i Tf jrCt I Prince Rupert Daily News Wednesday, September 2D, 1950 imply ii:pers during the service and was godmother by proxy for Mrs. Alex Kern cf V;-irc-"-?r Jahri Kee'e Jr. and Peter Neave were his j J. " Double Baolism Al Francois Lake ttay Re fleets Business and prof, godfatherj Says Stokowski and Reminisces banquet and dance were held last night at the Boston Cafe. Presented by President W. F. Stone of the association, cups were received by Miss Eileen Thomas on behalf of the Gret-tettes and by Corporal Brown cm behalf of tne Irish Fusiliers. On Sunday mcring in the Anglican Church bright with flowers, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack O'Mears was Riven It may be said with some de gree ol accuracy, that Peck Mc September 20, 1925 Mrs. T. Williams has received word that her mother and sister. Ina Wood, arrived in M"mtreo' i yesterday from Aberdeen and will be here Friday. LONDON (J Kathleen Fer-rier's voice Is simply superb," says Leopold Stokowski. Commenting on her performance in Mahler's "Das Lied Von Der Erde," the renowned con- HELEN'S &wain who died in Northern iJne name Michael John, and the British Columbia not so manj j infant son of Ku?h and Joseph- VP3M fl.Ofl VL:& thf las, nf thi I . . a l SIDNEY (ft, durtor said the English zhi's1' . w me xseave was Riven uir ivmiiv BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all Its bracchea ?04 4th Street Phone 855 voice was 'lull and beautiful the f I.AVO ACT N'U' f Intention to Apply To l.m Lund In Lancf Recording District of PrtncB Rupert, B.C.. and irttuate oa western she of Lot 1983, Rim 5. Coast DUtrlrt. TAKB NOTICT that Armour Salvune (1949) Ltd. of Prince Rupert. B.C.. Intends to apply for a lease of the following dfscribed lands: . Commencing at a post planted on po'.nt near S.W. corner of Lot 1981. Range 5. Coast District, thence N SO degrees E. 23 chains; thcure southward and westward aloiiRohore to point of commencement, and containing SO acres, more or less. Date of Staking August 7. 1950. ARMOUR SALVAGE U949) LTD "J. M. Fields" in tins part vi Western Canada. ' prfnimed th ceremonv follow- Miss Mary Edgar of this city is paying a visit in Berny, Alberta, with her sister, Mrs. Robert Augier. tie niignt have betm nandy won i n? the usuai church service a linotype, as well, but nen, taiK ;!rs j0hn Keefe, grandmother turner! turned nn on McSwam, MrPu'ain it it to .... . . , , 0JTICE a0- Away on a deer hunting trip. R. Davie, W. Reid, Geor?e Ab-i bott, James Tannock and Ben 1 Boliver have sailed on Mr. Davie's launch, the Alva Glen. for the Wark Canal country. '.They expect to be away aboui " ten days. intonation perfect, the phrasing so elastic and the 'nterpretation so eloquent. ' In this particu.ur work, Kathleen sings the mezzo-soprano was of born Dames, neia iw;riiuei tnink of hini as a printer wao had seen much and managed to part, but she ranges through , extract a great deal of fun ou. Gm Cook-, J soprano and contralto with equal John and was godmother by proxy for Mrs. Marie Burnett of Albreda, who was unable to attend the ceremony. The childs uncle, William Mummery, was eedfather bv proxy for Ralph JCeefe. Mrs. Harold Neave. RL-h 'ard's grandmother, held him CHIROPRACTOR JOHN F. L. HUGHES, D C. 21-22 Besner Block Houis, 10:30-12:30 Si 2-5 bvenlngs, Mon. & Frl. 7:30 Phone Blue 442 The school football opener tween High School and Booth ended in a win for Booth by a 1-0 score. Mr. and Mrs. A. Dominato sailed last niaht on the Prince Rupert for a trip to Vancouver. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert T. S. Harrison, Victoria; T Woods. Smithers; Mr. and Mrs Alderdice, Fort St. John; Mrs N. MsGowan, Alice Arm; John Brontner and family, Alice Arm; facility. Her singing career started as the result of a bit. Whlie working as a telephone operator, she entered an English music festival as a pianist. For a wager, she also competed in the singing division and won a firs', orize. of life. Born in Ontario, he rarely remained ions anyw.iere. If ne ever lived in what might be tonsio'. reu headquarters, the place could have been in this province As a craitsman, Pek nad wiae and picturesque experience in ail kinds 01 places and among ail sorts of people He toiled in pimtshops large and small, and few excelled him anywhere in the scope of his friendships and acquaintances, and tne number of his anecaetes, as well as amusing escapades. ,'' September 20, 1940 " Marking the close of the soft- V I !LL2JL5L?LniJ J. Day, Vancouver; J. Dunlop, taw io ; ball season in Prince Rupert, a Smithers. u ,ut BOH ' COLUSSI'S MUSIC STORE Agents lor the finest in Musical Instruments PIANOS TONED AND RECONDITIONED ilO 4th St Ph. Black 38S I. A VP ACT Notice nf Intention to apply to Lease LaitU In the Atlln Land Recordim? District of British Columbia, and situate on the Atlln Townsit UM shore frontline between Hlh and Low mnrk and frontln on Lak' PlrOSl HAPID SITCES. A ppriod of training1 led to her professional debut and success tollowed success. Her reputation spread rapidly and she found herself singing In the leading opera houses and concert halls BLUE P.O. BOX J Peck could sine, although he rnorta u.)l,i.mant npnfc.PT.inn.. i Striwit Ttnr the foot Of Rank Street nQ o f,n tend and laying- laylnR beneath beneath th present c v.uuiu uuiai., wtii, uil tit. A. P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 1118 Melville Street VANCOUVER, B.C. gorex)nd7 OIL BURNER ift- ; of the world. Among her cuts' anding performances was that in "Das Lieu Von Der Erde" at the first Edinburgh Festival .which led to an invitation to si.i,j the work under I Bruno Walter in New York. I At this y?.r's Edinburgh festival, she sang Urahm's alto rcmplishment greatly enhanuing ones social power. lie eou:a, and did, play many a -nractica; joke, displaying in this direction an undoubted ingenuity, although perhaps the victim did not always share this vie. Ladies' . FALL and WINTER COATS New Gabardines and Covert Cloths Priced from 29.95 New wick or jt'.r, supplled-All tea : and tove lerrtctJ I Rhapsody for contralto and or Wharf Structure. Take notice that I. Harper Reed Prospector, of Atlln, B.C.. occupation Propectlng, intend to applT for a esse of the following described 'ands: Commencing at Post No. 1. being Its Easterly Cor. thence Nor-'herly 50 foot Westerly 100 ft Southerly 60 ft. Easterly 100 ft. all more or less to commencement point. Commencing at a post planted at Its Easterly Corner, near crosslnK o: Lake Street and Rank Street Northerly 60 ft. Westerly 100 ft thenc Southerly 50 feet; thence Easterly 100 feet to point of commencemen uid containing 5000 area feet more or less. Use of area to be for Lake Boat Shelter Dock. HARPER REED. August 1st, 1950 (220) conditional guarata left satisfaction J RORIE & LAIRD Public Accountants and Auditors. Income Tax Returns compiled. O. L. RORIE, A.A E. S. B. LAIRD, B. Comm. Bfhiier Work - Phone 381 He was geting along in years when he drirted north. to work in the office v a weekly published in Stewart It may not bd generally Kivjn that lor year Stewar haa its paper, and so eoniinued until tne passing or it's proprietor. There was no suc- chestra. Born and brought up In Lancashire, Kulhlc-ei left school a the age ol 14. She entered th: post office as a telephone operator, studying piano with little idea of a music career until the Krta 733 5th West uf . f Iki aJretiMtkiM It M pMiM at Atplr 1 V Una Cwl ImtS at W W dmmmi sjBiaiAfil i in - r-f. Inteniutlonaf cessor. It was while he was in wagr won hr acclaim. QUALITY REM For DowitroddKi and V,'om tJ MAC I CUflt unn! ' ! Stewart thai McSain expen- enced a stroke, but this did not overcome his breezv -jersonality Sutherland will Often, in after days, he was a Vancouver to be familiar figure on the streets of HANDXMAN HOAAE SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Mrs. C. V. leave soon for U Om S DEPARTMENT STORE away about three weeics 8rJ Box 774 Frince Rupert slightly below the average size, quiet and observant, and invariably good j company Building and Repalri of all kinds ROOFS CHIMNEYS OIL BURNERS MATTSON' LTHOLS.'ra Phone Blue IU. f. 9 PHONI8 Black 334 Red V P. O. Box 1870 330 Srcuni Ai While on the subject of print-! ing and printers, perhaps this is the time and place t3 say it's a long distance between Peck in Stewart, and a little paper published In Bloemfontein, Union ot South Africa, fifty years ago, and called "The Friend". That's one j sheet he never did behold, or lhave anything to do with. It may Prince Rupert. ' f DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS BRIM te in circulation yet. . inasslfied Advertising Is payable In advance. Please refrain from telephoning. Classifieds, ?c pe .word per insertion, minimum charge 50c. Birth Notices 50c. Cards of Thanks. Death Notices, Fun eral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcements $2.00. SPKCIAL DISPLAY. DOUBLE PRICE The Friend was colored pink, ran four pages, any old kind of FOR SALE YOUR FAVORITE ; CARD OF THANKS LiWe.wisn t0 thank our many friends for .sending flowers durum our recent bereavement. And .we want to thank the Com-hiunitv of Usk for their flowers. JVe also thank Indian Superintendent Earl Anfield for his kind consideration. Also McRae pnrt Donaldson for thef' kind HI -POWERED SPORTING RIFLES Larger assortment and better values. Write for latest catalog listing various bargain prices. SCOPES SALES CO. LTD., 326 Queen St., Ottawa, Ont. (tf) REu. ESTATE -makeup apDM.red good enough. -- land was prinU-d partlv In Dut;li HAVE HOME OWNER requiring and partly in Enelish. Frequently eood 2 or 3bedroom house be-' there e nnlri oula he te rrncl-imn(rvn tween Havs Cove and McBride. prr05ma'.'on Will sell or exchange 4-bed- with tne signature of the British room home on 6th East. Has :0ommander In Chief, Lord concrete basement, furnace Roberts. It appeared every now fireolace. rumpus room and ,, manv plus features. If no ex- and Q)1( then- There was never a change possible will consider it.me when the F.iend was no: buving. What offers? See welcome. There must have been Armstrona A"encies. Phone s-me-nln Srnie'hin- in the tne nim name. Tm-rt To.pc 342 or Green 297 (eves.) 224c ness. Mr. and Mrs. Percv Kennedy. FOR SALE New chesterfield lt!J i beds: beds comnlete: un aint- I ed chest of drawers: used FOR SALE vci ci-i uiny i"ju kihu tJ pet neir uncliintr mohina' a a t tr ' ... hnnrls han4s on on nrtvthtna anything rpQfmhlina machine:' kitchen stoves: heat- FV5s?-wf5ten?aver -BIocl5- two Muiev.f. lour laree rooms, ' ers: hardware: scores of other ,T f.Vii ZYU ttT.vi a ne spaper. ui . n j i mi oi.v.u 1U4.0 1JIV.111U useful furniture at lowest IF YOU ARE WISE YOU OUTFIT THE LADS AT THE ine two dwellin'ss. Income Di-iccs. See B.C. Furniture. Black 324. (tf) rentals sisa oer momn. A(t- tne iriena printed poem?. ' wes'eimavpr. letters, writeups, wisecracks, al FOR SALE Bedroom suite, com 1 . Dlete: 9x12 ru: chesterfield" I , suite and dinette set ol table! , and chairs: also ironiri" board , and vacuum cleaner, all liKe new. Auulv No. 4. Summit! AdU PhuneGreen 277. (til FORvSALE 2 wicker armchairs,1 1 leather laxvbov. ideal lor I vjirnuua ziveiiue, i,oilg ocacii, California. (222c) leged news We mailed three or fmir rnrie hnmo t r pQinrln hut FOR SALE Washing machine and chesterfield suite Kroe-leri chean for cash. Both in excellent condition. Phone Red 599. (225u) NOW ON DISPLAY! UUIIO: SOW !MUJ FrSlrV,!llt5 "hLPJ1. they never arrived. Bfoemfontein ' reasonably as must be sold im SPORTS SHO, ouminer ciuiil). Sit: 1 vanitv with bench .tan- had plenty cf newsboys most of them black. They would come skirmishing out to the camps, each trying to outrace the other mediately. Phone 470 lEves.) Blue 240 for further information. (tf) WANTM) i '' pahinpt r .HiA ti,' o u V f r v . vniLj no nouses on one ' h3 hu ,uis- i lot Excellent central location Cal at ,au at 1042 9th Ave aUo East. 224p. and nriced reasonably O p. ' Jackets 0 Trousers Tinker ii Co. Ltd. Phone Red 57. (223) FOR SALE Austin sedan. 1950,1 purfect condition, low niiipao -Box 795. Daily News. 224", FOR SALE 32-ft troller. fullv Raincoats Hals , and be first to make sales. iir WANTED a tt, $20 REWARD If you Bloemfontein "oemiomein then men had naa, only onjy a a ran get me bv Oct. 1. 6-room house to rent till June. Urgent, fc-w months previously been the Box 79i. Dailv News. (225p) capital of the Orange Free State WANTED Lisht housekeeping little bettef than :a far away rooms as soon possible by . as Quiet family. Uraentlv needed. Emal n ti town, n i p ecu k wuia ld nave n f ieic ,t Apply VJD. Dailv News, tf nc quite at home- at least far a while. WANTED Second hand oil bur- 5 eauiDDed. lb-18 Easthooe. A-l condition. Owner leavimr town. Enquire office of J. Clausen and Son. (225p) I F? SALE Revenue building , on 1st Aye., showing $28b per ., month tl US SllliO tr m,:n..r. , Excellent. rieht pjrtv "lclFOR SALE Small pot oil burn- CoUfttje. four wartime, inside er- Phone Black 785. (225u) ipOR SALE 12-guaee double ner comolete Silent Glow. Phone Red876. (220c) unuKc. exceouonai eonuitrjn. on. nas inlaicl tile. well. iicivit: v-uuuuctius. uwner wisn barrel shoteun. Call 942 Havs Cove Ave., or Phone Red 789. (225p) I es to sell with table ton elec rit range, direct leed oil heat-" , and chrome kitchen set. Priced at $1500 down with the balance in easy monthlv FOR SALE Carnet 9xlOVa and washing machine. Both like new. Phone 60. Delanev. 224p Schedule For ; Ladies' Bowls League schedule for the Cumin? senson is announced as follows: Sept. 26th McMeekins vs Lucky Strikes, Brownwoods vs Rcsa Lee's. C. B. of C. vs G. & Anderson, Toilers vs Stars, Wrathall's vs Lyons. Ginger 4-rooni house. 2 minutes from 1 FOR SALE 6-room house in "PO.1t office, available for cash i Terrace. IV acre of cleared WANTED TOP MARKET .PRICES PAID for scran irort, steel, brass, copper, lead. etc. Honest grading. Promrjt pav-, ment made. Atlas Iron & Metals Ltd.. 250 Prior St.. Van- i couver. B.C. Phone Pacific J5357. (tf) A' ANTED Scrap cast, brass 1 cooper, batteries and radiators. Phone 543. Call 629 fitn west. . (tf) I SALESMEN WANTED i preterms. Aoolv Robert K 1 land. AddIv Robinson Real ' Montador' Ltd. Estate. Terrace, (224c) or John Gur- vich. Citv. (230p) on your next CHARTER FLIGHT oaiiPi Mooei 12.,Winches-iFOR SALE McClarv coal ranee er oump gun, excellent con-i Phone Green 517. (222p) dition lor auick sale. only. -- -- $125. Box 794. Dailv News . DEALERS TN AT.T. types of (221) I Snaps vs Wallace Pharm., Rock- o'T"' J 5 wM.T-r-r. W ANTED Salesman bv laree J , manufacturing comDanv to ,ues tt vs vs M Mansons, Ble cig Sister sisiers vs vs cover Prince George and Prince Forestry Dept., Battlers vs Black Rupert territories. Permanent Cats, Shenton's vs Commercials, used eoulpment: mill, mine and logging supplies: new and used wue rope: pipe and fittings; chain, steel plate and iloble PLANES ova CHAPTER FLIGHT oosiwon. rceoiv stating a"e oavoy Savov's s vs vs Skeena &Keena Orncerv Gioctry and experience to Box 797, FOR SALE 1947 1-ton pickup, j " A-l condition. Superior Gar-! M;,aee- (221p) j NATIONALLY KNOWN NAMES Ling-belt Sneeder Shovels: Cranes: Dpaglines: Arlami! Prince Rupert School Disrrcr No. 52 ADULT NIGHT SCHOOL Adult night school will be offered the citizens of Prince Rupert if enrolment warrants and instructors are available. Each course will consist of twenty weekly two-hour periods. The fee will be $10.00, payable before the session begins. In some Courses applicants might have to supply their own material and in others a small charge may haye to be made to cover the cost of material. The following Courses have been suggested: . WOODWORK. This Class would be for the beginner or the experienced workman; would be open to men and women and would be limited to 18. 2. DRESSMAKING. This Is not a formal course; those taking it may bring their own material and advice and help will be given. 3. TYPEWRITING. Class registration will be limited to ' the number of typewriters available. 4. BOOKKEEPING. 5. HOME IMPROVEMENT COURSE (remodelling, redecorating and building homes). 6. ANY OTHER COURSE for which there are fifteen applicants and for which an Instructor can be obtained will be offered. APPLICATION FORM ADULT NIGHT SCHOOL If the Course Is available I shall enrol for (check one only) : Woodwork " ' . Dressmaking Typewriting :. Bookkeeping Home Improvements Other Course Signature Address '. .'. Telephone If you wish to enrol, please bring this application form to BOOTH MEMORIAL. HIGH SCHOOL on Tuesday, September 20, 1950, at 8:00 p.m. when preliminary registration will take place. shapes. Atlas Iron & MetrHs Ltd.. 25 Prior St., Vancouver, B.C. Phone Pacific 6357. (tf) FOR RIVit (223) ; Oct 3rd Battlers vs Com Daily News. O Aerial Surveys Aerial Photography O Private Charter BUILDERS & CONTRACTORS mercials, Savoy's vs Black Cats, Shenton's vs Wallace Pharm., Road Graders: Littleford Bros. .Black Too Road Maintenance I F9R RENT Room and board Q I imoer vim t;ouioment: Owen Clamshell 'r'i " VT weeK- MJ im Buckets and Rock Grapples:! West- Downstairs. (224pi 1 T Cmith fnnirnf n Uivorn ! ' " P0I1-' PLUMBINU and Heatinir - lkeena Grocery vs Rockettes, Big Sheet Metal work. Tar arf. .Sisters vs Manson's Ginger Snars S,rayeln?00fir?i,CV'1i629 6th lvs Forestry Dept., Tollers vs Bel-Ind Sons0"6 Letourneav monti Lyons. vs stars, wrathall's ' ' vs Lucky Strikes, Annettes vs MODERN Painting and Decor- Brownwoods, C. B. of C. vs Rosa COASTAL Clark Foricli ft Trucks: Nelson 1 QJ? PENT - Room. 843 "9th , Bucket Loaders for Stockpile : tjupi onH CriAui PumrtTfQ 1 - T? i -.- tlni-f ' ' ALL INTERIOR AND For able Centrifugal Pumps: Na-j TOR RENT Furnished bedroom with kitchen nrivileges Cen aplr 91' 215. nuon evenings una or nf'u.coi iviuivictiwijo va u ut. mmci- Phone Black tional Dragline Scrapers and tral location. leal for working!, noon hour. P.O. Box 1111. (tf) ison counle. References requested. RATES - INFORMATION 1flVl U.'ra t V, n 11 o wo ft kr Oct Phone 21 daytime. (tf ) j COMPLETE builders suDDlies ...... I-. J". . fast service. Island Citv Build- ons. vs crownwooas. MCMceK-Ing Sucnlies. Blue 820. (18m) ins vs Rosa Lee's, Toilers vs Lucky PHONE 476 Buckets: National All Steel Gasoline Hoists: National Portable Sawmills: National Rotarv Screens and Conveyors. Full1 information from National Machinery Co. Limited. Vancouver, B.C. (tf) FOR SALE 1947 Monarch, ra FOR RENT Sleepine room.' Phone Green 438. (222o)i ACCO C .IT ANTS , lk"' Bnthe": FOR RENT Large housekeeping' QUEEN CHARLOTTE All room, suitable for working ! PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. Inc.omf Grocery vs Bis Sisters, Savov's Kirls. Call Blue 633 after 6 p.m. ; Tax snecialist. S. O. Furk Vs Rockettes Ginger Snam "vs V (221p)' Stone Building. Red 593. '?,. t'. T ! B". bnpf, dio ana neater, etc. rnone nea (224o) 789. (2(lml ,mJ"',uli ' jj-iLucia va vvituitut; Pharm., Black Cats vs Commer FOR RENT Comfortable sleeping room, centrally located.! Phone Green 625. (219p) I REPAIRS cial 'I km- & WATCH Renarra nromnt nffl. C. A. Radford, superintendent FOR SALE Trailer fullv eauip-ned for housekeeoina. suitable for ' family. For particulars; phofae Black 277 (219c) j FOR iSALE 2-ton Dodge 1944: 3j-ton Fargo 1947 in good con- j dittett. Dalton aUdlna machine 1 with cash drawer. Valenjin, I Dairy. Phone Red 272. (225p) Air Freign' FOR RENT Housekeeping room.1 cient service. George Cook 613 Third Avenue. (225), Jeweller. Satisfaction euaran- FOR SALE OR RENT Trailer. teed. , fullv eauinoed for housekeep-( Iiw. suitable for family. Fori OIL BURNER SPECIALIST rmrllniikra nhnnl Hlaclf 9.77 Stov fitIBB Kurvlcp Service Xr. & Renairs Rpnalrs CI Q. D D of Canadian National Telegraphs in Alberta and British Columbia, arrived toaay on tne i-rinr-e Ku- . (219c) i Roason. Black 503 (tf pert to Inspect the local office