Prince nuptrt Dail Jttrto LtO. Local News Items Muuday, March 21), 1U18 Coal ! Coal ! J. E. Boddie returned tu the city by air Saturday afternoon from a brief trip to Vancouver. Evan Harris, manager of the Morris Summit gold mine, will be here aboard the Coquitlam kunurrow guing south from Stewart to Vancouver on a business trip. QUIET RITE JOINS C0UPJ.E At a quiet ceremony solemnized at St. Andrew's on Thursday evening, MUs Mar wills are arming l'etfularly. We can again i the famous McLeod River Sootless Lump, lr stoker. Egg coal is expected this week. PHONE YOUR ORDER NOW BERT AND McCAFFERY LTD. Bl'lLDtKS' SUPPLIES KHONE 1)6 Moose Social Tuesday, March 30. To all members and their wives and members of the Final Civic Centre Bridge Party, 8 p.m. Friday. (79 Peter Wold returned to the city on the Coquitlam last evening from a trip to Vancouver. Miss Yvonne Ilamilton-Grant returned to the city on the Coquitlam last evening from a brief trip lo Vancouver. Tommy Fraser returned to the city on Saturday night's train from a brief trip to New Hazel-ton. See and hear vocal solos, dance routines, group choruses and instrumental numbers at the Sea Cadet and Job's Daughters' Variety Show, tonight and Tuesday, Naval Drill Hall, 8 p.m. , .. riip that dc-. lu:.i. r neuiu" - - ttiiisi thrive 1 Cminnin Women's Chapter, please attend at 8:30. Cards, dancing and refreshments. No charge for admission. (75) Allan Carolan, firmer moving picture theatre operator at Stewart, for the last few years located in the south, was a passenger aboard the Ooquitlam last evening going north from Vancouver to Stewart. Attention Did you know that you can now get Chicken in the Ruff to take out at Civic Avenue a"" roains littered wltn debris. Little appears been disturbed. Just j be done appears im- The weekly program of tard playing and dancing held In the Moose Temple Saturday night under the auspices of the Loyal garet Anne Kinley, R.N., daughter of Rev. and Mrs. S. Kinlry, of Aiyansh, became the bride of Gordon Cldon MucKay, srm of Mr. and Mrs. Earl- MucKay of Haliburton, Ontario. Rev. Basil 8. Prockter officiated. Attending the bride, who wore a wine-colored tailored suit with corsage of pink roses,, was Mrs. Robert Parks. Groomsman was Robert Parks. A few friends were present at the ceremony. Following the ceremony, the V edding party assembled at the home of the newly married' couple at 501 McBride Street where the "couple received the best wishes of their friends. for casual wear Terrace Club Sport Jackets If you like smart sportswear . . . ,VY : ' "' ;l 'A -' i fS (75) Capt. John Brentzen sailed n amps Order of Moose enjoyed Its usual success and popularity. The winners at whist, which took up the early part of the evening, were Mrs. Elizabeth Blair and Mrs. Rell for the ladles with J. Mos-tad and L. Weatherby tallying high scores for the men. Dancing to music provided by the Moose Orchestra commenced at Centre Diningroom? Just Phone 231 and we'll have it ready when you call. (tf) Saturday afternoon on the Ca- :K and BEANS I tala for Vancouver where he will pick up and bring north one of Delicious the Nelson Bros Ltd. packers to be stationed at Port Edward for The groom is a bridgeman in the coast logging industry, while the bride is office nurse for Dr. R. O. Large. 10:30 with Carl Brechin as master of ceremonies. During intermission refreshments were ser the season. The city's new asphalt mixer njiyea by more lowiliM The city fire department this morning tested out three sets of equipment which permit firemen to spend a full hour in a smoke-filled building without suffering from smoke, The units were purchased from war surplus stock last week and consist of a mask and oxygen tank. has been set up on Market Circle fan any other brind. ved and prizes presented to the Sidewalk construction be'.ween WORLD CHAMPION MILK PRODUCER Drooling as she dreams of past benders is. "Bridge Birch," the 8-year-old cow who became the world's champion milk producer on a diet of stout. Stout, if you are not familiar with the stuff, is a drink comparable to beer, except that it is almost black and heavier bodied. Primed with stout. Bridge Birch produced 20 tons (4,508 gallons) of milk in a year to beat the U. S. record of 3,900 gallons) on the 329th day. But now that the hard-working bovin has won top laurels, they've put her on the wagon. No more stout. Can you blame her for looking so sad, even when cheered up by the herdsman's cute little daughter? Owner is a London, England, haulage contractor who farms week-ends only. near the Public Works depart winners at whist. McBride Street and First Street, ment garage and is ready for operation. The plant is to be fronting on the Civic Centre, the Hankinson Building and the TERRACE CLUB used In connection with the city's Lindsay Block is making steady progress. This will be in keeping with the up-to-date appearance of the buildings, mentioned. SCHOOL IS ONLY AS GOOD AS ITS TEACHERS Today more Is asked of the teacher than ever Announcements All advertisement) in this column will be charged for a full montn at 25 cents a word street rebuilding program this year. City fire department answered a call to the apartment of Mrs. A. Davies, Waldron Apartments, at 2:45 Saturday afternoon, put JACKETS are designed for YOU. D. W. 0. Stewart, who has been manager of the McKay 4B Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cope- NOTICE Queen Mary Chapter, I.O.D.E., i)re. nC IS I'MluIbL'U tu lib uui yuum iui wc lauuui iBurnaby) branch of the Royal Bank of Canada, and Mrs. Ste- land, after spending the Easter week-end in the city, are re life to educate boys and girls for citizenship . . . Daffodil Tea, March 29. ting out a blaze in a quantity of d above all to help build character." Leonard W. wart, arrived in the city on the waste paper which had tenited turning to Smithers on this eve jckington, K.C.. LL.D. , rnncess tnis auernoon from a stove. Linoleum on the ning's train. Sea Cadets and Jobs' Daughters Combined Show and Musical Revue, March 29 and 30, Navy Drill Hall. floor wals slightly damaged. jol buildings are necessary, equipment is required, Deafened Now Hear are indispensable, school boards roust make plans, .twdents and Inspectors must give leadership, but The Peter Pan Gift Shop Canadian Legion W. A. Spring Harris Tweeds, Hounds-tooth Checks, Polo Cloths and Herringbone Weaves The Daily News wishes to draw attention to the rule that classified and transient advertising Is payable In advance at the olfice at time of presenting copy for advertising. Those1 desiring to advertise in this manner In the Daily News are asked to assist the office and respect this rule by refraining from telephoning classified With Tiny Single Unit SaleMarch 31. jcher is absolutely essential in any school system. from Vancouver, Mr. Stewart being here to succeed Arnold Flaten as local manager of the Royal Bank of Canada. Mr. and Mrs. Flaten and little daughter will leave Thursday night on the Prince Rupert for Victoria to which city Mr. Flaten has been transferred. featuring distinct lines of greet-1 ing cards and novelties, a lending library, magazines, ice cream Anglican Easter Sale, April V Science has now made it pos B C. Teachers' Federation appeals to municipal coun- sible for the deafened to hear J.C.C. Smoker, Moose Temple school boards, and to the tax-paying public to keep laint sounds. It is a heanne de and cigarettes, is now open. April 2. irr.ple truths in mind. vice so small that it fits in the hand and enables thousands to eniov sermons, music and friend-lv com.Danioii.shiD. Accented by Mrs. Phyllis Pullen invites you to visit the Peter Pan at 229 Card Party, Catholic School all in a wide variety of colors, will . make your selection easy. municipal or a com- her the source be provincial, the Council on Physical Medicine n of both, Third Avenue West. Open from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. - (74) Hall, April 8, at 8 p.m. Prince Rupert Symphony. Or chestra Concert, April 9. of the American Medical Associ i You read it in the News! Money Must Be Found for Education Presbyterian Spring Sale, April ation. This device does not re-Quire separate batterv pack, battery wire, case or garment, to bulge or weinh you down. The tone is clear and powerful. So made that vou can ad lust it yourself to suit vour hearing; as 15. MERCHANTS Do you know that the Daily News is the must effective medium of advertising lit salary levels have not yet attracted a sufficient rot fully qualified teachers for our schools. Lutheran Ladies Aid Tea and 1 N.H.A. DESIGN-OF-THE-MONTH in Prince Rupert? No one misses your message if it's advertised in the News.. ..It's the really efficient way of putting it oter. tf. your hearing cnanaes. me iuuk-ers of Beltone. Dept. 14 1450 W. 19th St.. Chicago 8. 111., are so proud of their achievement that they will gladly send free descriptive booklet and explain how ie average, and over a period of years, the money paid to the teachers determines the quality of the - IiimtU'iI by the BrltlKh Columbia Teachers' Federation. i i - - ....... Home Cooking, Saturday, Apr. 17. Orange Tea, April 21. Women of the Moose tea at the home ot Mrs. C. Mclntyre, 546 8th Ave. East on April 22. Rotary Minstrel Show, evenings April 22 and 23. Children's matinee April 24. Puchess of Edinburgh Chapter Devonshire Tea, Civic Centre, vou mav get a lull demonstration i of this remarkable hearing de-1 vice in vour own nome wummo iyr liNUAGfcMENT NOTICE risking a penny, write tseiiuni,' today. April 24. . ANNOUNCE with pleasure the ap-liiiiiitim'iit of Thomas A. McKeown as Unit Supervisor for a newly formed HEADQUARTERS FOR OFFICE SUPPLIES Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gordon anounce the engagement of their daughter, Olive Mae, to Mr Wallace Arnold Antilla, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Antilla, of Noralee, B.C. The wedding lo take place April 12 in Prince Rupert. r"'""." T ' 1 hH -o -Mmma.wiii.OTC. ...... JHp.w, j f t -$2 " 'W-.l - - rthern Unit of our Company with head- United Church Spring Sale, April 29. St. Peter's spring sale, May 6. j Mother's Day Tea, Home Cooking, Sonja Ladies, May 8, Sons of Norway Hall (I.O.D.E.) 5th Ave. East, 2 p.m. Registered Nurses' Ass'n Tea, Nurses' Home, Wed., May 12. Easter Star Tea, June 3. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY irters at Prince Rupert, B.C. The Unit Office is located at Room 6, ith Block. Telephone No. Green. !K)7. An attractive five-room house FOR SALE Piano, $200. Apply 223 4th East. Phone Green 633. (80) Typewriters (Portables and Standard) Staplers Box Files Ledgers I lank Books Favorite Files File Folders Carbon Paper FOR YOUR OFFICE REQUIREMENTS SEE it Life Assurance Company of Canada ' Itxir Koyal Bank Bldg., mi ? ili SI"-1 piKiuvrr, B.C. WRIGHT, Branch Manager. with a pleasing exterior and em-rient plan, this one-storey "N.H. A. l)esin-of-tlie-Month" selection t suitable for construction anywhere in Canada. A modern two-bedroom houses, it was designed primarily for a wide inside lot but could be buiit on a corner lot without alteration. The house could also be built on a narrow property providing the plan was rotated so that the dining and living rooms were towards the front of the house and the entrance at the side. " Thi would necessitate re-location ul the fireplace and living, dining Home Decorating DEMONSTRATION Thurs., Friday and Sat., April 1-2-3 hlM; I'ltiNTiNr. KNLAIlCi INCi PEPAN I'KKSS jWtO.ME and KODAK JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST i John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue Everybody's talking about this new DecorafonJ FILMS P'f & Cowgill TEXTURE PAINT GYPTEX Box 045 Spring Beauties P Rupert B. C. FOR WALLS AND CEILINGS STORE-WIDE SALE and bedroom windows. Financial assistance, for building new houses such as the one illustrated i available to Canadians under the terms of the National Housing Act, 1944. , The entrance hall, which provides direct .access to most rooms, may also be altered to provide a vestibule or to completely seclude the bedroom portion by the addition of doors to divide the hall into two or thre separate areas. The living room is-easonably large and features a fireplace with flanking bookcases. The dining space is planned for a modern dining suite while the kitchen is efficiently designed to reduce work to a minimum. Direct access to the rear yard and basement simplifies supervision of children'! activities. The bedrooms are provided with ample clothes closet space while large unbroken wall areas facilitate the placing of required furniture. Conveniently located between the bedrooms, the bathroom is of a generous size. Good-aiied linen and coat closets greatly enhance the facilities ot the house. , . The exterior finish of the main body of the house in the photograph is cedar grain asbestos shingles applied over wood framing. Wood siding is applied vertically on the gable ends. However, other types of exteriol finish could be used it desired. The exterior dimensions would have U be increased approximately one foot if brick veneer or solid masonrj construction is proposed. The floor area, for estimating purpose, u about 900 square feet. Complete construction drawings for this plan, known as Design No. 47-S. are available from Central Mortgage anil Ueiteing Coi uoratiun at minimum cost. suites. S. Rprirnnm C(fn m - ........ est iu(, --v.... uuiiw, uiiicHi' ouiie&, oeua, ... to enhance your new-skirts. Cotton and rayon crepe blouses, exquisitely touched with dainty lace. In white and pastels. ,,, con T Cnests' RanBes. Battleship 'hairs f-rih Cribs. "BBage. Baoy Carnages, Baby "u iimuv otner mUppI cmnris ton !f ,v t0 ""-"MUI1. mention. ELAllTICLE fS CASII.N ' REDUCED FOR OI K K SELLING NO EXCHANGES Nrt nn-rns AIX A I SALES FINAL FINAL I A w 10 FURNITURE STORE Color in contrast is the keynote to beauty. See this interpretation in our new Print Dresses. xsT It' 3rd Av enue.PrincBnnr.nrf I I Goes right ever your old wolli. Anybody con opplyond texture Cyptex no tinting required ot It comet in ready-mixed lints of Ivory, Blue, Green, Pink end While. Simply add water, mix to a heavy pate and brwtb it an. Application is simplicity itself. Brush on a coal, like paint, and then pat it with a sponge or crumpled newspaper wrapped in a cotton cloth. Ten lb. rkg. $1.0(1 ' 35 lb. Bag J3.50 Use Sweet Sixteen Personalized PU I XI FT PLAN lo purchase your Spring Fnsemble or Accessories. No Interest No Carrying Charges. IE A Lost Cause. By Chic Young ' - See GTTEX in action at Gordon & Anderson LIMITED Third Avenue I'lione 46