Prince Rupert Daily Kew3 JM Thursday, January 28, 1950 -i : Rnli Schedule For 10-Pin Bowls L9SS -w , 'y - SHIPS and WATERFRONT Joog M Friday Jan. 27 City Transfer vs. A. E Intntly the moment you put a few drops of Vicks Vu-tro-nol in ench nostril you can actually feel the soothing relief from . Smith, Cloverleafs vs Leftovers. Mugwumps vs. Paramounts. Thorn Sheet Metal vs Gyro. Feb. 3 Paramounts vs. Gyro, Mugwumps vs. Thorn Sheet DISSS' MA .stuffy hend-cold congestion. Relief comes so fast because Vft-tro-nol works rigiit where trovhle in. It rplii'veKKiilffleHHnd sneezes, wmthea iriituting dryness, opens' up culd-stiiltcd nose n -' 1 . -hi hreiitUe aain. NOSE Dois DI"Wl Due to requirements for boat unloading and trains servlco, the ; waterfront circuit will be on power was turned on at 11:30; certain days. For example the I powe rwas turned on at 11:31 1 a.m. yesterday in order that the1 steamer Prince George e"uld be I ' unloaded. Regular rur'iulment effects the waterfront b.Hwi en j 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. To t'n;jvm- i sate for this extra usage of e'.tx- j tricity, curtailment will be extended at some time during the day for two hour intervals w!i"iv least inconvenience will i)e t Metal, Cloverleafs vs. City Transfer, Leftovers vs. A. E. Smith. Feb. 10 Mugwumps vs. Cloverleafs, A E. Smith vs. Gyro, Paramounts vs. Leftovers, City Transfer vs. Thorn Sheet Metal. Feb. 17 Thorn Sheet Melal vs Paramounts, Leftovers vs. City Transfer, A. E. Smith vs. Clover Hoop Standings Basketball league standings: Senior - W L P Co-op 9 3 ; 18 Bo-Me-Hi ....; 5 8 10 Brownwoods 4 7,8 Intermediate Fashion 10 ' 4 20 Merchants v. 1 7 5 14 North Star Ladies Peoples Dom's High School Junior Rupert Hotel Kinsmen High School Boy Scouts Sea Cadets Stones . CONSISTENCY ;r4, (By I. Grumble) , Some folks just can't make up their mind They change it several times a day, But I'm consistent, all the time I grumble. " " Of tonics I have quite a few ' , The weather is a favorite one So rain or shine Just listen to , My grumble. At times the rain Just gets me down, Gum boots, umbrella, slicker hat, I don them all and as I frown I grumble. At other limes the weather's dry, Water and power both are low, And so to bed I simply hie, - And grumble. Or comes the frost; the Ice Is fine, But I don't skate, or ski or sleigh; My pipes freeze up and so I whine And grumble. Down falls the snow: the kids are glad, Snowmen spring up, so big and fat-But snowballs fly, the walking's bad, I grumble. Now as I walk about the town Bad roads and sidewalks bother me, And as I climb, up hills, then down, I grumble. And then the city engineer Improves the roads. What's all this mess? The streets are up! Well, have no fear, I'll grumble. I like the best, and no delays. New roads, new schools, new telephones, But If the city rates they raise I'll grumble. You see I am consistent, though What's that about the after life?" . . In heaven above, or . . . well below I'll grumble. leafs, Gyro vs. Mugwumps. Feb. 24 A. E. Smith vs. Mugwumps, Gyro vs Cloverleafs, Leftovers vs. Thorn Sheet Metal, Paramounts vs City Transfer. Mar. 3 City Transfer vs. Gyro, Mungwumps vs Leftovers, Paramounts vs. A. E. Smith, Cloverleafs vs. Thorn Sheet Metal. Sunday Jan. 29 -Pr. Rupert Plumbing vs. W.E.A.C., Savoy vs 99 Taxi, Royal Hotel vs Grotto, Commercial' ' Hotel vs Liquor Control fishi in Board. , . ( J Feb. 5 Savoy vs. Royal Hotel, 1 Liquor Control Board vs W.E.A.C.. Iliii xivueuieui it ncit publiiliej or UispLveJ by d.e i.i.ium Cwstrul Boud. ox , bt tie Govemmcut of btitult Columbia . Pr. Rupert Plumbing vs Commer-' cial Hotel, Grotto vs 99 Taxi. ; ADVERTISING IN THE DAILY NEWS BHINOS RESULTS. ; KARLY ADVERTISING Clil't WILL BE APPRECIATED PHONE 79 PHONE 79 I : ! ' Feb. 1299 Taxi vs Pr. Rupert Plumbing, Commercial Hotel vs Grotto, Liquor Control Board vs Royal Hotel, W.E.A.C. vs Savoy. Feb. 19 Liquor Control Board vs Savoy, W.E.A.C. vs Royal Hotel, Commercial Hotel vs 99 Taxi, Pr. Rupert Plumbing ys Grotto. Feb. 20-Groto vs W.E.A.C, Savoy vs Commercial Hotel, Pr. Rupert Plumbing vs Liquor Control Board, Royal Hotel vs 99 Taxi. Mar. 5 W.E.A.C. vs Commercial Hotel, Grotto vs Savoy. !)9 Taxi vs Liquor Control Board, Royal Hotel vs Pr. Rupert Plumbing . . Ihn advcrtucinffnl it not published or diwUycd by th Liquor Control Roird 1 by tht Government Uriin Columbie ' P ' . putrnutnj HOURS' Weekdays . ... 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sundays ... ... ..... .. 12 Noon to 2 p.m. .7 p.m. to 9 p.m. SIXTH STREET AND THIRD AVENUE . ONE BILLION DOLLARS IN SAVINGS 'y . . . Mi BANK jot miaou cmtoimi Matured and Bottled in England n u !.. md L (ft Dill JCUDy S Mens' Bowling League Schedule Jan. 30 -Scouans vs Cold Storage, Undesirables vs Ambassadors, J.C.'s No. 1 vs Can. Legion J.C.'s No. 2 vs Commercials, Crescents vs Home Oil, Thorn Sheet Metal vs Brownwoods, Manaon's vs D & S, Philpott Evitt vs Rupert Motors, Mallets vs Trlpl C's, Oddfellows Vs . W.I. Stages Bla'lh's vs Grand Cafe, Stones v. CPA. ' Feo. 6 Blaln s vs W. 1 Stages, Stones vs Grand Cafe, D At 8 vs C.P.A., Mallets vs Rupert Motor?, Scotians Vs Triple C's, Thom Sheet Metal vs Cold Storage, J. C's No. 1 vs Ambassadors, J.C.'s No. 2 va Can. Legion, Crescents Vs Commercials, Philpott Evitt vs.. Home Qi), Brownwoods vi anion's, Undesirables', vs Od J fellows. , ( ; 4 Feb. i3J. C's No. 1 vs Oddfellows, J. C's No 2 vs Ambasftad ors, Crescents vs Can. Legion Philpott Evitt ' vs Commercials, woods vs Cold Storage, D k, 8 vs of Fine FURS CONEY (dyed rabbit) $89.50 BIBffli - - - -1 1 r,flmtrtrr''jsi:Jas a How's your Savings Plan for 1950? . i . Save what you can afford ' to save regitliirly. Bank of Montreal fin I Si M II lurSKRAT (flank);..... $169.50 t ROYAL NAVY Convenient Terms Arranged i i i i BILL SCUBY FURS PEMERARA R This arlvcrtiscmnnt In not puTilishod or dispVi: Liquor Control Hoard or by the poverrr ' of Hritish Columbia 302 3rd Ave. Box 13G2 Black. 410 WORKING WITH CANADIANS IN EVERY WALK OF LIFE SINCE 1817 LOCKER PLAj SPECIAL LOW-PRICE OFFER FOR YOUR WALLPAPER HANGING Fc Your Interior Painting and Decorating Call SPENCE & MATUlK Phone Blue 215 ' 1-', ii 233 1.1 Street Mallets ' vs Home, Oil, Brown-1 Grand Cafe, Manw)h' vs C.P A.,j HALIBUT (chunks) 15c I ll.I.El RED COD BOLE HALIBUT Excellent dipped in butter and fiea In deep tut or boiled and Scotians vs Rupert Motors. Thom Sheet Metal vs Triple Co, Undes To Advertisers To insure publication of (lis- -play or classified advertising copy for same must be in tha office of the Daily News by 4 p.m. the day previous li . advertising. Requirements of the mechanical department; make this rule necessary. i I vra wim mus'iroom or to- - .- irables vs Blaine's, Etones'Vs SALMON m;no snure. ppr )h W. I Stage?. ; , ' ; in I Oysters '2pt. 4ic Slirimp Meat u 4 1 1 RUPERT FREEZING CO. LTD 23i 2nd Ave. Phol SHOE SALE EVENT OFF OFF WITH 10 GIUETTE BLUE BLADES IN OISPEN'EI Feb. '20- p& V,W, t Stages iU.PA. vs Cpand Jafe, MaiisohV vs Cold Storage, Thom', Shee; Metal vs Rupert Motors, Undesirables Vs Stones, J. C.'fl No. 1 v ; Blain's, , Mi'le'tit vs Commercials Scotians vs' Home Oil, ; Brown-woods vs Triple Cl. J. C's No. 2 j vs Oddfellows, Crescents vs Am-i bassadors, Philpott Evitt vc Can . i! I Now Here ! NEW 1950 CHRYSLER PL 4 Vt TO V4 OFF 'REGULAR PRICES Shaving's a breeze, blade changing a cinch with the new Gillette Rocket One Piece Razor and Gillette Dispenser. Enjoy utmost shaving ease and convenience, plus double-edge economy. Get yours now ! Gilletl Rocket One-Piece Razor and r.oi.t.. t:. ... Legion. BROWNWOODS . You get the Good Things first ho Chrysler Corporation High Compression Engines Hydraulic Brakes Floating Power All Steel Bodies villi. 1 1 s vrpciivi with 10 Gillette Blue 4 2Q Blades. Regular r Zm ( $2.00Volue f Feb. 27 Crescenta vs Oddfel ows, Philoutt Evitt vs Ambas sadors, Mallets vs Can. Leglor" Scotians vs Commercials. Thorn Sheet Metal vs. Home Oil, Cold storage vs Triple C's, J. C 's No. 2 vs Blain's, CPA. vs W. I. Stages Manson's vs Grand Cafe, Brown-w(X)ds vs Ruoert Motors, Undes-l ablcs vs D & S, J. C's No. 1 v? Stones. 1 . . and I Wvickers; mmmf London "Dtf GIN ' ' Automatic Over Drive Transmissiof For Expert V" " Fluid Drive . And Many Other Firsts See your local Chrysler Plymouth Df RUPERT MOTORS LI VICKERS' IS DISTILLED IN CANADA AMD IS DH1IIIUIED Y CalVrtt rhi advtrlisenient is not nuMivlieil or dis. It yniir KUbscilptlon Is !t arrears and you do not recelvr your paper, please do not blame the publisher, the new? boy or the post office. Jir rjyfd iy the Licuor Control Hoard ot y (tie (jovctnnien) of iiritish Columbia. YUMNVI Watch & Jewellery Repairs -See- . MANSON'S Your Frieridly Jeweller 3rd Ave. Box 998 Green 324 That's whot . family REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED about the cl do a little straight talking t yourself. Co-operation of scribers in this regard woulc be appreciated. It would av a lot of trouble and body would he nappier. Sub- scrlpllons ar9 payable in vance I CAKES from Combines Instant Blade Changing Superior R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. (Near CFPRI ; RUPERT BAKERIES LTD. 619 3rd Ave. Phone 64' jnaving Lomrorr-Double Edge Economy