Prince Rupert Daily News Repairing 01 Church Saturday, June 3, 1950 For Summ:: HERE ARE JUSTir OF THE GOOD v- St.,t' : - ; 2 DIRECTORY !- V If, - r - AIR PASSENGERS To Vancouver (today) H. Montgomery, R. P. Gordon, George Dibb, W. Cummings, ' R. McLelland, A. Morgan, Miss M. Hill, B. Clade, B. Iverson, D. C. Olding. A. Scubler, C. H. Allamby, J. Dunn, G. Steele, L. Consber-son. ', To Sandspit (today)-H. Montgomery. From Vancouver (Friday) Mrs. M. Hall, T. H. Sorenson, H. H. Haley, R. McGiveron, A. F. Gladding, R. Hansen, Mrs. Ironside, J. J. Volp. From Sandspit (Friday! K. Deering, Mrs. E. Campbell. Men's Pure Wool I An independent daily newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and northern and central British Columbia Published every afternoon exrept Sunday by jFrlnce Rupert Daily News Ltd., 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, 'British Columbia O. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. H. O. PERRY. Managing Director Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations i Canadian Daily Newspaper Association ! SUBSCRIPTION RATES By Carrier, rer Week, roc; Per Month, 75c; rer Teai, ' sfs. ! $8.00; By Mall, Per Month 50c; Per Year $5.00. '3$' ilk. 1. 'v With arrangements made by the pastor. Rev. E. A. Wright, for the estimated $2500 required for the work, building committee of First Presbyterian Church is about to proceed with work of repairing and repainting the church building as well as grounds improvement. A building committee has been formed with James Hadden as chairman. Repayment of the loan which Mr. Wright has obtained will be made by means of congregational contributions. - ' . i '-V ' . It pays to advertise. s't 51 ' ! JACKETS blue ai, Reg.$ 30.00. I Now J Men's Brown oxiq good fit, latest stylJ Special Nuw Men's WINDUREAR Reg. $5.00. Nuw , I Young Men's g PANTS-perfect fit From " Men's Union SVIT needle. Rt;g. $3 00 Sum Only I Boys' W!XI)IsrSA showerprw.f, aU W OO. Now j Boys' and Girls' rj HATS butter qualiit ors. Sells $2.50. Xmw Hly - Boys' PANTS--for"",:i school wear, gUOd strong. Prom C Important Industry J 1; is fitting and timely too at this period of the year I when the industry Is running-at high gear, that we should be reminded in dollars and cents of just what the. fishing industry means to Prince Rupert. ; Fisheries Supervisor G. S. Reade told the Rotary Club at luncheon Thursday that fishermen in Cfiis area received $12,000,000 for their fish in a year and that S4,000,000 of this was right at the port of Prince Rupert. And that does not include the wages paid at the ntany processing plants in Prince Rupert and at the canneries, cold storage and reduction plants PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD SHIPBUUillRS AND ENGINEERS HONORS WAR DEAD Pakistan's Prime Minister Liaquat All Khan places a wreath on Canada's national war memorial in Ottawa in memory of the war dead of his country's sister Dominion. (CP. Photo) ftrvln In all rhurche at 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.; Sunday School at' ii li ewept as shown. ANGLICAN' CATHEDRAL 4th Ave. W at Dunsmuir St. Holy Communion 8:30 a m. Sunday School 2:00 p m. Canoh Basil S. Prockter, 3A..B.D. Rector: IBlue 7S3) FIRST BAPTIST 5th Ave. B at Young St Minister: Bet. Fred Aritrobua (Green 812) FIRST PRESBYTERIAN 4tH Avenue East FIRST t'NITF.D 836 6th Ave. West " Rev. L. O. Sleber (Green 613) FtXL GOSPEL TABERNACLE 203 6th Ave. West Pastor: C. Fawcett Services 11 a m. and 7.30 p.m. Sunday School 12.15. (Green 331) 8A OVATION ARMY Fraaer Street CO.! Capt. W. Poulton Directory Class 2:30 p.m. Sunday School S :O0 p.m. (Black 2691 ST. PAIL'S IXTHF.RAX Sth Ave. at McBride St. Pastor: K. Solland (Black 610) ST. PETER'S ANGLICAN SaAl Cov Archdeacon E. Kodson Sunday School 1 1 :00 a m. Evening Prayer 7:30 p.m. i Blue 877' REGU.AR BAPTIST 629 6th Ave. E. Blue 803 Pastor. Leonard A. Thorpe Services 11 a m, and 7.30 p.m. Sunday School 12.15. MOW is BAD for Cars In AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE as in anything else, you get exactly vvhat you pay for , . . That's the reason Iron said Bruu OMHngs Electric mux Acetylene Welding Radio Dial CFPR 1240 Kilocycles 10:00 CBC News 10:10 CBC News 10:15 Disagreeing Canadians 10:30 Vesper Hour ' ll:00-Weuther and Sltrn Off i MONDAV A.M. (Subject to Change) BPKC1AU&13 UN RAWM1U and MIN1NO MACHINERY v why you're wise to bring SHIHGOL The ideal fin Shingles, Fence your Chrysler Built car ro a man who knows it best ... Our trained mechanics have the "Know How" to make repairs quickly saving you time and money. They use only factory engineered and inspect rough lumber. M 7:00 Musical Clock 8:00 CBC News 8:10 Here's Bill Good 8:15 Morning Song 8:30 Music for Modems :45 Little Concert 9:00 BBC News & Comty 9:15 Morning Devotions 9:30 Sunrise Serenade 9:45 Famous Voices 9:59-Time Signal 10:00 Ellen Harris 10:15 Carson Robison and His "Buckaroos" 10:30 Melody Time 10:45 Invitation to the Waltz 11:00 Kindergarten af the Air 11:15 Round-up Time 11:30 Weather Rtport 1 1:31 Message Period 11:33 Recorded Interlude 11:45 Scandinavian Melodies First Presbj teriaif Church ! - r , , . . SATURDAY--P.M. I I 4:30 Mama's Family 5:00 Music from the Films 5:30 Sports College 5:45 Music for Moderns ' 6:00 CBC News ' 6:10 The Commodores 6:30 Musical Varieties 7:00 Summer Romance 7:30 Saludos Amigos 8:00 WTiatcha Know, Joe 8:30 Ray Norris Quintet 9:00 Square Dance 9:30 Prairie Schooner 10:00 CBC NKWS, '010 CBC Mews 10 : 15 Trocadero" Orch. 10:30 Armdale Chorus 10:45 John Sturgess 11:00 Weather 11:04 Fish Arrivals . ' v 11:06 Sign of EUNPA1 8:30 Recital ' s:0G BBC News and Commentary 9:15 Memo from Lake Success a variety of at colors. Thompson Hor Co. HI CERTIFIED PIPE AND BOILER WELDERS AND PIPE FABRICATING We build dump boxes, steel stacks, fire escapes, storage tanks, trailers General welding anil repairs All Work. Guaranteed Free Estimates INDUSTRIAL WELDING CO. 25 1st Ave. Fast Green 884 All Work Guaranteed ed parts and special fac MoTlng,, facking, 1. snipping ana CarUf and 8U1 r n l 1 tory approved equipment. Rupert Motors Lid. Phones 566 Service Dept. R66 Parts Dept- Complete Reliable t lent Service, also Canadian I ' P.M. 1 12:00 Mid-day Meioaiee l 12:15 CBC News 12:25 Program Resume 12:30- B.C. Farm Broadcast for Oxygen. Liquid Liquid Air Co 1. Acetylcnti suppllo ppllcs. J ceast hereabouts. It could be estimated that the. J payroll from handling of the landed fish might I ejual the value of the fish. On top of that are the ! rrjany high-priced services, including the railway, J attendant upon the operation of the fisheries. We welcome with enthusiasm the advent of I new industries in Prince Rupert and district. ' , , i But we may sometimes lose sight of the fact : trial, the fisheries are still our principal industry and main economic mainstay. j It does not hurt to be reminded of that once i iji a while. SHOULD BE HERE THE firearm, once the property of Samuel Cham-plain, founder and father of Quebec, still exists, kit not in Canada, where it should be.- It is in New York, the greatly prized possession of a man who, while touring in the Dominion, picked it up for comparatively few dollars. There is something about this that ought to rhake any Canadian blush. There is an institution known as the National Museum of Canada. It is there, this ancient gun properly belongs, and it is Welcome news to know a member of the federal narliament has requested the government to try nd take some steps to the end that it be restored, . JAN CHRISTIAN SMUTS P" NEUMONIA overtook Field Marshal Jan Christian Smuts Thursday. He is eighty, and South Afric has been honoring the anniversary. ! Descendant of Dutch and French Huguenot stock, liis life has in many respects, been an extraordinary ring, He was one of the ablest leaders against the iiitish in the Boer War, and, with the coming of lietrce, readily recognized the magnanimity of Britain in the formation of the Union. ! "He lived to give distinguished service in the councils of the nation and in the field in the struggles against Germany. He saw the menace of totalitarianism and, thoueh aged, maintains prestige and vigor, . weldir.f! Fourth Ave. East , i Minister: Rev. E. A. Wright, D.D. Lindsay's Carta 12:55 Recorded Interlude 1:00 Concert Hour Organists: Mrs. E. J. Smith and j John Curjie j 9:30 Harmony Harbour ! a: 59 Time Signal 10:00 B.C. Gardener :; Storage Limit Cor. 2nd and Park Est. 1910 fhunw 9 TRAVELLING? - i i 10:15 Sunday's Story 10:30 Organ, Music 10:45 Sunday's Story 10:30 Way oi me opiri? Iiiiiiiiiiiiiii'iiii'Iiiii w W'- '"" t.s.s. ' STEA.VIKR PRINCE RU For the very finest in LUGGAGE George Cook, Jeweller Morning Worship 11 a.m. Sermon: "The Privilege of Worship" -' Church School 12:15. Evening Worship 7:30 p.m. Sermon: "Have You Opened the Door?" A cordial invitation is extended to any visitors in the city, to worship with us. Remember the Sabbath Day to keep it holy." ENGINES & EQUIPMENT W tm k hav fix mlr f'umnilu (llt-vln. MltnplM ia Kiislnm. " HcylM mr-wl rhatlfct ttilllr trHti ftx-4 Hum Trolling I'olt- w4tl. Ik hrM 4m-k unit tr4K Itram and Irctn IM.h Huttotrx. . I'Nton KIiich. IMpr anil l'tr Flllhi(. Hnlillti- Hat HriirillK. 4im Ixtfiirf aix liur Mjrr-lirails. 8!rH imd lira- Hliaftliif. Ilulin. NiiIr, muila and Cap llulilmt Ml. Ip Roller X- Khrnvp. AHihnr fiunlv MccprhrurK Hut Mild Nlwl, Vurlui uitlilni of niarlnr- hurl-war anil iiliment, im ntinifr-flu to inriilioii. BYTOWN MACHINE WORKS Phone 264 SAILS FC' I 527 3rd W. Box 1188 : I I Vancou 1 r ( Grandmere Sweaters ( 11:00 CBC News ' , 11:03 Capitol Report j 11:30 Religous Period 12:00 Your Invitation to Music 1:30 Church of the Air 2:00 Land of Supposing 2:30 Critically SpeaKing '' 3:00 John Fisher Reports ; 3:15 CBC News 3:17 Clearing up theWeathei 3:27 Weather Report 3:30 My Uncle Louis 4-:00 National Sunday Evening Hour i . 4:45 The Old Songs , 5:00 Startime . ' ' ' 6:00 Summer Drama 6:30 Little Symphonies 7:0U C3C News a-il Intermfilj Thursd at 11:13 p First United Church C36 Sixth Avenue West Prince Rupert, B.C. Rev. Lawrence G. Sleber FOR KETCH WEDNESDAY For Re Write ; ( ITV 01 i i i -a just arrivea .... a iuu lango ui mm i ; 1 y'N&fV sets ,als0 Sh0rt sleeves and Pullovers j ' ' 1 1 Kfii in the famous Cashmere finish. - 1 I Vt ' " J to new creations; by Grandmere I ' O C&. ' with neckline and waist TlttimOlV vJlTT 1 f " VT plunging fflS i band shearing. 1 htl -T-" I J fs . Px First Showing In Prince Rupert V J w 71 I l I UH DOM'S DEPT. STORE 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship Sermon : Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow j Children's Story: The Seekers, Anthem: Children of Jerusalem 7:30 Evening Worship I Pre-Anniversary Sermon: Spiritual Steams in the United 7:10 Week-end Review Oil rr.iNt'F 11. 7:15--Special Speaker 7:30 Ballet Music : . 8:00 Winnipeg Sunday Conce 9:00 Organ Recital '9:30 CBC Vancouver String The man of overage meant can easily leave his family a guaranteed monthly income ntil the children ore grown, and then a cash sum, or monthly income for bis widow, through Family Income Policy with... Church ' Anthem: The Radiant Morn ! Woodward Sunday Schools at First United: I Junior and up at 10 a.m. Beginners and Primary at 12:15. Con- 1 ' lad United School at 12:30 p.m. ; Lutheran Ladies' Tea Is Success Flowers and other decorations in red, white, blue and yellow j l' ROYAL PORTABLE I 1 ll jpjir -V-i("V GetitonEASy TERMS! J W$sffitiSSm' LJ 0NLY ROYAL G,VES you- 1 T i tfA -35 ! ? 3 !'' 2iJeJ':- tf X, . ... , flNGER-FLOW KETI .SPEED IPiCEI featured a successful St. Paul's VANC)LVER-VK Sunday, 9 p.m., C i Tuesday, 1:30 p.m. C 11 trv 1RM. STEW A pout swrsi :R. E. Mortimer, Representative, Prince Rupert, B. C. Richard Sephton, District Agent, 475 Howe St., Vancouver, B.C. 'Will Robinson (E. T. Kenney Ltd.) Representative, Terrace, B.C. h'.C Webber, C.L.U., Branch Manager, 475 Howe St., Vancouver, B.C. tefl I A ' " (STREAMUNE0 IEAUTY MAGIC MARCH r$&fiZs Hf m W ... ,. RfiHrITrdaurk 7&y-S f When the going gets tough ond you wont to . M 18 in jfr ...... . cuf fimber cleon and fost ,he PIONEER with j&&mWlM . f W the "Multiport" Engine is your answer. Depend- 1 For ooddionol kiformo- Onlv uniy $1 $17 .ju "50 rash casn nnd ana 31.&U 1 SO n a wppIt weeK Jftrir atJ li obit service with A Trigger Swivel Blade Fin- ! Hon Ml in ond mc.l. fQ&ZP gerlight Clutch Filtered Fuel System Differ- See it NOW! ' -y,' u VeiaU anlv ential Double-acting Oil Pump are yours at no Uamm iTOHif ? il ex,ra cost in ,he Fully utomo PIONEER ... j yyMHMmwL-y with power to cut any type of wood under all work- 1 t 'PIDtlnbnl ,:.,.K:r1 a,. llvlCtlMt Sunday, Coquitiaro, 10 p m. 01 ..n 1-llllTH rnRI.OTTEISII Lutheran Church Ladies' Aid Society tea last Saturday evening in the church hall. Committees were as follows: Kitchen Mrs. H. Johanscr,, Mrs. G. Mostad, Mrs. B. Peterson, Mrs. Schersvold, Mrs. C. Berg. Home Cooking and delicatessenMrs. A. Dybhavn, Mrs. R. Webber, Mrs. Stangeby, Mrs. Het-land. Servlteurs Mrs. K. Giske, Mrs. Fennes. Cashier Mrs. Olson. Guests were received by Mrs. Soiland and Mrs. A. Husoy. National colors featured the dress of the evening. ss. 'Camosun, Jun i .. ... 1 1 ni l CHARLOTTE ISl sc. Camosun, June 10 p.m. ! PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY HOUSE i Manufacturers' Agent i Phone 632 0. Bex 778 j , We carry a representative stock of DUSTBANE Products j for your convenience i Control dust and germs, protect your merchandise, your j clothing and your health with Genuine DUSTBANE Swee p-; ing Compounds. Use it daily. i Dustbane Sisal for Linoleum Tile etc. . . vir 1 SKIN Prince Rupert A. DISTRIBUTOR: Purves E. Ritchie & Son Ltd. 558 Hornby Street ' Vancouver, B. C. Third Avenue i. ' ' I 5.45 70 lbs 5.45 70 lbs. LEGION Saturday j 150 lbs 9.95 200 lbs 11.75 250 lbs ,. 15.60 300 lbs 16.50 IMMEDIATE DELIVERY See us for all your cleaning & janitor supplies Floor Soaps, Bsushes, Mops, special type waxes, Disinfectants, Deodorants, r Cleaning Crystals, Powdered Soap, etc. Restaurant Supplies a Specialty Canadian IFL(D)(D)ILD Legion ELELIIELF m Proceeds. June 3 Flood