.. nnrp believed i one man's magnetic personality ;,c ccnil)'"ld sub- Prince Rupert Dally News Wednesday, April 28, 1950 , studio in .Stratford, Ontario,! f r irr rr IV i JEiys SJt Port Essmgton . J Oscar Picture, ihibltion in Carroll Fine Art' 111 D.. J , ! fl II ' Moted Paintings For Hobby Show r ,,f nicit-i" j " affected the lives of thousands. Besides Br.xVerick Crawford's portrait, the powerful drama also has a notable east that in- :erent proportions. , Galleries of Toronto she Is a1IU.IICM ft DUllCU .5 jnOWmQ nCie I pupil of the noted Canadian i Don't Miss ! ! Miss Jean Park Cameron, Ca- . . . , . , M. i eludes Joanne Dro, John Ireland, t i portrait painter, Archibald nrcniowa Bar' Bar-' Funeral of " Mrs. Dorreen Rob- u i radian artist, has sent out an-' ' John Derek and Mercedes Mc- PKAUUK ' . .... r lies. n.l.A. Of Tnrnntn ami o erts. native wnmnn nf Pnrt. Ess. Unmet tr th - i proximately miriy . paintings to ,w . ' " , , " ",llc" ",c ramhrtrtim 8 f . . .. . -.. . member of th r;nwiio., vew- fnatnn. whrn ripath nwnrrari in Mni t,..j.. t:.i . wmonoge. nr., rh.c hiS, ..XL.,,,, , Arusxg. me National rrince KUDert General Hosnltal and Satnrrinv r.f two .,.t t n sner &ck X S m n s m Hobby Show at the Civic Centre. NOTIC'E OK fANf l-l.l.tTIO-! .j ui umaoa, me w uai- nunaay, took place yesterday , the King's Men." based on a Pul- I,l'E 442 . :..imfrit oils, oils and and is is vprv very versatile versatile In in her V y Toronto, the Canadian afternoon from the chapel of B.C. itzer Prize novel by Robert "Tioe established mj giv that thn BARGAIN DAYS FRIDAY, SATURDAY MONDAY & TUESDAY 4 Big Days oi Real Value reserve pursuant to ork, paiiting parting landscapes, landscapes, still still i j "71 u " r,"iler5. a"d a"a the e Undertakers undertakers tc to mrm i;v.ork, Fairview Ceme- Perm Warren. Broderick Craw life and portraits With eiiual ; A.,u7 uul"irl society or tery. Rev. L. G. Sleber, pastor of ford won an Oscar for 1943 fof skill. i' . ... First United Church, officiated his outstanding performance In d 1 B. ner Panngs is a and Mrs. J. C. Gilker presided at this picture . hu9, the Art Ganer.es ,n 'TX. "1, at manv Parls 01 uw woriu. nas a, the summer home of TV awJ"'.. "clc. "u,uc iw, IUIP" onrt "Tncna T i-i n Ordtr-in-Councll No. 466. Notice of which wan published in the Brtttah Cohimbta Gazette on Maroh 27th. 1947. covering certain lands on th Tslmpsenn Peninotila, Ramje 5. Coast District. the vieintty of Port Edward, is cancelled insofar as it relates to Lot 737ft, Range 8, Coast District. Geo. P. Melrose. Deputy Minister of Lands. Department of Lands and Forests, Victoria. B.C., April 18th, 1050. : . . NOTirK OF C AN-Cf.l.l.ATlON OF RF.KF.kVR NOTICE is hereby given that the t a ander Graham Bell on tho hill U , . ' "ijr at the left. A VJct f J" mad6 Cemetr. thin painting was featured In Fai'V.e.W "Afl the Ki:ig's Men" is the brilliant merciless study of a self-made man, a ruthless "big shot," and hi3 morals, manners and women. Containing electrifying drama, "All the King's Men" is acted out against a huge canvas of large-scale action as THE UNIVERSAL (See Tomorrow's Paper) V the March nuhlienflnr. Af th-. cars OI aKe, Mrs. kod- erts is survived by her husband "Blue Bell", a magazine pub- 3 li.shed by the Bell Telephone and three cnik,m' company of Canada. TherA arp ol In the Supreme Court of British i IZLlJT. 13 t;oiumoa in Probate in the matter , "L '. " " i : ' . 1; which was published m tte British : scenes painted in the vicinity V LJ I Dt M J or the "Administration Act" and In i-olumbia Gazette on March 27th. ! 1947, covering certain lands on the jiim jaiiu of Jasper, Alberta, Including one of Medicine Lake, and another Delicious Bakery Treats i PASTRIES O PIES timpsenn renmsuia. Range a, uoasc i WATERFRONT the matter of the estate of Neil McDonald, deceased. Intestate. TAKE NOTICE that, bv Order of His Honour Judge w. O. Pulton, local Jrdee of the Supreme coort ol British Columbia. I was on the 21st aay of April, AD. 1950. appointed Administrator of the estate of Neil McDonald, deceased, late of Stewart, of Mount Tekarra looking towards the Athabasca River and showing the historical site of e e uinrtct. in the vicinity of Fort Edward, ts cancelled Insofar as It re"- j Intes to Parcel "B" of Lot 446. Range 5, Coast District. j . Geo. P. Melrose. I Deputy M,mtHter 0f LRn(jg. Department of Lands and Forests, Victoria. B.C.. i December 21st, 1940. Old Fort Point. Another view.; .jjaaajBiag. Ion display in the lobby of the! ln.a, ,. , - ! Hntlsh Columbia, who died on the CAKES O COOKIES CRISP APPETIZING BREAD All baked fresh daily RUPERT BAKERY LTD. Civic Centre, shows Mount Edith tn'e' ::r f -t Fbrf. . at ! lne agent 01 tne Department Of IravPll Stewart. British anrt 1 aVn nn.f l Columbia. All per- Iiepardiienf or t.infls anil Forel ' I'elioleuin unit ttinr:it dm fimtrof evening setting near Jasper required to pay the amount of their rharaf.t-ri.ri(. cnafacteristiC nf Of tVut the lilrht light at at Park Lodge. r"' j indebtedness to me forthwith, and Misi romprnn'i fanrH nf afl CaP St- JameS light station On , !' Persons having claims BKalnst the muss Cameron g lavonte of ail . . .. said estate re remit fu thm '1 Notice of intention to auulv for n me snuinrn. pnn At T.n uiwfn these paintings is a scene en with me properly verified oh or be. Petrnleitm and Xnturat iai Pmnif I nmler the "eefnrteum nun Natural j ;as -t, m4I." Charlotte Islands has been re fore the 31st day of May. 1S50. fall- stored to flashing as it was for- ZvtZ T,etr', . " .EJISl ADVERTISING IN THE DATLY NEWS BRINGS RESULTS. titled "Blue Rocks", a little fish-1 ' ing village near Lunenburg, ; Nova Scotia. It shows the small merly. ' of which 1 shall hare been notllted HIRAM WALKER'S ST- j houses perched on the rocks, a : : ' ,';cove with fishing dories anchor "he is contemplating giving tip , ed, and the sea and surf. Other! teaching so that she may devote DATED at Prince Rupert, B.C. this 22nd day of April. 1950. CORDON PRASKR FORBES i . Official Administrator Prtnce Rupert, B.C. (100) BROADWAY CAFEJ Cape Breton scenes are "BlacH I 3,1 her 'e to painting. In the Land Recording District of j Prince Rupert, and situate In tin-surveyed Territory: TAKE NOTICE that Garson Charles I Mitchell, of 8C7 Yorkshire Building, in the City of Vancouver, in the Province of British Columbia. Prospector, intends to apply for a permit to prospect for petroleum and natural I pas on the location described as follows:- j Commencing at a post planted at the South-east corner of Lot 2771 ; Ml Graham Island, thence 1 mile ! North, thence 3 miles West, thence j I mile South, thence 1 mile West, thence 3'2 miles North, thence l! mile West, thence 2 miles South. ' liork" at the citadel in Louis- j i burg, one of the swordfLshing . U .... .. A T . . : u . . - J NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing SPECIAL OLD CANADIAN WHISKY nnother painting of the rocky "ui uc 11CIU tL Llle wince ui uie vr oi Kmen s uompensa- Best Food- i! shore where Wolfe landed hijtion Board, 411 Dunsmuir Street, Vancouver, B.CJ ' 1758 to conquer the citadel. Aha- Mo nil, inr.n in a it l ... I included are two interestin"! , J ' '""J J aL iyj lu' t'le miuiJiion oi re- i, one one of of an an old old ! visea vised Beefulations Keguiations for lor the the prev prevention of accidents OTTLeD in bond (portrait studies, mill VUVH nj ; i thence 1 mile West, thence north to i man, and another of a young coverino- FOUNDRIES?. EXPI.OSIVP WlrJrjnVl P,,rt due west te north-west . Hours 1 a.m. to I am; bov .V... . " Z ' .r corner of Lot 1011. thence East M' CLEANING, ELECTRICAL WORK, MECHANI- !tid SfT and "tinuin E'wt For Take-Home Orders--Phone 200 I Just recently, Miss Cameron ! ! old two paintings to the Mu- UAL Kkl T1UN and UKAIN ELEVATORS, L071- thence to R Dolnt u-i tual Ufe Assurance Company L.u: onmp wHhin fhf, nf tha ISSceH ZtTSn'-i mencement. containiiiK 44.720 acrer, rtisi nn nt is r. if puMin. or (tisfinyer! by the ,ui ( diiiroi Hoiird or by the Kovernrm nt of Ili itish Columbia George Cook, Jeweller Buy Wilh Confidence Gifts for Every Occasion hiore or less." 1 tend to have them reproduced Compensation Act. for use as birthday ereetlnzi n ATl?n fV,; oatu A DATED at Vancouver. British Col-. timlAi, this 2:ird duy of April, A D. ( J950. Oarson Charles Mitchell I APPLICANT Business and ..Professional cards from the Company. Onei . . portrays an autumn woods' WORKMEN S COMPENSATION i-,,ismT' BOARD, landscape, and another a mixed, IWARE, WATCHES, CHINA, LUGGAGE bouquet of roses, phlox and cosmos in a cornucopia vase. Miss Cameron finds herself ro busy during the last few i i Box 1118 Phone 2G4 Bytown Machine Work months with special order that MIKE COLUSSI Piano Technician Pianos Tuned Repaired PHONE BLACK 389 210 4th Street Bales Service and Parts) Simplex Gas Engines j . U p. 185 b p. I 1 Cummins Dependable Diesel Cl't livtnr AHllnvt it'inn- 1 nn n VU 1 n )iinniA TfAfu fAfpnin Ipaivi tAlnnhtnlrirf Plni-i.tfiorle Oi nnr i wwtvu niuiivinnig 19 f III UU Ui-ltV. X It a ICliaill II Will is- 1 111 If. ViUiMUli.lli), j 65 h p. 550 h.p. word per insertion, minimum charge 50c. Birth Notices 50c. .Cards of Thanks. Death Notices, Funeral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcements $2.00. SPECIAL DISPLAY, DOUBLE PRICE Inquire about our long tejrn DR. P. J. CHENEY DENTIST SUITE 5, SMITH BLOCK Phone 765 P. O. Bex 140) Warranty nd Service fort SALE ENGAGEMENT NOTICE FOB SAi.t .,, ., ... ' The enKajement is announced F9R, SALE One dinette set, of Margaret Frances Johnston, table and Chairs, buiiet: one prjnce Runert. BC. daughter of FOR SALE Used Car Transmissions. Bvtown Machine Works. (tf) MARGARET MeLEOD r,a.sy txy timir, uiic Mr. and Mrs. f. H. jonnston, , wntinrf desk. Phone Green 320 unionville. Ontario, to Frederick between 6 and 8:30 n m. (98) Charles Penny. Disbv Island, I " ' enn nf Kfr nnrf Xfta A (. Pfnnu OPTOMETRIST FOR SALE Kitchen ranore,' wick burner; also oil heater, pot burner, aood condition. Phone Blue 576. (97p QUALITY REPAIRS for Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Box 774 Second Ave Room 10 STONE BUIDING1 . f . ( PHONB J BLUE 593 I FOR SALE Three piece ches- Vancouver BC terfield. new condition Black , (ill evenings (99p) yi?.T FOR SALE Troller "Polbers" LOST Red plastic rimmed lonuth 32 feet. Powered 15-18 elasses. Reward. Phone Green Easthope. Fullv equipped 902.. (98p) readv to fish. Applv V. Favero . M - - r -New Floats East of Drydock. LOST -- Brown cloth covered (100p; field book with meter nota- 1 tions. Finder return to Daily B'OR SALE English tvoe Grey News office or phone 757. Re-baby carriaue. mattress. 1040' ward 98i) Av-J- . (91p! ! tenderF FOR SALE Set of Trolllnp;1 r, ' T. Out-dies. AddIv No. 22 Cow TENDERS Bids re called . for i P.O. BOX 1184 FOR SALE Llaht delivery business, 2 cars, lots of work. Phone 678, niuhts Red 735. (tf) FOR SALE English babv bugftvj with mattress, and plav peii. I Black 624. (HPi , early! FOR SALE Profitable closine lunch counter busi-; .-ness. Will nay for itself in ten! months. Other interest onlv. How would you like to GEORGE RORIE & CO. Public Accountants and Auditors. Income Tax Returns compiled O. L. RORIE. A A.E. S. B. LAIRD, B. Comm. Besner Block Phone 387 k account for your child? Here's (97d) warehouse and other buildings Bay. f ee! Enter an interesting snapshot n Swift's B.ihy Snapshot Contest! 1 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS FOR SALE Cash. 30 H P. Hercules Diesel with 3 to 1 Reduction. A-l condition. Used two MmAna tmlllnrr CltrMilH hp ! 171 niIIJLV r.VIt.b iU. SjLll. Ull the C.N.R. Wharf. Buildines are for removal or can be utilized on present location upon suitable lease agreement with the Canadian National Railwavs. Bids to be in by the 29th of April and address- reason for selling;, Principals onlv apply Box 090 Dailv News. (97) FOR SALE 1941 Chev. coupe. Excellent condition. Aoplv 1501 Eiahth East or Rupert Motors Ltd. tf upshot may win a prize of up to I ink deposit in baby's name. And the bank! It's so easy! Pick out ling snapshots (not studio photo- I'fvour h.ihv. Sen l tUnm xr.lVl VOLIT eood buy for a Rillnetter or1 for stationary use. Anply Boat Bolintv at McLean or Phone 1 2 tins of Swift's Meats for Babies or Juniors for each snap you enter, to Baby Snapshot Contest, Swift Canadian Co. Limited, New Westminster, B.C. Write now! Your baby snapshot may win $200. ()()! Your Baby may Win 1ST PRIZE $200.00 Bank Depotll 2ND PRIZE $100.00 Bonk Dposi 3RD PRIZE ' $50.00 Bank Depoiil and 70 $ 3 00 hequ as consolation prize Building and Repairs of all kinds j ROOF8 CHIMNBTI OIL BURNERS t Red 852 evenimts. (98p) ed to PhilpoU, Evitt & Co.. 1 T td., P.O. No. 748. Prince j Rupert. B.C. (99) ftss, h.ihy's name and labels from PERSONAL REPAIRS PHONES WILL nerson wanting to buy a A.P. GARDNER & CO. Chartered Accountants A. L. BELL, C.A.. Prince Rupert, Terrace and District until May 15 . Prince Rupert Hotel, Prince Rupert Terrace Hotel, Terrace babv crib please contact Box WATCH Repairs Black 334 FOR SALE Whv not cook with Gas. See Ward Electric and Marine SuddIv Co. for complete information. P.O. Box 78(i Phone 680. (100p FoiTsALE Boat"DUTbv" fully risked for trollins. 34 ft. long. Boat mav be seen at McLean's Ghlmrnivt Phnn. Rort QOA oftAr Red 1)94 Dromot effi-Georee Cook. 689 Dally News otnee. , uip' , eient service. P. O. Box 1670 Jeweller. Satisfaction guaran eac ffosG Rules teed. FOR RENT REAL ESTATE F.rery intrant receives fret copy el Swift's inant nutrition booklet, "A Belter Start in Life." ' 5 many snapshots as you l"t simlio portraits). Ilut 5:30 or call 667 Havs Cove ' FOR RENT Quiet, comfortable. Circle. (102pt 1 sleepina room. Phone Green , 438 (lOOp); FOR SALE 29 ft. Gillnetter 7-1 TTTTTTlT. 'Meats for liahies or Juniors, r Pr!"t your name and address. 0 Frast.hnn Firnm Hnmnplc r wn. mini n" Co. Realty Phnnn Red 597. ' (103o)l Pi mce Rupert Prinee Rupert Realty Co. (Over Broadway Cafe) Good choice lot for sale. Small house with lovelv garden on 2 lots suitable for couple. 6 Ave. East News Stand for sale. Gomst concern. 7 room house with (99) Phone R67. i-7 i name. .Send nil entries to P al,y Snapshot Contest, Swift WANTED FOR SALE 1947 Ford half ton Dick ud. Phone Green 883. P.O. Box 686 Citv. (tf) DR. GARNET E. H. MONTGOMERY DENTIST Suit 7, Smith Block Phone 525 P.O. Box 1210 SIDNEY' GONICK! OPTOMETRIST Complete Visual Afialy OFFICE HOURS B a.m. to 5 p.m. ' ) ' .--; j , 23 ft 24 Besner Block Telepnone 213 Evenings by Appointment kZKn British ' ,",cr- "nly Mothers f (.olmnia. I, no, WANTED Furnished or unfurnished 2-room suite, or lareer. Phone 263. (98p) 2 bathrooms on Summit Ave., , with garage. House and lot, near Bowling Alley on 3rdj a vp A eood investment. tan FOR SALENew & used household furniture and hardware ncies Ck!U' 'V ad"isin! age bers ,,f lh,ir fttnti!fes.s Phone 667. (97) unoalnteri chest of drawers. 1 WANTED Scrap cast, brass. cornier, radiators and batter k. ZlJ"ne S. All PERSONAL ies. Phone 543 or call 629, Sixth W. (tf) WANTEEt To rent unfurnished 1 end tables ana conee tames, battery radios, floor covering, rifles, pressure cookers, singer sewing machines, office chairs and scores of other good articles. Good values at lowest possible nriees. B.C. Furniture. Phone Black 324. (TF) houe, central location, mustt PLUMBING and Heating Sheet Metal work. Phone 543 or call 629. Sixth Ave West. H - Letourneaii and Bona. (tf) " HELF wanted Vni Btl,re! li ' II ii v,IMIer' Director of have three bedrooms. Urgent. llOOp) HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all Its branches 204 4th Street Phone 055 Baby Snapshot Contest Swift Canadian Co. limited Dept. Itf Hew Westminster, I.C. lob.lt from Swifts .olt two ecomp..l by ,hol, of m, baby. Each Is for ftabiot or Juniors. ' WANTED TO RENT Three room furnished apt. or house. Phone L, Gretsinger. Domin HELP W, ANTED Bovs or girls roR "your ; BOCK b CONCRETE WORK CALL BLUE 939 M. Jv SAUNDERS j New, Modern Equipment. All Work Guaranteed " rtonPI, ,!rnationally Known il ph. ,0,0KF'Phy, Fellow of the he pn"fraph,c Sciety, Fellow Tlca- M,l",ranh'c Society of as pin srners. apply iu cumins Alleys. (98) ' Mf NAMl ion Bridge. UOOpH (PLEASE PINT isnnonlAnMoii?. Itf S Tfnt?T Dn.. ntnntn4 fW ! NATIONALLY KNOWN NAMES Ling-belt Speeder Shovels; Cranes: Draglines: Adams Road Graders: Littleford Bros. Black Too Road Maintenance Eniiiument: Owen Clamshell Buckets and Rock Granules; T. L. Smitih Concrete Mixers; I'll r If SVirlrlifr Tri.pks Npl.SOn WANTED Ou iet, i;uil,Illt(tJllO' WAIN 1 CjU DU WllllUAl i')i MY ADDRESS. dailv newsDaoer route with or hnod,kff Vanc,,uvc:r ,,r,nc,' .(Street) . .(Town) couple, one child, desires furnished 2 or 3-room suite. Phone Black 937. (97p) Sutii, fl .!"" """klet, A Bucket LOiide.rs for Stockpile WANTED TO RENT House or without bicvcie. audiv uauy .News office. ( tf ) WANTED Experienced salesman ror men's clothing store Phorte 359 during business hums. tl) To Advertisers To Injure pitbllcatltm of display or classified advertising. ?npy for same must be In the, office of the Daily News bj 4 p.m. the day previous to nri Rnnw iriiw' Rice Port- aot. 3 or 4 rooms. Naval fam ' to afri;''lR" finl- Only one MY tABV5 NAME. " This unon 1. for ,o-r nv.nl. ft. .rVL,y'. S27 """" able' Centrifugal Pumps; Na- il" with two children. Phone h-hr7rr.i,.'s.np'?;(u tional Dragline Scraptjrs and 1 523. (99p Buckets; National All 8W-,ll;i;-' ' ;"tTnT na-sollne Hoists; National WANTED -- Couple, with gin i,i MATTSON'S ! UPHOlSTERINO ; Phone Blue 818 P.O. Box 52t 330 Second Avenue ' frinct Rupert B.C. i HELP WANTED Service Sta- ti.sn attenflent. or win cmi- Portable Sawmills: National agea eignt, require inree or r """" ' i UM lour roum house, suite or Swift Canadian Co. Limited Rotarv Screens and Conveyors, sider suitable voung man will-! advertising. Requirements o ina to learn this trade. Apply the mechanical department Bob Parker Limited, maliol- make thlJ fuJe necessary ""s paper. rooms bv June 1. Write Mrs. S. F. - Tyler, Premier. B.C. , . (102) Full information irom national Machinery Co. Limited. Vancouver. B.C. , . (