answer lowed to me this. Work?" Well, Mr. Philcotf Prince Rupert .Daily Hews ' Should ,. ""'-Uli!., the Mayo Brothers be allowed to c", , Vh,,r"'h . ' Wednesday. September 20. 1950 practice medicine 1 r(! en "i snou'd u-itv. .. . tociety force them back into .,, 1 ,,ua'. W their natural profession, down S24 41 8 M An independent dally newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Princ? Rupert and northern and central British Columbia n . . . . . . "UM.t, (111 l .. 11 Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau or Circulations ! vuihc, uuiuc, Mil 3. Wl.r. ffTY" A$ -vt i tL2 it I By ELMORE PHtLFOTT can't get ME into that blind yntteN only m u " ih argument, especially as I have written and spoken on Yoim O. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. H. O. PERRY. Managing Director SUBSCRIPTION RATES That seem tol "Why Wives M to work trl n side all my life. I am not talking about the question of wives who work out- By Carrier, rer Week, 20c; Per Month, 73c; rer Teai, $8.00; By Mall, Per Month 50c- Per Year $5.00. eat. It Classiifed Mit ! side the nome because they pre-j fer that to housekeeping, and j are able to arrange for a house WHY WIVES WORK MR. A. HAIGH is a bit mad at me for printing keeper in the home. I am talk ing about the thousands of wlvea who would much prefer NOT to nnp vvnrln'no- wife's lpttpiv ve to work outside the house: , and who in fact have to do TWO . TT llT He says I have read your : jobs under the present set-up-column COnSC ientiously ; llle onr at bustaew and the one . . , when they come home. with some admiration but , o0o the latter is all gone after, what i am trying to1 get leading jour comment u both husband and wlre nave t0 the head Of the Column en- work today to earn enough titled Whv Vive? Work !"onf t0 enatle tn famiiy to "Why don't the women come jn $iqi j out 'honestly and saV that the. Frank Rlrkptt, wrJf. "ft. nk .h.i'r" 1910 ln 'ernon, B.C., he're" were lt,.. nooi rut miss this. family? Read your newspapers and see almost every day, where M.-n's Iirni Pant, J NOW Boys' School tmi s. woman puts the kids to bed. ! "fes on the prowl, something happens and lt gets In the news, i but, m thousands of cases nothing happens except poor child-; ren cry themselves to sleep in unhappiness." ' oOo i MRS. MP. WRITES a very 'thoughtful letter. She says: j "Women are people. You would be considered a crackpot if you now ffa c some prices: Sugar, 18 lbs, for 86 cents. Potatoes 100 lbs! tor one dollar. Bread 3 cents a loaf. Tea 45 cents. Coffee 35 cents! Bottle of Scotch whisky jl.25. Leckle's work boots $4.00. Dress shoes $2.50 to $i. Stanfieid's heavy underwear $1.50 to $1.75 Number 1 Coast fir (kiln dried i landed In Vernon $25 per thou. and feet. "Wages were: Laborers $2.75 per day. Pluu.bers S6 per day, carpenters $5 per day, pmstereri $(i. Room, rent at hotel, $5 per week." oOo MR. T. W. EDWARDS of Ste-veston, B.C., Is the secretary of an organization called "The B.C. ONE DOWN AND ONE TO GO Drawn oy Arch Dale in the Winnipeg Free Press. (CP Photo) Something Must he Done U NLESS something is done to put a stop to inflation, which is rearing its ugly head higher and' higher these days in increased prices and costs, it will cause untold hardship to all segments of society. Many are fearful of the ultimate results of the present trend and would appear to have good reason to be so fearful. Already the lot of the middle class, the existence of which has been said to be the main reason why North America now leads the world, is very- difficult.. Nicolai Lenin, that master revolutionary, knew whereof he spoke when he declared that the liquidation of the middle class through high taxes was the surest way of ensuring the success of communism. High taxes and inflation are twins perhaps almost Siamese twins. Encourage the growth of one and you inevitably encourage the growth of the . other. . . . Some years ago the Oxford University Press ' published a pamphlet entitled Canada's Burden of Taxation, In that slim volume appeared these words: . "... As soon as an inflationary movement gets under way, . there begins a silent redistribution of opportunities and of wealth, among the various classes and Individuals in a society with inevitable injustices to some; whose misfortune it Is that their Incomes, in terms of dollars, are relatively fixed, at a time when other individual dollars are ' steadily losing purchasing power. "The pensioner and annuitant are Immediate victims of an inflation. Holders of life insurance policies and of bonds "and. mortgages are likely to be victims also. As a whole, the so-called 'white.collared class" have little if anything to gain, and stand to lose a very great deal, In a serious Inflationary move. "Skilled workers whose rates of wages are, as a rule, adjusted to new circumstances at infrequent intervals and relatively slowly, are equally vulnerable. "These are direct and for. the most part obvious conclusions. Reference to past experience here and elsewhere, during recorded periods of inflation,, supplies an t abundance of evidence in support of them; and as well, evidence of the strains endangering the social fabric -as a whole, of which ,,M inflation may be the direct-cause" .,vWV.-f - The truth of those words has become more apparent with the passing of almost every month Ted Applewhaife , Bible Speaker On His Way West jls Coming Here scriptures which ran over four million copies a year On October 29, 1942, he was seized by Japanese authorities and imprisoned i n a torture chamber where he was kept for three months before being changed to concentration camp. suggested that all men are naturally farmers . . . Yet that ls what you have suggested In the case cf women. In the beginning of civilhatlon man was the provider, by hunting or fishing. Then as man's brain developed, the man who could build better houses than his neighbor built both his own and his neighbor's house, and his neighbor tiUed both fields. -Both families were better off. But the female? She E. T. Applewhaite M P. for Local British and Foreign Bible Skeena having left Ottawa Mon-t is Socicty maiclpt; preparationS , , - . rl session of Parliament, is now on 'for the vUit here th:s week-end ; Toronto Rcilwoy ;of the general secretary, Rev. ' -u:-t :,:. i Chief S VlSltOf his wav west, bv train and wil will rhone arrive this Friday in Nelson to W w- H- H HnHmMh Hudspeth of f Toronto. r, Mr. vt. visit until Monday with his Hudspeth will arrive by tram 203 N A Walf.-rf epnprnl sntipr. intendent for 'the Canadian wen' rl8nt on doing her own ; father and brother. Next week he: irom tne Ea" tomorrow nisht was National Raihav's at. Toronto. iiuicmaang wiid-iitrr mw i will spend three days in Van- 8na uy to Vancouver Satur Now after day. He will speak Friday ti ght arrived in the city on the Prince I a coolt or not- couver taking up matters of in thousands of years of frustra George this morning from Van. j terest to Skeena district. Or. the at a meeiing in bi. Paul s Luther-,way back from Vancouver tOianChurcn. Prince Rupert he will snend a! Prior to coming to Canada, Mr. 'week in the Ocean Fails andiHu3sPetn was general secretary 'Bella Coola district. He is due of the British and Foreign Bible r here October II. . Society in China. He went to China in 1905 and. as a pioneer tion, we round pegs In the square hole of homemaking are finally making progress toward female specialization, until we run up against the stone wall debate "Should Married Women be Al. couver in the course of a western trip and will leave for the East en this evening's tra'.n. He is accompBrled by E. E. Smith, freight traftic manner for the jempany a'. Toronto. For All Electrical Wirir. And Service 1 lillwinnaru fnr OR troora lit imo LARGE FAMILY !t0 know the country verv well Benjamin Franklin was the and was reCo2nized as a man 15th child in a family of 17. of great qua)iiies of leadership. MUTIPLE ORGANS Colleague of the famous Samuel Insect, antennae cary nerves jcuard as a Bible translator, he for hearing, touch and smell. ; translated the Old Testament in REAL ESTATE . INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED CALGARY CP Roland Moffatt arrived back in Calgary with something the stampede, foot- ball and hockey teams hav; been unable to win in the past y?ar a Dominion sports champion. ship. Returning from the Can- to the language of one. of te Try a Classified in trie News. . important tribes of Chinese. 'As adian National Exhibition in R. E. Mortimer 324 2nd Ave. ( Near CFPR ) NORTHERN B. C. POWER ( if-eneral Society of the Bibl; Toronto, he brought with him Society in Chii.a, he had charge' the yo-yo championship of : at the publication of Chinese i Canada. since the end of World War IL STEWART, 1 PRINCE RUPERT PHONE 210 Its , so CRtSP rr GOES V Just Arrived! A beautiful selection of Rhinestone Jewellery . . . Nscklefs, Earrings, Bracelets. GEO. COOK, Jeweller WvWV TWO Its ; ' GOING TO TERRACE! SIM Travel - By 3r ECHOES OF STRIKE THE railway strike has been, a costly affair for the Canadian people. The millions of dollars 1 lost to the railways and to strikers themselves are - only a part of what has been lost to the country generally in the suspension of trade and commerce. ' From the point of view of the railway employee . alone, the strike was injurious to their own interests. Whatever they may have gained in increased wage rates and reduced working hours, they have suffered the total loss of take-home pay, and they i '"have deprived the railway companies of millions of dollars in income. So that the companies are now7 I less able to meet the increased costs involved in the union demands than they were before. Moreover, the temporary suspension of railway services may result in the permanent diversion of traffic to other means of transportation. j The lesson to be learned from this strike and it applies to all strikes in these days of highly organ-i ized and integrated industries and services is that employees cannot injure their employers without injuring their own vital interests. All industries, I businesses and services depend for their mainten- ance and their very existence upon the good will and I faithful co-operation between employees and man-;g,eMent. Antagonism between the two is mutually "destructive and suicidal. Extreme demands from one side or the other are bad business, and when they are carried to the extreme it is worse business for all directly and indirectly concerned. 11.30 a 4.00 P 5.30 P 10.00 P Leave Prince Rupert Arrive Terrace Leave Terrace Arrive Prince Rupert WASHDAY GfcAND DISH... w'lTM VAWABie MlMERALS AMD PROTEIrJS.TOO! Yes W Carry Express.! Phone 555 for Information , uATtnu ki AMD STAGES LTD. JULVA B1 W eaty fo make clothes sparkle Its crflMnr Thcr Is niaWW . with an Electric Washer Your clothes will be cleaner, brighter, stay new-looking longer if you use an electric washer. Its washing action is gentle, but thorough. , And it's so simple and easy to operate. It has few moving parti and is built for long trouble-free service. Come in for a demonstration and see how an electric washer can save you .time, money and hours of drudgery. more thrilling than" lovelvlDIAMOND. V, SCRIPTCRE PASSAGE FOR TODAY "That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all caints what Ls the breadth, and length, and depth, and height; and to know the love of Christ which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God." Eph. 3: 17-19. CHILDREN WE ASKED mn rrioiDi fZ a'Ee any other (tJU y pice CREAI" REE THESE SPARKLING BEAUTIES TODAV AT HI It's nice to be able to say . Charge It" r Sanson's If you enjoy the reputation of paying your bills promptly, all yoa have to do ls say "Charge lt." CREDIT BUREAU OF PRINCE RUPERT 1 tjjjjtiUiniV.' yryr fjiittMji) VAViVVWW'AV.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.VAV.VAV.V.V