LOG SCALE (Cotitin:;ed liom page 1) the first five months of the year JOHN H. Prince Rupert Daiiy News Saturday, June 3, 1950 Hospital tea Bright Af!;ir. Fishermen Meet To Talk Prices Bill Scuby's l!;-'7 Venture BULGER I .B im,oi nneal reet com- pared with 1,438,122 lineal feet 3,309,693 ln m, correspontUng M 8,173,587 . 1949 6,233,930 j Per specipg pole plUng 297,409 count this May was as follows: 1,300,153 ' Cedar, 91,350 lineal feet. I Hemlock, 2,819 The beautiful home Of Mrs: I. 1 With the sockeve salmon own J0OMETRIST For Summer Wear, Tropical Spun Cedar Spruce Hemlock Balsam j Jackplne Miscell. I : Totals 3,820,431 8,711,123 8,009,117 2,157,389 1,471,953 3.40Q 24,370,G88 t - M. Greene, 945 Borden Street, lng on the 6keena and Naas at w the delightful setting Thirrs. 1 8 a.m. June 19, local members of day afternoon for the first teaj the Unlte Fishermen and Allied ' held by. the Women's Auxiliary or orkerB Unlon are meeUn 'lth . , 1 tne Native Brotherhood at Port .u the Prince Rupert Geneml Hos-,Ed Many friends called Thursday j afternoon' at Bill Scuby's trim new fur vault and servicing e3- j Ubllshment to congratulate him j on the new. venture and offer their best wishes for its success. I Mr. Scuby was assisted by Mr. J. , J. Little in the serving of refresh.-1 Bulger Ltd. diH LADIES The tie count this May was 14,120 pieces includinn 741 hem Third Avenue 19,315,760 lock and 13.37J Jackplne, as oont- ' pit!. H89 each FOREST PRODUCTS : prices for the season. The- meet- paieu wim Dleces all DRESSES While the sawkig scale U up, jackpine-ln May 189. vuea D Z wil1 vot on the latest offer Greene and greeted by Mrs. ens at Vancouwr . . ments from a table attractively decorated with the baskets of flowers which had been sent by The cordwood count this Mav Munthe. wwiident of the Mix Kiiuuucuun oi poles and In the interior shows a fall Negotiations are enl-n? nn In was iv compared with 292 cords iHary ing off this year, the total for last May. 16 -- 20 The testable, covered by a love-1 Vancouver now, according to 'ly cut-work doth and centred, Tom Parkin, union representa-with a boueuet of milled spring tive here. Aithnmrh th friends for the occasion. Civic i Centre Dining Room. looked after j catering. ! Centre of interest as the prem-ises were inspected was the fur ; vault already containing for ; summer storage and safe-keep-' flowers and taper, was presided at first a wide divergence be- BEST IFrascr & Payne! ANNOUNCING over ny Mesaamee . . tween companies and fishermen, H. A. Breea, R. Davidari and Miss J the. margin is being narrowed Clements. . 'down Parkin m !l In charge of ITie tea-room was i ing some 250 local fur coats representing a value estimated at possibly $60,000. H Afra mnrtnn Tminiri Mr M The Opening of the Penguin Hobby 8hop Complete HOBBY SUPPLIES Toys and Novelties, Children's Furniture. Plastics, Venetian Blinds. Furniture, Signs j: Lemon had charge in the kitchen. i Plumbing Service PHONE 108 Serviteurs were Mesdamea Wni Noble, M. Brydgea, Z. H, mote, D. It pays to advertise. ,f Ritchie, H, Hanaon, and J. A. 4-7 MacbunakL In charse of the. raffle of itwo me union woum lme to negotiate prices for all varieties at the first of the season, he continued, but changing market conditions made it difficult for both companies and fishermen to reaoh decisions. There has been some ' spring salmon fishing going on, but catches have not been large. Free International marketing THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL Odd pieces of furniture, tables, end tables, magazine racks at Real Savings. illHCE RUPERT grocery hampers were Mrs. A. M. 4 PLUMBING & nursi ana Mrs. a. ren. wuiuc.a of the hampers were Mrs C. H-Klotz and Mrs. R. O. Moore. Looking after the popular HEATING mm SCHUMAM PENGUIN HOBBY SHOP wun removal or restrictions on home-cooking stand were Mrs. Sixth Avenue and Fulton Street .jiPust Office Bldg.) ' A. Wales, Mrs. W. S. Kergin and exchange of currencies were cited Phone Blue 446 or 232 Box 744 Mrs. A. Boas by Parkin as being highly desir Show Your Confidence in Prince Rupert i m Invest in a sound local project. m Join in your city's progress. SHARES IN i Charles M. Hays Hotel; AVAILABLE AT j Armstrong Agencies able to West Coast salmon fishing industry. Mr, Parkin stated that normal -By CHIC YOUNG No Stnse No Feeling! ONDIE ..markets in British Common w niiip1" imiw11" ; sa SOFT SO COMFORTABLE SO INEXPENSIVE wealth, countries and countries of Western Europe had been cut off during the war and, owing to exchange difficulties, countries in the starling bloc found it hn- 307 3rd Ave. W. Phone 342 possible to buy Canadian fish. I What had been a world wide i market, he continued, had i dwindled to a limited market in I Britain and the United States. With other countries that had , gone off fishing during the war j coining back into trade, the re-jstrictions are causing a definite ' hardship, he said. Family SIhm Store Ltd. Charlie Roberts Phone 357 . Box 838 NO MINIMUM LIMIT " - 1 C IT Y OF PRINCE RUPERT All Types of ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS Suppliers of Building Materials lor your New Home it' ! 1 1 . TWs information is being compiled for use by the City Coun-, cil when negotiating with representatives of the Federal and Provincial Governments in connection with housing requirements and is not to be treated as an application for housing HOUSE WIRING, CONTRACTING SUPPLIES & SERVICE -At BE WISE BUILD NOW ? PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD; Builder's Supplies 4 000 3nd Ave. Phone 651 ; t Radio & Electric hiper ALL INFORMATION. STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL NAME (Mr., Mrs., Miss) Married ADDRESS .....I Single OCCUPATION :..:;.:.Ji........:. . Widow ' AGE Pensioner Total number of persons in household 4umber of Children Phone 644 Box 1322 To Build A ! BETTER HOME Your Own Home 0 under the National Housing Plan Fill out a form now and assist your City Council complete this survey use Ready-Mix Concrete for that basement " FAST ECONOMICAL STRONG PHONE IF YOU WISH TO BUY What is the maximum down payment you could make? .... $ How many bedrooms would you need PRESENT ACCOMMODATION House. . .. Suite . . .. Housekeeping rooms . ... Rent per month . . . . or per week . , . . Heated . . . . Unheated . ;: . ; Livings Room (exclusive use) . . .. . If shared, with how many? . '. . . Kitchen ( " ") . . . . "' " ." " " ? . Bathroom ( " ")...."" " "?.,.. How many bedrooms? .... If accommodation is inadequate, please state briefly in what respect. lert & McCaffery Ltd. PRODUCTS LTD. Complete Line of Builders' Supplies C(W RAY PHONE 58 Phone 564 Phone 60 ', h IS A GOOD TIME r &UILD YOUR HOME Build Under ! National Housing Plan Furnish your home under the ; Gordon &. Anderson Plan i Call in Today GORDON it ANDERSONl Ltd. Fill out a form today and send it to the City Hall rant I Newton It would be of great assistance if you would indicate your average yearly '-.-"'..-.. ' -i income. Answering the question, of course, is quite optional. Total family income v . , (Please cut out and hand in or mail to C ity Hall). Electrical Contractors Black 829 1