I PROVINCIAL LIEHA?., EAST AMD X EASTE Q) VV 21 VlUJ vvu jta k ! t. !Ef NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER .1ST rges Mobilizing, Now or War i a i kji :ace OiH.IES DRUGS Daily Delivery PHONE 81 iter, Says Baruch Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest.' VOL. XXXVII, No. 74. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., MONDAY, March 29, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENTS PRESSING WASHINGTON, D. C. (CP) Bernard Baruch, adviser to World War presidents, today urged prompt enactment of uni STEESH1P Holkestad Best Sportsman JO LET-HP IS SEEN KJ l"J0RD VM LONDON (CP) The Communist East and the Anti - Communist West traded new blows today on the scattered fronts of diplomacy, publicity and politics. Easter, Resurrection Day of the Prince of Peace, saw no let-up in the war of words nur, in .some parti of tl'e world, in real war fare with arm;. In Palestine, bcene of the Easter story, at least sixty-eight persons died in fighting between Jews and Arabs. In China pro-government dispatches . to Peiping said that a general government counter-offensive had set back the Communists through Inner Mongolia toward Manchuria. Italians, whose election April (P -The Uni- E SUCCESS versal military training Sixteen Planes Wrecked as Fierce Gale Hits Fairbanks FAIRBANKS (CP.) Wreckage of sixteen parked planes littered Weeks Field, municipal airport here today after 'virKh of np to seventy-five miles per hour huir.rs! (.'!'.(? t!iis c(f:ti"'.l A !aska city. The gdif? venter-day was described by w Weather Forecaster Robert Snider as the worst in forty years of Weather Bureau ites has deciuea nou .J;I nnlinn in 1. '- ihip for Palestine, lu ll concentrate eiiwis and selective service legislation In the United States as a means of "achieving" the stability in the world which lasting peace requires. He also called for an "economic mobilization plan." Baruch added that failure of irueu a.'" 3 JcWiMl-rao t special Palestine session United Nauon-i naacinuijr. ,..- . ... ( 1 ' . ' , -1 c 7 v -"r: -U&Mi Y, 'VST, I l ' I recorcs. Utility poles were toppled, trees were uprooted and a few bufld- nd Feather GORY HOLY WEEK-END Lings partially unroofed as the R. Monument DON f Tlic London Star day that Scotland Yard wind swept "in early Sunday morning. There were no reports of injuries but property damage was estimated in thousands of dollars. JERUSALEM ft Bullets and bombs on a bloody Hojy week-1 end killed about 100 persons and , 18. will be a test of Communist strength, got an admoni wounded 200 throughout Fales- AVWMiMUAVwwvwi eived ttlf phone threats ,e statue of Franklin D. It in GroMvenor Square tarred and feathered, d Yard denied the story, morial is to be unveiled Roosevelt April 12. tion from Pope Pius that the tine, By contrast, Jerusalem was quiet this morning. In two widely scattered at "great hour of Christian conscience has sounded." From Communist Russia, now negotiating a treaty with Finland, came accusations against the military head of nearby Sweden, the Russians charging that Sweden was planning to build bases for United States planes and paratroops. 1IPPIHE United States to-muster all its resources now for peace would leave "no alternative but to mobilize for war" in future. BULLETINS ALARM IN TRIESTE TRIESTE G iornale di Trieste, Italian language newspaper, said Sunday that 3000 new Yugoslav troops had arrived in free territory lone held by Yugoslavia. The arrivals caused "grrcat alarm" among residents of the area, the paper said. COMPEL LEWIS WASHINGTON President Truman's f;u t-'indinj board today railed for a federal court order lo force John I,. Lewis to testify about the strike o his federal soft coal miners. The action was taken after Lewis ignored a subpoena to appear at 1 p.m. be Receives CaU pf Four Anonymous Basketball Judges Rupert Holkestad, 21 -year-old centre for the Savoy basketball team, was revealed as winner of the Bobby Houston Good Sportsmanship award Saturday night. Presentation of the coveted trophy will b3 made at the post-season basketball dance on April 10. The award Is made to Holkestad by four anonymous Judges, chosen from the fans, and gives recognition to general sportsmanship, rather than ability or usefulness to the team. - , However, Holkestad also was the second highest scorer in the city league and was a top flight player for Savoys. Announcement of the second winner of the Bobby Houston award 'was made during an Intermission in Saturday night's play-off games by R. O. Moore, principal of King Edward School. During the same Intermission, J. S. Irvine made the award of tlite Orme Stuart Trophy for the winner of the school Juvenile Basketball League to the King Edward No 1 team, winner of the playoffs. The trophy was received by Ronnie Ciccone, captain of the team. MANY FISH 0. C Football English League, First Division Bolton Wanderers 0, Manchester United 1. Derby County 1, Blackpool 0. Everton 3, Grlsmby Town 0. Huddersfield Town 1, Black-bum Rovers 1 (tie). Manchester City 1, Chelsea 0. Middlesbrough 1, Arsenal 1 t!e. tacks, one Jewish motor convoy was wiped out and another convoy was forced to surrender its arms. Jewish bombing planes were in action Saturday. Today Jewish air force planes bombed the Arab port of Jaffa. Three bombs were dropped near a school, causing slight darjage to huiidiii;.; - There were no 'ca.simKics. ' Blows Ip, Killing Child Filipinos Die In ?idor Booby Trap Two Straight ILA f An old United land mine exploded In :iiiig the eight-year-old DR. KEENLEYSIDE IS VISITING WEST Preston Northern! 1, Portsmouth 2. Stoke City 3, Burkley 0. Wolverhampton Wanderers 2, Sunderland 1. Second Division Barnsley 1, Newcastle United 1 (tie). - Bidmingham City 4, West Bromwich Albion 0. or loronto Maple Leafs Beat Boston Kennedy Scores Five Goals TORONTO, -Toronto Maple Leafs took their second straight win from Boston Bruins In the an American Air Force :. Three girls were in- -toric Correiiidur on Sat-cnty-lw.i Filipinos were then a Japanese booby Med in a tunnel. They mbersof an Army OTTAWA To be absent for about a month, Dr. H. L. Keen leyside, federal deputy minister ENJOY CANADIAN WAY OF IJFE From Esthonla to Kitchener, Ont., Is more than 8,800 miles, but to two young refugees who helped sail their liny refugee sloop across the Atlantic, it was an advnture of the sea that was to terminate on the Canadian National Railways. The perilous voyage took 75 days and climcxec! in a three year search for freedom. Today, Michael Kadarik and Mikelis Sicevs are re-establishing themselves in the country of their adoption in a section gang laying 100-pound 39-foot rail on the Grimsby subdivision, between Jordan and Grimsby, Ont. Their first job with the C N R. was packing ice at Stratford, Ont.' for use in the air-conditioned and refrigerator cars. Upon completion of that work, they were transferred to rail-laying operations. The young men are two of a group of 23 m"n and women whose desire to find freedom in another part oi the world as So Treal th&t they braved the Baltic sea' in a rowboat and spent weeks crossing the Atlantic in a frail 45-fiKit boat. Sicevs. left, and Kadarik, are seen here taking out section of rail, which is to be replaced by a new 39-foot rail shown behind them. of mines and resources, has left Stanley Cup semi-finals Satur Bradford 5, Burty 3. Ottawa for the west. Dr. Keen-leyside, who was in Prince Rupert last autumn, plans on visit ¬ ing. YellowBiIe..JM.W,t., sEdrnon.-i'. fore the board. QIEBEC HARD HIT MONTREAL Emergency t'rews today slowly repaired tremendous damage done to fpnimuniraliona . by wnek-rnd. sleet storm which cut off tuebrc City and other part of the province from the outside world. Damage is estimated to reach hundreds of thousands of dollars. OF LOCAL ton, Jasper, Prince George, Van couver and Victoria. ' day night. The score was 5 to 3. Peter Kennedy was the shining star of the game, scoring the first - fdur "Toronto' goals ' with Max Bentley making the fifth. The third game will be played Tuesday night in the best of seven series and the fourth Thursday. Detroit Red Wings now have IN CANADA OTTAWA A total of 43 kinds 1Y KILLED li llniry Robert Fulham 1, Luton Town 1 (tie). Leeds United 1, Brentford 1 (tie). , Leicester City 3, Doncaster RoVers 2. Nottingham Forest 1, Southampton 1 (tie). Plymouth Argyle 1, Coventry City 0. Sheffield Wednesday 1, Chesterfield 0. Tottenham Hotspurs 3, Millwail 2. Westham United 4, Cardiff City 2. Scottish League, A Division Rangers 1, Falkirk 1. Third Lanark 5, Celtic 1. Lite Near Hope I a two to one game lead over New HI! accident along the Giant ltomb Base Eslablislwt By United States in Alaska York Rangers in the other semi iver canyon at the week- final. Sunday night Rangers and aed the life of William Public Drinking By Women Is Deplored ' TORONTO Canon W. W. Judd, secretary of the Council for Social Service, Church of England in Canada, in a bulletin sent to the clergy, stated "for the first time in Canadian history, women are drinking in public, and they are drinking more and more within social circles." Red Wings met In their third Roberts, eldest son of Mrs. Frederick Roberts of fish and fish products were' canned in Canada last year, ac-i cording to a recent survey and a much wider variety was consumed. British Columbia, of course is famous for its salmui but the province also packs a ; large volume of herring ancho-' vies and other fish products and oysters. Some uf the unusual varieties of fish Industry delicacies packed in the Dominion Include alcwives or gaspereau, codfish tongues nnd lives. play-off game. The Rangers won 3 to 2 but the Red Wings kept nth Avenue West, send- I the game lead two to one. ither man to hospital I unes. No details have 1 DENVER (CP) The Denver Post says that an Alaskan air base is now equipped to accomodate the United States Air eived here but it is be CITY RESIDENT DIES IN SOUTH John Oliver Eastman Succumbs at New Westminster at a Iosik'iii;; truck over- AIR PASSENGERS To Vancouver N. Soiland, Miss Evelyn Bussey, H. B. East- yvion rii- n -pvon T.- RnnHsnitr iclnit occurred between products of Quebec packers, and; RESENTS BRITISH N Hope, along the road pollock and quahaugs, a kind of shell fish caught off the Force's giant B-36 bomber. The hitherto highly secret base, once known as Mile 26, has been named Eilson Field the Fraser River. Special Postage Stamps in Britain LONDON Numerous inquiries are being received by the post office about the issue dates of three sets of commemorative postage stamps being produced this summer. All are to be double standard size. April 28 ihtre will nnpenr t.h si!vr wed- itwn to his parents, de- John Oliver Eastman, a pioneer of the Queen Charlotte Isl AK1V1I in 1KLLA1NU jF. Johnson. ,. ,. ... , I From Vancouver (Saturday) SAN FRANCISCO-It will be Mrs Telseth From impossible for the British and cjor,t. ifClv i survived by his wife. BREAK OIF ATOM PARLEY LAKE SUCCESS Canada, Great Britain, France and China today demanded atomic delegates to the United Nations io break off talks on. Russia's scheme lo n cliibil atomic bombs. The four countries declared that mere convention banning the bombs would, without world controls help aggressor powers to gain overwhelming military supremacy. RUSSIANS DIGGING IN SEOUL Soviet soldiers and north Korean villagers are digging trenches, foxholes and Run emplacements along the .'(Kth parallel dividing the Soviet and American occupation zones of Korea. DENY ALl'JVHM'M PLANT TORONTO The aluminum Company of Canada denies reports published in Vancouver that it contemplates building a plant at Bue Inlet on the Pacific Coast. ands and a resident of Prince fand is so located as to provide WMiss Jean Lvsack. of LOCAL TIDES service for the launching of air Rupert, a small child. Rupert since 1927, died at New brothers and one sister. Westminster on Saturday, ac- 1948 attacks or, any spot in the northern hemisphere. an of threc-and-a-half 19.7 feet cording to word received by re- DR. MadEA rvlec overseas with the Tuesday, March 30 High 4:34 17:38 U.w 11:16 23:11 f visited Prince Rupert as British forces occupy part of Ireland, Eainon de Valera said, .spet-kmg ii a liii.i.er i-cie. 1 lie I'lniur rr.me .Miaiitcr of I;e-u.nd tivfhiied that Uis't-y t.-op!e ari- raciaiiy the same as t.hwe in Eire. Partition., he cluim?d, had been imposed by a "Britisa 16.4 feet latives' here. He was a veteran of 5.1 feet tle first World War and was fll 9.4 feet years old. I ding iuuiivcrsary ,-et of the Kinsj ! and Queen; May 10. the set coin- memorating liberation of the ; Channel Islands, and in July, PASSES AWAY Furiucr Premier of British MOUNTJES TO GET MORE PAY Born at Gimli, Manitoba, Mr. ago. He was born c'ty. Montana, 27 years 'low lives near Hope, members are five tne sets marking the opening of the Olympic Games. ALLAN CIP lLAY-oriS Eastman came to British Colnm- Winnipeg 4, rort nances bia in 1902, settling on a home- OTTAWA The Minister of i nulitical manoeuvre." "ed and Georun nf We, Churl,.. T, Columbia Dies In Ottawa OTTAWA Dr. John Duncan MacLean, aged 74, recently retired chairman of the Canadian Farm Loan Board and former Premier of British Colum i Fort Frances leading two games slcad on Uic sholos of Massett Justice, Hon. Mr. Ilsley, an-to one). I Inlet, where he lived until en-I nounces there is to be an in- Edmonton Fliers 8. Trail Smoke lifting In the Canadian Army crease in the pay and allowance Eaters 3 (Edmonton leading one early in tne first World War. He' scale of the Royal Canadian C.P.R. steamer Princess Adelaide, Capt. Fred McGraw, is due in port at 4:30 this after- uid Donald, of Prince ,lcl a sister, Dorothy, of upert. THE WEATHER Synopsis An outbreak of colder air is sweeping rapidly eastward over the province today, accompanied by scattered showers and strong northwesterly winds. The tx iwi h nit I C. Mounted Police. , This will cover noon from the south and will served in the 21st. Battalion e.f: ! some 3,000 uniformed and plain sail at 10 p.m. on her return to overseas, i clothes men. Vancouver and waypoints. Wounded seriously FELOPW, ISLAND ; skies will clear in nearly all re seventh largest of 'W'ne islands, has re-tnc 'fas developed or ' islands or i.ho ,.,. bia, died at his home last night. He became Premier of British Columbia in 1927 after serving as minister of education and provincial secretary. He was Premier for exactly one year. Born in Prince Edward Island, he practised medicine at Greenwood and enters the Legislature from that riding. Ps "Most Str,.,.r. he spent two years In Shaugh-ncssy Military Hospital, remaining in Vancouver until 197 when ho came to Prince Rupert. He went south six mouths ago for treatment for a condition resulting from his war experiences. He Is survived by his widow, who lives at Seal Cove, one bro Tt Of La Flw.r.,., n, Ncture in n,.'.,' """"w. was 13)0 UIWli'i- M. .11 gions tonight with good weather in prospect for tomorrow. Forecast Prince Rupert, Queen Charlottes and North Coast Cloudy with scattered showers today and Tuesday. Winds northwest (20 m.p.h) today and light on Tuesday Colder. Lows tonight and highs Tuesday: Port Hardy 32 and 45, Massett 30 and 42, Prince Rupert 30 and 42. yr n v, is foe V i " V.WWC. ".. lji3H3e'?gjff' .Vrf r: j , rv) , . -v"-- v J " ( - ' Ci - 1 t's , - "0 -V o , - ft- f - s ' " ' , i , . )lic Meet! it ti"Vi r in ther, H. B. Eastman, of Prince Rupert, and two sisters, Mrs. N. Thorlakson and Mrs. Sarah Martin, both of Ferndale, Washington. Interment will take place in the soldiers' plot at New Westminster. H. B Eastman left on today's plane for the south to attend the funeral. J;uf. ,n'"'ns ex-'"'mmiiiism in Unada Blue Is Remanded On Weapons Charge , Waldo Jordan of Terrace ph a ded guilty to a charge ot being in. unlawful )u.-xe.s.sion ol a aa wed -off gun when he appealed before Jude W. O. Fulton in County Court this week and was remanded until March 31 for sentence.. He had failed to register the weapon as required by law. Rod MacLeod acted as counsel for Jordan and J. T. Harvey appeared for the Crown. v ft, III, pi 'ices i IVKli "H.i.HrrioN PUPPY GETS A ROYAL RECEPTION Wearing a beribboned bonnet, England's Queen Elizabeth, pauses for a moment to pat a souUtil-lookhiR puppy at the Ideal Home Exhibition in London. Princess Margaret Rose is at the right. .. .... -fc- - rfl. . -i m... - iAAAAAAi T AAAAAAAAAAAAAAa EVERYTHING IN ENTERTAINMENT BRITAIN NOW HAS DAYLIGHT SAVING LONDON-DayhRht saving has gone into effect in Great Brit-alnv Clocks were advanced one hour, putting London six hours ahead of Eastern Standard Time. Daylight time will end on October 31. JOBS' DAUGHTERS AND SEA CADETS YOUNGSTER AMONG WORLD MINISTERS Dr. Noel C. Browne, minister for health in Eire, is 32 years old and Is believed the world's youngest cabinet minister. Before his recent election he was a medical officer attached to Wicklow sanatorium where he was gathering material for his fight against tuberculosis which he calls the "scourge of Ireland." He is pictured at home with his daughter Susan, 10 months, who is holding a letter of congratulations addressed to her daddy. INTER HIGH SCHOOL BASKETBALL MAGEE HIGH SCHOOL vs. BO-ME-HI MARCH 31, APRIL 1 RESERVED SEATS 75c ADULT RUSH 50c LEEOr SHM5W Tonight and Tuesday 8 p.m. Admission 50c and 25c