Prince Rupert Daily News . Tuesd?.;', Jane 20, 1550 . in Ireasures Of Local Talent OUWON-tpeek. iiaiesiiiiiiii Imaginary Tea i V f r 1 1 ' - , i . ; The Women's Canadian Club, in search for "buried treasures" among talented local citizens. Is RUPERT MENS AND BOYS STORE 5 unearthed a real treasure at the ( June meeting when the first of a series of "Treasure Chest" pro- Mrs. G. D. Mead, talented Today to Wednesday 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. pianist, chose for her topic "My Favorite Contemporary Composers" and gave a brief outline of the life and work of nine noted composers, and illustrated their Mrs. McKinley Is Mourned by Many Many old friends gathered at the Grenville Court Ci--apel of the B C. Undertakers yesteday afternoon to pay their final tributes of esteem and respect to the memory of the late Mrs. Martha Lorene McKinley, pioneer city woman, who passed away at the end of last week. Rev. Dr. E. A. Wright officiated at the chapel service and Rebekah Lodge committal rites were conducted in ritualistic form at the graveside in Fan-view Cemetery under the direction oi Mrs. W. J. Lineham, noble grand of Centennial Lodge. John E. Davey was organist at the chapel service and the hymns were "Breathe on Me, Breath of God" and "How Sweet the Hour of Closing Day." The processional selection was "Saviour, Breathe and Evening Blessing." All these numbers had been favorites of the deceased . Pallbearers, members of the Oddfellows' Lodge and old friends of deceased, were John Bremner, ,Duchess of Edinburgh Chapter, Imperial Order, Daughters of the Empire, decided Saturday afternoon to cut short on all the fuss and bother of a money-making tea and, instead, made it an imaginary affair. Instead of going to the trouble of preparing for the event and then turning out to patronize ,they simply solicited cash donations. The innovation was very successful and the proceeds were quite satisfactory. They will probably do It again, those in charge said. They were Mrs. F. J. Hicks, Mrs. D. H. Stewart, Mrs. Neil McDonald, Mrs. Alex Slater and Mrs. H. M. Wightman. and Morning Mood Gynt" suite. Edward MacDowell 'm I"" D.O.T. . Employe, ' r .1 I wild Rose and Moonshine bT.iaia at Rest (Moonshine was illustrated v ork by playing one or more of I iheir compositions as follows: . Cecilc Chaminadc "Seren- j ude." Sir Edward German "Pastoral" from "Nell Gwynne Suite," ( "Shepherd's Dance" from "Henry VIII.'" poem oy Kosctu presented bv Leopold Godowski "Ault- j wcin." ; Selim Palmgren "Berceuse." Mrs. R. E. Mortimer . ' Funeral s-rvice fur Claude Dcbussey "Arab- :6kobalski. 63, ho died CEque" General Hiispltl lt J Samuel Coleridge Taylor-Nos. held In Orcnvllle Cour, 2 and 6 from the "Valse Suite." ' Sflt.,rftav Mrs. Mead was presented with Z " . , Q rnn' Art'' a beautiful corsage of roses. ' J Z'iun of si. T.Kri The meeting was held in tlv can Chuwh ofiicaud an auditorium of the Civic Centre was In Fairview Cu and the use of the concert piano ' The deceased was tmnim FEMALE GEOLOGIST INVADES HE-MAN OIL FIELD OF WEST Attractive Diane Loraoger, of Kanitoba, one of the few women oil geologists, has invaded the hc-n:ar. nil lielct cf the west. This attractive 27-year-old girl, the first woman to graduate in geology from the Universty of Manitoba, hopes hrough the study of fossils "in about five or ten years" to be able tothrow some light as to the shoreline of the vast sea which is believed to have covered the prairies. Here Diane is seen in a microscopic study of tiny fossils. which added much to the beauty infn , Sergei Rachmaninoff "Romance." Edward Grelg "Butterflies Sockeye Drive High This Year P'"'"""vc - ..UUB., mpnt of Transport H courtesy of the Civic Centre ,ln Poland . No relaUvn 'J! If He Wants Z The Complete Works," Bring Him To His J Favorite Store " RUPERT MENS AND BOYS STORE Z manager. New .members and to live here. the guests were welcomed , by Manitoba Flood Relief Benefits Manitoba Flood Relief Fund benefitted from an enjoyable dancing party staged jointly Saturday night in the Canadian Legion ballroom by the Sorop-timist and Gyro Clubs. About sixty couples were in attendance and thoroughly enjoyed themselves to the music of Andy Mc-Naughton with vocals by Dyke McMillan. Buffet refreshments were servd. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Baker convened the affair with Mrs. P. M. Ray of the Soroptimists and W. F. Stone of he Gyros as well as other members assisting . president. , , The sympathyof the club was extended lo Mt" F. E. Anficld on the loss of her father. Afe4 J. L. Mcintosh, W. S. Hammond, C. H. Elklns. H. M. Daggett and T. H. Priest. Mrs McKinley, who was prominent. In the Presbyterian Church and the Rebekah Lodge, was an honorary life member of the Women's Missionary Society of the former and a past district deputy grand president of the latter She is survived by a son, J. Garfield McKinley of Oliver, and two daughters, Mrs. Aletta (J.C.) Gilker and Mrs. Beulah (F.G." Daniels of Prince Rupert as wel' ni"e grandchildren. Unofficial reports are that, there Is a particularly heavy run of sockeye salmon, on the Naas this year and a fair run on the Skeena'. No word of boat averages had been received at the Dominion Fisheries office up to I A t , TRYING TO PROVE (continued from page 1 niottKivje department, who will tv In town next week, to ask ir he will address a public meeting of those Interested In finding suitable living Quarters. Those present . were Mayor George Rudderham, Aid. G. B. Casey, U. E. Mortimer, Chamber of Commerce; ' J.' D. McRae, M.L.A.; F. W. Grlmble, Prince yesterday. Gillnetters started fishing the two rivers at 6 p.m. yesterday, but no report of catches was available at time of writing. The first packers are expected In V1CKERS' it distiuio in cl Rupert Credit Onion; H. S. Har- Make Fresher-tastirnj Jam UNO II DIITIHUTID IV ( rLson, . president, and J. J. Smltht:on, secretary of the Prince This idvertivmfn! i no puMnh i Rupert Trades- and Labor Yesterday motorship Sidney, Capt. Osmund Henrickscn, was in poft from Ketchikan with three carloads of fish for transshipment fast. Two of them were frozen and the other iresh. Blayed by th Liquor Gxiiiul Of the Goveintornt of biitoh ( j Council., and II. D. Thaln, City clerk. this Easy, rnmoW Way JUST ARRIVED! BING DENIES SEPARATION RUMORS Known for 20 years as the ideal Hollywood couple, reports now indicate Bins Crosby and his wife are on the verge of separation. The report was made by an attorney for Bing Crosby who said nothing will be settled until the crooner retu.-s from Europf this month. Hrre b nc; is shown with his wife, former actress Dixie Le. Binn drnied the report. Mrs. Crosby refused to comment. They have four sons. ONE-MINUTE BOIL Another Shipment of the Famous a . HEEL-HUGGER TIES! Making her first call here In months, Alaska Steamship Co.'s bif; refrigerator ship Lucldor arrived in port at 2 o'clock this afternoon with five carloads of frozen fish from Petersburg, Alaska, for transshipment East eve Canadian National Railways. The vessel will sail In con tinuation of her voyage to Seattle after discharging. CERTO recipes ned only ONE-MINUTE lull rollint boil. Right there you save of the time needed for old -fashioned long-boiling . . . not to mention the hot, tiring work t i . FLAMING BOAT (continued from Page 1) BLACK KID AA to EE FITTINGS Women of 'be Mco.-.e regular meelir? and -sta'.iTior. of officers. Wednesday. Moor." TeuiDl0 M " brethren invited lo attend at 9.15 p.m. 143 fM 2 lbs. FULLY RIPE FRUIT - . $14,50 "Theoretically they are fine," he added. The pair milled when they recalled noticing the skipprr in the tossing waves; convinced the pair had safeiy escaped. "The skipper loojced very di?-n:fied floating by," Schwan re-markfd. All personal effects wrre lo.-.t by Croduation Photos Call at CHANDLER'S STIDIO 216 4th St. Ph. Green 389 Open evenings by appointment You use RIPE fruit at the peak of luscious taste and color . . '. NOT the under-ripe fruit called for in long-boil recipes. The boil is so short it does not dull the color "or spoil the fresh - fruit taste. They Hay rigif in your jam. Sf-fllrfi tndTs will be received by th Minli.tJT of Forests at Vlctorln B.C., not !at'r than 11 a m. on thr lbth day of August. 1!50. for the purrhr.-e of Llcrnce X-47 05. to cut R '280.000 .f b m. of H. mlrx-k. Balsam, frnnirp. and Cedar on tho wst stoorr' uf Kildala Arm. &juth of IncikAn Re-servt No. 4. Range 4 Coast Land r-iMrk-t. IBirowiniwoods For sparkling jams with the delicious flavor and color of fresh fruit, try this short-boil method with CERTO. l ive yi-nrs be allowed ttr re- the crew. Leaplrg into the water i mnval of timber. WE PAINT thp Chirf r Oistrlct B.C. (149) fully clothed, they were forced' rlxFZTSv' to strip. Ail lost shots excert , I'orestcr! Prince RujjH-rt, the skioixr. One crew member ! and DECORATE exterior or Interior ; Learn to Dance Expert instruction in Fox Trot, Waltz, Jive Rhumba, Tango--Private Lessons For appointment Orecn 491 , PRINCE RUPERT DANCE STUDIO Learn to Dance CERTO is fruit pectin the natural jellying substance in fruit extracted and concentrated for ' better, surer jam and jelly making. These 5 points, typical of CERTO recipes, explain why CERTO is such a boon. .SPRAY or BRUSH Wallpaper Hanging 3 lbs. OF SUGAR A pound of jam made with CERTO contains no mora sugar than a pound otada the old, long-boil way. 4 ozs. OF CERTO Adding a half bottle (4 ois.) 'of CERTO ensures the correct ratio ol fruit pectin to fruit and auiar for a perfect wet. CERTO removes the uncertain element from jam making . . . helps ell fruits to jell perfectly. HIE LATEST PAINT BURNING METHODS piled aboard the Sandy S with only a pair of shorts. I "We were only in the water for a few minutes. We wouldn't have lasted for half ?n liout.'j ! remarkrd a ninmbrr. , STILL AH.OAT As no one rould '!.) i t rr-gines, the vt.s e! rr overt Hhi'M.r and, as the S; ndy S. affcHi d rescue, the mn werp in constant i fear of an explosion. The rescwf : craft remained in the vicinity "CERTO" U a trod-nwli ownsd by Gnra! Foods, Ltd. PROTECTION ! SPENCE and MATUIK 233 11th St. j Phone Blue 215 . Good Looks, Too! I IfS a wise home owner keeps his house In perfect . ditlon with Wch qly,pa: puarantcc a?." ThnYP a sure &ACTLV- i . . vou get 78 VVt- for approximpjtely half an hour. But the Hrmiii2 Nora Jar.e still floated. Half way into this povt th?v were met by the B.C. t'.'.Vrn vrs- Wlln!",M recipes 1 tin0! i - 1 rapid deterlnration 5 lbs. OF JAM Yest An average of S lbs. of jam instead of about 3 the long-boil wayt In the short CERTO boil practically no juice wastes away in tteam as it does in long boiling, you average 50 more jam from the tame amount ol iruit. i'",c b. tut to " M hanain'H- jimp'" " promise of lnerea.s.-a here, today- ncu. Chw EXA-" the fruit y .tractions f ctRl0 at ; se P.M.L. 15 .which landed the beaten men at the Homo Oil dork at 8 p.m. They were taVcn j nboa-d the J. S. Foley ry.Crmt. ;n TU O are " , your 8roce ' Gout R. Will:scroftand latr (mtfiUei by a city clothing establishment A Product of G rural Foods CERTO UIT CCTIN 1-40 thil civirtiiemnt if not ptlihd or dupUyt hf (h Liquor Control EWJ Of hf fc Govrmmf First word of the Nora Jane's plight came with an SO 3 message picked up at Di;by Ihlnn wireless station at 3.05 p.m. Th captain of the Nora Jane reported a "bnd firo" i-n board. At 3.31 the cantain of the .-"fora Jane again communicated wit'i DiRbv Island, announ'inq; that if B'',ih Colufnbii ML THE BEST the flaminR Nura Jane h;id been FOR THE JUNE BRIDE SPECIAL $7 FRYING PAN FOR $3.49 this it a saving of $3.51 on tho regular 8" frying par or on utk only . rn Individual pieces from $2.50 to W-3 in IT HAS BECOME ' GOSPEL . IN PRINCE RUPERT THAT THE FINEST DINNERS ARE SERVED AT THE ' CIVIC CENTRE DINING ROOM "Chicken In the Rough" To Take Out Phone 8G8 for reservations abandoned and that he and nl; men were safe aboard the finrviv ; S.. which he said had effected a "smart re.cMe." . The Nora J,nf was hadi-T ! for Ma.sset Inlet when the f'r" , occurred in the middir of the i Hecate' Straits, cbout half wny between Rose Spit and Triple , :l IMSON'S I Island. Service PHONE 108 PRINCE RUPE7.T PLUMBING & HEATING BUDSCHUMAN 'Old Post Office Bldfe.) The Nora j?ne. a dirsrl powered vessel, was built in Van YOUR FRIENDLY JEWELLER couver in 1927 and was ngisternd from that ror'- In the name of the Queen Charlotte Towinc; V Salvage Co. Ltd., 510 West Hat-tings Street, Vancouver. ' Available at Hardware Paint Stores ani lumber Dealers IS AFPREC EARLY ADVEKT1SLNU COPY