1 P807I:.'CIAL LI33A3T, U3 VICrOSlA, 3, C. Ul A. B. 0RL1ES C30QS Daily Delivery PHOHE 81 fV CABS NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER p vol Sx n? mnad'$ MSt StrDte9ie Poeif ie Port - "Pr5nee RuPcrt' th KX G" Northwest" PRINCE RUPERT, B. C., FRIDAY, MAY 5, 1950 . PRICE FIVE CENTS ! I i h As 1 y i Occupying Force Me Chan ging-Jlo Weireinice Says Water '9nnL ORE fHILPOTt n.'4i IM I .oiulon and I went out Occupation Role Changes WASHINGTON(CP)-State Secretary. Dean Acheson will seek British and French agreement in London next week for gradually reducing and eventually ending allied occupation controls over Germany. The end of the occupation but not actual withdrawal of British, French and American troops in four old menus, In Critical Condition Immediate improvement in Prince Ruperts water supply is essential,, according to a statemcni yesterday afternoon by D. J. Ford, engineer for I'.C .Underwriers' Association. Mr. Ford said the condition, of the water works here was "annallinp" . and -loan Hal-PTacious SUbur- 1 FLOOD STILL WOR8K WINNIPEG FIod waters in the Red River have yet to reach their crest. Ani inch of rain, mixed with snow, since yester- , ' " v about 18 months is the objective f dav has aggravated the situa uas all cluttered up ulS. jean Halton wa.s and that, unless something was done about it rirf-.t sow, tin re was a good chance i Laborites Win British Seat Well Informed officials said that, while troops would be kepi in Germany on the new basis, western defence forces were holding a front line in the col l war rather than as occupation armies. f the city's losing Its class A ullng for fire Insurance. The present supply comes i com two sources, Woodwortti ake, eiht miles from the city, ng out the money ihc cans were filled, jjs, being the wife of ;tkcencst and f aire it, tcr, Mrs. Halton is a f!iie national health Britain. .c you folks still have Flat Dismissal For Red Claims . - ii 1 1 IA i ' : ! V "i J 'HI jj 0 LONDON ih The British Labor party retained Brig-house and Shawatlans Lake, six miles rlistarft. Mr. Ford stated the ion? mains were becoming In scat in a by-clcction yesterday j and its majority in Parliament j pennies from school asked. jjht you had social- creasingly b;tl and were reach ins? the state where they wcr "worn out." now stands at nine. The Labor candidate, L. J. Edwards, won j with a' majority of 437, about Bomb Explosion Kills 14 In Sicily CANTANIA, Sicily A store of heavy calibre aerial bombs exploded yesterday near hero kill i,e over here. Doesn't He came to Prince Rupert sment look after a!i one-filth of the majority in the February election. There was a i Monday from Ocean Falls and fci line in ana poi:u tism?" combined Conservative-Liberal TOKYO (H General McArthur yesterday rebuked as "provocative Impertinence" Russian claims that maintenance of United States miliary bases In Japan violates Allies' occupation policies. The Supreme Allied Commander in Japan dismissed sharply yesterday's demands by Lt. Gen tion. The entire town of Morris has been evacuated. Hospital patients have been brought here. F(M)I) RATION OFF WELLINGTON, N.Z. Food rationing in New Zealand will end next month. TW Conservative ( government announced today butler, lust or rationed foods, would come off the rationed list June 4. NEHRU RE-APPOINTED NEW DELHI -Jawaharal Nehru was re-appointed India's Prime Minister to-iay in a change in cahincl required by the country's new constitution, wldch became effective last January. Nehru and his old cabinet resigned earlier today. ONE AT A TIME SAN FRANCISCO Red China put into effect i(s new marriage law which outlaws polygamy and sale of women,, Pciping radio announced this week. Both practices have been condoned in China for thousands of years. candidate who was defeated. .spent the fim pan of the week inspecting the plant of Colum-bia Cellulose at Port Edwart. He .-pent Thursday with Fire Chief Earl Becker. JW'ER WE GOT WAS jjrrier. We found thai, :Jing Britain's com- dl care scheme, th? GRAZIANI NINETEEN ing 14 and Injuring 40. Killed vcre workers disarming bombs in order to take the explosive for industrial uses. The store contained 30 bombs weighing 3,600 pounds each. They blew up when a workman was taking the cap off one of therri GETS YEARS voluntary agencies bund more necessary In fact Lord Bev- t man wno piannci Highway In Good Shape eral Kuzma Dercvyanko lor explanation of the "reconstruction of former Japanese naval and air bases" In Japan and adle lo grave secur- THE WINDSORS KEEP MOVING- The Duke of Windsor gallantly helps the appreciative Duchess from their private car as they arrive In Grand Central station. New York. The royal couple came from Montreal after a trip to their ranch in Alberta where the duke hopes to find oil. ROME $ The Italian military tribunal convicted former Marshal Rudolfo Graziani, Fascism's Lion of Africa, of treason charges. He was sentenced to 19 years in prison, but amnesties and credit for time already served in custody cut the actual sentence to only one year and four months. . as urging the whole keep the voluntary ,;;ve and healthy. t"cn found in actual ;:i;U Uie voluntary i tilings that no gov- II. C. Perry and C. A. Warner Drive in Frum Prince George VAGRANT GIVEN THREE MONTHS Clara Fowler, no iixed, abodr was convicted In city police court Wednesday by Magistral." W. D. Vance on a charge or vagrancy. She waj. given three months and was escoistcd to Bait Cupboard Is Bare - Bait larcaucraey could do.i Mrs. Halton told hool children have Satisfaction with the condition of Uie highway between Prince George and Prince Rupert, considering the time of year, Is expressed by H. G. Perry and C. A. Warner who arrived In the city last night after the 500-mllc Prince cGorge Monday night by Break, Fish Escape From Pounds Cormcn'i Dance Enjoyable Affair One hundred persons attended an enjoyable dance held by the carmen of Canadian National Railways In the Oddfellows' Hall. Harmonious and enlivening music was provided by Mike Colu-i's Orchestra and John McNauirh-ton was master of ceremonies. Delicious refreshments were Const. John Medley and his wife. The accused, was picked up last week. interested in these aver the years that un't quit, e don't jx-nnkw m much- as ire. But we do need THREE STATES HIT KANSAS CITY IP; To.liadoe.il slashed, through small town.i and rural areas of thrca slates last night Injuring about SO persons and - causing serious property damage No deaths, were reported. ; 1 drive, .They amide the trip In leis NICK SCHMELING CENTRE DIRECTOR TERRACE Nick Schmeljng, who Is a cousin of Max Schmel-4ng, former world's heavyweight boxing champion, was the unanimous choice of the I'iial interest irt whai, GALLANTRY AWARD WON BY LAPRADE MONTREAL fi Edgar La-prade, 30-year-old centre wlrli Iown the Canadian served. The committee In charge fund Rneuinatism Su- consisted of Frtd Hill, R. Pollock It was reported recently that the herring pound at Hunt's t Inlet was minus herring when halibut vessels attempted to take on the small fish. Anxiety and sh . of halibut skippers Is blamed for the breaking away of these nets. Too many vessels ticing up at the pound caused the net .to rip and herring escaped. And Hunt's Inlet is not the only pound in the same con-, dltion. Reports state that all along the coast, pounds were swept away. The halibut vessels, it is said, moved in too close and for various reasons, some may be mysterious, the wire nettings broke. Late last week persons along the waterfront could not help but chuckle as Uiey visualized captains of vessels plowing leisurely to the b;yt grounds and, upon finding no bait : ground, return to a frozen fish centre in great haste. , One man in the fishing business along the coast said they were all "going crazy. . , . jl ad an unlucky break Civic Centre directorate last night for the position of director of the Civic Centre. His ciuties will commence Rupert People Malcolm Blair and Peter Ferguson. ';) New York Rangers, has been awarded the National Hockej League's Lady Byng trophy a; the most gentlemanly player o! the 1949-50 season, it was an urely fashion in two days, stopping here and there to call on friends. Wednesday night was spent in Smithers. During the past wrek the spring run-off has commenced in the central interior where the weather has boon quite warm. There is water on the road at some points were culverts have not been able to take the flow but it is not seiious and nowhere is there serious delay to steady driving. Public works equipment was first campaign. Il.s iunds comes right on of the Cancer drive anipaign to build a nounced yesterday. . i Attend Funeral Many former Prince Rupert people attended the funeral of 'A. Singing Douks To Penitentiary " same thinj. applies Canada. But you suf this: l ever made to the Terrace Board of Trade Wants More Action on Road Program : VANCOUVER Ch Chanting a Canada was ever more '' support For a flni noted at work along the way and dirge-like hymn and wllh bat-ton made in com-l'the condition of the road,' as a ! tercd ' baggage slung over their result, should be getting better Miouiners, oi oons.oi rreeuom greatest of all criij- the late Mrs. Max , Hcilbroner which was held in Vancouver on Monday of this week from thn Center & Hanna chapel. Dean Swanson of Christ Church Cathedral officiated and pallbearers included George Bryant, W. E. Drake, C. H. Ormc and J. H. MacLeod. Among those attending the funeral was John Bulger who leturned to the city this week. Since the funeral Max Ktil-bi oner has left for Ottawa with his daughter Mrs. Carson. TERRACE Strong disapproval of the public works program of work was expressed at Wednesday night's meeting of the Terrace and district Board of Trade in the Credit Union Hall, C. J. Nor-rington presiding. There appeared, it was said, to he No Lives Lost In U.S. Plane Crash MINNEAPOLIS W A United States air force twin engin C-46 plane today crashed In a wooded area near old Chamberlain air base. First reports said there was a crew of three and 23 passengers aboard, but no lives were Doukhobors arrived here on their way to Oakalla prison In suburban Burnaby. Twenty-three of. the all-male contingent were committed for nudism at the recent trial at Nel- iscs rheumatism.! from now on, barring floods or he little home-treat- some such eventuality, rd cars are a familiar ! At Terrace Mr. Perry and Mr. 'ost parts of British Warner visited Mr, and Mrs. Soon similar facilities Tommy Fraser at the Omincca vidccl across most of Herald Dlant. Mr. Pcrrv Is much i slackening up of the hard surfacing projectlfo'r Russ Statement Dashes Hopes FRANKFURT, Germany (Pi Chancellor Konrad Adenauer charged tod.iy that 1.500,000 Oetniniii were still missing in the Soviet Union. He demanded, in the name if humanity,, Uiat the Kremlin account Tor their fate. Adenauer made a special appeara'nrc before li.o West German Parliament at BtKin af-, ler he learned of last night's Soviet announcement Uiat repatriation of German war prisoners had been completed. Th2 the highway which is especially ; impressed with the prosperity of son and Trail and will serve terms leal nir,L,.; at the nearby British Columbia the Terrace and the outlook for the nnnllnnllnrt, r, I Unu U7numim,lni I1,4 ami the general future. p-iunmini i--w v.,iitiunn.i. j last Canada are teaming Mr. Pen v will hn snendina the THE WEATHER Ht three way attack lu-xt, few thivs in l.hi elt v on bnsi- "iscasc. The present uuiers niso uivoivcu in wic outbreak of burning and stripping during the past few weeks will face trial at. the Nelson Spring Assises on arson nild conspiracy charges. lr $7:.IHI0 in 1mi.i, Canada r ,i,i,.i, v, i. "v """"" SK linn i.. needed on Lakclsc Avenue to combat the dust nuisance. Thil Board has been advised by Vic-1 torlui'that Highway 16 must first he prepared for this hard surfacing through the towns an.l villages. . ' ( Nothing being done, the Board heard, on three or four important projects on Kalum Koad which affect' the livelihood of (he district. Mr. Bot-tomley will be asked about this Fire Strikes At Vancouver Firm ui u.u. wnicn Synopsis Cool showery weather was spreading eastward across British Columbia this morning threatening to delay the late sea- Mr. Warner will return to '"f movement). No fm ls too small. None Trincc George on Sunday by car. His daughter, Beverly, came to Smithers witli him and is visit yie son even more. Clearing is ex- Soviet statement dashed blB to meet the need. arc Coo .nno sufferers ' flic OKI bv sum". hundreds PPCted along the coast this aftcr- hopes of families of ing there with relatives while her ol thousands of missing soldiers father ls on the coast. Pemnali.sni; twice as tract. Clearing l"u Radio Following correspondence between the Board, E. T.'.Apple-mhaite, MP. for Skeena, and the department of transport radio division at Ottawa, concerning radio interference here an Interference car will be sent here early in the summer to make a thorough Investigation. Last year's request for a game warden for the district has met with no apparent action. The rpqurt will be repeated. A. L. Berner has turned down Uie Board's request for a night operator at the depot as business here' does not warrant It. The postal department see no necessity for a postal box at the nation when the Post Office is so near to it. The Board decided to endorse the Burns Lake nomination of George Ogston as provincial director and will seek the support VANCOUVER f'-A two .alarm fire last night caused $100,000 damage to the Industrial Engineering Ltd.., largest manufacturers of power saws in Canada. No one was Injured. The blaze was confined to one quarter of a square bloclf. BRITISH COLUMBIA IS READY TO HELP VICTORIA tPiJpremier Byron Johnson told Manitoba yesterday he was prepared to do anything possible to be of help in the flood crisis. "i as sufferers' disease, seven tim.es "'' victims of cancer. Form Aid Poymcnts Are Highest Yet .lilies ;is many as have 'LE WllHrt lc ,.,,.,111.... OTTAWA A government of-1 ficial yesterday estimated that lederal payments under the I cheap suunlv oi and also What work is proposed .for this district. Hon. E. T. Kenney will be acquainted wllh the Board's dissatisfaction witli the complaint that promises have been made, appropriation's have been voted and nothing been fulfilled, and a commute will interview him when ho conn's here very shortly- . A recommendation will oe sent to' Victoria that, as the extr'its, like corti-1 Promise siirti rr.u, v RUSS WANTS SMALL ONLY $5,000,000,000 LONDON - Moscow radio announced yesterday that Russia had decided to float a 20,000,000,-000 ruble bond issue "for the re-habiltation and development of the national economy." At the current rate of exchange this would bring In the equivalent of $5,000,000,000. Such bond issues have been issued by the Russians at various times since the end of the war. Jt'cs- I rcoortprt fmi-. IllSt Vp- ..o ,. noon and in many sections of the interior tonight. As a result frost may be expected again overnight, in almost all interior regions. A storm which moved eastward across British Columbia four clays ago has now developed into major proportions in the American Middle West and is giving everything from blizzards over the Great Plains area to tornadoes and winds of hurricane force In Oklahoma and Texas. Heavy rains were reported close to the flood stricken areas with one point' in Minnesota recording more than one inch In six hours. Regional forecast valid until midnight Saturday. North Coast ' Region Cloudy today. 'Sunny tomorrow. LUUc change in temperature. Light winds. Lows tonight and highs I ; oi uie ama: f obtained from e '"jections, ' Pl SCemt- t.. i. Prairie Farm Assistance program would amount to more than $21,-000,000 in the 194950 crop year the highest in history. The official said drought and other conditions ou 'the prairies were so unusually harsh that the government will be shelling out $3 for every dollar the Western farmr paid Ink. the Prairie Farm Assistance Fund. " lu ue near tno t 01 vy ble 1PIU Mid euro nf Miss Prince Rupert Also Miss . Northern B.C. - Wins At Smithers Lovely 18-ycar-old Joyce Tattcrsal, who last week won the title of "Miss Rupert," also gained the title of "Miss Northern B. C." last night in Smithers against competition frdm most of the other cities in the Northern area Miss Tattcrsal, a graduating student, of Booth Memorial , High School, Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lcs Tattcrsal of 738 Taylor Street, Prince Rupert, - . . Other candidates were: Miss Terrace (Joyce Cote) Miss Hazclton (Jean Lancaster Miss Smithers (Anna Emerson) Miss Tclkwa (Beatrice Burke) . Miss Houston (Corny Baggermau ) rocai worss department have all . of the Prince Rupert, ' Burn,' they can handle with ro i l Lake, Smithers and Vanderhoo maintenance, they should be, Boards of their nomination o left lo do that and all new con- Frank Doekerlll for provlncia struction projects be let on con- j vice-president. . wh'''h has I'H'. . lumal.s si "ce the time u.iaurs "IJttfr how great the U , kmd of organi-CA R S. Is build ni Halibut Sales Canadian 53.000 pounds, all to Co-op Robert. 22.000 pounds; Alii SI. 00; Gulvik, 15,000; Kaien, 12.- 000. vn ('Hial if WP ,. , tomorrow at Port Hardy and I C,ippkr.' Sandspit, 37 and 47; Prince Ru pert, 38 and 52. HELP WANTED f,. Construction Labourers. Apply in per- son Cblumbia Cellulose personnel office, Watson Island. FOOTBALL President's vs Vice-Pres. Sunday, 3 p.m. Acropolis Hill Grounds Players meet in Armories, 2:30 p.m.- "'y.Mavfi. inr. KLOMDYKE MITE civic centre, Friday may s .:4a 21.0 feet 22 ' fi.l feet, (106)