McDaiiuca for ihe past lew day 3 but will be rettirn'n horn stevt i Friday. Her daughter, Hannah,1 "Prince Rupert Da My News , Wednesday, September 20, 1950 , George Abbott, who attended 1 his w.jc's luneral in Vancouver, ; returned today on the . Prince ! George I imeiy i opics from 1 enact Terrace Fair School Prizes u's 2-Dome 1 , TBSRAfF shi ,,(i,ifJ Something New ... nrf-.4 .i.. - .lJdih,.i e, ,,.... , t Whisper Nylons 2 By Supersilk, ' , ' ( .In the lovely Fall shades of CARESS HARVEST LEAF PINE BARIC IFrascr and Vaym has been a patient in the local hospital follo-.ving measles. Mrs. Osborne drove to Smith- ere on Friday merit to vixit hef i "f.. .', . .; . - 8"i, ura. out? re- turned to Terrace early on Mon- small son, Teddy" Mr. and Mrs W. Shroeder of Winnipeg arrived in Terrace tta Tuesday night's, train- to spend a week or two on holiday with their son, Fr3d Baker. They will also visit their daughter, Mrs. Atwood. Winqless Chickens Victims Of Crows , land J , f The u T? first Ti all-English " Z wine wingless ess chickens cnicKens, IZ nas Tcreatei creaiea unexpected.problem for New- port residents. Since the chicks were hatched from eggs flown from America, the place has been swarming with crows. j Of 44 "Bhmoos" that werei Mrs. C. R. Newhouser, (Bud) Klfkaldy ar. rived on last Thursday's train from the east to spend a month's holiday with his parents here, Mr. and Mrs. S. N. G. Klrkaldy. "Bud" was fortunate as he was granted an extra week's holiday after being one of a naval escort for William Lyon Mackenzie King's funeral. . . , A blacksmith shop, the property of Jack Gurviclr of Prince Rupert, was completely destroyed by fire at 4:45 a.m. Saturday. The fire was well advanced before the alarm was turned in and Bottling much could be done to save anything. Blacksmith Ted Johnston, father of Terrace's largest family of 16 children, has lost all his blacksmith equipment, the loss being quite heavy. David Gillanders, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Gillanders, left on last Thursday' train to attend the University of British Columbia where he will take a medical- course. ' Ut4 o Mr. VUtllll, iruc Ul till. PRINTING ( Amoncr naAxprmpra An tve Prince Georm diKernhHrldno- at: u" w " H J Hpin?! THE NEW OVERWAITEA (Continued from page $ cashier. At this new check out counter goous are piacea on me aA tw h the check-out where parcels are wrapped and ready to go. For Close who cannot get down t the store to do their shopping personally, there wilt be a C.O.D. delivery service everv da v. Overwaitea Is a IOfl per cent vumpany wun ine proms sharBd by' and 2i Pr cent ef Cnmnanv ,twu ft-M fc m.. -j Vlo?, wh are permanent members members of of thei their community enmnxntu arf and tVl(. lne -"hul. UD11C- In 'addition to Manager Bernie LAne- Overwaitea will be staffed by Charlie Perry, senior , clertt. Jack Wilson Gertie McGlnnis and Louise- Cain. SATIII - GLO Semi Gloss & High Gloss n many beaut if uf tints for interior decorating. QUICK DRVING THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. ' LTD. WRATHALL'S PHOTO FINISHING . See our Kodak Camera Line-up. Flash attachments for all Cameras. Kodacolor and Kodachrome Film. Developing, Printing and Enlarging. 328 - 3rd Ave. VI. k9nl.1L'1 Gr Prta.' for cor- FfNE &ZcT PHONE 24 BRITISH & FOREIGN PUBLIC '" - u i. unr ran pair ax mq CIVIC cpntri wpro all nf onnrl qafltyTn wasotl oS'SZ ' composition. Grade 8 Clan. dl King, Ruth Fournier. Poetry, Grade 7 Ivy Gilles uie, Marjdhe Bonner. Penmanship, Pmn....fhh. Grade j 8-Phyl- . 11. Bofeudo. Claudia Kinp- Penmanship, Letters and num-Grade 7 Ivy Gillespie, uMarjone itonner. Penmanshtn: Letters anrt bersr Grade 8 Marion Valder- nug, i lorence- Johnson. Penmanship, Grade 1 Don- aid Murray. Art, Grade 8 Gail Mrnll i clau" Kig" Grade 7-Marton L Marion ...vm,. uuuicw firvmiHis Or-des 5 and 8-BeU, LeV van- atolk.. j-nhi .... ' &i , a wraae x Darren Jones Jimmie McCarron, Art (clover Grade J Clar-: ence Woid, Jean. Snuto. ! Needlework Grade 1 Gxer reaponoence John nnfoii Special' Grade 3 prize for correspondence Muriel GrenfeU'. RACE RESl ITS Priae winners for the child-ten's races wnich were held on me civic centre grounds during1 the afternoon with Nick Schmel-ing ffi charge, were: Thirty yard dash, girls 5-8 Mary McCoil, Joan Smith, Judy Calder; boys 5-8 Max Ailard. Roger Harmah, John Engelcke. Fifty yard dash, girls 8-12 Betty Jean Kofoed, IdaLee Llewellyn, Bonnie McCoil; boys 8-12 Aivln Peters, Robert Melvin. Jack Collier. Seventy-five yard dash.' girls 12-18 Florence Johnston, Margaret Groom; boys 12-ltv Robert McCoil, Lloyd Llewellyn 100-yard dash, girls 16 and over Margaret Groom; boys 16 and over Robin McCoil, George Kofoed. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. TrumbeU returned to the city today or. the rrince ueorge after visiting cheir herL M S Haland during the lt tn rhke and Miss 222 Second A. BIBLE SOCIETY . r RALLY hmp h,.r h. h, hSh,nH is practising law. Mrs. T.. Brue, Anita and Jean-neife, relumed on Saturday night's teal a from Edmonton Terrace Reporter the canvass here. M5r. tiwt Mr. , uuvan aUhfwTkr" "y Car Francis 1 a student at the Van- : couve College. Harold Baxter and" Dave Bain were elected president and secretary, respectively, at Tuesday night's meeting of the Bowlin? League held in the Civic Centre The leagues will be getting started soon as the teams are made iP. Norman Bryant and Phil' Da-vles, representatives of Continental Research of Vancouver, are in town on business which Includes conferring with tho director of the Civic Centre and those Interested in the moral welfare- of the child to prevent juvenile delinquency. Mrs. Pat Mcllroy and three children left on Tuesday morning's train for their new horn,. ., wn Mune returned on Tues- on ' mo-ntnir!. train from Van couver where they have spent the past two weeks on holiday. Mr: and Mrs,. Harry King are spena a ween or ten dav hol'dn with their nephew. Leslie Don aldson and his wife on their num. aDOUl ten miles out nf fho U1B lUWn' i Mrs. F. Baker and son Clarence returned to Prince Rupert with ner son, Wiirr.d and his wife and family who had spent the week viaicuve is siui unaer meaica' care for his injured hand. Mrs P. Murie jr. returned to Terrace on Tuesday morning's train from Vancouver where she went recently with her husband who had surgical treatment for a nead injury. Pete Murie is progressing as favorably as car. be expected. Alan Dubeau left last week for Vancouver where he will resume his studies at the University of British Columbia. Alan has spent the vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Dubeau, and has been employed as part-time druggist at the local drug store. ""MrsTT'ercy kenTiedyof Uk has been the guest of her sister Mrs. HOBBY SUPPLIES NOVELTIES where they have spent the past 't", " fftF iT where , IVrnln'1 two two monCha months h0Uda9lnB ;lth!tralnJf'-Telkwa they will relatives, Mrs. E. a. Laird leaves on Thursday to- attend the- Confer- anno h 1T f1...JI.. l- cfiwc vm win vHaufu' WfXlluct Society Vvhichi Is bring held in Vancour the nest week. th. . of.H- ,m u. o. v.. chicks get bowled over in the stampede when the crows swoop. They roll around helplessly on he e-round easy prey to the second flight of attackers while i,ne luckier winged variety find safe shelter. News of Francois Lake Bob Eaton returned this week after being away for' three month on a packing trip 400 miles north of Vanderhoof for the Consolidated Smelting and Mining Company, At the weekend he and Mrs. Eaton and young John moved to their new farm near Vanderhoof. from Seattle for his annual holi days in his summer home west of here on the lakeshore He came up by truck, bringing FRIDAY, SEPT. 22 8 P.M. ' r in the Lutheran Church Speaker Rev.V.H.Hud$pelh,M.A. , Gen. Sec. of the Society in Canada Hear this notable speaker discuss the work of the Society Id taga for the Canadian Instl-1 '"d Sh: returned fo Ter-iZt for the- Blind-.. The weather. " Tuesday mornmg's train. YOUR ALL AROUMD SERVICE materials for modernizing hisjdaugnter m battle. FarKfi(ju3arGi3y.. v Overshoes 45 SHOE STORE LTD. harile Prion- ff.ubcrts 357 1ITH land i MS t Heating IER-VICTORIA p ra., Camosurt iv. 1:30 p.m. ruitlani STEWAKT AND SIMPSOW lnultlam, 11 p.m. pirra orcKi BTTE ISLANDS In. Sept 15 it 29 10 p.m. PITH QfEEff UTEISLA5DS on, September 8 p. 10 p m. I SKINNER ppert Agent k Phnn Shfl l 'JSfiSrS nd storage .'liable and Effi- Also aRonts for Quid An-co. Ltd Acptylrr.c and all li I,., !'j GE CARTAGE LIMITED '-pen rionsts W Octaslona Jtaf for J"1 I'artn. P" B"W Kullrm. ""arliiij. am hnr SKr. i anu Cap rL.1lif.VD m . I" "f murine hwd. TOWN tE WORKS BEST bing rvice E 108 RllDCB-r TING lU A rugt h for th U"o j VT wbo wants that aharp took j . ( ' -A r In (nnM . thai toUA' I t .. .. 2 -r ov : . . n t7"n tti i hom, which with new fence,) modern blue rooflnar and manv other improvements, Is now very pttractive. It has a new name "SUmmers Rest." Nils Walle, H Braat and Hans Hamre have returned from a trio ia .Vancouver iik the. Hanue ear. Although it was quite warm they thoroughly enjoyed- their trip. Mrs. Holta has moved to Burns Lake and i. living in her home on Gerow LUand. PORTRAITS. Films Developed and Printed PROMPT SERVICE CHANDLER'S STUDIO 216 - 4th Street Box 84S Phone Green 389 Prince Rupert V-"! SJ it-m will Harp tar ppr- i t II I I H , J VjiH$' lfr anca for many month at J II IV I J ( CTAMf kICVT -Tf- kirn; inimn r-.t. r- ' . J I TOYS - . j i Penguin Hobby Shop 6th nd Fu,t0 8l- phones: BLUE 446. GREEN 23 , being warm and sunny many people were out of doors and the taggers had: a prosperous day, the proceeds being turned In to Ben Dodda wh had charge of f j PSCKMES i or cost f moke Giv your pickle that ningy gocxinofV through the. magic of Cotman'i murani VW11 find Wveral, Mty-nvmslt munard pickla racipe in, oof book, "CulinT Art". Foi your free copy, writ- (a Reckin It Col' dim (Canada) Ltd, Sution T, Montreal, Z . -r, (ll 1 r f- lwiiVs 1 m v- . 1 iB 1 ' rrtltrtTXIIi 1 I i ' - I c f t I l r Pf ', A. . f f Is- Thursday, rJ t5 ikjV ' i ,'''90r"9""4 II 111 J- i -r Yes. vau ran enva nn 5V STORK . - - ' suits if buy herein v y ASRrcw your you ; ..jr- BTKAMt. l ?' V ' j For the man who wan ri I iTTDLxL- QUALITY 0,1 easy-'o-wear suit at an ifllrf II M I JKX SHOES 1 p easy-to-pay price, this single I U D L JJJ jj) Ar T ' and double breasted collection j SHOPPE Clearing Odd Lines Friday and Saturday BABY DOLL SHOES Reg. NOW CI QQ & 15 n ir WHITE BUUl Keg. to3.15 BAB BOOTEES BABY BONNETS .-..-: " . d i i ! r.,." Priccd from to SfiO' . BROADWAY CAFE i All shades in Gabardines I Slfe& SfH.NG ' ,Mf IN MEN'S WEAR cR),,cl9 1gik3 Clothing Store I I Eoun 7 ajn. to 1 am , ' 1 . L' ' Serving the Public of Prince Rupert , For Take-Home Orders Phone 200 ; Mj . for Over 33 Years . ' aa''',,""""'"", """" 1 ' SLONDIE Kfo Goes From Scratch ;. ; . ' By CHIC VOUNIG.'; " ' : S polish .'r tl nais. ; 1 DAGVJOOO; PLEASE PASS1- ; .. C-L f. ,t . , . ' f ME A TOWEL-CAREFUU.V - i. r ftOf- ev- .-i 2.29 Now 1.59 - .. NOW lQf SPECIAL dOg 4 Balls $1,00 Play, Special $1.49 Long Sleeves, 2, 4, 6 89c 4 Ply Wool, discontinued line. Reg. 38c alls Reg: .98 Now .... $1.89 ( Overalls, igons. Play, 2, 4, 6 $1 .69 T-Shirrs, Overs Card HELMETS, WOOL PARKAS, CHINCHILLA PARKAS ALL TO GO AT 69c and 89c BERETS Small Sizes 19c O Many other oddments including Socks, Underwear, Rompers, Sleepers Dresses, Jackets All To Clear At Reduced Prices Phone Blue 810 303 3rd Ave. W.