FT.Z'l l"lL Lr"' : ;;mcs Daily Delivery NORTT-nTP M A Wn riMTnit. RP.TTTSW rir immt ka wvmart otto ot Confld' Mott Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" Phone 81 ' PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1950 PRICE FIVE CENT8 cabs I icipalities Warned tea Mm Over-Expenditures SON (CP) A public works program to KOREAN WAR Unal unemployment was urged at the Union CoIumDia iviuiiicipamaes cunvenuon now in Marines Continue Drive On Seoul We Paraders To Do Given Their freedom OTTAWA (CP)-Hon. Stuart Garson. minister .... .... . rates said this would take part of the burden liployment insurance, lhe demand for such W' t I . . 1 V, .. 1 of justice, today announced that 395 men and women Doukhobors, serving sentences up to three years' imprisonment, for parading in the nude, will be released from prison in British Columbia. ) News .Here f V, Wag. i IN THICK OF IT H.M.C.S. Athabaskan, one of Canadian destroyers operating under United Nations command In Korean liberation campaign. Sentences on 278 men Govt. Survives Confidence in Vote Here LONDON P)By a margin of six votes, the Labor government last night defeated a vigorous attempt by former Prime Min in ister Winston Churchill to force its downfall and a new general election. The Labor party routed out rome of its supporters from their sick beds to defeat by a margin of 306 to 300 a motion by Church- Ill, the Conservative leader, to put the House , of Commons on record against placing the steel industry under state control by January 1, 1951. If the government had lost it would have meant its downfall and an Immediate general elec tion. But the vote in support of the government means now that, barring accidents, Prime Minister Attlee's administration will survive with its precarious majorny uniu some ume in isdi i at least. Despite the Labor victory in the House, Conservative and Independent newspapers called 1 for Labors resignatios and a aew cal strife during the Korean war and east-west tension. "Only those Socialists who fear defeat at the polls can make a J case against an election," said Lord Beaverbrook's anti-Labor Evening Standard. Stalinism Will Fail Because Its Wrong But Struggle May Be Long NEW YORK (CP)-Sir Gladwyn Jebb, British ambassador to the United Nations, said last nieht that Stalinism eventually will wrong. In a speech prepared for delivery before the United States Council.of the International Chamber piuiain was uiLiuuuciu uy wic Okanagan Valley Municipal Association. The meeting also endorsed a resolution urging that private hospitals not be extended special tax privileges. It said that private hospitals were in the same category as any private business end should be taxed accordingly. Municipalities Minister MacDonald congratulated the municipalities on their Improved financial position, but B. C. Bracewcll, deputy minister, warned that the municipalities were lacing into a 'serious situation" complicated by overspending and Insufficient regard for the realities of municipal financing. Ball Race Is Tightened Up NEW YORK Detroit Tigers, New York Yankees and Boston Red Sox are afl but tied mathematically for the leadership In the mad late season dash for pennant honors as a result of yeslerday'3 Big League play. Detroit won over Philadelphia 12 to 4 and New Yoik lost to Chicago 4 to 3 wli'Ie Boston was idle. In the National League, ilv; Brookiya Dugers took a double-header f'm Pittsburgh ml closed the gap on the leading Phillies by a game and a half as ChlcaRO won over Philadelphia with one run. Municipal Meet Is Under Way NELSON Hon. R. C. MacDonald, provincial minister of municipalities, speaking at the opening here yesterday of the Union of British Columcla Municipalities, suggested that the municipalities should stop asking the provincial government for move help now thtit they were rece'v-ing their share if the three pr-cent tax. A resolution was passed proposing a plebiscite on the matter of daylight saving. Representing Prince Rupert at the convention are Mayor O. W. Rudderham, Aid. O. D. Frlzzell, Aid. O. B. Casey and City Clerk H. D. Thaui. LOCAL TIDES Thursday, September 21, 1950 High 10:18 17.0 feet 21:58 18 5 feet Low 3:40 5 4 feet 16:01 9.5 feet RICH MARKET HERE FIRST OIL DELIVERIES EDMONTON The new oil line from Edmonton to Regins is scheduled to start making its first deliveries November 4. The line to Superior, Wisconsin, will also start shortly. U.S. FUNNY BOOKS OTTAWA Hon. Douglas Abbott announced yesterday that a request for the ban on United States funny book magazines in Canada had been rejected. CAMERON CONVICTED VANCOUVER. Alexander Vernon Cameron was convicted in Assize Court here yesterday on a charge of attempted murder arising out of the death of Mrs. Carmen Ryan in a west end apartment. 15c COFFEE MONTREAL Some Montreal restaurants have increased the price of coffee to I5c. Others have cut out the extra cup at IUC. ; LONGSHOREMEN'S INCREASE VANCOUVER Vancouver longshoremen have been given an increase of 18c per hour under a new agreement which was reached yesterday. TO END SOON NEW YORK. Hume Wrong, Canadian ambassador to the United States, speaking before a joint meeting of the American and Canadian Bar Associations, last night predicted an early end of the Korean war. "Mercy" Doctor's Secretary Slain - HOOKS ET, New Hampshire IPs Tlie body of the pretty secretary of Dr. Herman N. Sander was found today In a brook be- hind her farm home. The girl. Helen Maciolek, disappeared Monday. She had been employed for seven years as secretary for Dr. Sander who was acquitted last March of a charge of murder In the death of a cancer patient which was called a "mercy killing." Officials said the cause of death was not known Immediately, t BASEBALL SCORES TODAY .'tmerican New York 8, Chicago 1 National Pittsburgh 3-2, Brooklyn 14-3 Chicago 1, Philadelphia 0 St. Louis 7, Boston 8 American New York 3, Chicago 4 Washington 5, St. Louis 3 Philadelphia 4, Detroit 12 Pacific Coast Portland 6,' San Francisco S San Diego 3, Hollywood 1 Seattle 9, Los Angeles 5 Oakland 10, Sacramento 7 AIR PASSENGERS To Vancouver (today) O. Moscrip, Mrs. H. Mark, Mrs. Lilley, Mrs. Anne Martin, M. Karasosky, Mr. Rellley, Constable R. Gibson, C. Kellet, H. Muncey, E. Miller. From Vancouver (yesterday) H. Whalen, H. Skalmarud, M. Skalmarud,. H. Wong, J. Zales-ky, Miss K. Husoy, Miss L. Hus-oy, D. V, Simpson, H. Burdon, N. A. Gale. J. N. Mockford. To Masset (today) Mr. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Young, Mr. Greve, Mr. Cumisky. To Port Clements (today) Mr, Redway, Mr. Chaleur. of Commerce he expressed doubt that the United Nations could achieve Its purpose as. long as Russia, persisted in Its present attitude and he said the free world faced van, enormous challenge." -; , C.N. s.s. Prince Oeorge, Capt. William Eccles, docked here at 11:15 a.m. today on her northbound trip to Alaska and will sail at 1 a.m. for Ketchikan. Aboard was a party of 115 persons from Buffalo and environs on their way to Jasper and Winnipeg. In charge of the party was Earl Cramer with D. Peugeot of the Buffalo Evening News as organizing representative. The party will leave i:y train this evening for the East. Heading for Heart of Capital City TOKYO (CP) United States Marines poured by thousands with tanks across the Han River today under protective fire and struck to within four miles of Seoul on the heels of fleeing North Koreans. Powerful vanguards of the 40,000-strong Allied liberation corps stabbed along tidal flats and rice fields toward the heart of the Korean capital. They expected to take It during the day. Another Marine column Is massing on the southwest bank of the Han only a mile from Seoul. It was out to cross the river Into the suburbs of Yang-hwa and Hongdunpo. At the same time the Army announced that South Korean Marines had landed and estab lished a beachhead at Samchok on the cast coast of. Korea oppo site Seoul. Marines swarmed across the Han River water barrier eight miles r.erthwest of Seoul In amphibious tractors at dawn after being repulsed once in the aarK nesj. They quickly hacked out a beachhead under hall of Red machine gun and rmall arm3 fire and bursts of light artillery. Planes plastered Red com munication lines within a 150- mile radius of Seoul, seeking to isolate the city. Pacific Has Worst Crash U.S. Bomber Down in . Marshalls With 26 Lost TOKYO W A United States Navy transport plummeted into the Pacific Ocean off Kwajaiem yesterday, killing all 26 on board. The Navy said the crash was believed to be the Pacific's worst military air accident. The four-engined plane had nineteen oasseneers and crew of seven. Kwajalein Is in the Marshall Islands. Europe Defence Army in Making NEW YORK tP- An early start on the actual organization of a military force to defend Western Europe against Russian aggression is foreseen by American officials here. Their prediction is bolstered by the expected arrival of British and French defence ministers for a conference with United States diplomats. I ! income of $3,800, which Is higher than the $3,443 figure ior an- ada as a whole ana man uie $3,472 earned pet family in British Columbia. The earnings locally marked a gain over the previous year when the average per family was $3,489. During the same period lnconme nationally dropped 5.6 percent per family. - After analyzing Prnce Rupen as to population, income, sales and other significant factors, the survey assigns to It a "quality of market" index of 130. This rating sets It 30 percent above the nation as a whole In sales potential. ...... .. and 117 women of the Doukhobor radical Sons of Free dom sect were Imposed as a result of group Infractions by nude parading, torch-bearing groups the Kootenays. Recommendation for their release was made by a research committee appointed by the British Columbia government and came after the offenders had indicated their "desire to co-operate." The committee found that the exhibitions of nudism by the-Sons of Freedom had taken place 1 remote areas and had been "impelled by beliefs peculiar to ( Doukohors" in their campaign against materialism. " Still in Market U. K. Gives Big Order VANCOUVER '(f) A $20,000,000 lumber order from Britain war, disclosed yesterday. It is tht largest order that has been received in several years. The order, Britain's third this j car, totals 2r0,000,000 board eet ftnd is resarded as a miaran- tee oI continued peak production I for the industry in British Co- lumbia. However, it is understood thit i prices are several dollars a thousand- feet below those ob- tained in market. DATLIGIIT SAVING OVER VICTORIA The coming week-end will mark the end of daylight saving for another year. (J , xaia to iwai nicic win uc iiv High School team in the Senior loop this winter but that there will be two teams in the Intermediate League. , Ladies' and . Juniors' leagues will operate as usual. Player transactions are already reported to be going on. THE WEATHER : Synopsis ,A flow of moist Pacific air has, brought cloudy conditions to the coast and northern sections of the province. Increased cloudiness is expected over the remainder of the province tomorrow. Rain was general over the north coast during the night and is expected in that region again tomorrow. Temperatures in most sections tomorrow will be a little lower than today. Forecast North Coast Region Cloudy with scattered showers today. In- Itermittent rain tomorrow. Lttt'j change in temperature. Wine . southerly (20). Lows tonight anu highs tomorrow Port Hanly. J and 58; Sandspit, 50 and 5, Prince Rupert, 50 and 58. Northern B.C. Region Ra.n today. Cloudy tomorrow. Cool, wind light. Lows tonight and highs tomorrow Telegraph Creek, 45 and 55. Jd by the uuuaiu Us and led by David editor of that paper, 113 persons from nor-Ynrk State and else- Lt Ticinlty is paying Prince Rupert today t of a western tour. this morning on the rge Irom Vancouver, named Readers Tour, U sightseeing liupert this afternoon teed to Jasper raric rning's train. They st over the Northern If and were at Porl- ;le and Victoria before Winnipeg and Mln- be visited on the linodate the party five rs and a full diner i4 to the train this nying the party as ive of the Northern ;ay is Earl Kremer Is wile and son with ("rowther, R.C.N. (Ri, ii at Esquimau, arr on '.he Prince Oeorgp inanitions at"HMCS Yrs stocks 0. Johnston Co Ltd.) Vancouver .02 8.90 .02 .04 1.20 .10 Mascot .42 tz 8.90 2 35 )r .02 y4 .08', '"Donald . 4 45 .02 pelt 1.18 pmier . n .08', 12'2 fiold ley .04 landard .... 2.05 Uranium .78 frnadian 530 n .54 285 1.28 uc 2.95 15.50 16 1 83 fete 7.30 .59 padian .11 14.C0 Toronto .08 .22 .48 .42 .11 H8 002 183 .52 .23 '"an ... 7.35 '"owknife 7.00 ke .30', .33 .07a; .05 .06 lew .05 .fit)', .07 .04 : Lac . .-H Nl.i. "" .20 L ' e 2.19 f Lolce 42 f nshutt .. 139 .31 i 1.08 71.75 .14 1.80 .05 2.50 Cordon .221, Irk 231 I River " 4.00 filler .lft 94 U, 1.95 BASKETBALL " Big Name TeamsWill Be Seen Here This Winter Local Leagues Also to be Active Again Player Negotiations Going on , With arrangements already tentatively made for four great teams of international fame to come hefe to punctuate the season, a big winter of basketball appears in store for Prince Rupert again this, year. The moguls will be getting together soon to perfect the organization of the local leagues and teams for the local schedule which give advance interest of being quite Watson Island aggregaUQn. in keeping for excitement and k New Health Task - Prince Rupert And Smithers Included In Sickness Survey The most ambitious task of its nature ever to be undertaken in this country starts today when the Canada sickness survey gets into swing.. Representative families from all over the Dominion have been chosen for the survey. There are 38 in Prince Rupert and 51 in the Smithers area. There will fail because it is 'morally Germans Emerge from Purgatory FRANKFURT C? Forty six million West Germans today are emerging from the dark pulsatory of the conquered. Their little capital, Bonn, on the Rhine, Is to be the seat of the revived world power. Next year Germans wijl become masters of their own land and allies in the common defence of Europe. This is the meaning attributed to decisions at the Big Three foreign ministers' conference . in New York. household basis so that, as well as obtaining information about individuals, it will gain considerable Information on family and group conditions. Estimates based on the data found will supply on a national and provincial scale incidence and prevalence of disease, cost of hospitalization and medical care to individuals, groups and families. It will also indicate the volume of unmet needs in provincial and federal health programs and will show the different kinds of illness that occur more frequently than two per hundred population .per year. Complete Tesords on families under survey will be kept for one year with the nurse collecting her data each month. It "is being carried out on a joint Dominion-provincial - municipal basis with method of collecting information left to the provinces. Families under survey In Prince Rupert will be mostly urban, while those in Smithers will be for the greater part rural. 13-YEAR-OLD ANTS Quen ants have been known to live for 13 years. SCHOOLING BY MAIL Education by correspondence is obtained by 33,000 children in Australia who live too far awav alto attend organized schools. Income and Spending Here Above Level of Most Canadian Cities NEW YORK (Special to the News) Prince Rupert stands out as a rich market, with income and spending at a level above that of most other cities in Canada. This is brought out in a new, copyrighted survey of buying power, prepared by Sales Management covering all sections of Canada and the United enthusiasm with any that have gone before and there have been some good- ones. The "Big Time" basketball teams for which negotiations are under way to come to Prince Rupert are the Harlem Globe Trotters, who were here two years ago and about whom the fans are still raving, the Chicago Red Heads, girls' professional team, the California Mohawks, who were in the city last winter, end the noted Helena, Montana, team. Visits back and forth between Prince Rupert and Ketchikan are, of cour,e, an institution and will take place as a matter of course, it is expected. Prospects are that there will be three Senior teams again this winter Co-ops, for sure, Brown, woods, possibly, and likely a be strict records kept of all ill-1 nesses In these families over the period of a year. All Information will be on a confidential basis. Names of surveyed families will not be on the cards returned to Ottawa on its completion. They will be used by the public health nurses making the survey in order- to keep proper tract of their work. 1 In British Columbia there are 2,200 households to be kept un-J der observation. The public health nurses will be used as enumerators with the health unit directors acting as regional supervisors. Object of the survey is to gather authoritative data on factors making up causes for illness. Families chosen cover all income groups, occupations, 'living conditions, geographical locations, a?es and environments. Ailments covered will range from the sniffles and cut fingers :o major Illnesses and accidents. All data will be correlated to show incidence of different ailments with relation to conditions of living. Those organizing the survey say there will be no attempt to show one part of the country as being a more healthful place to live than another. Object is to find what the contributing causes to ill health are so that a successful attack may be made on them. The survey is organized on States. The high standard of living prevailing in Prtnce Rupert is lndicated by the volume of retail business done In the past year. The local stores registered a sales total of $9,801,000, which wa3 well above the city's quota. On the basis of Its population it should have accounted for only .0730 percent of Canada's business. Actually, however, it did .1127 percent. The ability of local families to spend more was made possible by better incomes. The 2,900 families In Prince Rupert attained a gross, income of $11,-020.000 In 1949. Dividing the one by the other yields a per family Navy Plane Down in Puget Sound With Seven of Personnel Perished , SEATTLE, 0i Four hours after news had been received of the crash of a United States Navy transport in the Marshall Islands with loss of 26 lives, another Navy bomber went down in Puget Sound late yesterday, bringing death to seven more Navy personnel. v The plane was a Navy four-engined Privateer carrying a crew of seven on a routlne training mission out of Sand Point. The crash occurred near Whidby Island, about forty miles . north of lure.