "Juit-Right" sleeping comfort ill night long automatic ally no matter bow cold your room gcu. . Tbat'i the amiiing feature of the new G-I! Automatic IMaoket. SHOE SALE EVENT OFF Bytown Machine Work Sales Service and Parts Simplex Gas Eiigines 3i h p. 18i h p. Cummins Uepcliduble Uicsel 65 h p. 550 h p. Inquire about our long term Warranty and Service OFF A.P. GARDNP 654 CHARTERED ACC On chilly nights too you can enjoy the luxury of getting into a prcwarnicd hed with the afe, easy-to-wash Ci-K Blanket . . the only blanket that gives you the-warmth you want without the 4 A. L. Bell, C A..P: Hutt! Now Here ! NEW 1950 CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH You get the Good Things first from the Chrysler Corporation . High Compression Engines Hydraulic Brakes Floating Power All Steel Bodies 'f: 9 Automatic Over Drive Transmission Fluid Drive ; And Many Other Firsts Sec your locol Chrysler Plymouth Dealer ' IWPIMT MOTORS LIMITED Vi TO Va OFF REGULAR PRICES Se per doten it cmptif t. PUn het them rdy .hcn k .tr cUt. weight you don't want. j Corhe into our store and see them , Apprux. I' Jan. 20-31 of R'ii,K CoUif4iit. . R0WNW00D B S Feb. 1-10 Ocean 5 Delia on display. Three models to c hoove from io three beautiful HE? shades, all with rith satin- TSpS' bound edges. GENERAL ELECTRIC I. M) HI (ithl HV ( T KK: (vrillkiit: ul Title No.' 31007-1 u Hindi i-onr H), Subtllvl.stbu t't ; l.oi. Four Tliouf.ui)rt On- Huu'lrcd Fib II -April 15 pert, Tcrtatt AUTOMATIC BLANKET SIDNEY GONICK OFIOMETItlST Complete Visual Analysis OFf'ICE HOURS 9 a m. to 5 p in. 23 & 24 Besner Block Telepnonc 213 Evenings by Appointment MARGARET 5 OPTOMETE LOCKER PLANT IIALIUI'T (chunks) P I ll.I.KTS of Kwll'.-nl. (lippiil In bultiT mill I H 1 UVl) C'(jO ..... 34 II) i i- i in rl. cp rut or bulled mid J f 1 SOLK ! irt i-. nil with imu Hiuuiu or in- 8 IIAI.IOUT M H .. ..I.. . ........ ii. UAr hiriM l). Room 10 I una F:ti!lil''' H 141181, Han(i Hve ! I M.). const UUrk-t, auifi to con-' lulu Out! IXclmal 9IX Nine (1.C9 iff, twtre or b.w. Mnp I4D8 WIII'HEAS HutihtMctory proof of loss or thf CVrtlllraii- of Ti tle Itisued In tin; nainc of Millon Al- , llsoii hii.s bt'csu flli-d in this office. 1 r.oticc la hereby ylvcn that 1 shall. hi tin' explrulion of onn tnoutb froio the lat.. of first ImbllCBtlon hT-hiieol. Isiiui. u Provisional CtrUfl-chIi. of Titli' In lieu of sulil Lo:t t'liUI lialc, unlfw hi lbr nnanllm: vulicj uliJi'i'Uun bu niiuiu to mi: hi wriilii". i DA'J'KD lit, Uii: Lan'l H'-RlKry Of-fio-. Vilnre Hu)nrt. II C:., thtu 10th rtny ol January, 1;.0. A. V. AiMtnw Thompi.oii Ui'iJUty Kcglutrur of lltlvo ' r -. , 1. DOUBLE BK1 ' one control 1. 1MH Bi t KV.i) two control . TWIN BED one control .. Sllfi.50 .... si!.r s.17.:.(l m. STONE BUI PHONE -m imp Mr;n. :i lb. !!c U.vster.s '.pt, i'.tr. See Us First FOR BOYS WEAR SNOWSUITS PARKAS JACKETS and complete outfits for the school boy BLUE J P.O. BOX 1 NORTHERN B.C POWER CO. LTD. Ucsnt r Block riione 21(1 RUPERT FREEZING CO. LTD. 2:i ::iid Ave. IMioin- Kvii 31.7 DR. GARNET E. II. MONTGOMERY DENTIST Suite 7, Smith Block Phone 525 P.O. Box J216 GEORGE R0R Pnhlln Areouiltnliti i 1 tors. Income lai THE SPORTS SHOP compiM C22 3rd Ave. n. I,. ROME. HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture la all Its branches 204 4th Street Phone 055 S. B. LAIRD, B Besner Block - 4 MOFFAT ELECTRIC RANGES - HANDYW HOME SE 2' In 1h- Huiuphh' C'uurt nf llrlll.sh truluinbui In Tfobati' In tin Mutter ol Hit K.,lnlc of 'IH0MA8 KINO - mid In tlif Mutter of tin-"Ailinlnii.trutluti Ai'l.'1 TAKE NOTIC'K Unit by OM.r .if HIh lioiiuur Judijf W. O. Fullou yI ttic null duy of .lununry A. 1) MiuO. I upotiitocl Adiuiiiislrutnr ol tlv Kslutr uf I'bomus KIiik. di-c;i'd, lutii of Miiswtt. In the ITu-Miirf of Brltiuli C'oJuiiibiH All I'Att'I'lliti liuvUig clulius Bijaliiht thu wild cstiil-P nru hvrebv rctiitrt'd to furnish tamu propirlv rurMlvd to mo on or bHori' the Itiiii day or Muioh. A. t. MM. ufU r whirl) diite cIhIiiik filled may Ur paid without reference; to liny elulms ol which ( then hud no knowledge. A LI, PAIiTlEH Indebted to the wild csttc urn hereby required to ny the uniount or their Indebtedness to me forthwith. DATED at the city of rrlneii l!u-pert. lu the 1'ruvlucu of Brltlhh Columbia, thlu 20th duy of Juuuary A. D. lUbO. (iordou V. Koibes Olllclul Administrator I'rliice Itupcrt. B. C. I2i)) For the Modern Housewife 7 GENERAL CONtt PIANO TECHNICIAN Tuning, Voicing and Repalri MIKE COLUSSI Phone BLACK 750 872 10th East it, i ' Uiilldlng and R kinds ROOFS C OIL DUU t 1 l - " ' I J " . ! I mm.-' I PHONE Black 3:il Apartment Model Standard, with warming oven $224.00 Aportment Model, Deluxe, with timer and minute minder $271.00 Kitchen Model with lull oven, . warrroT and two storagt bins. Timer & minute minder $340.00 AT DR. P. J. CHENEY DENTIST SUITE 5, SMITH BLOCK Phone 705 P.O. Box HU1 7 V O Ut'X U & W TRA' i OTI'i; Dr AM U.l.UION 111 Kl.hl.Ktr; Not Ire Is hereby given thut the re- J I'dl'l WlM'l',. MOFFAT j Kimllint; ' I PI ION K Iitri nerve uuuliist the dls)olllon of crown petrolt-uiu line, imturul gua on Queen Charlotte iDlinida lll be uri.ttl ut Vi o'eloek noon reliriuuy 1. lr,u, uf. ter which limn uppiifuttouH for per-miIIh inider the provluions of the Teiiuleuin ii ml Natural dim Act," niuy lie Mibmiued to the Hupeini-1 QUALITY REPAIRS Tor Downtrodden Heels -and Worn Sole MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Dox 774 Second Ave KM EN TPA; Mellow . . , miiturc . . .. full bodied . . . yes, it's DISTINCTIVELY CANADA'S FINEST! FOR ROCK AN''1'; li'lldepl ol IdllMlH, l)eiul'tlneut of Luudu "nil PuruttlK, Victoria, fleol'ico P. Mi;lroo Iioputy Mlulbtcr pf UukIh Depunini'iit of Luiidu und rornils VtctorlD. B. C. January 13, lUoU. (25) Newspaper advertising pays off in dividends. BASEMENT '"' Phono Blue 931 ADVERTISING IN THE DAILY NEWS BRINGS RESULTS. 'fUt) 4vertiri5i iint 1 not piibllt,hd or displayed by the Liquor -Control Bond or ey tu Oorornment af ilt1h Culmnbm. ' " L