spiiiig than at any other season. Sot-rhaps, of the sheer loveliness iof iret-s. We see their majestic , again emphasize how construction trend Is easterly. And so, j watch out lor aijwlur new Uck, Ray Reflects DRESS rgauntness comuig to We, watch 'fllKl lenU!USteS 4iem through the feathery as theatre patrons come and go, over a section of the city where they never watched the movies belore. HERE ARE JUSTA ? Prince Rupert Daily News T-r-Sij. Jure 20, 1550 AH independent dally newspaper Ceroted to the upbuilding of Prince ' Rupert and nortfcern and central British Columbia Published erery afternoon except Sunday by Prince Rupert Daily News Ltd.. 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, British Columbia Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulation Canadian Daily Newspaper Association O. A SCOTER, inagir-g Editor. H G. FERRY. Managing Director r SUBSCRIPTION RATES By Carrier, Per Week, 20c; Per Month, 73c; rer -yeai. 1 .-j. $8 00; By Mail. Per Month 50c; Per Year 5 00. 'jQ stages of bursung paa, aamire them finally In their full-leaf aress and say to ourselves that not often does even beneficient Nature give so much In enjoyment and friwidly service (or so small an expenditure In money and in labor. Ottawa Journal. e rure Woul SfJ The Department of Finance ays the eieral average o individual savings, as rellectcd in ihe banks of Canada is $500. It s not so much to have salted away for a cloudy day but a whale of a lot better than S4.39. u;uj and fg$ 30 00. V- -,uw J). ..a oiuwa UXF0K fxxl fit, latest style. Speeial Now , Dawson was officially reported the warmest city in Canada last Sunday. Rembering this next Some mpioyers say they don't care how old a man is, provided EBY & SONS LTD. CONTRACTORS REPAIRS - REMODELLING FOUNDATIONS Let us help you plan that new home under the N.H.A. Phone Green 883 Box 58 he was January is fuoi. guuie w ikip he is healthy, aiwi when the teast bit. That is, should you happen to be living in Dawson next January. Men', WiXDMtr.AKI 3eg. $5 00. Now . t Voiing Men's PANTS -perfect fit an! from Men's Felt HATS, $ top noUh styles. Kecil (mat , Boys' JINUmlf4K4; showerproof, aU sut A rut younger took the trouble to learn a useful trade, or become trained and experienced in some special, definite line. The num they .do not want and won't have is the party who says he can "do anything." He can, but it's chiefly street walking. Welcome Graduates AXOTHER graduating. cas has just issued from Prince Rupert's Both imorl H'-h School. Some of them, probably, the minority, will go on to higher academic teaming. The rest jcf tfeem will now turn to employment in business or in the trades, and, in the meantime, thc-ir jobs ill he hut another phase of learning in the school which js called experience. Building ft a second Ueutre , for iPiiux Rupert, .started , mouth ago and then delayed, j Is resumuig. The site is on First I. 1 a. MiwH Street. Two places of amusement in a city of twelve thousand is only what should be and Boys' and Du-is'rifJ lUTS--tkr uaj;t, ors. SeUs i.ae. W only , Suitable for some score of small apartments, centrally situated, light on all sides and splendid sea. and land visUs In all directions, the administration blcck pn First Avenue awaits action. So does the summer. Boys' PAiyrS-Cur BUTTER STATE Drawn by Robert Chambers in the Halifax t CP Photo l V t. Chronicle Herald. strong. Itom :' TlL LETTERBOX ?r . aVIIBIIII.II1(T Err"4"" . 1 7 Always Prompt and Courteour , 9 FOR YOUrHOy Farewell to agitation and argument as to bow and what to call the First of July. The House of Commons, in its wisdom, settled that a few weeks ago. A private member's bill would have changed the name from Dominion Day to Canada Day. The Commons voted 73 to 39 against it, and that's a snug majority, although rather odd that but four out of 18 cabinet ministers were "flvina U They are a promising lot of young folk and, J while their ways may be different than those of j some of the oldsters, the most of them can be counted i upon and, doubtless, will do a good and decent job of j work in whatever line of work the)' pursue. If they ' realize that, in doing such a good job, they are not 5 ' phly helping their employers but benefitting them-! I selves, they wiU apply themselves with conscience : and-with zeal . ; I ; -Meantime they are entitled to our h&t wishes ' and all the support and co-operation we, as older , cjtizens, can give them directly or indirectly. And it if to our best interests to do so for this is a turning point whence they may become a priceless asset or a deplorable liability. Good luck then to the boys ami . girls of Bo-ile-Hi 1950 and other local graduates. . and Mr. Black has loaned a num ber of examples of Indian work that he wUl Later display in the ' new Totem Theatre. I hope that I may have the cooperation of the Daily News ir trying to make the Museum of Northern British Columbia not only one of the best tourist attractions along the coast, but also a cultural and scientific center for the city of Prince Ru-;.)ert . MARGARET EI -MS, (Mrs. Wm. N. Summer Curator. , MLSEl'M INTERESTING EtUtoi, Daily News: I would like to thank you for the space your newspaper has given to the museum this year. our articles have done much to revive civic interest here. I have been hired for the summer to catalogue and redisplay the articles in the museum but find GupU Ranch, Cr We're Here to Serve VOU Commodore Cafe A Good Place to Stop 244 Miles to TELKWA. HOTEL Telkwa, B.C. Just a Nice Day's Drive dancing ai.d ni Write, Wire or pu, Has. H'W.iiH) "0 Mflr Ji SjT Hispitality and Good Food" Phone 17 for Semi -Out Orders td Ave. . David Chow, Mgr. We are more conscious In the SIIINGOLE The ideo I f ini$! Shingles, Fences rough lumber. Mc; a variety of ct?rc colors. , what is really lacking is a large number of interested citizens to keep the museum up. I ouid like to list a few of the additions given to the museum in the last month and hope that yen may use some of the material to keep , the museum in he puWic eye at -least for the summer. j i Both floors of the euium are i now open and Eliza Abraham. ; one of the few Indians who still , retains the art of cedar bark and ; ' spruce root weaving, demon- sirates each Monday and Friday. : ,A number of new displays have been either donated or loaned to , the museum. Mr. McAllister has loaned a very finely carved horn j spoon which was traced by Mr. Cunningham ,the original owner, back 500 vears thrauch the !me- Canada's ' U.S. purchases : must be paid i for in :i XL U,5. dolors J WHEN U.S. DOLLARS CROSS YOUR COUNTER i fcpmpson nordwf THE NEW THEATRE Arew theatre project in Prince Rupert s a welcome development and we hppe there will lc ho further delays in getting it accomplished. Good theatres are today an amenity in any modern com-piunity. Their erection is also a token of confidence in the future of the communities in which they ar? iuilt. We doubt if there are many cities of the size and importance of Prince Rupert remote as it is too frem other cultural and recreational facilities that Co.Ui .1 HERE ARE POINTS TO REMEMBER: FOR PLANNING FOR BUILDING FOR REPAIRING Call 363 MITCHELL & CURRIE IJMITKO i!uild!rs & XitHtraclurs Kiiippinf wi foiii'J rarla;r ini Star i has gotten along so long with only pne good theatre. ' age of the chiefs who had owned That the concern which now operates the single from a collection oxj., f; tfhii V ;1- i -AA -i ? fMUitoa loaned to the museum. H is good butinctt to accept U S. cwrrency whenever it i tendered in the course ol trade . When you accept U.S. cvrrener VO pro required to allow the pfficial rate of oh-hpnge of $1 10 Canodion lor $1 00 U.S. ton will be credited by your bank with the official rale of exchange $1.10 Canadian for SI-OP U S - on any U S. curreacy that you deposit You ore free to mat change, if requested, in U S. currency for a non-residfer tourist who has tendered U S curreacy in payment for a purchase. U S. currency must not be said put i anyone in exchonge for Canadian currency. U S. currency must not be paid put in change to a Conadian resident, though the latter has tendered U S. currency in payment for a purchase. Complete lelUbl and ! irnl Str-viif. ftUn MiH I Canadian JU4i Air O (or Oxygen. Ati 'f a wnlill uiplU4. Unday' Carta? Storage Umitti Imt Ind and Park kx. Est. 1818 Phone M i iiiiaii : net c ja iuc viae uiai is yi v iuiii uic secuilU 3 clear admission of the need for and economic soundness' of a second. The new theatre is in line with other that are going on here. display this card mmmti ON TOUR CASH ttwtSTf K 1 OR IN TOUR WINDOW j DIVISION UPON J)IVJSION a display of eleven paddles has i ; been set up and a trap made of ; ' nettle fibre has been added to ' the fishing case. Canon Rush-; brock has recentlv sent the mus- j . eum collections of fossils, Indian ' baskets and stone implements. A . " loan of f os3lis from Francois ; ; Lake 50.000,000 years old which ."contains pieces showing the j gifiko, true sequela and other i trees that existed In this area, long before the ice age, some of which are now extinct has been given by L. B. B. Boulton. Other Earn Dies of this tvrp hnvp hppn : T.S.S. il will remind your salet staff of their responsibilities -and what is jeven "T"HE future of Leonolcl III I ' PRIKCE RUPE The statement on the front ro-ipirn the confidence of your O S. customers. On the back are simple tvltt and ompl lor moling change for US. Currency rnore important thi political future of Belgium, ta-whkh eour.trj' he seeks to return as King becomes even les clear .as result of the recent general flection there. " . hmis m BttSttttSS is BAD for Cars In AUTOMOl 1 V t SERVICE as in anything else, you get exactly what you pay for , . That's the reason U.S. Funds Accepted of the Official Rate SI. 00 O S Sl.tt toefe Vancbow In this election, there is no doubt, the real issue " donated by j. d. Scott a. o. Boas wai the iX).ition of Leonold. The party PUDixrtinr has loaned an interesting display kim thu P,n r,U! rhnetivr,' n!1orl of. Etnv m Indian work whlcji Copies of nSb card are belne wnt yon by reur trad Aiaocuaiv f Chepiber et Csia-awrc. Add.tjoool copies My b toev'td willing tho Scrrlorr ol yo AuotiolKMl. Thrig lukang Central Sooie Onuo 11 includes a model kayak complete ! why you're wise to bring .t 1115 f I FOR KCTCHI A with fisherman dressed In fur parka and raukluks, harpoon j u-ith bone point and sealskin float. Skin work, basketry, model Issverf by ii.ween 4t) ana 4 per cent oi ine vote, ims compares with a vote of better than 57 per cent for Leopold in the advisory plebiscite last March. ! Now, with voting on a party basis, Leonold ap vour Chrysler buiir car I to a man who knows it THE FOREIGN EXCHANGE CONTROL BOARD under ourhority o th Government of Canada For R''s totems and other objpets of mod- Write a pears as Kins?, not of Belgium, nor even of Flanders rn Indian -art are on display cm "J prince m DC A ComDliment to YOU . PHONE 79 PHONI 79 best . . . Our trained mechanics have the "Know How" to make repairs quickly saving you time und money. They us only factor engineered and inspected parts and special fac-fory approved equipment Rupert Motors Lid. Phones 566 Service Dept. RrV Ports Dept- aa he was described just after the plebiscite, but of a single political party. ; Yet this party asserts it will reinstate Jiopoll as King. As things lorik now, the Social Christians will have a majority in Parliament. If they use this to put Leopold back-on the throne, they may find they have weakened the entire dynasty by making it the capstone of a single political party. ' . What seems to be happening is that divisions in Belgium have been hardened by the former King's termination to regain the thmne-Thardened along geographical and now along political lines as.welL You are complimented when your purchases are charged . for your merchant shows he has confidence in you confidence that you will not enly pay your accounts, but pay PROMPTLY. . . ' Credit Bureau of Prince Rupert JHiarmttry Take The Kiddies SCWPTltE PASSAGE FOR TODAY .t -1 I acknowledged my sin unto thee, and mine Iniquity ENGINES & EQt'IPMENT 'VANCOCYEB-VICNJ - muni HOURS WMkdoy. 9 p.m. to 9 p.m. Stindayj 12 Moon to 2 p.m. 7 p m. o 9 p.m. SIXTH STREET AND THIRD AVENUC We stmk ''uriinilii nnrl liave fur ml illiwln. have I not hid. I said, will confess my transgressions unto the Lord; and thou forgavest the iniquity of my sin. V-"" . Psalm 32:5. Nlmiilrx (Sim Sunday, P '"- -Tuesday, 1:30 p.m.CW ALICE ARM. STEWART PORT SlMftO Sunday, CoqulUam,!" ..,u rll 01 f to The Beach O Come in ond see our complete selection of nec- essary items for the young beach comber BROADWAY CAFE CHARLOTTE M i Pest Food June . ss. Cartiosun, 1ft r, m ..n m iK' Ir'.llliis Pole fcHlvrH. :ililirlst 4mw ami Partt. HraK anr) 1niii Bi.w Hollerk I'lston Mlim. Pipe mm 'i,f r'lUlnicm, Itilililleil tv llrmiiiR. Jaw rhitilim . aiii'liiir Mfisr-r-lu'uds. Stfrl and Ura 8liurtln. IIi.IIh. nhIh, stiiiln anil Cap Iliililtiit Side HiiIIit NhPivrt. Aiii lMir i in rt v Muri-rlii-mlK. Hal Mllil Slwl. VarlnuK arlli lriinr miirliif Itnrtl-ware anil riilimnit, too nuiner-iui In uieiiUoii. BY.TOWN MACHINE WORKS 'TRAVELLING? For the very finest in LUGGAGE FORSUi i" j C'HRLOTTEIS l-inest CooK:nc ss. Camosun, J""1 v- 10 D "' iM FRANK i. Pours f a.m. to J tm Fpr Take-Home Orders-tom 200 George Cook, Jeweller 1527 Sr W. Box 1188 Phone 264 ' 'Prince Rupert 1 rm.l.J AirnnilA ' I DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS BRING RESULT na)ee