Prince Rupert Daily News Friday, May 5, lO Ray Reflects ... ... and Itrminiscka i buildings. The harbor, seen from Dodge Cove, is a picture of uu- ; usual beauty. Incidentally, the shores opposite Prince Rupert, some day, wll be built 6n. There are advantages earlier daylight, Uor example. ' By Carrier, rcr Week. 20c: Per Month. 73c: rer Tear SAU $8 00; By Mail, Per Month 50c; Per Year $5.00. mX& Hum A , in re- home for the past few years. The when Shrine Band seeing to sound all i It has been suggested ! sponsible quarters that, X There will be just enough good humored acid to the" annual dinner of the Ottaw'a press gallery tomorrow to make it anticipated with bit of apprehension. Top guests will be the Prime Minister and Governor General. Naturally enough, they will withdraw early. For there is to be much "off the record." and rtr... t.- Crux Of Situation AS wide and complex as are the international questions of the day they all centre around one; big problem relations between the "two camps." When we talk about Germany we talk about Russia. When we talk of the Japanese peace treaty we talk of Russia. It is hard to think of a theme without Russia coming into it somehow. , ' British Columbia's new jail is the better. I built, the location will be in a ! other' pdnce RuPelt's Cit Hal1 ls part of this vast province, ; than next door to Vancouver or not so old as buildings go, but New Westminster. Why not in it's beginning to have that fx-f Skeena, and cut out the 500-mile hausted appearance, neverthe-! journey? Also, the north could less. The city was inco'rpor-j use a fine, up-to-date brewery, ated in 1910 and, for a while the ' Make the brew where you drink earlier municpal council sittings, it. If anyone imagines we don't took place, not in the present Mam. J5.1S' ta orprt o. "'4 now m j Men's WlviDr,r. I V quaff beer in quantity, let him premises, but elsewhere. .. The HiPDer. tnnfl j FOr, when all is said and done these days, the j glance at the annual cost of re- first ever held was in a provin- "" Rertsn. N'fiw It is said of Wm. Lyon Mackenzie King that he excelled, when given the privilege of letting the weight of high office t?o hang. He ctfuld say lots of little things he oft yearned to, but couldn't. And he took impish pleasure in giving the press better than they sent. He revelled in the by-play and brisk exchanges. But then, he's an old newspaperman hfm-iself, Isn't he? y' and color; an J i ts.,.-. Z -(-. S dominant theme is that of the Cold war. Is there anv j lreshmenta. ;cial government block near the , ,. I . ' museum. Later, there was a shift chance of - ending it? u If not, a i how is it -i. i to be waped i j Banft 0f -commerce way For arguments sake let lt be t0 tne SO that, without yielding to "cold aggression," WO iassumetj that, while there were down on Centre Street,; But all can avert the danger of a hot war? , v j whiskers, some who stampeded this has nothing in particular to . , T . , 'north neglected to develop a do with the place where they Of cardinal importance m assessment of any deeply, add ponder beard The lacUps prefm.ot, t0 typewrite, up the situation-and its possibilities is the assessment : remain smooth shaven. long columns, reclve taxes, read oOfce real intentions of the Soviet government, j rePrts and point fingtrs r .. , . , win the motilities be wea'-fnr; i : At the present moment, 0 Soviet propaganda harps j t, It woukl , viewed from the harbor. Dodge ..... ,C Beautiful dress pant, From . .. Boys'" Cotton WJ , lit Boys' SWEATER elv tn cv,,i,. "jneessantly on two themes, the theme for peace and not be the first time the scarlet Cove on Dlfcby Island faintly re tunc! has been seen functioning minds one , of Prince Rupert 1 1 UM - -V.5..v5,,,- : , in the north. For that matter, we about forty years ago. There's have had them right here at the same handful of small, new Si .V-. .--fir'' UBC STUDENTS TO TERRACE A group of University Of British Columbia students arrived In the city by plane Wednesday enroute to Terrace. Students In forestry, they are enrployed' by the Woridlands branch of the Columbia Cellu'.ose Company, as cruisers and are to be based at Terrace. Impossible eo-existence of the two systems. Does this indicate genuine tfesire, genuine willingness on the part of the Kremlin to reach a detente with the West to call, at any rate, a truce in the cold war? Is there an opportunity which wise statemanship could and would seize? It might be so. For Russia, as well as the West, must be finding the indefinite prolongation of the cold war both a costly and anxious business. Here is a possibility which will not be over Captain Morgan's 1 n i Satin-Glo i i . PR6DUCTS PRIME MINISTER AND GIRL Prime Minister St. Laurent in a tour of Western Ontario visited Dresden, the scene of a flurry last year when some restaurants refused to serve negros. Mr. St. Laurent is shown holding on his knee an eight-year-old negro girl. Doris Roper. He chatted with her about school. In an address the prime minister stressed that Dresden's early settlers "recognized the freedom and liberty of the humas being." The original Uncle Tom, who inspired Harriet Beecher Stowe to write her famous book, is buried near Dresden. (CP Photo) w Mm i i mr t - I 1 l RADIO REPAIRS I for Wolli, Woodwork, WE PICK UP AND DELIVER 48 HR. SERVICE PHONE BLUE 992 and1 Furniture KEN'S 718 2nd Ave. West RADIO CLINIC 90 Day Guarantee Thompson HordJ Co. Ltd. MOTrnr,, Pafkinj, Krs looked in the forthcoming London talks of the three Western foreign ministers. It is, undoubtedly, this possibility that is taking Trygve Lie, Secretary General of the United Nations, to Moscow. Unhappily Soviet practice has been to cehtradiet Soviet propaganda. The usual tone of Soviet diplomacy is harsh, insolent and hostile hot the least the tone of men who would really like to make friends. AU Western statesmen and all Western people would be glad to see the cold war ended. But the cold war can only end if Russia is prepared to stop waging it. So far, she gives no practical sign of such desire. Instead she is waging it as vigorously and unscrupulously as ever. Dean Achesort hit the nail on the head the other day. "There can, he said, "be no agreement, there can be no approach to agreement unless one idea i done away with. That is the idea of aggression and that word aggression includes not only military attack but propaganda warfare and secret undermining: of free countries from within." Shipping and Ginrl Cartate tni Sinn: Complete Reliable ar,c lent Service, also a$t VANCOUVER VICTORIA Snndiy, 9 p.m., Camosun Tuesday, 1:30 p.m. Coquitlam ALICE ARI, STEWART AND PORT SIMPSON dunday, Coquitlam, 11 p.m. 10 p.m. FOR NORTH QUEEN CHARLbTTE ISLANDS ss. Camosun, May 12 and 26 FOR SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Camosun, May 5 and 19 10 p.m. FRANK J. SKINNER " Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 5C8 Canadian Liquid Air C ror Oxygen. Acetylene weldl.-t? supplies. Lindsay's Carta; At better prices For Prompt- Service Coll RUPERT BUTCHERS 707 3rd Ave. Free Delivery Phone 21 And now you can enjoy something new and delightful drinks made with Captain Morgan Black Label Rum. The very next time, try this extra smooth and flavourful rum a refreshing change in cocktails, tall drinks or mixed with plain water or soda. Storage Limit! Cor. 2nd and Park 1 Est. 1910 Phones if 32k: ' ' -i j Hmm ! w HURRY! GET THIS MODERN -?JWL PLASTIC i HALIBUT REGULATIONS MI. & lid . -,OCAL fishing circles are finding it difficult to understand the announcement of the Minister This advortlsemeiit Is r..'T published or displayed by th2 Liquor Control Board or by the government of British Columbia PHONE 79 PHONE 79 ' frr 1 Thai's r I tn I I IN GERANIUM RED AND IVORY yi&JjY tf with one box top from 'AKES V VkELIOGG'S Bran Flake, - W A ' V i A YOU !"-" A" hakrd fresh t V-yV .GET::r Rupert Bab XP II (Lx - j Limited Jl V L-: V THE BEST of Fisheries, Mr. Mayhew, that no recommendations have yet been made on the matter of widening the " scope of the International Fisheries Commission to regulate the halibut industry of the Pacific oast,-giving the Commission more power on regulation 'fmthofity. Mr. Mayhew speaks of " strong dif-f erences of opinion" but those differences of opinion certainly would not appear to be very prevalent among the fishermen here at least on the crux pro-po?al to split the season, allowing an additional quota quantity for the late season. It would be interesting to hear a further elaboration of the opposition to the increasing of regu-laratory powers of the Commission which, in any changes to be made, would be actuated, it is to he supposed, upon the wishes of the industry and the - fishermen, governed, of course, by biological findings and assumptions as presented to the Commission by its conference board. Iflailarr putrnumj HOURS Weekdays 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sundays 12 Noon to 2 p.m. 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. SIXTH STREET AND THjRD AVENUC THE GAS LINE Compact! R. Mayhew is probably right in saying in! Vancouver that all the British Columbia : PHONE H8 Practical! PRINCE M Offered Id you by Kellogg' Bran Flake the bran flakes that are FRESHER! Add colorful gaiety to your tnble with thw lovely and oh-ao-conveniont HoBteaa I Zn CO I f iiriTIKlG 1 .Olr I , Set HEEDSc nt"" , Bui"""; wdii Old PostOfnceBI Moulded of special long-life plaitlcl Yoa can safely wash ant scald your Honteds Set without liiirting the material or the rich colors. Send today! Oft your Hont Set for only 50f and one liox top from KelloffB' Bran Kin ken criHper, more delicious because they're frenherl 1 JOHN H. . inn in i. a iif members, although there has been some confusion ot the issue over whether further permits should be ' granted for the gasline to the Pacific Coast, desire an all-Canadian route. As things are, it is Ottawa that grants the permit, Alberta has some power to regulate gas export while British Columbia is anxious that its supply should be protected and that the pipe line route should follow he route most advantageous to the province as a whole. Undoubtedly, thefe are some unclarified factors in the current disagreement owing to conflicting statements and hasty assumptions but it is natural that there should be general agreement on the idea of an-"All Canadian'' route and that the Yellowhead pHteshould be supported in this part of the prov-,ince--especially since the Legislature has gone 6n ikfird as being unanimously in favor of it. BULGER GARDEN TOOLS SEEDS AND FERTILIZERS FENCING AND NETTING Kellogg', Box 188 inrrfw. foikt a mm mm - i i OPTOMETB'81 Toronto, Ont., Canada Please send me ( ) Hcwtei SeU. I enclose BOf ro ciiin (carefully wrapppH) and a box top from Kellugg 1 Hran Flake for each et. . . " ' JcU Bulge l l 1 f I I j NAMI. , I ITREn. 2! rirv HOV1NCI. !.-:.... ( BtcBride Strpet. Phon 311 MWf&l MOMS I 0 pii Dcwllr 31, IV JO. Off taiffd to ntt4 Cml