.iCe lcui Tiui.c r.up-rt a tt;y days ago with Sergeants Gerry. S1EWARI NO ItS Hrmce Rupert Uaily lNews Wednesday, September 20, 1950 t ana rossum on duhiu. Mrs. Marie Burnett of Stewart has been in Prince Rupert for medical treatment. George Brodie arrived here last week from Prince Rupert to relieve as government agent while C. G. Tran is taking his annual vacation in Victoria. Mrs. Tran and small daughter had been south for some time previous. When Mr. and Mrs. Tran return they will also bring their new son with them. W. J. Crawford has returned from a business trip to Vancouver and Prince Rupert. Terrace Enjoys Song Cavalcade -TERRACE A "Cavalcade of Song," a Basil Horsfall origination, with artists from Vancouver's "Theatre Under the Stars"' was produced at the civic centre auditorium on Friday evening to a delighted crowd of about 150 people. For many, it was their first introduction to such music as presented personally by the artists.-It was a thrill long to be femefribered. The fine stage and Mrs. J. Conley has arrived here from Vancouver to Join her husband who is employed as mill man at the Riverside mine. Frank Waterhouse freighter Chilliwack was here during the week-end loading ore. Rev. C. A. Lomas of tbe Anglican mission boat Northern Cross conducted services here on of the operas were In English and the imagination could eas. ily supply the elaborate scenery, costumes and supporting cast of the actual opera. The artists were. Vera Bryson. soprano; Win. Hutt, mezzooprano; Derek McDermot, baritone and Earl Norman, tenor and pianist Reg. Haw ken. At the conclusion of the program George McAdamas presented Miss Bryson and Miss Hutt with corsages donated by a "lady of Terrace who Is a lover of beautiful music." Tile program consisted of three parts: Part 1, Act II (In costume) of Tales of Hoffman. Part II "The Geisha" with the songs "Jewel of Asia," "The Interfering Parrott," "The Kissing Duet." From "Naughty Marietta," "Southern Moon," "I'm Falling in Love," "Italian Street Song." From "The Country Girl, "Two Little Chicks," "Rajah of Bong." "Finale Act 1" From Lady Madcap, "I Like You in Velvet." From Carmen "The Card Song," "Micaela's Aria," "Duet Don Jose and Escamillo." From "The Great Waltz," "Tales from Vienna Woods," "With All My Heart," "Love and Mrs. F. Hunger has returned fo Premier after a visit In Saskatchewan where she was called on account of the illness of her daughter. Stewart Bride, Groom Honored large, hall were admirable for P.M.L. 15, now the Royal Canadian Mounted Police boat, was the entertainment, f For, those who saw the artists here last year, it was an patetf treat which more than lived! up to expectations. The absence of Basil Horsfall, whose wonderful hands had made the plane fairly talk as he accom-paniep the artists, was felt by those i who had seen him before and realization has come of this man' singular endeavor to place befora the Canadian public such 1 1 erf ' I? t.nt. tvAryiAtt r, : ,ti . ' rSrSJJ r - ,7 A:f - Part three was Act IV (in, costume) of II Trovatore. ? This entertainment was arranged for in Terrace by J. H. SteVenson and C. J., Norrington who also took tickets at the door. Ushers were members of the Civic Centre Choral group, Mrs. L. Johnstone, Mrs. K. Mcpherson, Miss Elliott Head. Following the performance, Mrs. Lloyd Johnstone entertain, cd the artists and some of the members of the choral group at her home on Lakelse Avenue. STEWART. Friends in large numbers gathered at the Canadian Legion Hall here Thursday night to honor and welcome home Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Mc-Kenna follownig their return home to Stewart after their marriage. Court whist was played with Mrs. J. A. Stewart, Mrs. H. Wilkinson, John Bouiek and Ernest Love winning the prizes and then delicious refreshments were served. & finje form of entertainment which will keep Canadian talent ' at home. Tribute was paid to ! Mr. Hiorsfall's memory by George McActams as he introduced the artist to the audience. Easy to understand and enjoy, the words War," One Day When We Were Young," "The Blue Danube." Highlight of the evening's RADIO DIAL 1240 Kilocycles CFPR (Subject to Change) Overboot SALE procedings came when Mrs. John McLeod, president of the Legion Women's Auxiliary, presented the guests of honor with a Mix-master, the gift of the men and women of the Legion. Mr. McKenna replied suitably. The groom is Stewart's druggist and has been here about fifteen years, being highly esteemed and popular in the com Children's and Misses munity. Mrs. McKenna. who taught school here for two years, is equally esteemed. USK BOY DIES FROM MEASLES SI TERRACE. Complications Donald Duck and j Mickey Mouse ! Pull On t , . 'Rubber Boots ! WHITE WEDNESDAY P.M. 4:00 Jimmy Shields 4:15 Slock Quotations and Interlude 4:30 Maggie Muggins 4:45 Don Messer and his Islanders 5:00 Rendezvous Room 5:30-Frelude to Dusk 5:45 something In Harmony 5:55 CBC News 6:00 Supper Serenade 6:15 Tex Beneke and His Orch. 6:3iJ -Mus:ai Varieties j; 00 CBC News 7:15 CBC News Roundup 7:30 Paul Doktor. violinist 8:00 The White Mustang 8:30 The Wind our Enemy 9:00 Conufessions of an Immigrant's Daughter !0:0C CiA, Nrs 10:10 CBC News 10:15 Supplement 10:30 Piano Playhouse 11-.0O Weather Report 11:06 Sign Off ... It "si from measles followed by bronchial pneumonia caused the r-vi - i I., i r ifc ? 4 1. JS-' . - death of two-year-old George ft-". Kennedy, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Kennedy of Usk. recently. Funeral services were held in the Knox United Church on Friday afternoon with Rev. P.M. Mallett officiating. The hymn "What a Friend We Have in Jesus" was sung by the sorrowing congregation. Interment took place at the Kalum Cemetery, pallbears being Rufus Mi-Dames, Willard Seymour, Fred McKenzie, Tom Bevan. Many : lovely flowers covered the tiny RED GREEN Childrens Sizes 8 to 12 Misses Sizes 1 3 to 3 ARMY WEEK While the Canad.an Army s pec.a. Voice is busy preparing for its overseas role with the United Nations there has been no let up in training and exercises fur the other branches cf the Army in cities and towns across the country whervver there are units of the Active or Reserve Forfe available to put on a display. With the impetus given to recruiting ior the Army by world events during the past few months the Beneral public are hiore than ever interested in what is happening in the r Army. This happens to be Army Week In ' Canada. The following photos show some aspects of the training which has taken place during the past year. highwuj. during Exercise Sweetbrlar. 2. Glider-borne troops secure the approach to thl Rivrr bridRC after landing during Exercise Eaple. 3. COTC cadets training at the RCEME Rdiool. Bin' arc slicwa receiving inslructlons on the PIAT ;;im 4. Members of the Royal Canadian Rr.iimcntsn; here prcparaing to put up a lean-to bivouac durins acift trahiiiiK in the Petawawa, Ontario, area. a. llerve Force men load thi !r 5 3 fkHl 'juna'.fti Caii;li.in School of Artillery, Shilo. fi. COTC cadets during assault training at Currif &. Calgary. $2.19 SALE PRICE casket. Principal mourners were the child's parents and other close relatives. Try a Classified in the News. Fashion Footwear 1. v,ai.i..m a, my snowmobiles proceed along the Alaska I 1 ' - -M THURSDAY - A M. 7:00 Musical Clock 8:00 CBC News 8:10 Here's Bill Good 8:15 Morning Song 8:30 Music for Moderns 8:45 Little Concert 9:00 BBC News and Com'ty 9:15 Morning Devotions 9:30 Sunrise Serenade 9:45 Famous Voices 9:59 Time Signal 10:00 Ellen Harris 10:15 Morning Melodies 10:30 Melody Time 10:45 Invitation to the Walt 11:00 Kindergarten of the Air 11:15 Roundup Time o u ,n CL years jjl . - 0"t0 ( 7m I aluminum has grown to Agy,''-l?'?,,Mw-!' VV BE A LARGE PART OF ' yV'1 " rmes p - 1:1 D rugs w v v t J r 1 ic3 1'" the Pioneer Druggists PRESCRIPTION SERYICE 11:30 Weather Report 11:31 Message Period 11:33 Recorded Interlude - ' 11:45 Scandinavian Melodies 12:00 Mid-Day Merodl-a P.M. 12:15 CBC News 12:25 Program Resume 12:30 B. C .Farm Broadcast 12:55 Rec. Int. 1:00 "lne Concert Hour 2:15 CBR Presents 2:30 Records at Random m.?tr.- tvL rc r: I Daily Delivery Service PHONE 81 wt : 1m i .w r A .. '..null V 2:45 A Book I Like Com ty. 3:00 The Music Box 3:15 Bernie Bradcn Tells a Story 3:30 Int. Comty. 3:40 Divertimento i 'Furniture Fashions EASES BREATHING... 1 krj5 SPECIAL Prices for , SPECIAL Furniture i FASHIONED AND FINISHED IN OUR FACTORY HERE IN PRINCE RUPERT A- VV2 ar offering a limited number of individual p:ece3 of furniture (some used) at Bargain P? CCS. ! MAPLE BED and MATTRESS 1 O VANITY onJ BENCH I KITCHEN I CABINETS I CHAIRS i RELIEF IIIOM HAY FEVER AND ASTHMA Inhale the loathing herbal vapors of Kellogg'f Asthma Relief Breathing become! more free and natural.. Brings effective relief even to chronic Asthma and Hay Fever ufferert. Over 60 years in use. Available in cigarette form, if desired Ask your nearest dealer. NORTHROP i IVMAN CO 110 , TORONTO E.I. 1U4 5K-I It is a recipe for a bigger, richer, more comfortable Canada. The "pinch" is scores of shiploads of the red earth bauxite from British Guiana. A three-thousand-mile ocean journey ends at Port Alfred on the Saguenay River. Then the bauxite goes bj rail to the electrical "kitchen' at Arvida a few miles away. There aluminum is refined from the bauxite by using ckcuicitif ' provided by harnessing the same Saguenay. ; ' STon see, the Saguenay provides two essentials for making aluminum deep water for cargo ships and cataracts for povef ' within few miles of one another. , . Standing on the dock at Tort Alfred, you sec something unique. You watch freight cars filled with bauxite disappear over a hill and return witlj shining aluminum. The process of turning bauxite into aluminum has added Port Alfred and the city of Arvida to Canada's living space, and opened new opportunities for thousands of Canadians. , ' ALUMINUM COMPANY OF CANADA, LTD. Producers mi Pruon of Alumima lot Canadian Industry and World MarkoH Hartt af Shawinigoa Falls, Arvida, ItU Malign, Shipihaw, Port Alfred,, Wokefisld, Kingston, Toronto, Etobleclw 1 I Support Homo Industry and Sovc Money J by Buying Direct from j CHRISTIE'S Woodbilt Products Cor. 1st Ave. & McBride . Phone Blue 720