HEARING JUNE 29 AIRWAY SET FOR Leaders in U.N.'s Fight for Women Prince Rupert Daily News Saturday, June 3, 1950 : r sh Columbia Air ays'; Hon for a Prince Or, Rupert and intermcd,! OTTAWA The Air Transport Board has set Thursday, June 29, at the Court House, Vancouver, as the time and place nn soheduli lVaterfront. ' Whiffs - - I Bales And Gall Bedspreads merclal service. TODAY 79 p.m. "KID FROM TEX $4-95 Priced From .. f Sunday Midniie Mon. Matinee 2 51 Final Rush Of No. 2 Area Halibut. This Year's ' Landing Heavier d W Double Bed Size Choose from Bates, the outstanding U. S. bedspread, and Gait, Canada leading A;- M Wm. Elliott in 'THE GALLANT LEGION" Tom Knmi) Audrey I.on( -in- "DUKE OF CHICAGO" factory. At the waterfront Friday afternoon, there wasn't sufficient breathing space along the clocks for even a herring. But the halibut, was brought in, sold and , unloaded. A big rush of landings was on due to the j closing of Area No. 2 at midnight Thursday. And with the prices at the halibut exchange remaining I ... , i v, fnr, " Al WALLACE'S Of Course MONDAY TO WEDNESDAY ' as nign as mey uaic uccn I the past .ew weeks, skippers Aiming at the improvement of the situation of women all over the world, the I'nilcd Nations Commission on the Status of Women has made a series of recommendations ranging from measures to eliminate sex discrimination in the political field to the adoption of the principle of equal pay for equal work for men and women workers. Here, planning a day's work are three leading members of the Commission: Mnif, Marie-Helene Lefaucheux of France, Mrs. Isabel McKorckindale of Australia and Isabel de Urdaneta of Venezuela. have nothing to complain about. port to date are 10,400,800 pounds. In 1949, landings in the same period totalled a smaller 8,914,500. From Area No 3 land-' inss to date this year amounted j FINE PRINTING t nrnsi nniiiTrnr 1El ITHAP?NSEVl to 1,572,000 while in 1919, the, total was slightly higher at 1,- 1- 720,000 pounds. Area No. 3 fig-1 Geary, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Payne, jshcrrin, George Ross, D Frast-r One of the largest landings into this port was experienced yesterday when 805,000 pounds of halibut was brought in for sales and to the Fisherman"s Co-operative Largest part of the landing 'from 41 boats was by Canadian vessels - 893,000 pounds. American landings have been low this week as a total of only IIOxNE 24 222 Second Ave. ures are included In total land-. Jacooson. C. Lindsay, fassen-1 Baldwin, C. Ruskin, Mr. and Mis 8WN kt IL0YD HCtl tf4n4 kr WILLIAM . I embarkine from Prince gtrs I Mrs. E. Swift, Miss T. Brown, O I George Wilson, Mr. and. Mrs. M McKlnnon, 1 Beaton, John Yorke, Mrs .B. Schultz. John Gammon, fin nnn nnunds was broucht in , ings nere. j Ruport were William Goetz, H. Of the entire landings here Muncer and R. L. Livingstone to Friday .Canadian vessels ifor Juneau; Mr and Mrs A, E. brought in 8,638,300 pounds. lnjDc.jn and Mrs.'L. Skorstad for 1949, Canadian catches were 7- Ketchikan; P. Cook, J E. Muller 29,000. American landings Uusjand Rev rather R .. Sanschar-year so far are 1,762,500 pounds grin for whitehorse; L. A. Lum-as compared to last year't total j Dergi r Dennis, Lt. C Hogg, Monday 5:30 7:00 :30 Tues. and Wed. 7 p.m 8:20 Union steamer Camosun, Capt William McComb, arrived in pot s of 1,655,500 pounds. Monday to Friday. Incidentally, American landings only took place on Monday and Friday. Canadian vessels this week landed a total of 1,103,000 pounds at this port. Co-op vessels brought in about half that total 570,000 pounds. Up to and including Friday, total halibut landings at this Lt. G. Walker, H. B Savole, SJ111 4t m- ,rom vancou-kk- SniriPii fnr PnhPrshroh ver and waypolnts, sailing for southern Queen Cliarlotte points Expectation is that, by the end of this week, the most of the Canadian vessels, which have, C.N.R steamer Prince Rupert. uk ule cve"'"8- rassengew ais-CaDt. William Eccies. arrived ml embarking here included A. and and Robinson, Mrs. P. Watson child, Mrs G. McKay, Mr. She'll Know ' t . i It's Love . . been fishing during the pastPrt at 2 p.m. Wednesday from month in Area No. 2, will be in.1 Vancouver, Ocean Falls and way-Sme stragglers may arrive early' points, sailing for Ketchikan at next week. However, there are',1 a m She called Thursday eve- Whaley and Miss Mrs. A. Morse. miit a number of the larger "lnS southbound. To greet pa.s-i ' if you take her to dinntj WEDDING PHOTOS Family Group, Children For particulars Ph. Green 389 Call at CHANDLER'S STUDIO 216 4th St. Box 645 Prince Rupert, B. C. j vessels operating in Area No. 3, stngers as they stepped off the I which has yet to close , and there vsol was "Jumbo", the ? ? ? ! will be coming in during coming PovaA halibut tucked away l.i ot the weeks- Smaller vessels, 1 which i part ior me ivnn - hnv heen fishing in Area No. .! it0a Flood Rolipf Fund. Pas- SINGER We repair all makes Sewing Machines WORK GUARANTEED For Free Estimates Phone 864 will turn other pursuits includ ing the s alomshngfiin sengers disembarking hore from the vessel were L. Harola, Mrs. P. Campbell, R A. Watson, H. Meier, H. Chaprnan. D. MacDon- salmon fishing and ing the CIVIC CENTRE DINING ROOM For Reservations or Take Out Orders PHONE 868 packing. '.exterior or Interior ald, A. Bill, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. 1 5 Hall, Mrs. D. Mercer, Mrs. J. D. 1 ' Mttle, Mrs. V Johannsen, Mia.' I M Thfminenn .Q tl,w.b,,r., T T 1 Singer Sewing Centre : ; SPRAY or BRUSH Wallpaper Hanging THE LATEST PAINT BURNING METHODS C.Pil. Pacific steamer Princess' Louise, Capt. William Hubenet, ai rived in port at 11 am", yesterday from Vancouver, Ocean Falls and waypoints sailing at 12:30 p.m. for Alaskan pons. Disembarking here from Ocean Falls were R. Watson and J. Saunders; from Vancouver, Aliss C SeppIoJa, Miss N. J. Pattoc,:, Miss E. Stewart, Miss B. O iiryan, Mrs. J. L Blair, Mr. S5TAuW I MATUIKI SPENCE and Phone Blue 215 LAMPS! BOUDOIR SHADES .98 1 BED LAMPS 1.95 I .TABLE LAMP 4.95 j TABLE LAMP . 6.95 TRLIGHT SHADES, SILK '. 4.95 TRILITE LAMPS, COMPLETE.... 1795 I TORCH I ERE LAMPS 18.95 : v..... -AT- 1 j NORTHERN B. C. POWER CO. I'RINCE RUPERT STEWART, B. C Blue 210 "-d 233 11th St LwEK SKEENA REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED Work on Floats Already Begun DERBY BARREL R. E. Mortimer 124 2nd Ave. (Near CFPR. hirst Priz .1- oo One of the finest lulls of timber ever to .come into Prince Rupert, a boom of 4,000 feet of Selected float logs was brought" In by Skeena River Pile Driving Co., ! and Northwest Construction Ltd., j joint contractors for reconstructing the fishermen's floats adjacent to the dry dock. Work Is starting Immediately. Contract for the $.15,000 job has been let by the Dominion Department of Public Works to Skeena River Pile Driving Co. An the sized lumber and hardware lor completion of the project i., now on hand, according to Jack Martin of Northwest Construction Ltd. The job Is expected to be completed by September 15". In the meantime, the contractors have issued a warning to fishermen that they will not bo responsible for damage caused their boats If tied up at the floats. 000 Second Prize Penetrating Sealer- $25O.0 and Paint Mix Tim-bsr-lox is a clear liquid midi from tht finttr toughest resins and water repellent oils and is used as a thinner for oil based paints or as a clear primer before painting or varnishing.' Notice TO FISHERMEN SeMleir's Pirfize $50.00 OUTSIDE PAINTING In orrtnr in rur goad mtn lob it is first nprsssnry to secure good (round or prima coat, tt l in this nrimo coat that lh ddition of Tim-Bnr.Loi to paint is highly rocommonderi. Paint with Tim-Bnr-Lox tdded, has superior penetrating and aealinq qualities which provide a reinforced foundation against moisture and helps prevent tha peeling and blistering of ue teeding coats sf paint PLYWOOD A single aooliritinri nf Ti Ber-Lox will orevont sHnariiinM Test Your Skill on Timing The Distant T Tt ' "OfT4 From Terrace Bridge to East Kwinits will greatly reduce warping, buckling, surface checking and will eliminate "Grain Raise", leaving the surface smooth and uniform for auhsequent coata sf varnish or paint. It costs no) more te use Tim-Ber-Loi as Tim-Ber-Loi replaces the prime coat of paint or acts as a varnish, undersoat where plywood u War U be varnished. Fishermen who. have boats moored at the old floats ore advised that from the commencement of work no responsibility will be taken tiy the contractors for any damage whatsoever to boats or equipment at these floats. Boat owners are advised to move their boats to alternative moorings-immediately. ; Expected date of completion of work Sept. 15 1 Available at your HARDWARE PAINT or LUMBER DEALER ..Lost Year's Time 17 Hours 25 min. 42 sec... Proceeds to be Used for Community Tennis Courts Tickets Available from Rotarians or business firms Sponsored by Prince Rupert Rotary Club Distributor! $1.0 SKEENA RIVER PILE DRIVING CI). i i:i.) iii :esnil CIVIC 9X(m res IN AID OF MANITOBA FLOOD RELIEF Ringside General Students SATURDAY 8 p.m. CENTRE