Prince Rupert Doily New3 ...... Thursday, January 26. 1950 i Vins Basketball Time Table Brownwoods vs. Co-oo. 1 , Mareh 6 Grand Cafe vs W. , Stages, Manson's vs Triple C's ! Undesirables vs CP A., J. C's No j 1 v D & 8, 3. C's No. 2 vs Stones, j to witness the final match In the score at that time showing Mor- with a break of 41 made early hi Xirst handicap English billiards gan leading 103 to 88. In the trre content, tournament of ihe season in second half of the game Stewart' Entry lists for the next hantit-which Don C. Stewart, defeated gradually gained supremacy fin- eap Er'S!ifih billiards tournament Bert Morgan by 200 points to 165. al)y w(nnJng m 'were posted In the Club Rooms Stewart, who was playing with th mdtCh ,,h S&n ,,,, reade , , break today and the tournament will a handicap of 20 against Mor-the be started as soon as the lists re gaii's spo,t of 20, had recovered of 24 an1 23 wnlle hls PPnent filled so that It can be complete! 23 points of the 40 points when ','v,ral times got Into double before the new premises are occu- lards Crescent vs Blain'., Cold Stor- i Basketball league schedule fof; e Vs R"r PhllPott the remainder of the 1940-30 sea- ..Motor-!- ! You will be delighted jwitlv this fragrant tea 'pi'- ' a good attendance son is as follows: E.YUS VS ISCHIieitOWS. MUIieiS vs Ambasactors, Scotians ts Can i ,nt at the C-aiw p1 . . t rt . . . ii Scouts, Donrt vs. High School, j " Mewi vs H ill Tuf'Sd'iiy in';"" uie wrai century was passru, me iir.ures wnii-n oiu not ennue pled. recording In the "break book." ; . . brownwoods vs 'ommerclals, North star vs. Merchants, Co-op ve. Brownwoods. . . '!ome Oil. Besides winning the prize for i the tournament, Don also carries iolf the prize for the highest: 17 ' j Rupert Jets Series. MARKETS j break during the tournament j ' X i Feb. 4 Stones vs. Hih School, sissin fen! Soa Cadets vs. Kinsmen. North "BUILD SC. PAYROLLS" v f ?.- Star vs. Fashion. Co-op vs. Bo- rrefih tnn M"'H1- 'Jananese Oranges 1.35 Feb. 7- Rupert Hotel vs. Stones. faArik7m?" 1 High School vs. Peoples, Mer- Fancy Macs. 3 lbs 29 vie rhants vs. North Star, Brown- Lemons, laree Cal. doz . 78 , , ' Oraoefruit 3 for .29 woods vr. Co-op. Oransjes iNaveli , .. JT0 .4;i .43 .8 .50 i Feb. 11 Kinsmen Bov fates ,. .25 85 Ham. ree. lb w . ;it Boloena, lb. i-.5 Weiners . .6; Garlic Sausaue. lb . .6fl Bacon, pkg. '2 lb . .62 (There mav lw' vnriations Bacon, side, olece .... Cottage Roll, id Liver Sausage, lb F'resh Pork Ham. lb. Pork Choas, lbv Pork Sausage, lb Steak. T-bone. lb. ... Veeeiaoies w-uuui, nign ocnoci vs. tsea uaa- , refer? Ih 10-13 CANADA AND IS DISTRIBUTED BY CalVftt in RhubarU. 2 ib . 21 els. Merchants vs. Fashion, Bo- Ri-S DI5TIUED IN I ' . .75 orices in various stores rirnenft Beets, bunch 10 Me-Hl BrohwxxIs, u vs. uuwiiifus. UMu-J or displayed by tli Liquor Control ltojrl w . .ia ma on wiiether soecial ot . .88 standard dualities are listed.) .4 PtpsIbv hunch N u: niras, Kteak. round, luniiu. in irj Feb. HSUmes vi Boy Scouts, i Trnfas T "..fts Tenderloin, lb. ... Mi j nt I" ncmnitnl of Nntnh Columbia. l.v ti.i t . Dora's vs. Peoples, Fashion ttlWa'i0 i?l It's business wise to advertise. North Star, Bo-Me-Hi vs. Co-op. , Mushrooms, lb. .ZZ"..'".i. X3 Feb. 18 Rurjert Hotel vs. Sea Head Lettuce 13-.18 V.V.Wi'AV.'.V.'AV.WWAWWWW 1 "Vw.lrirw. . 3 lbs. Cadet K-irrvn c Mioh 1 .29: .151 RYTHING FOR , ........ .i.i, , i,auunower. 10 f "A ROLLING STONE f lb. lb. ZZZZ I.- f 3ATHERS NO MOSS" 9 The Babies 0 Pre-School Children and Complete Knitting Supplies Winter days make that delle-knis warming eup of eoffee doubly enjoyable. And if you add cream, be sure lf "Irradiated" Pacific . . , there's a world of difference. Storing the fam But it sure has a lot qL at fun just travelling " 1 North Star vs. Merchants, Co-op 'Tomatoes. Colif. .25 vs. Brownwoods. , j Toes. NoTib. "J."" 733-S81 Feb. 21 Sea Cadets vs. Stone I Potatoes. 10 lb .47 S-t HiKh School vsDom's, Fashion ;"ZZ..m vs. Merchants, Brownwoods s j Snuash. lb.-...-. Ifl'.i Bo-Me-Hl. i ' Canned VeCTaiies i Feb. 25-Hlgh School vs. BoyiiH Pickles gal. J5j Scouts. Kinsmen vs. Rupert Hotel. gul f & uncy ZZ Z IZ I North Star vs. Fa-shion, Co-ip vr. j Mled ' Vegetables 3 ; Bo-Me-Hl. ' I Diced Beets, oer tin .16 t. IT'S OUR FIRST f BIRTHDAY ! ! 1 , And to Celebrate We're Offering You 111 20 OFF ON ALL RADIO REPAIRS UNTIL FEBRUARY 6th CALL. BLIE 992 iliar vacuum packed Pacific tin TRANSPORT BOARD CHIEF Mr. Justice M. B. Archibald, a native of Colchester County, N. S., Is chief of the federal Board of Transport Commissioners. He is a former chairman of the National War Labor Board. Mr. ustue Archibald was born Jan. 25, 1891. CP Photo) he stork shoppy i pacTmc muk wax Beans, cnoice .zi Blue 810 i Irradiated and Vacuum Packed rei. reomis vs. niKn,u j V.i. ii 3rd Ave 13 !5: V TOPS FOR HAMBURGERS At MILLIE'S OPEN G a.m. to 1 a.m. DAILY Just off Third Avenue wnooi, Mercnants vs. Norm star PumDkin 2 for Baked Beans, 20-oz. tin Sii ', Baked Beans, 15-os. tin e 1-1 KEN'S RADIO CLINIC Tomatoes 28 oz 21 .25 .13 Li Quart . Pint .... Cream. m 6th St.' fh. Orders Blue 92 For Satisfactory Service US 2nd Ave. W. Blue 993 Dint Professional and Business . .53 .. M2) .. .87 : .. .33 : .. .53 i . x. I .7.50 Medium cartons Pullets, cartons ilutlcr First Grade, lb. Maiuarine. lb. Cheese Canadian Cheese lb. illllV Evaporated Milk, lo-oz. tins. 1 101 ... Case - .60 , Pastry Flour, 7 lbs. iFiour, 4s, No. 1 hard i Wheat .360 ...1.82 iour.. 21s MATTSON'S j . .. UPHOIJSTKRINU ( - Pnone Blue 818 P.O. Box 5st 1 330 Second Avenue t Pra Rupert. B.C 'tea and Cofiee Catherine Laurie PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER. , 401 Third Ave. West ' ' (Prince Rupert Realty Co.) Phones: Oreen 661-Days New Residence Phone Number Red 964 Coffee lb 62-82 Tea DeLuxe nuanntv lu Orange Juice .29 Blended M Grauefruit.'i , W( r ', - i i Tomatoes. 2002. ear. '.18 FOR KUt'K ROCK & CONCRETE WORK "4 ' M. J. SAIjNDERS j Newk Modern Equipment All Work Guaranteed 28-oz. 24 Kallon j 5V Annie, 2(H. fln'a oti.f?.2i 48-OZ ' - ...... .L. .34 .;annefl rruli, , Pineapple, ' crushed -33 Pieces, 20-oz : '.41 Amieois. ! 20-oz '. 3b Cnerrins. ancy. 20-oz ; 38 Loganberries. 20-oz. 2 ' Peaches.' choice .24 Bytown MqchincWorki Sales .Service and. Paris Siljiplex Gas Engines 3i h p. 185 h p. Cummins Dependable Diesels 65 h p. 550 h p. Inquire about mrr Ions tfrni Warranty and Service A.P. GARDNER &CO. j CHARTERED' ACCOUNTANT.. Mini : Pure. lb. ., Shortening ... : Soap Soap, face, bar Launrirv. cake 2 tor Soao Powders, larse A. L. Bell. C A.' Prince Rupert'- .24 31 .18 .2 .38 Hotel . Ji- - , Approx, Itinera rjk Jan. 26-31 Terjace Feb. 1-10 JDmni FM1S, Bell Bella Ch.-rries. V2 lb. pKt Coconut, lb Almond Paste It Fruit Cake Mix, Ib. Dates, fmicv. 1 Ib. i-Kt Ffb. ll-Anlil 15- -Prince Ru-. .45 .45 .39 .45 .34 .as .26 .35 .42; .50 pert. Terrace District 9 ;;r . a ( .- MfJ senniess Kaisltis i ids Seeded Raisins, 2 ibs" Shelled Wamuts. y, lb Shelled Almonds. 8 oz. Shelled Bra i Is. 6 oz. . Shelled Brazils. . Va. Jam - Strawberrv. 24-0i. SIDNEY GONICK OPTOMETRIST Complete Visual AnalysU OFFICE HOURS 9 a.m. Mi 5 p.m. ii & 24 Besner Blbclt TelejJnone 212 : Evenings by Appointment MARGARET McLEOlf,1 OPTOMETRIST Koom 10 I ' rt one- b u i n i n 6 ,: Ha.- ineiry, 24 o .4 Bluckberry, 4-lb. 81 Cherry. 24-oz. OhCh, 4 Ib a Apricot. 4-lb Jttuiien Souim .. to ' Meat!. Turkey B5-70o I Uuaslina Chicken, lb 62 : I PHONE BLUE 593 PO. BOX H84 Ham. boned and rolled, id wo r DU. GARNET Ii rl MONTGOMERY DE.NTMT, rimte 7 iiinlth Bloc Phono 525 ; PO Box i2l GEORGE RORIE & CO.H y'3- - . Am A 'SC? iI.lL A 'V. Srrrrji jj j Public Accountants and Auditors. Income Tax Returns compiled G. L. RORIE, A AfcT S. B. LAIRD, B Comm. Besner Block PhonS 387 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving . Beauty Culture In all its branches 204 4th Street . Phone t5 - frii '" - t HANDYMAN HOME SEKVICh J GENERAL CONTRACTORS ;i ' ' ' f -I ' I PIANO TECHNICIAN Tuning, Voicing . intt Repairs MIKE COLUSSI . PHOfie BLACK 75 -' ' 972 10th Eait Building and Repairs of all ; s kinds ; ROOFS CHIMNEYS OIL-BURNERS J z::x vr V' - .-vj . .Jf HONES . v-: Red 8! Black 334 P. O. Box 1670 DR. P. J. CHENEY DENTIST SUITE . SMITH BLOCK Phone 765 PO Bo lUl Libhy's are an appetizing, nourishing dish that costs about 5c a serving, And Libby's are popular with.the whole family because they're richer in flavour, extra tender, cooked the exclusive Deep-Browned way. Libby's own Deep-Browned cooking method surrounds each bean with even heat gives a through and through tenderness which no other beans can equal. Drenched ifk Libby's savoury tomato sauce rich la nourishing proteins Libby's Deep-Browned beans are truly extra special. Just heat and serve. They're your quick way to tempt family appetites a popular way to cut food costs the easy way to serve B & vNT'TRAN-SrR , .. . . Cord Wood, Cedar, Spruce ', Kindling wood 50c per sack PHONE RED 182 a hot measuring warm weather. Vour grocer has them. Stock up now on Libby's .Deep-Browned Beans the beans with the double your money back guarantee. QUAUT5T REPAIRS for Downtrodden Heei and Worn Sole MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Bo 774 Second A fan 11. flAX DBB2-4? i KAIEN TRANSFER i FOP ROCK AND DIRT FILLS BASEMENT & LAWN WORK Phone Blue 981 or Black .140 Newspaper advertising pays off In dividends. t 9 M 'jO-4 TUi rtrirtlieiuiit 1 not nblnh or dlnulayad r th I.liior Control Xui-i or by th Ocrniun ol tltiik Oaluiblb IV