Prince Rupert Doily News Thursday. January 26. 1950 j O. W. Njckprsnn relumed io j ithe city .on the Prince. George yesterday from a trip to Seattle JJ?j Jfpndw,t wwr9nt nnntN) to I--.r tipt.nlimne of Prmrr Kimerl na in mmtiniii eonipri h.-j ntvtiwm an.l rrmr.ii etiti.ii tv.inn-.ri (AuthnriTFd in M-nnci Claw Mall. Post Otltir Do imrtmrni. Ottnwfti Ptibll'hffi evprv nftrrnnon wnt Knmtno v : JANU i CLEARI Rupftrt Dattv Npu-s I.tri ' arrf 1 ivpnn rin ivmi b.i.i..i. w.- rfinSwJi A r?..,l,.';?!TA2,T-F?'tr"' H n P"""V. Managing nirertor. HFMP.KR OF CANADIAN PRESS AfUIT BUREAU OK CIRCULATIONS ! CANADIAN DAILY NKWSPAPKR ASSOCIATION r..TT T SUBSCRIPTION RATES o DlW M CiTIr. Pn Week. 20r: Per Monin. 78c: Per TMr. 8.00. JTf Av3itr- , MU. Per Month. 60c; Per Tear. 5.00 W " j Defending Prince Rupert WK HAVE NOT BEEN HOWLING calamity ! but we would prefer to have our readers! fhink we have been talking insurance in certain j - .comments we have been making; in the recent water j fraud power crisis and in advancing another suggest- j iori that has been mde. i In the water crisis, the city has been without ade-' (fhaie fire protection, there is no doubt. Particularly hs.-ttlu's been so along a good deal of the waterfront ' although some establishments are equipped with j pumping facilities which might be used in case of 9" "I got tired of Junior's crying: Did I do wrong Ray Reflects . . . . . . anrf Reminisce " - j ... voa warm Ht jnlRTS ReQ Now $2 SO Men's PANTS Wool. Now f0r Men's WORK Special, pa;r A rv Req. uDtnt : Now'.: t . Bys' ond Girls piece SNOWS ! wool. Reg. $9 5 Now only . Boys' SWEATEI Wool, from For Com; Sheet Mela 0 - CALL - BLACK 8 0 SERVICE WORKfW DEPEND-. T.HO SHEET MET &n business in his capacity as j chairman of the International Fisheries Commission. Adver:sc :n tne uuiy News' V" ' v IK ta GOODI GOOD! (Ullogg't ntw, quick way ta mk BRAN MUFFINS WITH RAISENS No crnminK, micKg-Wiiling --jut one eny stirring! Make ini lo-da t : run ! j Ali-linm 4 cup miKr or $4 cup milk I 1 cup Hilled lluur 2 Uil)lcHrflllS 2H trfpijnii rt sliorliMiing baking powder 'i cup mitiiiui I. ("omliiik All llrua and milk in mixing bmvl. J. Sift lo(iihr flour, baking powder and m inio wune mining lxwt. Add augur or (?( I -mi tivrup. ti'i iorln-ing, and ruiHins. hur only until vttinhtiuHl. $, I-ill grenwcl rnufTin pan full, link in pf-ho'tlfd rtfi:rHlly hoi oven 4iHi l' ) uvnt Mj lliillultfS. Makes B luinrioiiH mufiino. Cnda't most famous natural laxliva crdl lor 4it of in-tuNtciant bulk - try a bowlful today 1 Mother Knows Best! Cold ltd Lj Grippe broken over-, night while you sleep! A long recognized cold remedy of e-ceptionsl merit, Keid's CRIP FIX cipvjlci are available at all drug stores and counters. FOR, Prinre Rupert has been h;v:- ing a lot about rationing. Ration- i.ig of foo., rsup.iing of fuM, ra- tioning of thU, that ana so.n:- thing else, v; i ow come to ovv very doo steps and isn't so p;o ) 1 It will be easier io have sono faint noton of th . other fellow's troubles, in tt a future. 5 V emergency. , While the situation appeared to be getting under Control yesterday, barring some unforeseen even-t-tirality, the power shortage did seem rather grim "the last few days and, under certain circumstances, such for instance as a railway tie-up which would in-temipt deliveries of coal to the dry dock steam plane, it might become critical again, r,-;-..- Every one, of course, hopes for an early change to more .normal winter conditions in Prince Rupert ' to' remove these water and power crises without ' 'further emergent measures. But the Weather Man is not promising much relief yet. The new suggestion which is being advanced is ..that one of the Canadian naval vessels might be dispatched to this port to take up its headquarters dur-' in'g the water and power emergency to stand by in the event of a waterfront fire or a further deterioration in the electrical supply situation or for possi-,.ble other relief purposes. The vessel, as naval vessels "'" have done at other places under such circumstances, could be used to pump water if required 'or to feed electrical power into the city lines to meet a defici Five hundred sack.-; of mail fatalities due to stress o' wea-from kocs east bv way ther. Takine it all anion! Ailnh I ency "--""If mv enemy nation ftf-anv other port with U 7 renewal of their franchise. U is j for the peuple of this community ! ' to ponder whether the compa.iy , complied with its bargain and 1 whether they siiould put up with I cuts in their comfort and earning capacity? instead of telling the people hat tney have not co-op?ratcl with the Power Company, the officials of that Company should offer their apologies to the citizens ior their own tthe Company's i lack of foresight and enterprise when afffC'.lnj; a cut in power deliveries. Thanking you, Mr. Editor. DISGUSTED. HOThtTRlvALS ; Prince Rupert Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Leith, Kin- eolith. J. S. Meek, Premier: J. Selmerson, Vancouver; H. And- erson. Vancouver; I. Haugen, Vancouver; W. J. Pitre, Sooke; A. Smith. Vancouver; C. Skaaravik, New Westminster; T. Rosmess-n, Vancouver; Mrs. R. Coulcombe, Samlspit. Mrs. F. Berryman and infant. Sandsptt. J.Jacobson, New Westminster; B. Cloke, Vancou- ver; S. McDermld Chiiliwack; Mr. and Mrs. Spurling, Port Edward; Capt. Brestad and wife, Vancouver JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John, Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue J BALAGNO FLORISTS I'houe Green 787 Box llfl3 Sew royal! HOTEL hiiiie to from Home lit kiinri.s tint mo '(n water fKlNCb K'jfKHI, He tl.l.,i- Z) f J. BtlX : 5 iliivuiK, racking, ( ralinc, Shipping and (.tncial ( iit taiic and Storage Coilipli'le Reliuljle !in.l Ellli'- l -. i Srivic-. alwt u -t.-li li for Ciii.inliitn I.iftikl Air Co. Mil . ' 1'nr OxyK''ii. Acelylene mid nil wclnini' supplies. Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Limited Cur 2ti'l and Park Avenues Kst. 1U10 IMtoncs (ill rind RX ftiV.-V ijTudvly rushed to the scene to provide defence. It would seem rensnnnhlp i vvi.vv Bfecmii'i calamity ri throuah circumstances other than strict - h' enemv attack POWER SITUATION ' Editor. Daily News: The Northern B. C. Power Company has asked the citizp.s of Prince Rupert to conserve power to the extent of 40'" ancy the Daily News concurs with an editorial. Both the notice and the editorial accuse the peo,.'.: of non-co-opt-ration with th- Power Company, administering practically ! a verbal spankir;; uo the citizens. Have either jf parties paused to reflect on the indiscretion of this movcV Last i year the same situation arose ' and the Power Company was I contemplating a conservation : measure. Luckily the elements ' intervened and the situation was relieved. What action did the Power Company, who have a franchise to deliver power to this comniun- ity take, to see that this necea- slty did not arise again? - NON'Ii. Today they are not request but arbitrarily enforcing on all the people of this eommunt.y, a conservation measure that could have been averted if they had hn willing to nut some o' thrir money into raising the dam a; Falls River. The small business nun such as myself who lives on his ability in fnA una io rtflt rl rUmi'iv 'l , . .T' hill hut the Ipeitimal. nrofi IIP derives from the use of tne po. r the Power Company i: obliged, through their francinsa, ta produce for his needs. I its am w un the power Is off so is his bill but so is his ability to earn a living and this is curtailed !huh th reluctance of the ves'e l interest to advance any more capit it, even though the situation clearly shows that such an Investment is required. The Power Company is ask n for a new rate structure and a IF BABY IS CROSS FIND OUT WHY healthy barif.s r not en. Vor bah. fiTo ! ..T: h,f '? ","".."LB": in tug luue sytt'-m out yt orrlcr. Frolmbly 1,ab ."wn iiitt can prumptiy -iiut ie riul.r " Mrs Tt rJ I Lll- l.-.i .u- mx-nmc. &he wnte: "My imie giri w.mrn- 1ble. trverish and unmetimrs gick at lit-r unmach what a reiin n wa.. aitfr sivm h 9r TMen, 10 mc boor much beuec niewai. Swt.tBinj Miy crartM to powaVr, Mewr. No"sUW'ut nndulliiwrttrct. rromptiy foiw r tnini Biiruiu. r.Zr" ZZZZl1 '"" r" ' Kal!y f,w" lat'ti-ts. SsicknM Kt otten ntiik.-s.iB Ui-nititit. Wilts. Wonty back If you are not (.iMn-i ,. bspifyiurr Qood Food For Tasty Meals At Reasonable Prices Chinese Dishes a .Specially CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN Rex Cafe 2nd Are. Opp. Rupert Hold 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 a.m. Phone 173 for Outside Orders ' 0 F 0 0 D t And talking about possible disaster conditions. r 'iTis to be supposed that other organizations are al-fo keeping their powder dry- Highest Quality in Your Prr ' Avail yourself at out fpt rit . , ' anJ versatilily. DIBB PRINTING BKSNER BLOCK I BIJITISH POLITICS RK ACTION FROM ONE POINT of view to the . other has something typically British about it. Ir. They're NEW The '59 fCI jlfspeaks the British attachment to moderation, a political factor that takes the dynamite out of many ri situation that would explode in any but British hands. It is what makes Hyde Park oratory safe the wilder the safer. " elsewhere, has been fortunate. Except an unusually lengthy cold snap, and its effect on uulitl? there has been little' (if that much) to cause anything ap- proaching hardship. No floods. No succession of blindinn snow- storms, no suspension of vehicu lar traffic, no stoppage of u.Vn service for days on end arri no has been goad to this part of ihe north, - The Medical Health Offer s.d- vises the boiling of drinking water, during liie present pownr crisis in Prin-.-c Kiipei". To do is no trouble, ?.nc' even if if were wouid be wvil wo: tn while. Health comes first. Slill Walking After Long Hike John Kristovich, hardy Ketchi- kan trapper, rl who drifted across Dixon Entrance from Portland 11111 1 10 uie noimwesi corner 01 , . ,.u. t t., 11 -'anam island in a bioken down trnllinir hnnt. anil then h(VH tcr " - v"' " fiftv niilflsj folnul Naden liar- " '.' I . . . rv . Dor to Masseti inlet, has not, had e'10usn piking. He was out for a walk" when Cmadian immigra- 0 Uon authorities "tried tO Contact him" by long distance telephone. The immigration people are in touch with the United States Coastguard at Ketchikan and two of Kristovich's brothers, James and Thomas, were considering coming to Massett to help John repair his stranded boat. But what seemed more likely is that the Coastguard would conie down to Massett and take John back to Kelchikan i ....... ' .. . . fcE: certm,u 'ot'rm, no. 32110. I to Lot One 111. mock Thirty- seven (371. Section Seven (7). City of Prince Rupert. Map 923 WHEREAS sdtislRCtory prortf of loss of the Hbove Certificate of Title Issued In the name of Levi Free-stad. has been filed In this offtc. notice is hereby given that I shall at the expiration of one month-from the date of th first publication "here- f. ttsxie a Provisional Certificate of Title in lieu of said lost Certificate, unless in the meantime valid objection be made to me In writing. DATED at the Land Registry Office, Prince Rupert. B C. this 18th cay of January. 1950. A. D. Andrew Thompson Deputy Registrar of Titles (42) ;lcome AT TABLE C N K E of Prince Rupert. Of course ttvs is the short route between east and west. John Strachey,, BiV aki's Minister of Food, niusi, be real'ni; a general elecUor. is on. tf. announces substantial increases in bacoa and candy rations. it must be admiitci that today. 11 any old time, the way- to the heart of the average man, and this . embraces .m: ele.-tor.i - Is ! through the stomach. -- me ieei ui guou eui til, cuaciew;, wooa or muaii; Dc-nealii ones '.cautious feu ti ou'.d a-vi: n ' gratitude anytnirs; .save -4'rcsh snow with smooth ice underne a h 11 'or sjippiiy hummocks. On the , It. vertie of a hird 1 fall its cnoin'h ! i to make one catch his breath- l. ana scores are Becoming experts in m rpmilnine iemailllUg erect eitct,. , , ,; . Even with conservation of power and water. Prince Fttpert, compared with what haypnod Commended For False Alarm An employee in the C.N.R. com missary on the waterfront not Iced smoke pouring through the floor and promptly contacted the fire department. Arriving at the . . .. , scene fuemen were happy to find no blaze but only smoke caused by a blow torch thawing jewer Dines underneath the buildine. Fire Chie Earl Bcker said that, aitnouyn it was a false alarm, h3 thought. n wise of the employee to contact the fire-department lmmeWat,y- . " f, liar ' "" t r T ' I lf 4 -4 ' Ofc VETERANS MINISTER Can- ada's minister r of of veterans' veterans' af- af ! fairs' Milton Gregg, knows well aBMBr.wn t-t m-i.i , S Now that Britons know they are about to be put iln-ouah a political campaign culminating in gen-54 elections February 23 vou can almost, bear thPm threatened Prince Puipert attack, the Navy would he tn nvnvulo ilnfmna orvnincf "um ieei some advantage the pound. This has nut a jigging tip mental drawbridges, even at this distance i ". '. t i Cat... I One diiference between the coming election and the "one that brought the Laborites to power in 1945 is that the contending parties are more nearly in political maturity than they were then. So their promises may sound more alike than thev did m. HM MM I muMU annCT 1 itrfrTfffen fes r-.-i. .--'Tlren. The voter will probably find generalities to HOLLYWOOD cTfe MOST (ll'-in-DATI-: CWK IN THE , U'tt of him as well as to right of him when the can-, lionading begins. -i- Ji ' n the mattt'1' of specific promises the Labor-t-lf';. have noticed that parties with more experience V;t2L a'm not at a mandate for doing certain thing. They 'jhr no: ask direct permission or direct orders from ItJhP people. They aim at winning power, re?er'ing V"f heir position to us? that power as they het see fi: This is not necessarily a sign of political dishonesty. Ol'KN FROM J:3fl P.M in S:Jfl A IM. We Specialize In Chinese Dlshea CTIIOI SURV C1I0W MEIN qv-; ipn Jt is is a a device device to to presene preserve flexibility ilexibility of of actit action. For Outside Order PHONE' IJ3 The IS flexibility could be r.sed for political gain, yes. But it also can be user! to achieve ends dictated by the . v common good through wise timing g and and strategic strategic 1 ORMH selection. If : m the devaluation of DRIJC DRUGS fRRSCRIPTION CHRMiST! IIOUKH WKKV. UAVS. A M II' ' SUNDAYS ANI HOLIDAYS 12 NOON iy' 1 7PM TO 9PM : heavier burden on the workers. It'invoked demands r l -.i, , . .. , ,, , , . ' -for higher wages to offset the reduced purchasing power of the currency- The Conservatives will doubt - ' less blame the Laborites for the devaluation The t i u v i i i i i i .'. Laborites have already had to bear the onus of keep - 4 ing the lid on wages in the face of trades-union restlessness. - 1 , Even when faced with disappointments, one can never tell what the British will do. The British . , are so self-controlled. ' the velerans' problems and mt- i erests. He won the Victoria ! cross and the Military cross ! during the First world war and was ser8eant-"t- ln ; - House of Commons from 1934 ; to 1939. Mr. Gregg, bom at Mountain Dale, n.b.,- in 1892. ! also ,s notd educationist. He I was elected to the Commons at- ! a by-eiection in 1947 and was j ml"istcr of f)she,ies b,'"'e I taking over his present posi- tion. (C.p. Photo) f Alwnys rrompl unci Courteous? Wit'ri! Here to fVrvo TOC i Commodore Cafe I "lI'iiHulily mid Ootid Frxul'V' I'Ikiiib 17 lur Send-Out Orders? ff?,r( Ave. Diivld Chnw, Mi;r i Dully car dr-llvcry service friirn am. till B p m me rirnm-.T un'J" from 7 I) n:. 0" M and Stn"W