prince tluytrt Dailp I3uj3 WednesJaj', April 13, I'M 4 '7 1 r ? 4 : ' ' - ... 1 s4 V ..V ' 1 ' J . ' , I .,-. i ..v I 1 - f ; V '1' - ' 1 - f y ' ... i 5 1 t1' " ,- r-i its,, J CANADIAN EXHIBIT FOR .DISPLAY AT MILAN TRADE FAIR The Canadian government exhibition commission will be displaying Canadian goods at lhe Milan Trade Fair in April, the first time since before the war. At an Ottawa preview of the exhibit prior to its shipment to Italy D G. W. DuugU Uefl to iiB"W liveolk expert in the export umsion of the aepart-ment of trade and commerce, explains the purbred dairy cattle panel to Dr. Pietro Migone, Italian commercial attache, and Baroja Marioe Stefano, Italian ambassador to Canada. I - ' ' hpth fallowed a A I rtlrtlj i I ' i W 1 j ni.v. i unrearet' leaving the Old Bal'ey (London i after a i hrre they neara Am. nun y uw. ..scd of attempting w mu.on pvm.: u.v. uslu . . , -,u. i,ir niafp hpfore the lord uw " """" fc.otr vrnwie. h.Lord Goddard. "Ifs SPRINGTIME IN THE ROCKIES" Spring and winter are only a few thousand feet apart in this contrast of snowcapped peaks in the Canadian Rockies and the ice-free lake t their feet. The giant peaks in the Rockies are mammoth fortr5 resses chiselled by the implacable hand of nature. c I ..I ' . . - . i . . . . - A.i .z . . v . .-'V .... . . " ... " ' " IU -Mi' .: :'' ' , p ' , ', . ' , f ' ' 1K - ' , ' 4 tt 7 ( :''.'. ! 1 1 'i ' i ' 1 '; ' - - i 1 t ' ' A ? I I i ! . I V . t" - I . , i -v,:. , " i 1 , . ... .., 1. , . 4 i - ' ' tj- I i. f t ' ' " e ;j ' , ' - V( . -. : llMlliri "If 8 '"i -Uf W "I MiMllhMlrMni.. f ' ' I - T ( Tf SIGN-Pnme Minister St. Laurent raises his tlngers VICTORV V1L'U1 i Vii.nrlreH cllPKt.S at ft in rhe victory sign to a crowo ui - . It was Mr. St. Laurent Montreal. in , to to lnar Srnclal visit to Montreal since becoming pnrnernimsj "::-r:; ,r "NEW CANADIAN" FAMILY ALBERTA BOUND Mr. and Mrs. Hendrick Willem Scholten, Dutch immigrants who have brought along their 12 children to Canada, are shown on the gangplank of the Aquitania as they disembarked at Halifax. They are headed will live on a farm. for Picture Butte, Alberta, where they Heads Red Cross Juniors A photo of Miss Kathleen Oepp of Melbourne, Australia, who has been appointed as director of the Junior Red Cross bureau of the League of Red Cross societies in Geneva She will be responsible for the activities of 33,000,-000 members In 52 countries. 3 DIPLOMAT DISCUSSES ATLANTIC PACT-Ice-;n minister, Bjarni Bt nedikts.son (left) is shown af- -fntM t ;i., t it o Cn,.wl irt nf Rtatfi Dean pr. Bcnediktsson heads a delegation of diplomast from Nn count rv to riispnss i!pt.:iils of the North Atlantic I T- . . H si , . . s-.i' V ? " i , 1 -i t f I x ." a : i. '?- & ' - rv v. TP r ' j!"-4 iT -vv t . I v i .B. in N UITSIES-During an ice Carnival at St. And-W 8he was starred. Barbara Ann Scott was with o h k,hv , t0uuqet of blue violets-official flower of New IT MIGHT AS WELLBE SPRING - Eastern Canada has been enjoying mild spring weather fo rthe past weeks, interspersed, enjoying mild spring weather, interspersed with floods. Eastern United States also has been favored by warm weather. In Brooklyn,' N.Y., the crocuses were in bioom in the Botanical Gardens. Here Kathleen Miller is admiring the newcomers. . .... ji i , i;r.r rnt.flrin U clinwn in this R.C.N. DhOtO making ihn, u MacLaren ot that province. w as nOTNG UPI Tne Koyai uanauian , , . he? final ascent in- the Pedro Miguel locks wl2, passing through the Panama Canal. Three sets of locks raise and lower vessels using the canal. The 10,000-ton warship was enroute to the and other Canadian Navy ships. Caribbean for joint manoeuvres with Royal Navy Appn 'quoise blue vase made 01 m-w ""'W an r""lg the lieutenant-governor was aide-de-camp. (C. P. Photo)