r Prince Rupe by second baseman. "He was caught trying to steal home. Mc FOOTBAIA. (Continued from page 1) During the Civil War,, 3b0 Southern officers and midship-. June 3, 1950 , Donald was " called out when he I 7 T, ....... . - . . nus flied out to centre field. Lefty McDqnaJd. came through, with a clean hit but lost -its advantage when Parker was tagged out trying to come home when Miner Simondson made a beautiful throw from centre field to the to bunt. Ewart started the ball roiling for the hotelmen with a hit. He stole second. Marshall went down swinging. Doug Scherk scored him with a hit, but died on A Learn to Dance Expert Instruction in Fox Trot, Waltz Jive, Rhumba, Tango PRIVATE LESSONS Hours: Mon. Thru Frl. 4:30-10 p.m. Saturdays 2:30 - 8 p.m. For appointments OREEN 491 third as Spring and McKlnnos''"8 , ing self """loeunB shooting fast last and ana hard ara were put out on plays from sec- He ?? !n I ond and pitcher to first. The inn- " Up Vuck(wk ne; r" T . 'was last and centred well, W-, ing na ended ,.,i.v, with n . the score tied at A 3 3 Gomez was .dangerous. Battery j ' . played the whole game with Watson Island went down one- I i mo i Mary MacDonald, Director PRItlCE RUPERT DANCE fl I Sport Shots The hitherto untried Watson Island baseball team came through Thursday night to tie the game against Commercials at the end of the scheduled seven Innings, only to lose In the extra eighth to the better organized hotelmen. Final score was 5-4. E. Warren, first baiter for the i Islanders, bunted the first pitch ed ball for a .safe trip to first base. B. Wagner took a walk ; when hit by a pitched ball. Then Gun-Na-Noot came through with a two base hit to score Warren, but Wagner was tagged out : trying, to get to third. Tex Car-rell and Perrault both struck out , to retire the side. Shier, for the Commercials flied out to first base. Bruce Si-xnondson popped up to the .pitcher and Miner Simondson was out on a play from pitcher to first base to end the inning with the newcomers leading 1-0. Wong struck out to begin the second stanza. Parker followed with a hit and stole second. Mag catcher. ! Sid Scherk tied the score with a long drive to left field that ' took him to third base. He came J home on the same play. Ewart was out on a play from pitcher j to first base. Marshall got to first base on a hit, but got no iurtner, as u. senerk llkefl out to first base and Spring struck out. Warren started the -third with a nice hit. He scored on' a two I bagger by Wagner, who scored on j a hit by Gun-Na-Noot. The next three batters went dawji on a ! I pop up to catcher, Xly Ao .first base and a play from shortstop to first respectively. McKinnon went down on a play from second to first hut Commercials came back as Shier hit. He scored on a three base ; i hit by Bruce Simondson, who was out trying to get home, i Minor Simondson hit tout was j left on second when Scheri flied out to left field. I First batter for the Islanders ' ! in the fourth went .down Ing. Magnus hit a .two bagger ! and moved to third on an error I NOW IN STOCK... Immadiate Ueuwy to retailers in the Prince R,.j., 'men remained hi the United !6tats Navy ' ser wth Union forces vara ond mum Plumbing & Heating Prompt and Efficient Service , fete. Always Prompt and Courteous ' We're Here to Serve yt)U Commodore Cafe, J W -"Hospitality -Hiisnitalltv anrt and rinnH Good Food ITruirt" Phone 17 for Send -Out Orders 3rd Ave. David Chow, Mgr. Classified Advertising Is Davabl In Paper napkins Nutioo and grocery bags Wax papers CALL sure while D Gomez, was reJbible as .ever and saved what seemed a -certain goal. Mazzoni kicked! strongly and Parkhouse was fast. Gunanoot was a good spoiler. Pavlikis was his usual drlv- I ! Boulter saved two verv hard shots and had no chance with the scoring shots. Robinson was outstanding but needs to clear faster IJpn riid wpll nt. times but needs -to Dlav bis .position t better. WeUens was a rare spoil er and a tower .of strength. Large tried hard and tackled wellt McKay is not aggressive ; enough. Price played a grand game in the first .hah but was Inclined to try too much. Hor- J ripll nnpnpH mil. thA frnma nln ' 1 Ul.. -itrii.- .. Always trying and iGilchrist was! ; willing. Derek Letourneau gives Promise ,qi aeiopUig uvto a relly good footballer. McGee, 'shoWpd clever footwork. I The Battery deserved the win, . i i t i. -i incn iuiwuius were uiways driving and their defence was resourceful and last The Gen- eral Motors nut ud a better game than the score would in- j dicate tout -they need forwandsj ' who will shoot. They j -were " ' with- outillen Olsen, Bob and Charlie cnrrle. i"y Sumberg, Iat and John Wilson and Ford. Pat For- i man refereed. The willingness j of the players to complete the f3'"! ame a tribute trlDU? to t. their thelr in- in- lr ' I)Wrl termination .to M o.tlwtMah with . the MhtduJei Sntjar Ray May Visit Rupert I COLUMBIA PAPER CO. Black 931 BROADWAY'CAFC EARLY ADVERTISING COPY 13 APPfij formerly of ArthOr ! Uutrher's wranj:. hhoppinu A (" ToUet tissue Wrapping papei Free Deliv Accor.vi Tax sueelalist. I Stone Bulluitie, .. i WANTED - cTftT ranher toward Anolv in writiiH'fr Harvev. hox it training, exoer; arv exoected Best Food O I finest Cocking Hours 7 a m. to a a nt For Take-Home Orders Phone 200 n wora per insertion, minimum charge 50c. Birth NaUces 50c. Cards of Thanks, DcatlJ eral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcements $2.00. SPECIAL DISPLAY, DOUBLE PRICE . Variety is the FOR SALE UK sale . ia;4 Oldsmobiie PUBLIC ACCOUNT fy Spice of Li Sugar Ray Robinson mas 1 JSars9 nlonths. beloved hus-come to Prince Runert To ! if & A'l1 and FUNERAL NOTICE GABON In the citv. Fridav. f June 2. 1950. Joseuh Garon. aae wl" oe suns at church or A,n.n"nfiaUoJ? at'E Mtn- OaV JllllA hv Rnu ITntVinM .-. Ei T Ravner. Interment to follow at Falrview C e m e t e r v. Friends kindiv assemble for Dravers at Grenville Court Chanel at 2:30 p m. Sunday. June 4. No flowers bv reauest. B.C. Undertakers in cmu-eeofarranKements. , TENDERS " TENDPRS mill Kk , u.. the Prince Ruoert Fishermen's Credit Union until Thursday lujoii. june UHt o. U. ior U tne LI If- two LW ves VtT.S-' . sels listed below Tho hloHouf l anv tender will not neces-i ..?.lltul,eu-, Trol er - "Duhv ' lAnrfv io- I deoth 4'. breadth 9'. Dowered Saturday, 20 ONE YEAR 10 PAY on the material and labour for your NEW ROOF - Siding - Insulation or Asphalt Tile We are pleased ! to announce that I GREER & BRIDDEN LTD.. your local building contractors are raw in a position to bring you a superior product for your building requirements, with materials from BlILDIXG PRODUCTS LIMITED, the largest manufacturers of asphalt shingles in CANADA. SHINGLES are available in weights from 125 lbs. to 210 lbs. per square, and feature the new 165 lb. TITON, the self-locking shingle In an at tractive design. INSULATED SIDINO comes In three shades of brick, witl white or black mortar lines .also the popular stone finis! or the new INSULTEX shingle :type In buff or birch grey NSULATION of FII3ERGLASS, comes in paper encased rolls, of either 2" or 3" thickness. Greer & Bridden LTD. Offer you this service at attractive and competitive prices. They fully guarantee the workmanship as well as the materials. For free estimate or further information phone or call at ROBERT E. MONTADOR Limited I Sales Agent Phone 11 3rd Avenue CouDe. new . rubbers, eneine A-l condition, heater. Phone Blue 527 alter 5 d m. (129, POP BAT V AlAar Mr imul luuiu. noia lurmiure ana naraware Dicvcies ior dovs ana men unoalnted chest of drawers end tables and coffee tables hnt.tjrv rarilna fln-kr avrlno rifles, Diessure cookers. sinKerl sewina macnines, 01 nee cnairs sleenlne baas, loesine boots' . ,1 - n . . V. articles. Good values at lowest! possmie nnces. a u. t urnniire. Phone Black i24. (TF) FOR SALE Seven foot skiffj wiuu uais. nniuii uuai buivt- wnn oven, rnune Blue b;im. mo eatf 1 11 v. n iniri motor, like m-w 512 8th WestJ rnone ureen a7B. U3ii .. FOR SALE Cottage at Dianna FEMALE HELP V, twraulier. mus:!i hand, full time son between M a noon. Albert & two-three in the fifth., Wagner hit but was caught irylng to stretch it to a .two bagger. Shier hit for Commercials .In the bottom of. the fifth and moved to second on an overthrow. Bruce Simondson struck out. Big brother Miner scored Shier with a clean hit. 6. Scherk filed out to centre field and the side was retired when Ewart was thrown out at first. .Commercials !cd 4 - Ludvigson. - reolaclner Carrell. Islrilpk nilf Porramitl nAl I.-. .... t through a pitcher's error, stole second and scored on a hit by wong to ue the ball game, Par- ker struck out and Magnus was I beaten by a throw from third to ' " Both Sides U'Pnt. finu n nno. ' , j two-three in the seventh. The j game went mto an extra inning ..Muouii ioiuuu aiai u to get tliat extra run. First batter struc kout, Ludvigson hit and PprrPTllllt. . ..... (line itraTlnrl tir.. - nainai,. Vilg I struck out. Perreault was tagged'! out by Bruce Simondson when faTKer hit a short pne to second base. Bruce was badlv hurt, an the play. .Scherk .far Commercials cot, to .. fir.t. hv o nnrmH , hnmm.. -rv.... ,, and. moved on to second on an j overmrow. tie scored on a lone drive by Ewart to win the game Sox -Scoise Wataon Island . AB Si H Warren, lb .4 2 2 &gnor, 8b ..... 3 Gun-Na-Noot, ss 4 Carrel, 2b Perreault, If Wong, irf ... 'Parker' cf ...'.....A.:..'.?.:.. j Magnus, c 3 i M(J3onald, p 3 j Commercials ' B R H .Shier, s 4 2 3 iB.E'm'son, 2b 4. 4. 4) ! M. S'm'son, cf ,... 4 0 'jJ. Hawryluck, 'lb......??.' .0k .0 ; S. Scherk, lb 8 2 Ewart, c 4 1 ! Marshall, If 8 0 D. Scherk. 3b : 8 0 'Spring, rf....i..;.U X.i 8 O Morgan, rf i 0 McKinnon, p 2 0 Letourneau, p Y 1 0 TRA1N bCHEDUU ' Standard Tiwos Gar the Cant Monday. Wednetday, frlday .;00p.m Tupsciay. ThutidM aatutjai "0:15 ti.ro. SCHOLARSHIPS FOR f ALE Promismg students .unahle to qualify for' soholarfflnpg" ' are" sonietinies loreed-to Ion-go rt heir Juglier education through lark ? funds. A Sun Life College X olioyill;prowile (jimrjuitd 40bularatup" to take yl)Ur ttirouBh ooilwRB. Ktiwire your ' sons future call me today. i SUN LIFE ASSUliurc COMPANY OF CANADA JOHN T. FOWLE 1 i-r4; H2 5th Ave. East Residence Phone Black 549 Office: 11 H- TTnT) LOST Whoever n round bottom i ft., color green f side, oair of oai t liHise from Ijr' M:iv 5 iJeav with a 71 h.n. Grav Marine Creek. .Prudholme Lake, fur-Kas engine Can be seen at nished. Phone Blue 639. McLean's FJoat.s Ron. Cnv. 1 . 132d T. r" ....J rTM7AMTPn haiiI". , . . . 1 t.,1 T-.ii lv lt nra eradicated hr!itlH un R Bakkila. Port 14 J The most rem;i ery of the ai;e Dimrnnt.fpri to nf nnv h.'itr fin drues or chenni Lab, 679 Gran ver, B C. I BUILDERS ft ( Troller 'Xuckv." length 341 eauiDoed with a nracticallv UlrfUHailV. p n.D. urav and gurdies that have been hardlv used. Can be seen at Fishermen's Floats, past the drvdock. (132) roR Af,e NATION ALLY KNOWN NAMES -Llna-belt Soeedor Shovels; Cranes: Draglines: Adam! Road Graders: LRtieford Bros Black Ton Road M.ilntonnnrw Eoulnment: . Owen Clamshell ""ii mm rcocK uraDUies; T. X, Smith Concrete Mixers; V-'ark irk Forklift Forklirt Trucks: Trucks: Nelson Nelson out: i;ket Loaders for Stocknlle! Hurt rl now Removal: Li v iiuu. Rice vii:o rui PorH b-i fiu,e le ."nirttugai Centrrtugal Pumps: lumns: NaJ Canadian Beau tv Electric stove Large Nurge Oil Heater. Phone Blue (S3B. (134pi WANTED WANTED Accommodation. Dochterman. Box luoo Citv. i.131p' WANTED' ScraD cast, brass, Conner, batteries and radi ators. Fhune 543. call 029 6th West. , (tf - - WANTED Good used Diano. not too too large. large. Cash Cash if if urlce urlce and audi if FOR electrical large or small, f Newton. Black I FOR building a: US Noriliwresi 1 Limited. Phone jjgui ians, ims is sometning 1 to talk about." Welterweloht I champion of the world and leading contender for the lightweight crown, the famous pugilist, who has danced many a time on the Madison -Square" Xiarden canvas, may make a visit 4terc If sufficien; enthusiasm is shemoi here in the world of boxing. .Norm Applln, manager of the North-rn Sports Boxing Club, like .anyone else, wants to make a living and also wants to be suue -of a good crowd If the N lamous tfighter appears Sali ne ferry 5CWttn.f Cow y fUots 'Sat. i :OQ pjm. 2:00 -p,m. 4:00 p.-m. '8:30 ip.m. 'Swndoy Cctfrtinuous "Serwice Starting !1 a.m. Last Boat (Leaves Salt yLdkesO p.m. )mm flM Black 926 SUMMER BOWLING TOURNAMENT Team "Events Sineies and Doubles Entries must be in June 15th s to Prince Rupert Bowling Alleys f - - condition satlsfacturv,, Box 6t'3 MARINE and e'JT or ohone 309. (129)1 metal work, j Metal Works, i - -j NnH,:,,;, , !COMPl.ETE btiii nnnit,u in rtiir. fir ii-itnr Utl.h lint Inn i.t mirphnen hu electrical engineer. A two or tliree bedroom house In good locality. Box 719 Daily News. (13(H)) WAHTVTl TVI DIUT Tlfr.an ltl you will find a lot of variety in baby things ifor.that lively baby at ... . TTtlTl Professiona Gordon D. Ronson OIL j BURNER SPECIALIST New wick or pot type burners supplied All types of burners and stoves serviced An unconditional guarantee of perfect satisfaction covers all service 733 5th West Black 503 GEORGE .RQRIE & CO. Public Accountants and Auditors. Income Tax Returns compiled G. L. RORIE, A.A.K. 8. B. LAIRD, B. Comm. Besner filot-k Jhdne 387 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of ail kinds ROOF8 CHIMNEYS OIL BURNERS PHONES Black 334 Red 894 P. O. Box 160 MARGARET McLEOD OPTOMETRIST Room 10 8T0NK BUIDIMQ PHONS BLUE .593 P.O.BOX 11M fast service, isi.i? Jng " Suoolit's. Bi . REAL ESI Ave. West. Phoij ...... iwm A V 1 m ill., v I " 9 neeciea. a or 4-room aot. or FOR SALK ?.i FOR SALE-Five I x.. ..Ii,l U' ! line. eiMl soil it ing. For wtrwi Ka.iue, tuv Terrace. Business and HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all Its branches S04 4th Street Phone 855 CHIROPRACTOR JOHN F. L. HUGHES, D.C. 21-22 Besner Block Hours, 10:30-12:30 & 2-5 Evenings, Mon. & Frl. 7:30 Phone Blue 442 A. P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 1118 Melville Street VANCOUVER, B. C. FOR YOUR ROCK & CONCRETE WORK CALL BLUE 939 M. J. SAUNDERS New, Modern Equipment All Work Guaranteed MATTSON'S UPHOLSTERING Phone Blue 818 P.O. Box 82e 330 Second Avenue PrSnct Rupert, B.O. QUALITY REPAIRS Tor Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Box 774 Second Are. COLUSSI'S MUSIC STORE Agents for the finest 'in Musical Instruments " PIANOS TUNED AND RECONDITIONED 210 4th St. Ph. Black 389 "iuiiui uiim?iiiip Hnrarvirfl n nn. Buckets; National All Steel . Gasoline Hoists: Nationa j ruruioie sawmills: Nationa Rarv Screens and Convevors Full Information from Na-"onnl Msic.b'ncrv Co Umlterl Vancouver. B.C. (tf FOR SALT Used washer. A B C Coiunanion. $20.00. Kaien Co- on. 3rd Avenue. (129) FOR SALE One outboard moJ tor, i.o n.n. rnone Black luu, (12!)pi FOR SALE-42800.00 troller 37 leet. Crown Chrysler. Rood condition. Box 71H Uallv News. (129pi FOR RAI.P &( rt riwn loo trntlJ r Chrysler crome. also Doles,' gurdies Uwo snool set) com-, fllete for 28 ft. boat nearly new. rnone saa. ( 12ap) FOR SALE Reasonable: 8 m.mj Mauser. 30-30 Winchester.! Pocket aneroid 8000 ft. Kodak postcard camera. R.P. 1300 shutter. Balda 2V sauare camera B-9 lens comnur shutter. Kodnlr rnntipfinflBr trlJ nod. treadle sewing machine, sleenlng bags, roll rim sink fnnHhl.r,lurc lVi 'i trffi. HALE Bids I 4 in nr ses. Green Kiwms. m pi.nl nnd lid" fiufiiiir (if ttt1' Mav' be lnsne.l jolin or ou" will be owned I QllV iarilv accepte;! t jit.ps ner ju" IFOR SALE Four orated. Full ch furnace. En'.""! Furnisneu Call Black 145. ihouse bv founir worklna mother. 2 school aee children. rnune zoa. (iza) PERSONAL pLUMBIN(i una Hpntln. - Sheet Metal work. Tar and uravea Koolmg. Call 829 Gtti West. Phone S43. Lelourneau and Sons. (tf) WANTED At once. Small two-. iroKe semi-tnesel not bulb Scandanavian marine type engine. Less than ten horsepower and less than 1000 rpm. Single cylinder preferred in good serviceable condition. Reply full particulars and price.. Box 721 Daily News. (129) - ..' FOtL RENT rV?,.KkNT tir pra?" Room D"l, "f" for merd OniV. Mil 7U1 East. 12UD) FOR RENT Room with two single beds, suitable for twd men. Call 101 7th E after 7 p.m. raone Black 977. (132p) F9?u If:NT-2-ca' earage. 81 6th West. Phone Green 698. (130p) FOR RENT Board and room for working men. Phone Black G00. . (tf) FOR RENT Sleenlng room available until August 15th. Phone Red 297. 130 FOR RENT For duly and Aug ust oniv f our room rurnisneci apartment. Call 603 Havs Cve Circle evenings. (130p) FOR SALE-Hou; will rent to fans and heaters. outboardlFno " ,,. , boats. 29 atudebaker Call at F0R DPm RENT Very quiet sleeping Ulti 7th Ave . ti-9 b.m I L00"1-..?1086 to town. Phone able reii-n""' CoveAvenue. CATP ( house, ixircn. J"11 mpnt Black oi- East run. ...lv. house, twoc f (130) FOR SALE-Double bed complete with Slumber King Mat-teess. Phune Green 782. U3QP FOR SALE Eatonla VacuunJ uieaner. fnone 846. (I33p) FOR SALE RTflesTshotcuns. uicilui, AJUrl l&U OIO sortment. Variable uiiokes foH . shotguns, etc. 48 rounds .3031 if r 1 1 1 s n ammunition $2.9.i. " Dealers e n a u 1 r i e s Invited Write monthly for latest descriptive folders and prices. Scope Sales co. Ltd.. 326 Oueen St.. Ottawa. Ont. (tf) FOR SALEOne Klllnet 'hoat. Phone Green 803. (135pj t'llMl. Blue 245. BOULTER & WELTER (Formerly B & W Transfer) Concrete, Grovel and Cement Phone Block 774 - (Office) T. Norton Youngs, 3rd Avenue I WATCH-Heoalrs iff teed. OIL " BURNER Stove flervlrt Ronson. D""- 1 'IS