f - . ' ' ' CABS ftOVINCIAL JARY rr 113 vicionii, 2. c. OHMES DRUG Daily Deliver viuuiuuj vuiiUJiuiiA o ri & W O Jr AJr CJct JUililhed 0t Conado' M Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Greot Northwest' PHOHE 81 JL. XXXIX, NO. 113. PRINCE RITPtfPT . , t n UAUniir nnrr.-r mttr. -.!.. j m. niunuai, MAI 10, 1'JDU PRICE FIVE CENTS Uoukhoborsi n n h Dmni b Anot her D0 r - i rrq . - i 4 Will Incorporate Land Plane Takes Off IW - hi i MA 2 j For Sure-Howe j ! VANCOUVER "ft Trade Minis- j Railway Span On Kettle Valley Line Is Blasted GRAND FORKS, B.C. (CP) A Canadian Pacific railway bridge was blasted last night in wlu-.L Provincial Police said was a "reprisal raid" by tl e Sons of Freedom Doukhobors. The bombing of the 157 foot steel bridge on the C.P.R.'s Kettle Valley line followed the arrest Sunday of 40 demonstrating Sons. The bridge, 22 miles ea't 1- v. l" .... - , .... V. ". . 4... . ' Two Women Are Injured ; A broken steering wheel In a vehicle driven by Manuel Hclse, 1152 Seventh Avenue East, Sunday night, sent two women to General Hospital with cuts bruises and abrasions. Mr. Heise's wife and her mother, Mrs. A. Greenwood, were occupants of the car which sped over the Seventh Avenue East embankment at McBrlde Street. Mr. Helse escaped Injury. j The accident occurred shortly after 9 p.m. The vehicle was travelling toward 8cal Cove. Mrs. Helse sustained very bad cuts on her knee and nose. Mrs. Greenwood received a fractured ankle, fractured wrist and fractured rib. ter C. D. Howe said here that three companies , were planning to pipe ratural gas to the west coas rom Alberta wll' be Incorporated despite the Parliamentary filibuster opposing two of them. The Minister said in an interview that, wrhile he could not , say if the bills seeking incorpor- ation for Alberta Natural Gas and j Praire" Transmission Ltd. would ' ...i.i . .V .... .. v , J. Charges Acheson of this Kootenay settiemrn;, was badly damaged but a rral-vay spokesman said traffic on the line would be resumed to- Mg BOATS Tlx- Hooding Red River left the roadway Sunder feet of water. The swirling current Is the tir.p!iio'"us army "duck" which sailed through the iday.; ago. The water is even higher now. (CP Photo) 1 pass the filibusters, the com-j Sen. McCarthy, ! morrow night. What was to have been a trial run turned into an actual takeoff at 12:35 noon Ixlay as Ralph Pott, controller with the Civil , Aeronautic Administration at ' Annette Island, Alaska, sped hH light Cessna- 140 into the sunny, cloud dotted sky. Take-off spaca was about 300 feet at the C.P.A. Seal Cove airbase runway. Pilot Pott gunned the motor, at the far end of the hangar and was going to try for a trial run. But, apparently, he changed his mind when one of the wheels lifted. It appeared as If he was going to bring the plane down, but he continued until the light craft was airborne. " . i He swerved to the left slightly as he nosed the plane in a north easterly direction. It was a good take-off. Pott and Companion Bruce Ingalls, Communications chief with C.A.A. at Annette Island, made an emergency landing at ' panics will be Incorporated, there I is no doubt of that." PROMOTER DIES i NEW YORK William F. Johnston, Jl, one of the younger brothers of a family of sports promters, collapsed and died last night in a drug store, lie was a bio;;ier of the late James J. Johnston, former Madison Square Garden matchmaker. TWO DROWN WHITE SALMON, Wash. A motor boat carrying six men, was swamped in the Columbia River Sunday, taking the lives of two. Dead are Floyd Quick, id, Ellensburg, Wash., and Andy iertrand, also of Ellensburg. j $12,000,000,000 POT . , NEW YORK Americans gamble an estimated $12,000,-000,000 a year through bookmakers, slot machines and the 1 numbers or policy racket, " a group of experts said today. The figures were compiled by editors of annuals of the Am Is-On AVarpath operation On J Interior Air :e Seeks Licence ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. O? Sen Fish Stocks Endangered Twins Fails 'AWA (Special to Daily News) Applicu-Ctrstral Iiritish Columbia Airways for an .tftrvice between Prince George and Ter-'l(rin,r intermediate points,'is now before the ator McCarthy (R.-Wis.J today accused Secretary of state Ache-son of betraying the United States in Asia. ' He asked President Truman to fire Acheson. Contending that American policies played into the hands of Communists in China, McCarthy Prince Rupert fish houses stocked with heavy landiifs or 1950 fish were in danger for sometime errlv Sturdfv morning as e'ertric power as cut off for. about two hours. Jn some sections of the city lights art; EDMONTON 0 The opera-: tlon to separate the Siamese I twins, Brenua an J Beverly I Townsend, yesterday ended in I the death of both children. The j babies, joined at the abdomen j in front, were separated liy surgeons of a 12-man team of The condition of both women Is reported as satisfactory. Legace Sentenced On Two Charges QUESNEL T-Bert Ugac'e. l'J. arrested last month after he a.id his 15-ycar old girl friend vlth-stood a 12-hour siege In a mountain -aoln, -as senlenc; j to two years in penitentiary. Cepiace wa3 charged with abduction and breaking and entering. ;;:,,,!! Hoard.- The parties interested ril June 5 to make representations. IwiewhaiU' M P. IS 1 the Wuili with Acheson .nao 'bought'' a were out for only about 15 min-! said Seal Cove Saturday afternoon after running into bad weather near Dundas Island. They were on a flight from Arlington, Washington. This morning, a. Taylorcrafi plan for the Far East devised by ! specialists but survived only a Owen Lattimore, which is "eigan-! lew minutes. They would havj in oeen six momns 01a weanesa-iy. utes. elsewhere an hour and a half. Tiie cut-oft was probably due to a tree or fome other ohiect falling across the power lino v;hich runs from the Nnrrhprn erican Academy of Political and 1 Social Science. DEMONSTRATION LONDON Police today broke-dp a demonstration of stud-' ents carrying peace slogans as tic iu its fraud and complete its deceit." The announcement of the o i:- : equipped with pontoons, landed Floods Strike Three States OMAHA S"venleen per sons are dead or missing and more thousands homeless as the most damaging flood in years come of the three hour op- ation was made by Dr. E.vr.lW j S. Allln, who headed the tea-n at Seal Cove to pick up Ingalls. It later .followed the Cessna to Annette Island. B. C. Power station at Falls River THE W LATHER SUIT FOR $118,000 AGAINST DUPLESSIS - ays. j 3. c. Airways is sip- i ' permiwiim In operate ji air mail ana I iPrviiv Irom Prime j , Vuwk'rhoof, Hums j ;htri. Wondruclt and I : oivr-ii( by v i s 1 : 1 1 :i until 'surli time a jt Ear ili'-ics have been a whii h time lixed iculd rij into el feet. I : ' such a :TVii:e w;s I ct Au:u t Rt tiie :in- i ai of the AiM'inMfi ', Tiaiic of Ciritral J 'uii.b;a al Kiiuthtr! MONTREAL Frank Ronca'-- "O Of Attempting the rare, aeueaio 1 Synopsis j feat. Among reasons he gave for A thin layer of cloud moved 1 failure of the attempt was hs into the southern section of j "extremely difficult" separation British Columbia overnight but j of the children's livers. Tin y the rest of the province re- j were fused at the area of the Canada" in Place 'Rule Britannia" Power was o!f from between 12 j midnight and about 2 a. m. j A Northern B. C. Power official stated Saturday that If .the -urrent had been off for one I hour more, the drydock plant elli, suing Premier Duplessls ior ' $118,000 damages, said In court swept over North Dakota, Minnesota, and Nebraska. Scores of communities were wouid have been put int in'" the hdrmern ,0n was t skUm m tne i.-,o!atd as the surging waters from fntrr swollen- rivers ' and streams spilled over thousands of ai res of land. All fatalities were OTTAWA Oi Strains of Canada" have been selected to replace "Rule' Britannia' 'as uA formal salute of Navy bands to the chief of Canadian Naval Staff, the' Naval Board of Can- he was a Jehovah's Witness but not a leader of the sect any more than Mr. Duplessis, as a prominent Roman Catholic, was a leader In that faith. Mr. Roncarelli's statement came during evidence tlon. By the time power was resumed, employees had b?en steaming the dry dock for one and one half hours. Cariboo and in the Princ? children's hearts. Both were cn-Gtorge-Bulkley Valley region, j closed in the game pericardial There will be an increase in sack. This was divided by tho cloudiness during the day over I surgeons but the hearts still the. northern coast with the ap-! protruded about two and otw I In UtB o,.tf arlcrlni. frnm na rtnnll a aria Arimtrals nf t Vi n TT! u f A.I 111 IliO OUl. B 1 11 n ' ' l'" 1 l . ' l If HUM, ......... U... V. l . . V. . . . U. . V. Hon four years ago of the liquor mirals, the Commander la Chief, in Nebraska. Sevirbodles were recovered. Ten others were missing. Livestock situation In North Dakota was described as "desperate." An aerial feeding service started tQday. inches, making it to close the chest proach of another weak dis-jhalf turbance from the Gulf ofjsible Leave licence for the Montreal restaur- naval headquarters announced Alaska. A few showers are ex- am ne iormeny uwnea. coi:iuj., . , j British Close Czech Office lenl Jobs pected in this region overnight. Some cloudiness will spread to the southern coast tomorrow but otherwise the weather ovet the province will be unchanged. TODAY'S STOCKS the foreign ministers of It Atlantic Pact countries met for crucial four day talks. The , studr.-ts carried posters bearing such slogans as "One World or None" and "Crusade of Artists to Prevent , a Third World War Non Partisan" TRIPLE KILLING STE ROSE DU LAC, Man. Three persons a man, his wile and young sister-in-law were - shot to dealb last night in what 1 police called a double murder and suicide. Police said "on the face of it" 30-ycar-oId Leonard Spend killed his wife, her sister and then shot himself. lie also fired shots which seriously wounded his mother and father-in-law. EXPECT "CONFESSION WASHINGTON The United States will not be surprised if Moscow eventually produces an alleged confession from a purported crew member of the American Navy plane lost in the Baltic, April 8. A government official said it was on a basis of what he asserted to be American "knowledge" that Russia made prompt efforts to salvage remnants of the plane, to pick up its occupants, dead or alive. S-A:i olficlul of the fcnarch Council indl-ior.e or two foreign as have k it the Oov- (t'uurtrny S. I). J'lhnsloii Cu. Lll ) LONDON f Britain has ordered the Czechoslovak em EIGHT SEAMEN LAND EXHAUSTED BY MAHE MAHE, Seychelles Islands (f Eight Indian seamen, after eight days in lifeboats without food or water, have reached Platte Island, 60 miles south of Malic, main Seychelles island. ExJiaust-ed by Hie ordeal in the Indian n.A'n.i vt u,.,.t- :i.i ... bassy in London to halt Its In Mike Sapko, I5f Is Found Dead Mike Sapko, 75, was found dead at his Ninth Avenue homo here Saturday of natural causes. He had lived in Prince Rupert for formation activities, It was disclosed today. Ernest Davics, , Forecast North Coast Region Sunny; this morning, clouding over by afternoon. A few showers this j evening and overnight. Cloudy 1 Tuesday: Little change in tern-! perature. Ligh winds Increasing to southerly (15) by this eve- Parliamentary Undersecrqtao for Foreign Affairs, said the action was a "measure of re Vancouver Bayonne .03 Bralorne 8.15 B. R. Con 03 Cariboo Quarts 1.27 Congress ,., 26 Hedlcy Mascot .34 Pacific Eastern 06'? Pcnd Oreille 6.10 Pioneer 3.15 icientifc oiuanizatlon 'f Jut two years for sec-s. However, he later 'sienUsts at the big atomic energy pro-5oi involved. -til's JuriMliclion in-' atomic project as well s in radar, supersonic 1 'ital research, much 't!l with miiiia;y en- ninrr nnH shifting tr westerly uum pucu up uu a taliation" for C7ech step last about 20 years and leaves no known relatives. week In shutting down tht British Information Service and the British Consulate in Czecho Aumaque 30 Beattle 71 Bevcourt .32 Bobjo 1-13'' '? Buffalo Canadian 24'j Con. Smelters 105.00 Conwest , 1.50 Donalda 66 Eldona 30 East Sullivan 6.80 Giant Yello knife 9.00 God's Lake ' .36 Hard Rock 46 Harricana 13 ' Heva -08 Hosco .10 U5i early tomorrow. Lows to-j reef because they had no strength night and highs tomorrow at to bring her hi. They were on Port Hardy, Sandspit and Prince their way from India to Tangan-Rupert, 40 and 52. I yika with a cargo of tiles. slovakia.' ' DLLL TEL. ASKS FOR INCREASE IN RATES OTTAWA The Bell Telephone .. .03 V .. .13 ... 2.60 .03 ... 1.18 ... .37 Primer Border Privateer Reeves McDonald .. . Reno Sheep Creek Sllbak Premier Boy Dies Blaze Woodworkers In Portland Strike Taku River 11'? Vananda -15 Salmon Gold 06 Spud Valley 06 Silver Standard 1.45 Company of Canada has applied l the Board of Transport Coni-misloners for permission to boost rates on an interim basis effective June 1. The proposed higher rates are designed to increase the company's telephone service revenues In Ontario and Quebec by about 20.6 percent. The requested rate boosts are for the full amount now bring sought on a permanent basis by the company In its main application before the board. PORTLAND W About , 8,000 lumber workers . strucl: today BAY (p,A S(,v0,v ' toy was burned to 'e S'wt'r;l:y when a Oils I against the huge Weyerhaeuser art fawd tliioimh a Lu inter Co., but the rest of the Northwest lumber industry con garaiiC Wayne ' 'MCI, cafe, ' Victim was uiyen. Jacknlfe ... O6V4 Joliet Quebec 6 Lake Rowan 17 Lapaska .- O!") Little Long Lac T. .44i Lynx '. -31 Madscn Red Lake 2.97 McLeod Cockshutt 3.50 Moneta , 34 Negus 1-58 Noranda 70.00 Louvicourt 19W Rcgcourt 0'4 San Antonio 3.35 Senator Rouyn 35 Sherrlt Gordon 2.39 Steep Rock 3.50 Silver Miller 83 Upper Canada 3.35 tlnued operations'. Weyerhaueser was the only major lumber Anglo Canadian 5.00 A P Con 37 Atlantic 1 82 "Central Ledue 1.38 Hoome Oil M 00 Mercury Okalta 1-72 Pacific Pete 5.65 Princess ,. 51 Royal Canadian .07 Vi Royalite 12-65 1 'j-".,i!!jr.'., , s v, vvi: . : ;: i , 1 L . '-..vsv.v $mj . w , v i?.tWs -v. t. , , . . . ':s: is v , s r V s,- i- )( , ,.!r-'x- operation not to have reached a settlement with the International Woodworkers of Am Brooke Tells Why ,0u9h Drome ft to TQrftf erica (C.I.O.) when the unions ?y ; ..... 'i Iralanri Hi virion I strike deadline arrived this I morning. The deadliiio in' British Columbia operations Is June ' 15. OTTAWA --Prime Minister Sir Toronto t Athona I3 ., "Wy. 'awarded for i '"'aliou in the1 "Drama Festival, has Poup ol Toron'o tl,i,c, time in "so f.,.. 5000 Homeless At St. Boniface Basil Brooke of Northern Ireland said that differing loyalties, religions,-standard of living and I rconomics wll perpetuate the div-lision of Ireland into two parts. He told a press confernce the ' majority of Northern Ireland' : 1,300,000 people see no reason why they should join a southern Irc-I land whose living standards were I lower and whose republican form the U,p pri;;C 48 prt,mi(,r rr&mn. u'o Belmont TKp,, ! fe Sutuhy nlrht , ntatm ot ciiriord "ke and sing " Red Riyer Is Levelling Off river, in St. Boniface, it forced 5,000 Manitobans fronl their homes. The exodus, the third Daughter Born To Seretse Khanas " ' JOHANNESBURG ,3outh Africa IK Ruth Khama, white queen of the Bam-angwato tribe, gave birth to a daughter today at Serowe, Bechauanaland hos litrif,. n . of government was In direct contrast to their loyalty to the Crown. Sir Basil Is In Canada on a three weeks' visit. """ord and Pr0. WINNIPEG (CP,) in three days from places pital, a sniikesmjin for the Hi lt- i SfiKI .... The treacherous Keain the metropolitan area, jSh High commissioner an- 0: ifo flonrl" r-rpsr. ex- 4.1. . i..ti. ,.i,of,. in nounced. Her Negro husband ' .LOCAL TIDES jiuver, ivivci, its noi. .v,Uv v.v. Was was lne UU; latest latest caaijiei tFlw iJ1 exiled exiled rhM chiefs Rrpts Klm hns -n. nan, May 17th, Pm- Radio Pro- Tuesday. May 16, 1950 b em Irsloti to leave 5 feet pected a day hence, lev-.the migration the most been gim, 1 1 feet ! elled off at Winnipeg to- extensive i n Canadian' u" START OF DISASTER This photo of the start of the $20,000,000 week-end conflagration atRim-ouski, Que., shows the situation firement faced as they battled 30 hours to save the town, cf 15,000 population. From the blazing lumber yard shown in the background, flames were driven by an 80-mile-an-hour gale across the Rimouski River to ravage the western section of the community. , (C, P. Ffcoto i High ! 0:38 20 13:24 18 otfCtorate at once. The white queen is a former 6:15 Ixndon steftigraprier. Low 7:13 3.3 feet 19:04 75 feet day. Put jiwt across the history. 1