ltiiitf Uupctt Dailp J3cto LtD, Monday, March 29, 1848 4faC2j "THUNDER MOUNTAIN" ",B,si SHIPS AND WATERFRONT mm Rupert was old enough to look very far back led a Jovial sort of existence. Some declined to stay fixed. The more useful anyone became .the more apt his chance of moving on. They liked to give 'and accept hospitality AH were an Independent crew, knew news, and in a pinch could have invented some, but never descended to that depth. Th.y liked what they were doing, thereby avoiding drudgery and would forgive anything except permanent dullness. Youth'was on their sids and that helped. EASTER SERVICES WELL ATTENDED Special services emphasizing the triumphant story and music of the Resurrection were held In Prince Rupert on Sunday, bringing out Easter congregations that practically filled all churches at both morning and evening services, causing gratification to pastors and choirs for their special efforts. Sermon texts dealt with the ultimate of Christ's miracles; . i . f lira nv.r ripnt.h 9 Coquitlam to Q.CI. Kun Among Other Changes of Union Vessels Week-end Movements Mid-April will see a switch-around of Union Steamship Co. vessels on the runs between Vancouver and Prince Rupert. Ulc tunvucob v. . v - - I and the Resurrection from the 1 1 HtmaWi of life-real stars and actorsi Sttm of miracle marvels to With the veteran Cassiar facing j a major face-lifting job above the waterline if she is to return The old stern wheelers found the Skeena River a tough enough stream to negotiate during the 'building of the O.T.P. but, if Foley, Welch is Stewart could have made a bid for the "duck"' in Rupert last week, how quickly the situation would have been simplified. Even Kltselas Canyon itself would have hud respect for a craft like that. X. or sam! "" m mM I M to HitParade Song: "WhenYouW,sh Upon, 'to service at all, the new Coquitlam is to be placed on the s at I' tomb.- In practically all churches, the chancels were banked with spring flower3, significant of the annual re-birth of nature. The music of Hancrel and other great religious composers was rendered by the choirs. In some cases, Sunday School sessions were merged with the morning church services. Morning weather was fine but there were evening showers. Wed. 10 .? MERCY FLIGHTS RACE WITH DEATH Start of a race with death! A Saskatchewan Air Ambulance Service plane takes aboard a suffering lumberjack on one of the lakes in north Saskatchewan to rush him to hospital at Prince Albert. This is a scene from the National Film Board production, 'Mercy Flight," released in the Canada Carries On series to show all Canada how air ambulances operate to bring the benefits of medicine and surgery to the Dominion's farthe'st outposts. "Mercy Flight" shows at the Capitol here May 21 and 22. :25 . to la run with the sailing out of Vancouver April 12 on the Queen Charlotte Island service at present being carried out by the Cardena. To start with their will be a fortnightly service to the Islands followed by a ten-day run. The expectation is that considerable tourist movement will be developed on this route in addition' to the normal traffic. The Cottage Sets and Curtains Replacements for that Spring House Cleaning job. Fresh Curtains give that New Look to your home. CURTAIN HODS CRANES - EXTENSIONS UUU& ( I steamer Cardena will take over 'the Vancouver - Prince Rupert-Stewart route for the spring, to Anyox, and all that, was a company town but for years that busy smelter camp meant a lot to Prince Rupert. Anyox had a habit of being active when Prince Rupert wasn't. A good many families of Anyox wage earners lived here. There was no lack of travel between the two communities and, when finally Anyox faded away, as It surely did, the reaction felt here, was uncomfortable. Rupert was near enough to be neighborly and like It and not sufficiently distant to be indifferent. Reminiscences By w.J. and Reflections Minneapolis who came here from North Battleford, Saskatchewan, and who was the first woman to vote In the municipal election that made Fred Stork the first mayor. Mrs. LaTrace was the wife of a contractor who dug the big excavation where, U was hoped, the first big hotel would stand, but has not as yet got around to it. tni h ! re h II iwki it j Wallace's! be replaced in June by the Camosun. The Catala will remain for the season the the Vancouver-Prince Rupert coastal l IMll route, specializing on the cannery of Course! Added Feature So greeniand inviting did it GiilSr1 Sharyn Moffett ln "BANJO" calls, being relieved later, it is expected, of the Rivers Inlet, Bella Coola and Ocean Falls calls northbound. During the summer vacation months the steamer Chilcotin will operate special cruises through Prince Rupert to Portland Canal and Alaska as she did last year. Early pioneers of Prince Rupert will be interested to learn of the fate of J. E. Young, who was one of the first, if not the first, white restaurar.teur to do business in this city. Early this month, there was reference to him in the Daily News column "Reminiscences" and this was noticed by A. H. Bailey, now living in Victoria. A niece of made a misstep and suffered a fall, breaking his neck. He survived for several days. The niece mentioned is Mrs. Grant who was a resident here in earlier days. Mr. Young, for a long time, ran the Maple Leaf Cafe here. Mr. Bailey, who was connected with the city police department here from 1911 to 1916, will be remembered by all old timers. Whim Prince Rupert was young which, after all, Is little more than 35 years ago, the world' had no serious woes contrasted with today. People thought they had. That was their mistake. In 1913 thero in fflI i II II - With a fair-sized list of passengers, Union steamer Coquit-lam, Capt. Harry McLean, arrived in port at 7:15 last evening from Vancouver and waypoints, sailing at midnight for Alice Arm, Stewart and other northern points whence she will return here tomorrow morning to sail south at 1:30 p.m. look, lying out there in the 'middle of the avenue opposite the post office last Thursday. The sun was shinin too and the newspaperman, crossing over could scarcely believe his eyes. A dollar! A whole dollar, and iso fresh and crisp and perhaps 'even virtuous. Nevertheless it was promptly picked up, and would not have had long to wait anyway. ATTENTION- were no 'isms' to speak of. Jit ters had not been invented. Tne Mr. Young resides in Victoria flower of creation's young man Coming north from Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Bute-dale, Frank Waterhouse freighter Chilliwack, Capt. Holmberg, called at Port Edward at the hood had not been laid away In ' No one can be quite as thoughtful as the fellow in the whiskey advertisement who, glass in hand, legs crossed, and FOR THE BEST IN ELECTRICAL SERVICE SEE PHONE WIMTH RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC impenai uu uo s tanner im- week-end to unload cannery pcrial Vancouver, ! Capt. Fred supplies and proceeded to Stew-Totten, arrived in port at 5 art to load 600 tons of concen- with pipe drawing well, looks. and, through inquiries, it w:is learned that he had passed away from the effects of an accident. During the last Great War. ne was living in the Isle of Man. One evening he had been visiting friends and it was while returning to his home that the fatality occurred. There was a blackout on and Mr. Young's flashlight failed to work. He hundreds of Immense, finely appointed cemeteries all over the earth. Divorce columns- had not lengthened. Europe had not become a shambles. Faith in everything, lncludng the future state, had not slumped. No one ever said "Juvenile delinquency" it hadn't arrived. Well, well, it's time to inquire! Women's influence in ever 'widening scope continues to ex-'pand in Prince Rupert. But let's get bick to the start. Who was the first to cast a ballot? The o'clock this morning from loco grates. Southbound the Chilli-; with fuel cargo for the com- wack will call at Massett to load pany's local tanks. The vessel 100,000 feet of lumber for Van-will sail this afternoon on her couver, another southbound stop return south via coastal points, to be at Butedale. ' $13 TIIUM) AVE. Hi; PHONE 6M BOX 1321 lady was Mrs. E. C. LaTrace of 'itlHBi How's everything going in that hard -up little Russian city with a name no one can remember that Prince Rupert, in a gush of brotherly attention, adopted Must have been a few years ago. Practical interest, of late, seems to have declined. M. -- feJAB M This is tree tapping time, in Ontario and Quebec and the announcement is calmly made thnt SEE US FOR ALL REQUIREMENTS 1 OFFICE SUPPLIES Consult us for your needs in all types of printm? Everything in liih-dass Ma'wmi-ry Cards fore every occasion. Fiiuu'riiii r-ii Don't tell me maple syrup will cost $5 a gallon, no less. This news is hard to take particularly is it dis qou'd serve anqthing DIBB PRINTING COMPAH tressing when one thinks of the late Sheriff Shirley. That spry old gentleman received a keg of the finest every spring from his native heath and he'd pass most of it around to his friend;. Add eety gooaness, tfezS2t 3 II sparkling color to des- ft ijtQjl I M ert. with "Koyal City" Mmp I but MAXWELL HOUSE TU1KD AVE' BESNER BLOCK M rium.-deliciou., in- ERn I I viunn. ready to serve. MOL 'km I COFFEE Rangy young fellows in the armed forces garb of the United States sauntered the streets Thursday. And .some wore escorting ladies. It brought one For Prompt Service Call BERT'S TRANSFER & MESSENGER SERVICE K 70i tt- At you back thougn not for long tj the days or '42 and '43 when It almost seemed that uniforms outnumbered civilian dress, and for "Trie Maxwell House contains choice 1 jilin- mrrii an coffeel the best obtainable. . . . It's lilrnilid by Experts to give you the very utmost in ddicious fluvor. - . . . And Radiant Roasting captures every diom of loudness in this woiul.-riul blend. I J i i ir I FOOIS wore life had a "zip" to it. j Combined With Prince Rupert Rottle Collector X MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE A Product of Gtnaral Foedf W. D. VM'iss F A ball was given in the Kaien Island Club premises in April, 303 3rd Ave. West (irtfl Office Phone: Blue 810 H''f l'l''ir: , , MH-20J 1912, and, according to the Eve-i ning Empire, it was very well! attended and an unqualified success. Some of those present In cluded Mrs. Angus Stewart, who wore white silk; Mrs. George WONDER -BRA . j I WITH THE EXCLUSIVE 1 hfjffiofo ( DIAGONAL SLASH ) Sweet, pale yellow with black lace; Mrs. Hugh Dunn, gold crepe de chene and gold ban-' dcaux; Mrs. M. P. McCaffery, white lace voile; Miss Grace Davis, pale blue voile; Mrs, J.P. Cade, shell pink satin; Mrs. P. W. Anderson, white satin with pearl iTyS FITS IN-BETWEEN SIZES J CHOOSE ) YOUR BEST EATING PLACE Two saiiiiif '" ..rI WU11UE.K'DIrt II There Is One for Every Figure 1 J SKATT1 trimmings; Mrs. Morte Craig white satin. Alaska, forty-ninth state of the Union! Newfoundland, tenth province of Canada! Which will be first or will both come to puss and in full measure hi the Lord's good time? Frtciavs. -,:. 1 1 - WAR SUBtlPLUJS - SALE PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. CANADIAN and AMERICAN GOODS All War. Surplus Goods in the Prince Rupert Area were recently purchased by'Army and Navy Department Stores Ltd., and have lecn transferred to Ocean Dock Warehouse, where they are being sold at only a fraction of their original. value. Before shipping to Vancouver, we are going to sell Pre-War Quality Goods at prices never heard of. FULL-COl'RSE MEALS 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. BANQUET HALL FOR LUNCHEONS, DINNERS " AND PARTIES CHINESE DISHES BROADWAY CAFE 608 3rd Ave. W. Phone 200 STEWART .n for n(V.M.N I FOR S.H VM BW Toilers on the reiwrlorial end of local papers before Prince April ' H Is every woman's desire to look her best at Easter Season. Come In and sec our new shipment; arrived today. Smartly styled Gabardine Suits, Coats and Three-piece Outfits. Ballerina crepe skirts with wide belts. Blouses ln black crepe, trimmed with plaid taffeta a perfect match for the Ballerina Skirt. ANNETTE mansell WALK UPSTAIRS IN STONE BUILDING Aom; Available! prince BuP pjjoc-J Third av- FOR THE. BEST IN AUTOMOTIVE SEKVirE Bee Your r RUPERT MARINE REALTY DOUBLE DECK BUNKS $4.00 KITCHEN TABLES 2.00 KITCHEN CHAIRS 1.00 FEATHER PILLOWS 1.00 WINDOW BLINDS :. 50c SINGLE COTS 3.00 GENERAL MOTORS HOCK DRILLING STEEL HITS; STEEL CABLE; ROPE and T1REX CABLE; CAMP COOK HOUSE EQUIPMENT and HARD-WAKE ALL SELLING AT HALF PRICE. Chevrolet Blrk n..nia ftldsmobile . ,.-iAI,TY MACHINE WORK A ' (J. CLAUSEN & SON) We Take Liftings of . . . BOATS FOR SALE OR CHARTER BROKERS IN BOATS, MARINE AND FISHING EQUIPMENT TRY RUPERT MARINE REALTY FOR QUICK SALES OR CHARTERS Terrace Machine Shop & TERRACE. B.C. ROY JACKSON, PRINCE RUPERT HOTEL ARMY & NAVY DEPT. STORES LTD, VANCOUVER EDMONTON - REG IN A LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL (Just East of Uptttt's, Waterfront) 1 '' '1 j Bos 141 - ' rhone Gteen 1)75 l advertise; in the daily news