tied PK. . 1 k'l -Wednesday, September 20, 1950 I Council. j Mi .tat 3v. Vs son t;is ('(w-'-rf 'onblic ipi-.t'oni office' wtHle R !0. Moore will act a chairman I of the .salary committee. The President-elect extended a welcome to the reol!uimrr Mrs, Dommafo Officers Installed at Borden Street School P.T.A. The Installation of officers of the Borden Street 8chool Parent Teacher Association' took place at last evening's regular meeting with Principal J. 8. Wilson carrying out the ceremony. retiring president, Mrs. H. C. Flood. I -. aiikinf the prfser.ta-iin c.i behalf of the association. Mr. Wilson referred to the splendid service Mrs. Flood had given in various capacities over a period of years and most recently as president. Her interest and ability had contributed largely to the success of the organization. Mrs. Flood thanked the members for the honor. She had enjoyed the work and wished the association continued success in the futur VANCOUVER O A phflnUm ' pianist left a private home With-' out applause after giving an im-promptu performance. "The lady of the house said she was up-' stairs when someone' -'starWd playing In the living room. There was nobody there when- she investigated and, strangely enough, nothing was missing. MS fiesioen! ,,oj).aSelecLfd presi-.f'V;r.,e Rupert and tellers' Ax'iatU.n at v;UUr nwnthly meet-,ng tl,e summer vaca- .ntfrs are: Kin t. CI. E. Freeman, j- ui. M- Adlard. Mi.;s N. Irving and h!Ki ,11! J u. c- nrr- flfcii-il to me Niirm- .t ,",'.1 fj.."l'". teachers and asked support during the year. Next meeting of the council will take pluaa in Prince Rupert in October. ME11CY FLIGHTS The R.C A.F. carried out 213 search and rescue operations In 1949. Try a Daiiy News Clsitied. MADAM: YOUR TAILORED S U It -Jli'JlH By: W. R. JOHNSTON i'i a lit hiiouncement Mount Juneau Is Risky Climb JTTNEAU-Msunt Juneau appears to be a risky region lor sea faring youths. It will be remembered that a few years ago, an- American sailor on snore leave at Juneau, went climbing by himself. Failing t return, a search party went out, fir.a.".y locating his body. A fall lad killed him. , A week or so ago, a forme' marine, John Crawford of Sunny-side, in Washington, now serv inif on a government vessel up north, undertook to take plctuics of the mountain. He went ais alone. He fell down the face cf a cliff, and suffering from shock, and cut and bruised, was rejruei by an emergency party. Anions paiseng.'rs on th" Prince George when she docked here today were Mr and I'rs. D. O. Owens, Wii.niprg. Mr. Owens is regional counsel for the C.N.R.: R. E. Taylor, engineer of buildings, Winnipeg; C. E. Smith, freight traffic manager CNR. Toronto. N. A. Wal ford, general superintendent CNR Toronto, and F. N. Siebert, Industrial commissioner also arrived. , Classiifed Ads Bring Results. Luxury Steamer PRINCE GEORGE SAILS FOU i VANCOUVER and Intermediate Ports Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. As an additional service to our customers, 1 il,H j !-. , J j -e pleased to advise that our office will n open during noon hours, Sundays and :ys excepted. Crisply man tailored . , v;al- ; ways man admired, sewn and. j molded with the sarne;cfean ; The following office hours are now effec- Mondav to Friday 8 a.m.. to 5 p.m. Saturday 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. lines which distinguish jeur fine men's clothing. Arid man nish fabrics! ! Htfre"'kre li. y r. I fine woolens in abundance, r Vi 'ir gabardines, tweeds and smart worsteds, all outstandingly quality looking. Designed by skilled craftsmen who are able to give you mannish 'tailored individuality in your. : Buit or topcoat, that is yours' 'alon. ! Mrs. Geoff Lambly, who recently returne dto he rhome In Terrace after receiving surgical treatment in Prince Rupert, is reported to be making a satisfactory recovery. Regular meeting of the Women of the Moose, Wednesday Sept. 20. m0c; Are you dated for the Blood Donor clinic? Your blood may save a life. Phone 451. (ltc) Robert Hunter, who wag Idon-t.fied with thr local of Canada years aito, later be came manaqer at Haaelton and for sometime was managing: sec-. retary of the Haatlton Hospital, t a visitor In the city. Mr. Hunter is now identified with the federal taxation department. Peter Bulauyyk is being held by local police on a charge of erentinj a dlurWce in connection with an incident at Bud's Citfar Store Monday night. Mrs. Spurky Smith received serious injuries to the eyes when struck by flying glass from a window smashed by Balanyk. Further charges may oe pending. j . . Many Lawsuils After Moronic I CLEVELAND Laws jits seeking $4,909,527 from the Canada Steamship Lines. Ltd. have b?en filed in behalf or heirs of 85 persons killed September 1, 1949, when the ss. Noronic burned at Toronto. Other suits pending involve claims of about $0 500,000 for deaths, personal Injury or property loss. The disaster claimed a total of 119 lives. Mrs. Grant Of Vrangell Dies Word was received In the city yesterday of the death at Wran-pell of Mrs. Mary Grant, widow of the late John Grant and a i"sident of the southeastern Alaska town for many years. Mrs. Grant, who- wr.s well known to northern travelers, operated the Wrangell Hotel which she took charge of after tier husband died many years ago. Mrs. Grant was one of the real pioneers of the Alaska coast. Annotmcemnl Tea and Sale of Homeeooking, Proshvtcrian Church, September 21. ! United Church W.A. sale home cooking, Gordon & Anderson's. Saturday, Sept. 23, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Catholic Bazaar, October 4 and 5. Lutheran Ladles' Aid Fall Sale October the 7th. Kebekah Bazaar, October 18 St. Peter' Fall Bazaar, Oct. 2B Spnja Bazaar, October 27. Moose Bazaar, rtov. 2 and 3. legion Auxiliary Fall Bazaar November 8. Presbyterian Pall Sale Nov. 18. St. Andrew's Cathedral W.A. Fall Sale, Nov. 18. lOD.E. tall uazaar November 23. i ., , , l j . . United Church ; Falft Bakaar December 7. BERT & McCAFFERYiLtd. The resignations of Keith, Faught as literature convener and of Mrs. E. A. Evans as trea-s- j urer were accepted with regret. To fill the vacancies Mrs. G. Watmough was elected treasurer and as literature convener Mrs. A. B. Brown was elected. The complete slate of officers follows: President Mrs. A. 3. Domn-ato. Vice-President Rev. L. G Sieber. Secretary Mrs. R. Greissel. Immediate Past President Mrs. H. Flood. Refreshment convener Mr?. M. Halvorsen. Program convener Mrs P. Logan. Literature convener Mrs. A. B. Brown. Representative to Film Coun cils. A. Cheeseman. Representative to Music and Drama Festival Committee Mrs. G. Cook. Representative to P.T.A. CouncilMrs. L. Greene. Membership convener Mrs. Bush. Convener of Study Groups-Rev. L. G. Sieber. A letter from the Ministerial Association was read asking the Association to take appropriate action in regard to the application by a group in the city for a licence to operate certain games. The Association was In agreement with the feeling of the Ministerial Association. A letter will be sent to the Parent-Teacher Council protesting against the Issuance of the licence. The presentation of a Parent- xf-N JC Jr.' X - I s V lj Delicious creamy mashed potato I in one minute! I L ?S. . Ttiii creamy, deliclouf . mashed potato is- so oiy 9 Prince Rupert, B.C. PHONES: 116, 117 or 58 tlS P h For KETCHIKAN Mrrj ll Wednesday mtonicht J- i"W. --. Letters of thanks were receiv- ed from the Unitarin tion acknowledging receipt ofi the donation of $40 towards the! maintenance of an orphan in, Europe. A photograph of the' young Greek girl who was the one being taken care of was' circuiaiea among the members and a brief history of her case proved or much interest. Mr. Sieber spoke on study groups. A lively interest is being shown by the members in this series and an active season Is promised. A film entitled "Safety Patrols" was much enjoyed. Community singlnjj also was thoroughly enjoyed with Miss Yvonne Larson at the piano. Mrs. Flood was in the chair until the Installation of officers after which Mrs. Dominato presided. Mrs. P. Bond was refreshment convener. There was an attentive audience with new members showing a promising interest In the various activities of the association. "PERLONS" TOO HOT, HAVEN'T GOT GLAMOR NOTTINGHAM, England, tf Perlon stockings ,made from a synthetic German yarn, were tried out by' British scientists here. Guinea pigs were women members of the staff. Verdict: They look like cheap, sliir.y, plated rayon. They are so hot to wear they give a prickiy heat in 10 minutes. Opinion of sn onlooking male: "They haven't got glamor." Zl-W MgJ fI72?&. V ' irnQf I StoJj A7 , foticJo s ' U& jf ' 1 '' I I lvv a. A HERE'S HERE'S ALL ALL YOU YOU DO DO I ' Wait until dinner it ' ; ready to wrve: then -, bring om laltod . . 'if ' urate Jo a brisk boil,' ' add milk and French's Instant Potato accord, ing to simple directions on package. Stir for a lew seconds until potato has thickened,, add butter and whip until light and fluffy; CAFE IN THE CITY I For Reservations IM II AfAf'tlU ' Write or Call . ll - ' -f!&- PRINCE RUPERT, ! 11 All players registered to bowl in the mixed ten-pin league be on hand to bowl Thursday, Sept. 21 at 7 p.m. Any Interested par. ties are also welcome. 221 Bulagno Florists for quality price of coffee to 15c. Others service you will appreciate." Phone Green 787. Box 1193. (It) F V. Siebert, industrial commissioner, Canadian National Railways, Winnipeg, arrived in the city on the Prince George this morning from Vancouver in the course of a western tour and will proceed East on this evening's train. Comingsix days only, daily, 24, Pastor Evangelist Rev. Ross MacPherson on return visit. Regular Baptist Church, daiiy beginning Sunday, September 8 p.m. 223 Obstetrical Development WINNTPEO R Winnipeg General Hospital, in a brochure celebrating ooening of Its new maternity pavilion, recalls that Its first maternity section more than 8 Oyears ago had only 17 1 beds. In 1888 custom dictated that all women who could were delivered at home," writes Dr. Ross Mitchell, head of tae hospital's honorary consultant staff "This left for a maternity hospital only four classes unfjr-tunate girls, the destitute, rural patients who had no friends with avalluble homes In the cltv, and those wltuse labors were expected o be ext a diifieuii o. hazardous." Today Winnipeg has seven maternity hospitals with 282 beds. Cortisone Is Coming Here Cortisone, the much discussed new remedy for arthritis and other rheumatic ailments, so far only available in the larger cltle such as Vancouver and Victoria, is coming to Prince Rupert but, before it comes,, there must be assurance that local medical practitioners know how to use it. Accordingly, Dr. L. M. Greene and Dr. A. W. Large are leavln" tomorrow night on the Prince Georee for Vancouver to take a sneclal course therein and either Dr. L-. W. Kergin or Dr. W. S. Kerpin exnect to go south by plane on Saturday. Dr. Greene and Dr, Large will he accompanied bv their wives. Thev are also to attend tbe annual meeting of tha British Columbia Medical Association. COMING g DAY ONLY g SUNDAY TO FRTDAY (Sept 24th to 29th) Rev W. HP. "Ross" MacPherson Pastor-Evangelist and Prison Chaplain at REGULAR BAPTIST CHURCH -QtJAv: near High' Stflux $ eejr Tlies Date Open- 221 O Economical' O Clean- . O Efficient O CoitYeYrierif 0 Attractive Save Money ! Repair Now ! Watts & Nickerson rxrm KAIEM C0-()F ! fTfl jl; a i HARDWARE),;') t l t Ut P hfs Linoleum LX It's money In Uie bank whi'ii you h'ikl repair fusts down. The surest ay is to do repairs while thy arc still small. Cull HUT 8ifi. SAANICH gUA. 7 UMBING and HFATING Inlaids ic British made O Congolewrr., O Hall Runner six and nine feet wide. 4 - mm mm 1 fl t Cor. 4th Ave. and McBridc "Wil l tlHM M1BMM. O Floor Mats O Rexoleum Rugs,; PHONE WE DELIVER WRITE " 179 251 - 3rd Avenue Box 1127 - III . . i t " -O-y"! ' n JHONE 79 , ; t PHONE 79 AIIIIOUIICEMEliT to prepare! French '$ Inttanr i Potato it mod from op-quality , potatoes precoolcea for you! Jutt follow thete easy directions and in I minute it's ready- best mathed potato' you ever atel T We are not taking any dealing or " pressing at present ' "i We shall attend to efficient service on Tailoring, Alterations and "Re- t pairing ' , lUullurr IJliuntmry 1 1: i if lit - ... i - it ijt i Kll )t jrV New Fall Samples have just arrived Order now for better choice ' Delicious Pies and Cupcakes too jpj WE HAVE GOT THEM ALL FOR YOU' at RUPERT BAKERY LTD, HOLLYWOOD CAFE HOURS L I II G THE TAILOR MOST UP-TO-DATE Box 286 220 St. Phone 649 ..,;,? eckdays ""Joy i ... 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. 12 Noon to 2 p.m. OPEN FROW TJV PM to 3:30 AM We Specialise In Chinese Dishes CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN For Outside Orders PHONE 133 j 7 P'i to 9 p.m. STREET AND THIRD AVENUE Special Fall Motor Check A GftV in . Healing Performance ;; The New- Fawcell Tomtf-Oil Heater Now At ... ErownwouiUs' AS HAPPY AS A LARK! Yes Sir.. We will Inspect your engine from fan to transmission WITHOUT the high cost of tearing it apart. Our modern instruments tell us what adjustments are needed, and the cost to you is amazingly small! . HEAT When and Where You Want It! -Prices $71.50 .up hlipy lo announce that we will be pRW e A.M. TO 10 VM. DAILY (Si.j... Our Hew FALL STYLES are mi on DISPLAY' "ys ewepted of course). Bob Parker Ltd. Ford-Monarch Dealers The Home of Friendly Service -Prince Rupert, B. C, See Them Today At' McRae Bros.