I 1 113 s.c. : t ORGIES DRUGS Daily. Delivery PHONE 81 if ! NORTHKRN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER V J vnf utished ot Canada's Most Strategic Pocific Port "Prince Rupert, the Ky to tha Grot Northwest" . VUU ' kyCTft-. : XXXIX. NO. 129. PRINCE RUPERT, B. C, SATURDAY, JUNE 3, 1950 PRICE FIVE CENTS n n n n - Dispute arge Holding Featured In L U ' ': ; ' A I- ' 1 rrL I Baseball Scores American TO WEIGH JUMBO MONDAY AFTERNOON Jumbo will be weighed Monday atternoon and then It will be decided who is the winner of the wrist watch which is the pme in the weight guestrtne contest which has been In progress for the past week in aid of the Manitoba Flood Relief Fund. New York 3, Chicago 1 Jpotroit 6, Philadelphia 1 .Washington and St. T rained out. Louis East and West Detaining Each Others Canai Boats BERLIN (CP) West German police seized 11 Soviet zone barges today as hostages in a row wit a : the Russians over canal traffic. " i The Russians are holding up seventy Western 'barges on the pretext of searching for contraband. ' The Eastern ships will be held until the Russians ! permit water supply lines to resume schedules. " . , '! UNEMPLOYMENT IM)WN '"" '$ OTTAWA The number of ' i ;r9JP,'f unemployed workers in Can- 4 MC I aoa dropped sharply durin; t ''In ' th first two weeks in May. - National Boston 10, Pittsburgh. 6 Now . York and Cincinnati I IV JfVf '-Vi i. K I the labor department report- j rained rained out. out. Albert Guay f V i i, f f -T V ed today. The department said nfy- Jjt ' ' at May 19 a total of 3116,000 job seekers were registered. " f VfjL Tl,c total represented a drop ' v ' f 81,00(1 from the number un- ..-... i 8? ' employed at May 4. Telling All r., FRIDAY I American S. Louis 10-9, Washington 5-3 DHroit 8-16, Philadelphia 2-5 Cleveland 5, Boston 11 Chicago 6, New York 5 ir National Brooklyn 8, St. Louis 1 ' Boston 4, Pittsburgh 5 New York 7, Cincinnati 6 Log Scale Increased I QUEBEC '9 - J. Albert Guay, the jeweller who timo-bombed Sunday, June 4, ! an air liner last summer to kill i. Fiv, Miiiinn Hoard Feel Philadelphia - Chicago his wife, has made a statement Higher Than Last Year 1 Hign 3:38 1950 20.7 It el 18.3 feci 2.3 fr-t: 8 5 feet, to police and reports nave it that wg scaling in rnnce ituperi he has lniDlicated sever:,! other wresiry district tor May mis 16:57 Low 10:23 22:38 year was 24,370,683 board feet as icomnared with 19.315.760 board - poned. , Western International Spokane 9, Tacoma 7 Tri-City 8, Salem 1 Wenatchee 8, Yakima 4 Victoria 8, Vancouver 6 persons. - i ' . I ,0mm munrri Hi n ii imii i i j TWO MISSING PETAWAWA, Ont Two soldiers are missing, presumed drowned, and four other men in military hospital following a boating accident last night on the Ottawa River. WASHINGTON Will Clayton, former under secretary of state, predicted today that Southeast Asia will fall to the Communists. He said it will be extremely difficult to keep Japan from doing the same." NATIONS ENTER POOL PARIS France, Western Germany, Uolgium, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands agreed today to pool their coal and steel production as a means of unifying Western Europe and strengthening it ecorcmically. Britain declined to come in. j rremier uupiew.s yc.siercwy ( feet 5n tHe month list year ! confirmed that Guay had talked. he margin of increase for 1950 j Guay, who decided not to appeal to date is about the same as for la verdict of guilty returned lhe month of May, the count to U ' against him May 14, Is scheduled the mA o the month being an :SG OILFire of undetermined origin roared through several tanks at the Imperial Oil storage plant at North Bay, Ont., and caused $150,000 damage. This photo shows flamming a blossom of dense smoke Into the sky while at extreme right a tanker adds its aliens of gasoline to the inferno. A change of winds saved an additional 120,000 gallons, m Injured. .' ; - (CP Photo I Pacific Coast Oakland 5, San Diego innings) Mauna Loa Lava Covers Acres KEALAKEHUA, Hawaii -Heavy black stone from erupting Mauna Loa covers 100 aeii., to be hanged June 23. j aggregate oi (u,oi,ozo Doara feet in comparison witn bt,B.J3,-190 board feet in the first fiva months of 1949. The log scale per varieties this The Premier, who did not re- i veal the nature of Guay's state- ment .announced that a decision will be made next week in the matter. May was as follows, 1949 figures also being shown for comparison : of Hawaii's Kona coast tod.iy. Between 60 and 80 families have fled their homes. The lava has eaten into par'.j of villages, making a scene of both desolation and beauty, cre- BASEBALL CANCELLED Tomorrow's baseball games between Smilhers and Prince Rupert have been cancelled because of unfavorable weather prospects. San Francisco 4, Portland 0 Seattle 5, Los Angeles 1 Sacramento 5, Hollywood 3 THURSDAY Pacific Coast Portland 2-9, San Francisco 0-3 Sacramento 4, Hollywood 3 Los Angeles 7, Seattle 4 San Diego 3, Oakland 1 Western International Tacoma 8, Salem 5 Wenatchee 6, Spokane 3 Bd.Ft. 963 Bd. Ft. 191,275 Fir I ated by one of the world's most ; FUND OPTIONS ;ipert Shrine ' i 100.00 I School $54.00 SI M Love 5.00 s 2.00 i fa. John Lamble 10.00 bh- 5.00 k m .... ' 6.00 I it Cooke -..w, .,5,00 I'D .Smith 3.00 k looo active volcanos Mauna Loa broke loose Thursday night after a sleep of 18 months. UNION ( II AKf.l I) LOS ANGKI.ES Seven fish canneries are charjin the C.I.O.'s fishermen's union with trying to lake over the $.?$.0n0,- Insuring Against (Continued on page 5) Airmen Continue On to Ketchikan Labor Brings Flood Fund Also Joining in Drive For Tugwell Island Air Strip At an executive meeting of the Prince Rupert Trades and Labor Council Thursday ' night, the council urged support' front all union members and" citizens by donating to the Manitoba Flood Relief Fund through the Prince Rupert Citizens' Committee. The Trades and Labor Congress of Canada is supporting the cause by cash donations and by contacting all affiliates, recom-mundine immediate aid for the i Yakima 8, Tri-City 2 S f Illicit Affair vs. non l: 11 . , : r . ... ' ,'sr"Si, ..;accHJver 8, Vistri 5 i.-dustry. The union and its ; : Joseph Garon Passes Away .Pioneer XUUn. Dies MUm Long Illness Joseph Garon, 75, pioneer resident of Prince Rupert, died yesterday in General Hospital following a long illness. He was struck by a car in December and had failed since then. Born In St. Bernard, Quebec, Mr. Garon affdiates arc accused in a Sherman anti-trust aet com- the Canadian dollar may be re After a miraculous escape whea his Sea Bee struck and ts. C. Lundstrom 5.00 tUPnec t0 par with the United Wedding Divorcee NEW YOR2C The Duke of Windsor saj's he thinks the T3ticH rrnw.,pnmcTil nf 1QriT i plaint filed yesterday to con Film Board Cracks Down cut a telephone wire when coming in to land at Seal Cove air- States dollar has led to a marked Increase of Canadian exporters taking out "coverage" on American orders on which payment i Inches Of Rev. Charles Rollback and port. d rather have had Us Kin, ! i is outstanding. A spoKesman iui li NlflP HflllK the foreign exchange control in milV llUUI J board, throuch chartered banks, carry on an illicit" love anair than see him marry a divorce and make her Queen. ' The former King Edward Vltl tells his own story of how the took off for Ketchikan at 2 p.m- Thursday. They stopped here to clear customs. Mr. Railback said he did not knew of any other way the 2T0N, Texas, ? Tor- , has covered millions ot dollars homeless sufferers, s - j The Council also decided to : Rive fullest co-operation to the. as Hooded this island worth of Canadian business with abdication crisis flared over his ! today. Water 6tood the United States against the trol the industry by forcing the signir.fl; of illecal price fixing contracts, establishing a boat owners' pool and preventing the canneries from buying from boats outside the pool. STRIKE, MARCH FLOP TOKYO The Communist "March on Tokyo" flopped today as did Hie Communist called strike for all Japan. Both bad been set to protest the trial of ei?lit Japanese who attacked United Stales' soldiers Memorial Day. STIli DOMINION DAY OTTAWA Tbc House of plane could have cut the wire for WalUs gimpson rf Chamber of Commerce m he Pta the business sec-! eventuality that the Canadian! the Campaign for proposed Tug- Id-morning after the dollar might be revalued. "But; his unshakeable resolve to marry her In a Life magazine article He is a missionary for the t this week. OTTAWA "to The National Film Board, now thoroughly screened as a security risk, has rapped the Defence Department i over the knuckles for soliciting non-government filai firms .to do defence photography jobs, frWa's learned, but Defence Department officials say it was all a mistake. One Of the big explosions of the last session of Parliament came when It was disclosed that the Defence Department had re-! fused to let the National Film Board do certain secret photography until employees were given a security screening. It was announced there were three "separations" due to the investigations. Christian Church working out of Ketchikan and was on his( way there after picking up hisi well Island air strip and will contact the federal ministers concerned, seeking definite acton in this matter. went to Dawson during the gold rush in 1899 and in 1909 arrived in Prince Rupert. From 1912 to 1935, he was In the bakery business here operating the Prince Rupert Bakery. In 1935 he retired and during that period until late last year, assisted at the Daily News. He is survived by his widow and one son, Dennis; four brothers, Edonies, in Dawson, Willy and Emile In St. Bernard, and Elphege In Drummondville, Quebec; three sisters in St. Bernard. Mass will be sung at the Church of the Annunciation at W storm dumped 13 the official added, "there is aD-rain on the city's West-! solutely no truth in the revaluc- nine hours. There ap- 3 Hon rumor as lar as we are no danger to life ! concerned." IKiSl ft ,!.... on nn.t ' r- ' THE WEATHER Synopsis plane in southern Illinois. He intends to use the plane to get around his district more quickly ilft marooned at home. Battery Has to 38 miles an hour Jamboree Proves Popular Affair if rain deluge. Over an inch of rain fell In Prince Rupert overnight but the southern part of the provinco was clear. Gradually Increii'dnct cloudiness is forecast for. the next two days and rain is expected Halibut Sales Canadian Kenia Falls, 20,000, 25.5c, 25.3c Easy Victory , llevy Battery registered a clear three goal win over Gen father 9 a.m, by Rev. Father F. J. Ray- and 22.2c, Storage. Normal Commons yesterday voted against a private member's bill 73-30 that would have changrd the name of Dominion Day July 1 to Canada Oiy. A similar bill was passed by the Commons two years ago but was killed in the Senate. BISHOP DIES LONDON, Ont Most Ttcv. John. T. Kidd, 81, fifth bishop Broken Back And Other Injuries A larger crowd attended the second night of a Job's Daiigh- ( ters jamboree In the Armouries ' last night and, besides taking' part in various games, heard solos and duets by members of the organization and parents. A door, prize consisting of a roasting ' chicken was won , by John a short In 1950 of eral Motors last evening in the second game of the tforth Star football competition. The game r.tarted with rain falling slightly and .finished in a downpour. Pavlikls narrowly missed but ner. Frlenfis will assemble for j Brooks Bay, 58,000, 25.1c, 25c i to spread southward along the prayers at Grenville Court Cha- and 22c, Storage. j coast. However, the souther, ' pel at 2:30 p.m. Sunday. i Sea Ranger, 55,000, 25c, 25c and interior will have two day.-; o: BurlaKwill be at Fairview 22c Atlin- j sunny weather with temperat.tticj. Co op iin the e'ghties. ' . ; Cemetery Monday, in charge of ; B. C. ' Undertakers. Gulvlk, 14,000; Rodney P, 5,000; Forecast " " , . ! Morris H., 8,000; Northern Breeze, I North Coast Region Intcrmit- Mr. and Mrs. C. Lundstrom'' 34,000; Clipper, 21,000; Bumper tent rain today. Cloudy with a n of being one f the months fmm o .., " u mil" ljNnt. it was . not It was Mntors who tnreatenea 8ood as April and indeed, was almost when Hornell and Price com- j Thompson. , bined cleverly. Boulter Inter-, Miss Barbara TenK, accompan are sailina tomorrow ninht f)1 Catch, 10,000; Isa, 9,500; Neptune, few showers Sunday. Light ' "bruarv with it Ma Injured logger J. Moscovitch, 1 : who was flown here yesterday by j j Queen Charlotte Airlines, is rest- I ; ing comfortably In hospital this morninu' It was announced to-day. An operation was per-, formed early yesterday evening, j His doctor pronounced his injuries as a broken back, a very badly crushed body and multiple cepted Cameron's fine cross ana ei on lne pi(ino y Mrs. Nora 20,000; Viking I, 8,000; Gustav, winds. Lows tonight and highs 17,000; Borgund, 9,000; Selma H., tomorrow At Port Hardy, 45 20,000; Taplow, 40,000; Primrose, and 60; Sandspit, 48 and 58; 4,000; Atli, 20,000. Prince Rupert, 48 and 60. the Coquitlam for Stewart, their former home, where they will spend the summer months then Morgan saved a long drive from Price Morgan saved twice 'al' this May was 9.72 Thompson, vocalized on "t's a Grand Night for Singing." Later she teamed up with Alex Mitchell "Wd with 3.2 Inchei from Hornell once right on the ; " February this first goal after Lien had failed .S: , closes toniEht. ' this 1 lie J amuuret year preclpita- I to clear. Boulter ran out to stop ! W Inches compared another drive from Pavlikls. fractures of the right arm and ley. Moscovich sustained Injuries at the Juskatla Inlet logging camp. "ne in the first five ' Motors threatened and Hor- of the Roman Catholic diocese f of Lecrlon, and fmmer bishop of Calgary, died last night suddenly from a heart attack at home. He will be succeeded by the Most Rev. John C. Cody, former Bishop of Victoria. $200,000 MILL FIRE SPRINGFIELD, Ore. Fire levelled the Benmt Lumber Company mill here early yesterday with a loss of some $200,000. DOCKS SENTENCED NELSON A tolitl of f.9 Sons of Freedom Doukhobors were sentenced to three years in prison for nude parading, bringvv; to more than 250 the number sentenced in recent weeks. . U.S. Studies Plan 1 1919. t? May totalled ""Ws cnninnverl nell seemed to have the goal at his mercy but Darrow Gomez saved spectacularly. Robinson stopped Ounanoot and from Price's pass Hornell was wide. Battery were pressing and Pav-HiHa cot mi Vnekovich who To Ban CommunisSs TOKYO iff Reliable sources said yesterday ' General McAr- thur's headquarters is studying 4.000 CABS IDLE LONDON Taxi cabs were scarce today as 4,000 hack drivers struck to enforce demands for a bigger slice of fares. About 2,300 cabs operated by owner-drivers were not affected, but virtually all union members refused to work. ' In May 1949 and 83 J 'Ml and 105.8 hours ' ..ic sunshine this ,chas aggregated 390.7 with 362.7 hour. .Ponding period of 1 scored the second goal Letour- a government plan to outlaw the neau made headway but Maz-1 communist party In Japan zcnl cleared. Then Pavlikis scored the third goal for the Details are already Known ui Communists through the usual leaks, the sources said. Whether telh?,S,miniary for this the plan will be adopted or not may depend greatly on the Communist demonstrations tomorrow. ""''mpcrature, 58.8 on" 33on May 17. . Pcratiim .1 ANIC THE YODELLING RANGER Battery mid the game ended in a. three to nothing win for the Gunners. Teams: Heavy Battery Morgan, Dunbar, D. Gomes;, Farkhouse, Maz-z'oni, Cameron. Vuckovlch, Pavlikis, Gunnanoot and W. Gomez. General Motors Boulter, " Prompt SNOW t"aJhrf" ih. imii. in May j ' tauiiiB, ftitl0n-2 inches on to In Person CIVIC CENTRE JUNE 8TH Two Shows 7, p.m. & 9 p.m. Tickets Reserved $125; Adult $1,00; Students 50c 'At Civic Centre & McRae Bros. Stores, News Open, j Offices to Close ! The Dally News and retail merchants will remain open Monday but government offices and banks will be closed in honor of the King's birthday, celebrated at that time. Robinson. Lien, McKay, Wellens, WARM WELCOME A light rain fell to dampen the warm welcome extended to Liaquat AU Khan, prime minister of Pakistan, on his arrival in Ottawa for a three-day visit. He is seen here meeting Sir Andrew Clutterbuck, British high commissioner to Canada. Left to right are: Francis Forde, Australian high commissioner to Canada; Sir Andrew; Liaquat Ali; and Prime Minister St. Laurent. The lady holding the umbrella in the background Is Mrs. E. A. Bourque, wife ,-f Mcyor Bourque of Ottawa. ' ' 'CF PUoto; Large, White, Gilchrist, Hornell, ;'-C-hou on 18 davs. (HI tnd velocity, 28 Price, McGee and Letourneau. Morgan was not very severely (Continued on, Page 4 f!t hour south, May. 4.