Prince Rupert Daily News Saturday, June 3, 1950 RE-ROOFING? .. knilH nr rpmnrlfl rhnncn D D Raises $110 Borden Street HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert N. Fiddler, W. Baker, J. Lock, J. M. Brown, J. Broatch, C. Lind- . eUlhlGLES the overwhelming Over $110 has been raised to!811?' Mr- and Mrs- Laidlaw, L. Cash For Old Cold Donald McCorkindale left hv date by the Junior Red Cross at Eraser, T. H. Sorenson, . C. Hir-Borden Street School, Principal j iam Vancouver; T. J. Volp, "discriminating home-owners, builders ' l tects from coast to coast. I remade by BUILDING PRODUCTS the largesi munuiuMurer or aspnair devour roof with care, specify "B.P." V TllBOrtiH YOl'R LOCAL CONTRACTOR YOU WON'T REST .. until you've slept on an Air-fo'am Mattress.. Clean, cool, comfortable latex, fits every contour of your body, yet never gets out of shape. At $69.50, Canada's standard price. Terms may be arranged: MATTSOH'S OR DIRECT FROM . lert & McCaffery Limited Prince Rupert, B C. P.O. Box 160 r 117 land; J. Fraser, Humpback Bay; R. Rca, R. M. McLeod, Alice Arm; R. Freonley, Hazel ton; E. de Blo-quere, R. E. Falardeau, Prince George; Mrs. P. Yoholinsky, QuesneL Prince Rupert Florists Flowers for All Occasions 100 3rd Ave. Box 516 Tel. 777 f EBY & SOUS LTD. CONTRACTORS REPAIRS REMODELLING FOUNDATIONS . Let us help you plan that new home under the N.H.A. Phone Green 883 Box 586 WRATH ALL'S PHOTO FINISHING 320 3rd Ave. W Headquarters for the VIEW-MASTER Full Library of Color Reels Developing, Printing Enlarging Photographic Supplies Scenic Views Kodaks for Everyone fl OUT EATON'S last evening's train, on a holiday I visit to Fort William. Mrs. D. Stewart returned to iinecay yesterday aboard the '.Princess Louise following a va cation to Vancouver. Lutheran Church Service, Sunday 11 am. Mr. F. E. Anfield; conducting. No evening service. (It) . . . . . ul-rKe Jeii lor Vancou- ver today by plane for a brief! busln trip. Miss Toni-Braun was the I winner of the door prize at the Canadian Legion wHh ticket no I 534. (It) " Mrs. W. D. Vance left aboard the Prince Rupert Thursday night for a visit to Vancouver. She will attend Grand Chapter Convention of the Order of the Eastern Star. For the kitchen. Westclox electric kitchen clock, square shape, white enamel or colored: neat appearance. Bulger's After a business trip south, J. T. Bccket of Columbia Cellulose returned to Prince Rupert yesterday morning aboard the Princess Louise. Summer Sale Catalogue! Burnaby; K. Smith, Watson Is- wrhool following dismissal and make various purchases. . The sale ends today. The Junior executive of grades five and six are. in charge with the aid 01 Mr. Wilson and Mrs- Doris Cobb. Announcements 1 Cambrat Tea, June 7 Mrs. ' McRae. 4 th Ave. West, I C.W.L. Tea and Sale of home cooklnn 2:30. Card Tournament final 8 pm. Thursday, June 8 in Catholic Hall. United Church Men's Tea, Thursday, June 8. Girl Guide Tea, Conrad School June 10. Presbyterian Tea, June 15. United Church home cooking sale, Thompson's Hardware, June 17. 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. L.O.B.A. tea and sale of home cooking and sewing at home of I 1 Mrs. W. " Faught, ""fa"1 701 Fifth Ave- nue west, June 23. Legion Auxiliary Fall Bazaar Novemler Presbyterian Fall Sale Nov. 16, in FLAVOUR! IIM One Hundred Pages of Bargains And Big , Values of Seasonal Interest! toft Always in favour.., .Always J' S' Wilsoa announced yester day. He stated that the children from all grades, have brought in 23,084 coffee and tea coupons and are now under way selling prizes obtained through! the premiums. I The sale began last Saturday! and has continued throuznouti the week. Parents visit . the ' Belter School Is Hoped For At the May meeting of the Port Edward Parent-Teacher Association held this wei-k in the school, hopes were expressed that in the very near future better school accommodation would be provided for the 86 pupils who are now attending this school. As guest speaker, F. E. Anfield drew from his wide experience In tne field ' education to give his appreciative listeners some ex cellent suggestions on how parents and teachers can work together. There followed a showing of onlnrtr( clMoo k . w -.- mi. m..v. ivui lander. . Delicious refreshments were served by t;le social convener, Mrs. Feigel, and helpers. rri Mm As belter; 3. case, "VA1 o) o) If you have not received yours, secure one from your local EATON Order Office or write to Winnipeg for one free on request. Orders filled with regular EATON prompt attention. SHOP AND SAVE NOW, while stocks are complete! Rev. C. L. Lomas, after a short visit to Vancouver, returned to the city aboard the Camosun rnaay. Men'8 five pin Monday Night League bowling banquet-Odd- .cnuws m, Saturday, June j at 7 p.m. Mrs. J. Harvev. nftr tri,. i south, returned to the city uuuiua me mncess Louise yes terday from Vancouver. v wauico. - W P Knnu7 Vn,i Qro rnmlnr ,,, Z I S7hn e"' baKe a cake fn? Mm'S Tea lea that that U is. r On Thursday, June Ul 2 t0 5- (129)1 , ' . I n,,,. ixmt forget the Job's1 Ui,iik;i3. diiinuuree, Thursday,) rnaay and Saturday, June 1st, zna and 3rd, at the Armouries, 6th Avenue West. Fun for all! Fishpond, Novelties and Games. Door prize each evening. (129) Mooseheart alurnnae committee of the Women of the Moose met recently at the home of Mrs. J. Thompson. Business was discussed after which refreshments were served. Those present, were Mrs. Sam Haugan, Mrs. J. Kas-per, Mrs. B. J. Bacon, Mrs. J. Thompson and Mrs. Harold Mun-cey, senior regent. Applications For Housing Slow Response to Gate lrom those seeking homes of their own has been light, according to ML-s Audrey Wrathall, clerk at the city hall. Up to Friday only three applications had been filed.. The mystery of the lack of applicants becomes even deeper when the obvious lack of housing is considered. It is reasonable to believe that many local people should be interested in building a new home. The Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce suggested at Its meeting this week that, now the advertising and circularizing local citizens, a represent-atve committee should be formed to follow the matter up. GIRLS!!! 8 to 12 years vacation with Mrs. R. Mitchell, Roberts Creek, B. C. . Good bathing beaches, good care and food. . REASONABLE RATES FOR YOUR HOLIDAY "Flying U" Guest Ranch, Cariboo Riding, boating, swimming, dancing and fishing Writ. Wire or Phone Chas. Wilkinson 70 Mile P.O.. B.C. Dollar ' Don't Grow on Trees But You Can Stretch Them if You Take Your Radio tb KEN'S CLINIC RADIO 90 Day Guarantee We pick up and deliver ' ' Phone Blue 992 Are You Buying a Hew Car? Taking a Holiday! Here is How it Can be Done! Order your new FORD or MONARCH for factory delivery :-through your local FORD DEALER "Bofo.IPaffkeir" The freight cost saved will pay for your entire trip Fly via Canadian Pacific Air Lines and Northwest Air Lines' direct to Detroit, U.S.A., and pick up your car at the factory . Average automobile freight charges from (factory to Prince , Rupert, B.C.) $275.00 CUSTOMER'S EXPENSES ' ., A Travel C.P.A. single fare one way, Prince Rupert to Seattle, Wash $53.15 Air Travel N.W.A.L. single fare one way, Seattle, Wash., to Detroit (coach) $77.00 stop over allowed in all principal American cities Approximate cost to drive from factory to Prince Rupert, B.C.. Including gas, oil, meals lotel accommodation ' (9 to 10 days) $125.00 Total $255 15 , J, EATON C UWTIO good as, if not thanranyin-portcdaje.Only $2.47 including tax. 330 2nd Ave. Blue 813 SIDNEY GONICK" Optometrist ' Now Located Mezzanine . , " GEORGE COOK JEWELLERS For appointment Phone 212 527 3rd Ave. W. PHONE 79 SUPPLIES C6 1 Street. rhone 311 Your Holiday is Free-Saving $19.85 lave a noisy Radio? OUR EXPERT TECHNICIANS FIX YOUR RADIO TODAY It Ratlin I Ffor.trin PHONE 79 Phone 644 ' y il ' fJrM ig lo Build? pmrnmry Coll 363 M advice on iin9 Problems L U ,.; - ; Ml & Currie "MITED Contractors HOURS Weekdays 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. ' Sundays , 12 Noon to 2 p.m. ' 7 p.m. o 9 p.m. ' SIXTH STREET AND THIRD' AVENUI . cm it BX&SP EJ$M CTMj T E D VANCOUVER NEW WESTMINSTER 0. ViaORIA This sdvertisement Is norpubtished or displayed byrheLlquor. Control. Bord FOR EVERY OCCASION theJ5oyernrnent J?!iIritishiOclumbJ You'll find just the CAKE or PIE you're looking for at the home of fine baking m T BAKERY LIMITED Baked Fresh Daily ' HOOD CAFE GARDEN TOOLS SEEDS AND FERTILIZERS FENCING AND NETTING $5.00 $5.00 Ear . Piercing .Let's be modern the trend is now toward :" pierced earrings Expertly Done At Mamon's China Shop f 'TO-D ATE CAFE IN THE CITY orjby. Menfs Scotch Grain Brogues : : from : : 11.9510 14.95 .: : at : : Q COLORS ALL ,;30 P.M to 3:30 A.M. iDChin.M Dlnhei !12CII0W MEIN IS ML McBride Uipowiniwoodls 1 OrH. - ..." ratfnB lit FASHION FOOTWEA SALE Crepe Sole Be-Bops i mm if