a !3rfnfe ttujwrt afltf I3etos Wednesday, April 13, 1949 SHOWER FOR BRIDE-ELECT SfAMOUS CLEAN BURNING UanA Riiror P.flAI ana Milk Delivery as usual Good $ Valhalla Meeting Thursday Friday. Please leave Bottles out (April 14. (86) HVvU bum wi .wwnKa i)i;ii)mmi,ijuiiiutiitiMttiiiiuiiiliit Right for Easier lMP EGG NOT - STOKER RUP-REC SHOW IS REPEATED Third annual Rup-Rec mass display played to a capacity audience in the Civic Centre gymnasium again last night, culminating a season of great activity in. the Civic Centre. The crowd was even larger than on the first night, and the show went even more smooth'.. Par Borden Street School P.T. A. ! Tea and Sale of Home Cooking, I April U, 2:30-5:00. (87) i j Vic Duncan returned from aj trip to Vancouver on the Prince i Mrss Bcrhice Eastwood Honared at Delightfo! Affair Honoring Miss Bernice Eastwood whose marriage to Jack Evans will take rflace this Thursday, Miss Jeane Thompson and Miss Gladys Foster entertained Friday evening at a miscellaneous shower. During the evening several the Early. Valentin Dairy. (lti Mr. and Mrs. James L. Lee and son, Forbes, returned to the city today on the Prince itupert from Vancouver after n extended trip to California. Regular Monthly meet-&'. ing (with initiation of if new members) Wed. 'CJ April 13 at 8 p.m. (87) (MUERmW BERT & McCAFFERY LTD. Rupert this morning. Increase Is Condition tpon Cost of Living Fluctuation "Recommendation of a conciliation board that members of the city fire department be given a 12 percent wage increase was approved conditionally by city council in a closed committee-of-the-whole session. Condition contained in the approval is that the 12 percent increase be lowered to 10 percent should the official cost-of-living index drop five points below its December 31, 1943, level at any time during the year. The conciliation board, which STETSON WHIPPET f.irtnants in the show which Mr. ana Mrs. sneiford Darton returned on the Prince Rupert this morning from a trip to Vancouver. Everything for mt builder" I novel and amusing games were embraced practically every tvpe j enjoyed. Later, the co-hostesses of atnietic activity earned on j presented the guest of honor .during the winter, totalled 425 PHONE 1I& Notice to Customers Civic Centre Dining Room will be ' wilh a dainty Pink Parasol which persons, ranging from tiny tots Pned to shower her with sham-1 to adults. Directing the s.iow. Cf Don't forget Bulger's 95c j Sale is for Saturday only many j articles to go at less than half price. (87) i closed Good Friday open en as as usual Saturday. (88) rocks, each bearing a clue to, which had a wide audience ap-the hiding place of a useful gift. peal, were Don Forward, Civic j sat here more than a month ago, r, and thietic Brigadier Annie Fairhurst of the Salvation Army, a former rei:ummenaea mai an Classes. GI city fire fighters, with the ex- Slinn, Miss Margaret director. Sale on Saturday. Hundreds of j bride-elect were Mesdames J. Lovely and Useful Articles at j Hadden, H. Mork, J. Connery, Low Prices. (87) a. Rivett, J. Peterson, A. S. Mit- H. H. Thorn returned on the i cne" J- "ensmore, j. w. East Classified Ads Bring Results' iWertwnS W pyarW to Wrio. fteaM rofratw fw iirtbuuiuH I , ii torrf P tru"r-MMft ealWiHKinr fli. rttf: B1rt MoUom: Vmfc of TMnH Orattt KotKVM. Funt-raJ SoMoe liarrlaft t and Eneatrenien ,Amiouwmmw tr J SPECIAL DISPLAY, DOUBLB PRICE ception of probationers, receive missionary in Kenya, East Af-a 12 percent wage increase. Tha rlca, arrived in the city today increase would boost a first- cn the Prince Rupert to visit class fireman's salary from $:00 : the local corps, to $224 a month, j 70 TAXI 70. Stand: Bud's .The firemen last week Sr.di-1 to cigar stor!i nfeXt Hollywood cated their willingness to abide cafe. Sonny Beynon - Louis by the board's recommendation. j Knutson - Cliff Dahl (Mgr). Reason for the fluctuating 170 TAXI-470. from a business trip to Vancou-Prince Rupert this morning ver. moving ricTcnrs wood, E. R. Foster and A. Thompson and the Misses Glenna and Frances Mocre, Pat McRae, Dorothy M c L e o d, Gladys Foster and Jeanne Thompson. If-lft ft. Gillnet boat Arrivals in the city on the Princess Norah from Vancouver this morning were Mr. and FOR RENT Comfortable Bedroom for ladv with Kitchen See at II. 86 beam. (87) floats. privileges if required. Close in clause suggested by city council (alU3,16,I8, 20) opposite Borden St. School. AIR PASSENGERS To Vancouver R. Jacobson, E. Wright, H. Brockington, D. S. Dick. is that a 12 percent increase, is two percent greater than that Phone Black 258 or inquire at 895 Borden St. (tf) In the Salvation Army Citadel on Fraser Street Brigadier Annie Fairhurst, who has spent 12 years as a missionary in Kenya, East Africa, the land of lions and witchcraft, will be showing some excellent movie pictures. Don't miss this extra fine treat. The day: Wednesday, April 13 The time: 8 o'clock ((87) Mrs. B. Rosenberg, L. Mouat, B. Crawford, B. York and L. Knut-sen. Canadian Club meeting on I : S Mrs. J. L. McEwen of Victoria arrived in the city on the Prince Rupert this morning to be present at the wedding of her daughter, Donna, which will ; To Sandspit R. W. Clark, R. FOR RENT Housekeeping f .. . .. - rooms with hot and colci in thelr 1949 working agrce-watef. 813 3rd Ave. Phone ments. Civic Employees' Union! OTeen 780. (tf percent! 1 obtained a general 10 Wed. April 20 at 3 p.m., Broad-1 Kasum, A. J. Williams, M. Pos- Eric way Cafe. Speaker: Mr, saw, J. Gooding. take place shortly. E-1947 Fargo 3-ton I iwlbase truck com-',th Galion Hoist an uion Wood S t e ej i Dump Body. 5-speed ,ssioti, 8.25 - 20 tire Mual rear and spa-re. fc-.t condition. D f V e B ,109 miles. Price $3,200. f Wassend Bros. Phone h ,,(87 tgllron enamel1 bed-lVlith "Real Ease" mat-knd spring, in perfect un. $50.00. Hot air furls; jiiod as new. with ac-L: fnr cnmDiete infitalu early 1 negotiations Morse, national director, Assn. From Vancouver W. S. Thain, of flanflriifln Plnhs Tnnir- Han- nr t rrii a ai - FOR RENT Apartment 4 rooms , increase in and bath in Rand Block. Ful-'.t,., A Tr. the Rnlvatinn Arm- riti-! 7 " . ' 7.1 w. . laiuvicK., mis. n.. nuci- ton Street. Prince Rupert , ai- Realty Co. (87) fanouid the oniciat cost or c;ei 0n Fraser Street. Brigadie (13,18,19) cromoie. From Sandspit A. Salmiventa, W. Murphy. ' From Port Hardy G. FOR RENT" Sleeping Room, ' living index show a five-Pnint Annie Fairhurst, the Territorial for gentleman or gentlemen drop during the year, the firs-'Home League Secretary, will be sharing Centrally located, men should then be brought visiting our city. Wednesday 8 Phone Green 182. (89) 1 . ... , " . , , v'n The sleek, trim lines of the Stetson Whippet and the bold sweep of its bound brim, help to give you that confident, up-and-coming look that says you're, "going-places." And the .Whippet is going places. too. . . its the favourite hat for Easter and the spring season. . . WRATIIALL'S PHOTO FINISHING Developing, Printing Enlarging QUICK SERVICE Amateur and Professional Sup9lies All member!, of the Prince Rupert Local United Fishermen and Allied Workers Union: there will be a special meeting Wed i $200.00 Black 511,- 71 WANTED illLU W1UI ULilCI iviup.xii. muvic IIUUS ilUIll XVCllja. employees, the council members Thursday 7:30 p.m. Ho ma insist. i League Meeting. Good Friday IN. ll E. T. Applewhaite returned to' nesday April 13 at 7:30 p.m. in -WANTED Oil Burning Kitch en Stove. Phone Blue 254, (90) The matter was discussed in morning, 10:30, A Song Story the Metropole Hall. This is 1m- the city on the Prince Kuper: tn haoh mmmit.tie-nf-thP- Cantata "From the Palms to.portant, make it a point to be 1 this morning from a trip to E New and Used Fur-Hardware and Office s Siichtlv Used Arti- WAITED 1 or IV, ton Truck (87) Bella Coola and Ocean Falls. tiesterfield Bed, Wood whole at request of Alderman ' the Lilies." (87) there good condition. Phone 35'i. (tf) il and Oil Ranges. El- iT. B. Black. Heaters, Corner Ertam-in Basins, Office Chairs. METAL VtOttK PLUMBING Installations and Chairs. New Articles-overmg, Toasters, Cup ucers, Axmlnster Rug ss than regular price. ONCE AGAIN IT JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue In honor of the birthday of Fred Olsen, a party was held last Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. Beaton, Eighth Avenue West. There were many fcc Dinner Sets, Tea Sets. Repairs. SHEET METAi. WORK. Tar and Gravel Roof-ine. Letourieau & Sons, 629 Sixth West. Phone 543. (U) WORK WASTED CO Hi at the lowest prices, it the BC. Furniture Co-. 7 '. 7 M beautiful gifts including a hand- HOUSEWORK Wanted by day IB1SIB or hour, Tuesdays, Thursdays nmp ILE-1942 Chevrolet Belli very Rood condition. e:y owned. Can be seen ti Motors. (tf; birthday cake from Mr. Olsen's son, Paul. Daily News. (88) BOX TOP QUALIFIES YOUR ENTRY FOR . HELP WANTED I MELODY" New song, Lure tune. Send 35c to f McCres. Brown's Mill, f-isington. B.C. (91) Il.E Kitchen Range tv ick oil burner. Phone AftnoiancefMCftts iif rt vtftLtfni i fnis Column will be chn-rycrj tcrr tall month t 35 MDta ft Wurd HAS PAID A CUSTOMERTO DEAL -SUEA11MWNS Congratulations to . . . MR. FRANK RAINBOW on winning- the $300 ROBIN HOOD FLOUR MILLS PRIZE LOCAL ROAD FOREMAN for Provincial Public Warks Department, Prince Rupert, B.C. Abp not to exceed 45. Must GET YOUR CAR READY FOR have eerteral knowledge of! 5-1 or apply No. 4 Rand oeween 6 and 8. (87) ALE-6 H P. Heavy Duty roe, Wico Wheel. pjdon n S 949. (90) Send name and address only, with BOX TOP TO: Robin Hood Contest Bex 310 Toronto '; ' highway construction and maintenance; ability to drive truck; a good working knowledge of machinery used for maintenance and minor construction work, and ability to keep" costs and proper time sheets. Initial wage rate $8.90 per day. Apply in writing in first Instance to District Engineer, Court House, Prince Ruoert. B.C. before April la, 1949. (89) ALE - 1940 2-toiV Ford P Truck, $1300 cash Orange Spring Sale, April 13, 2 to 5 p.m., Oddfellows' Hall. Apr. 14, Borden St. P.T.A. Sale and Tea. Queen Mary LODE. Tea, April 18. , Presbyterian Spring Sale, April 21. Anglican Spring Sale, Saturday April 23. Legion Auxiliary Spring Sale, To ensure longer, trouble-free performance, let us clean out the transmission and differential. We will fill them up with new lubricants of the proper type and grade. BOB PARKER'S UPTOWN SERVICE STATION Try Your Luck and Skill by Purchasing Robin Hood Products at I Service Station. (88) WLE - 1941Plvmouth torn Sedan. Excellent fanical condition, needs fc'.Shone Red 705. (91) RLE 6 dining room tap- sealed chairs, 3 occa-1 chairs, bedroom suites, py. 2 9x12 carpet mats, f me kitchen chairs, 2 I beds, 855 Borden St. LOST AN1 rOUND 217 5th -Fountain Pen. (90) 1 April 27. Rotary Club Daffodil Tea, with! PHONE 791 thTna"mTwUriUW: Owner Civic Centre, April 28 or Second and McBride ! . (88) ft. Gas Boat, 5 may have same Dy cainng uy, the Daily News office and1 Daying for this ad. (tf) 1 mm 11 .15SH . ; St. Peter's , Y.P.A Musical Show, "Spring Fantasy" Civic. Centre, April 29. The United Church Spring Sale, May 5. Catholic Girl Guides tea- engine, $450.00. ! for Oillnetter or fadsmope A Phone Hutton, Black-Write Box 1820. Prince LOST Man's Gold Wrist Watch Saturday night. Return to Daily News. Reward. (87) Surprise the Kiddies with EASTER CANDIES AND CUDDLY PLUSU BUNNIES The lady of the house will be pleasantly surprised too if you present her with Easter decorations of REAL ESTATE De'uxe pearl grey hnmp eonlcin? sale. 2:30 to 5. r- nam wun cream rrMte unhnliitpru fhemo 1 f xi x r k Card Party, 8 p.m., Catholic School Hall, May 5. FOR SALE 4 foorti furnished house close in. For particulars Phone Blue 909. ttf) f tall 954 6th East. (89) nvrn Klondvke Night, Civic pLK or trade In 194'f 2'lVf- Riweci WORK. CLOTHES Commodore Cafe elusive st . nar oi one oi iiiti"" f Biue 981. (89) WAXED ARTIFICIAL LILIES and DAFFODILS. And you will be surprised by" the; gay colors our DYES give eggs. C.C.F. Spring Sale, May 7, Sons ALE 1945 rinHoo ool of COMPLETELY RENOVATED "Better Than Ever" eitys fii;sfc homes, located on Fourth Avenue West, situate on two lots with magnificent harbor view. For full particulars Phone 57. G. Percy Sedan, good condition. t cash oiler. Phone 223 oou. ,92) (tf) COMFORTABLE, LOW PRICED CLOTHES THAT ARE RIGHT FOR INDOORS AND OUT. If you're looking for the kind of work clothes that give . . . make us your plenty of comfort as well as long wear headquarters. We have a complete supply of long-wearing work clothes of every description. Tinker & co. lui. mm mm of Norway Hall. Presbyterian Missionary Tea Church Hall, May 12. Music and Drama Festival, May 12 and 13. Eastern Star Tea, May 19, Mrs. L. W. Kergin. SEVEN Room House in choice Tenders will be re-ELy .undersigned up f " of Thursday, May a. r tne purcnase of the location on sevemn nveuuc West. This is a real bargain for a family home. Priced at $2750.00 with terms. G. I. wd as fo w- Fhone Red 400 518 3rd Ave. W. n: 26' th: 6' 9" For rainy weather working we have everything to keep you dry from Soueasters to Seaboots. H.M.C.S. Haida Chapter I.O.D. E. Tea, May 21. Cathedral W. A. Tea, May 26, in: J' R" Vivian N with a 5 H.P. re' together with FOR SALE Good clean Apartment Block, all furnished, private baths, centrally cated Main treet. Apply P.O. Box iris Prlnfe RuDert. B.C. loo) Mrs. W. S. Kergin. Sonja Ladies Tea May 28. Lnani effects situated equip k'strictly cash. Best Food and Service In City Phone 17 for Send-Out Orders Third Ave. David Chow, Mgr. Acmnie clothing store United Church Tea June o r ur nnv a at the home of Mrs. Nickerson, , accepted. Borden Street. fimirof vllJto1 wmciiu C1 the Estate ZZZT, .--,1 ,W.Vi ,-.W.' FOR SALE Small, modern home, newly decorated; i single and 1 double bedrooms. iy2 lots in garden, shruhs. lawn, barbecue. 1037 1st Ave West. Phone Green 253. taT FOR SAL Renovated and Re-rtonnratpri and comDletely iui- t Hm UIan' deceased, House, Prince Runert Ruper.t, (92) For Construction Alterations Repairs DE LUXE WALL TINT This improved kalsomine with its many attractive colors, is ideal for the walls and ceilings of your h.ome. PERSONAL See The Lightweight ONE MAN POWER CHAIN SAW LIGHT STURDY COMPACT For All Types of Operation in the Woods Experience proves the dependability ' and fine performance of the P. M. CARRIED IN STOCK AT PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY HOUSE 713 Second Ave. P.O. Box 772 ' ' &L5?UP SUNDRIES nished 4 room Wartime on 2nd Overlook. Fenced m lawn, all modern furniture. Cash only. Phone Red 872. (92) doVC iy-'elve samples U ?.p.er' catalocue in. GREER & BRIDDEN 75c P.' 'PR.' 7i xLty Co., Ont. maJ"r at., Tor- Package Co. Ltd. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS "GOVERNMENT MQI'OR ACT (Section 28) Notice of Appllnitio'i for Consent to T..,tf,.r .,r Heer l.l'P"e ! UU Hi,,.- fclem V an Alcoholic Thompson Hardware Floor Sanding a Specialty Red 561 Nhoib . Alcoholics P.O. Box 721 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on the 13th day of May A D. 1949. the undersigned Intends to apply to -- dub Daily "'Bhi1.. Alterations. the Urmnr Control Boara ui sent to transfer of Beer License No. bi In resDect of premises, w.,.L the nremlses known as MaCHINERv PROMPT ATTENTION TO ALL WORK FOR ALL YOUR PRINTING REQUIREMENTS the Savoy Hotel suumic ... Fraser Street ,ln the City of Prince D.,t Province of British Colum- 7.- ..: i.nrts described as V ANTE D AI PLICATIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED FOR THE FOLLOW ING POSITIONS FOR 1949: CAMP MANAGERS BOAT CREWS ONE SKIPPER ' J. CLAUSEN & SON RUPERT MARINE REALTY Box 518 Prince Rupert, B.C. LING the TAILOR NOTICE! Clothes remaining in this shop and Ainclaimed after one year are to be put on sale unless customer advises us to hold longer. Please give number. ." ' . " LING, THE TAILOR 220 Sixth Street P.O. Box 386 !e & SI0?1 NAMES Tment fn?mcplete Mne of fcMactur Samllls. R- ited.0wPerfc',r-, Adams National ' T' L- Smith Ration etc. Full mJ l ua., Vancouver. Ilcdal Printers we Lots thirteen (13) and Fourteen (14) in Block Thirty-three (33). Section One (1), Map 23 Prln Rupert Land Registration District, from Carl Zarelll of Prt," Willis Lloyd Woods of 1013 Robson Street. Vancouver. British Columbia, the Transferee. DATED at Prince Rupert, B.C. tnis 12th day of April. AD. 1949. WOODS. WILLIS LLOYD (115) (ED. SAUNDERS) Second Avenue PHONE 24 (tf) P.O. Box 423 thf Daily News!