develop the trench fills in, thus EWncc Rupert Dailp Ocius Wednesday, April 13, 1949 encouraging a deep root growth. ... I UNHAPPY DAYS FOR DOCTORS Mr ... . ' 8- Ito. ,. fi -At rMV 1 . " "ia Mrs r ' M'i A. SJVJ Recently very much improved varieties have been available in Canada, as well as new colors. When the plants are up three or four inches some support for HOTARRIVALs Prince Rupert G. Little, Kwinitsa; J. Long, Burns Lake; J. Ubell, Shirlev' .GAHDENj. - and Mrs. B ; ?' t GeorBP .' K';: ! climbing should be provided LONDON Standards of medical treatment in Britain have deterierated but it is certain this is not the fault of the profession, declares a British Medical Association spokesman. Tlw This may be brush or strings, or 5 Jjf ' - -jC--- V'- I a combination of the two. wire ' v -fV vrr'v rr, is not advisable as it is liable to V' ,t - !H,rSX , Ir' J V & E. Bolton, Port Ess'ington; H. D McEwen, Houston; H. D. Gould Vancouver; J. Smith, Woodcock; A. Fry,,Wrangell; Mrs. v. Giraud, Terrace; w. N. Tar-buck, Vancouver; R. R. Cooke Vancouver; D. Thorlakson, Gim- Sask.7 ' h d pouver; W George; Mrs 0 ' race. 1 cut or Durn tne tender growth, it tiv VV blunt fact is, doctors are des-neratelv overworked Whv? The uuwers are removed flaiiv ana . jest t is mainly .v UilUn k.A VJ Willi, ( blooming will last far longer, j ; pt. eaucrats who B A'rrr, V. N'- - vifr because the bur SWEET PEAS i Sweet peas are almost a must in most flower gardens throughout Canada. Except in those ! few areas where hot summer Lawns Need Attention Grass devised the National Health C 1 ll 1 . 1 1 ocivice ewner nave no snow-ledge of human nature or Dre- seed is another thing that makes its best growth during the cool Jt, tend that nnt.hinir nf thp unrt. weather. The seed can be sown . .;iJ ,Afi evict? Whon tv.n onnnr.l even before the last snow has f disappeared. It is best to do :tt- ? this on a day when there is no jf whirl and tn makp snrp nf pvpn -;r - ' coverage it is advisable to broad " - jf ... imm.,, m ., ? i-V;b 'I 4 m m m &j 1 ' !i 'jmJ f: r 1 I - " " "-t'-.y, ?Vt 'ft X cast from two directions. Some experts even advocate sowing vAtovt. Tiutii bllC gciiciai 1U11 of people discover they can obtain something for nothing, they will not overlook it. The service of physicians ' has become a state gift shop. Hundreds of persons, with nothing seriously wrong with them, show up for attention, and the doctors are busy all day and half the night. Numerous complaints are trivial. The surgery queues are becoming longer all the time. ! nights come early, there should toe little difficulty in making a 1 good showing. The secret is an early start, and preferably in j prepared bed. These plants, as well as the vegetable variety, make their first growth when soil and air are fairly cool, therefore planting just as soon as the soil is fit to work is advisable. r is best to dig a trench about a foot or so deep. In the bottom put a six-inch layer of well-rotted leaves and manure. On top of this fhould be a couple of imhes of good rich loam. In this the seed is planted about two SWEET CAPORAL CIGARETTES last thing in the fall. The seed will lie dormant throughout the winter and start to grow firs thing in the spring. For new lawns the ground should be thoroughly prepared, cultivated several times to level eff the surface and kill the weeds. Repairs are handled in MOTHER NATURE HAS LAST FLING AT WINTER With spring beginning officially on March 21, Mother Nature had a last fling and blanketed eastern Canada with its heawest snowfall of the season. Scenes like this one were not uncommon in the east. Traffic was turned into a caterpillar procession but no serious accidents were reported. inches apart and half an inch deep. Gradually as the plants somewhat the same fashion, " After bedtime there are tiie usual birth and emergency calls The doctor also has clerical duties he did not have before Every surgery now has its cabinet of record cards. On these, every illness of every registered patient is entered for inspection. There are also stacks of THE with the bald spots raked thoroughly to open up the soil. A light raking one way will cover :eed sufficiently. Well nourished grass and high quality blended seed from' a re-iable seed house will usually crowd out most weeds. Grass ike any other plant will benefit .'rom a good dressing of fertilizer. Jommercial fertilizer, because it Skeena Construction & Cabinet Co. Builders and General Contractors f s Mn. necessay that they be kept in that condition until they are planted in their new quarters and growing. If the ground Is not fit to receive them when purchased the plants should be "heeled in." that is planted temporarily in a trench with soil packed about roots. and after the weather turns warm. They are a little hard on clover, but they certainly do an amazing job in destroying dandelion, dock, plantain and most other weeds. Where there is heavy infestation one should foilovv with fertilizer, watering and some reseeding so that grass will take over where the weeds have been killed or removed. Nursery Stock Nursery stork official forms. There are forms to fill for people who want free milk, exemption from jury service, extra allocations of coal, free transport to polling booths. And there are certain kinds of nerve food that the unhappy doctor himself, not the government, is called on to pay for." s free from weeds, is recommended. It should be high in litrogen, which is the chemical jlement which provides the reen growth in plants. KEEP FLOORS LOOKING Lm FLOOR SANDING AND CABINET WORK CONCRETE WORK AND REMODELLING Houses built under the N.II.A. Plan 20 down payment-balance in easy monthly payments over a period of 15 to 20 years. m Free Estimatees Timely Recipe is the term applied to shrubbery. Advertise in the Daily New.;! A little early work with the 'vines, trees, etc. .The wood of spudder and regular cutting top quality stock will be green, FOR FURTHER INFORMATION with the lawn mower will heip. pliable and with some strong. Then there are the new 2-4-D well-formed buds. The roots .prays. These must be applied should be protected from the air PHONE BLACK 221 P.O. BOX 1676 carefully according to dircctionsand be moist or wet, and it is 1 B-H "FLOOR-LUSTRE" is the ideal enamel for wood, cement or concrete floors. It dries over-night. Comes in 10 attractive colours, which will give you a durable, washable surface for doors and stairways. 7 RICE AND HAM CREOLE 2 large onions 2 green peppers 1 cup chopped, frayed ham 3 tablespoons bacon drippings or other fat 2 cups cooked rice 2 cups canned tomatoes 'i teaspoon salt Cut onions and peppers in small pieces and saute lightly In the fat. Add rice, tomatoes, salt and ham. Mix well. Pour into a greased casserole or baking dish and bake in a moderate oven for about 25 to 30 minutes in a 375 degree oven. It doesn't matter which, but use the one a 1 n 1 n.ifiiT. fii ti V fOR IXTERI0R PORCH FLOORS AW Jiff: use B-H PORCH FLOOR PAINT. Withstands any kind of weather, scuffing, L. J L j V that is most convenient for any other cooking that is being done j for the meal. 1 ffl.jKvi m : , scraping and repeated washings. Docs not pet blister or crack. Dries with a gloss finish. Made in Pearl, Grey, Slate and Tile Red. Cv3TTK 0 6. RELIEVING LABRADOR ST. JOHN'S, Newfoundland The Canadian ice-breaker Sorel, loaded with $25,000 worth of supplies, left here yesterday with a fourth shipment of food to help relieve starvation conditions in seven icebound southern Labrador villages. The supplies would tide the hunger-stricken hamlets over the remainder of the shut-in season For (ha best Paints, Varnish s ond" Enamels ; ; 1 BUY WHERE YOU SEE THE SIGN: tt' th symbol of th reliable dealer in your community fa CHIROPRACTOR T.S.S. PRINCE RUPERT SAILS FOR VANCOUVER and Intermediate Ports Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT For Reservations Write or Call 7 . RcltASES MORE jPj VX Ejf Ms-Tgy Ormes Drug John F. L. Hughes, DC, Ph.C. 21-22 Besner Block Phone BLUE 442 for Appointment HOUR 8 p:30 .m. to 12:30 p.m. and 2 to 5 p.m. EVKMNos Monday and Friday, 7:30 p.m. loi those unable to come durlns th. dy. RECEPTIONIST In attend anena ance afternoons. CITY OR DEPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. j 1 Reserve Your Seats Early Foi KENNETH SPENCER The Great American Basso Civic Centre, Thursday, April 14 PHONE 81 'hi OCCBUSe if keets enamel r 0 cfeaner and fetter fabricated awn i.n t fa r it a 7 UjJ. Prince Rupert's .Finest Eating Place BROADWAY CAFE BEST FOOD BEST COOKING EVERYONE NEEDS A TIT A ft fHlU 4felT Havoline is here obtainable from your local McColl-Frontenac Dealer. New and Improved Havoline is more than just a motor lubncant . . . it's a motor cleanser too. Havoline actually cleans as it lubricates, rids your engine of clogging carbon and sludge releasing more Power for your car. Drive to your McColl-Frontenac dealer today. Ask him to change your oil to Havoline. Then find out for yourself . what a difference a really clean motor can make. Everyone can have a vacation j 6 Powerful Reasons Why It Pays To Use New HAVOLINE Motor Oil 1. MORE POWER With clogging cor-bon and iludgs removed, aver part works mor efficiently. 2. MORE GAS MILES A clean motor can do its job more easily, so it uses lew fuel. 3. MORE Oil MIIES Oit lubricates better in a clean motor; more protection from wear. 4. MORE ECONOMY Not only In gas ond oil but in repairs, through leu wear. 5. MORE PLEASURE You get smoother, more,dependable engine performance. (.MORE CAR MILES You get longer ngine life, extra protection against corrosion, too. Change to HAVOLINE now! HOME BUILDERS! Property in a new subdivision available soon , . . Choice view lots at reasonable prices. N.II.A. district. Place your reservations now with ... ARMSTRONG AGENCIES 307 3rd W. Phone 342 Real Estate Insurance (98) because you can have it on ment plan. UMBERL05T LODGE Tun In: TEXACO STAR THEATRE Wedrwidoy nighti, CBC. imwv popr for time and nation. .1 rding t"15 invite your enquiries regan a Specialty CHINESE DISHES FOR TAKE-HOME ORDERS PHONE 200 608 WEST THIRD AVENUE arrangement AT McCOLL-FRONTENAC DEALERS I COAST COAST TO COAST 1 Phone 563