2 fy. Prince Ruom Daflp r5eto LtD. 1L. Saturday, July 31, 1648 SERim An Independent dally newspaper aerated to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and all communities compulsing northern and central British Columbia (Authorized as Second Claw Mall. Post Office Department, Ottawa) Published everr afternoon except Bunday bv Prince Rupert Daily News Ltd., 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, British Columbia, O. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. H. O. PERRY. Managing Director. MEMBER OP CANADIAN PRESS AUDIT BUREAU OP CIRCULATIONS CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION SUBSCRIPTION RATES City Carrier, per week. 15c; Per Month. 6fc; Per Year, S7.00; By Mall, Per Mouth. 40c; Per Year, 4 00. REGULAR BAPTIST SERVICES Suspended during months of July and August. Will resume iD. V.) In New Church Building (Sixth an:l Hays Cove Circle), Sept. 5 th next. Phone 3691. . f 1 1 DIRECTORY SATURDAY SERMON services In all rhurrhe at II a.m. and Villi p.m.: Sunday wkmil at 12:1,1 exrrpl ax olmwii. ANCI.K'W f'ATIIKIIKAl. 4th Ave. W st Dunsimilr 8t. Holy Communion 6:30 a.m. Sunday School 2:00 p.m. Rector; Basil S prockter. B A B D (Blue 73U) Fri. mls are welcome In (lie ,IIM. , v ill IhhK-I'iiI rtilur. W nlU. nil ciiii Im iinpronMl with Miim,n)l j"! in jour ioni a "friend wiuiiiny" ' ('"' WELLS OF SALVATION" By Ven. Archdeacon E. Hudson, St. Peter's Anglican Church "Therefore with Joy ye snail draw water out of the well of Salvation." Isaiah 12:3. The text is nrobablv a reference to that n:w:i or Pershing Left Quarter Million WASHINGTON A probati petition showed General John J Pershing fcft an estate total ling $274,420 exclusive of potential Income from publication o1 his memoirs. Trommel i in the bool- of Exodus where the children of Israel after crossing the Red Sea "came to Elim, where iiiMfe;irwTrimin Salin l ii.isl, f(lr Kj were twelve springs of water, and three score and ten palm trees." In memory of the encampment there, there grew up the custom of keeping a feast In memory of their wild- j It ' also escape from that other MoBiniel X for EjJ FIRST BAPTIST Sth Aw. K at Youug Bt MliiMter: R- Anuobua (OrtKW ll) UK st phkkbvti:ki am 4 til Amtiu East (Uraaa MM I FIRST 'MTi:i s:tB em A- west Mlntaw: R A Wilson MA On 1B) U l l. i(tSPi:i. TAHKKNACl.: 321 6U At West Htstor: Haul A. Harbor (Orveii ) SALVATION AM MY FraMW Street CO.: Cant. Karl Jarrett Directory Clans 1:30 am Sunday bcrtuul 3 :00 pm (black t erness experiences, which was ! danger, the weakness of our JUNEAU TRIP LIST GROWING called the "Feast of Tabernacles." , own wl"s- Harold Begbie, In I onwi nacles." j nls b"k "Broken Earthenware," u'lls the storv of one whohl h The whole nation left their homes and resided for a week!kne' as "old Curn Drunk." He leaves! was as low and degraded as in tents made of ereen With 47 of the required reservations so far made, the Associated Boards of Tradt of Central British Columbia party leaving anyone could be. Happening to! CORDON AM) ANDKItSo VMSVT. Ul IM rt, B c and branches of the palm trees On the last day of the feast. drop into a Mission Hall one HOW WILL IT END? THE SPIRAL of inflation continues to whirl upwards. All signs that there might have been, that prices are to be levelled off and wages held appear to have come to naught. The spiral is moving upward. When and where will it end? That is a question which evtn the most unthinking of us are becoming conscious. The fear now is that pressures of inflation may explode out of control and subside in a disastrous deflation. Even if the boom stabilized as things are at present, there would have to be adjustments within the level, especially on behalf of the unorganized worker, the annuitant and the pensioner. The cost of living is at an almost all time high. Savings of 1000 a few years ago are hardly worth $750 now. And those who can still save feel the pressure not to save and lose but to spend and thus reinforce the upward push. RUSSIA DIFFICULT STALIN and Mr. Molotov seem to do a lot of MR. holidaying. Of course ,they might as well say they are holidaying as anything else. The fact is they do not want to talk with us about the general European peace situation. The present state of general unsettlement and uncertainty is just the way they like to have things and to say they are indefinitely holidaying when we would like to talk to them just keeps up the irritation which they like so much. Meantime, we are getting nowhere on the diplomatic level and the "cold war"or "war of nerves,"" as we may like to call it, continues with no let-up. If the Soviet wants to be aloof and uncompromising, we wP' have to be the same, although the great game of pressure poker will still have to come to a showdown some time. The whole thing, of course, is making it very difficult to get along with the serious business of ironing out the difficulties which continue to hold Prince Ruoert Sentember 20 aboard the steamer Chilcotin for the annual convention at Juneau will be joined by a group ST. I'M I.- I.I THi:HAN 6th Ave. at McBrMe ft. Pastor: 5. Holland I Black 810) 'ST. FKTKHK AMil.M'AN Beal Cov ArchdeacoB K Hudson Stuuiav brlKjul 1IU am. Bvemng Prayer 1 SO pm. (Blue 837) from Vancouver and Victoria, r Is indicated in a contmuniratio- TAKE A BOOK "The Great Day of the Feast" j ' . ' .,.,., ! who had been converted test -as it was called in St. Johns f, . . .'. ... ... , fymg to t, the keeping power of , Gospel, the priests formed a God procession and, with the temple ! band, timbrels and silver trum-' He told Mr. Begbie of his own : pets, passed through the water- conversion in the following gate, down a magnificent flight j words: "While I was listening1 of steps to the pool of Silvam. t0 Joe, thinking of what he's Each priest produced a golden ' been and fo what he has be-1 vase, filled it with water from come, all of a sudden it took j the pool, and falling into line me that I'd find God and get behind the musicians marched him to make me like Joe. I just j back to the temple. Here they ! felt all of a sudden determined ; ON YOUR VACATI COMMIVITV W'NltAV HTHOOI. j bast end Hall, a .30 pm ' rweived from R. T. Rose, executive secretary of the Vancouver Board of Trade. Representative; of the provincial government urr also expected. From Prince Ruiert eh'M members of the Prince Rupert We haw a wide vson, liiMiks far yuur sumnirr tr. Wliatever yuur pleasure fau Miss Carter, of Edmonton, is IKin-fM'Uoa jrvu'U find U kt l)rtp in Tla in the city visiting her father, chambr of CommPm, alld formed a circle round the altar, to fmd God and I did, and have and to the chanting of the never touched a drop since." A. S. Carter, pioneer of Alberta ,ady are a)rPa(1y booked but im.r' words of my text each priest and for a good many years llv are expected. j. urn imif Jib i.nnW Mrs. Jack McPhail left on last evening's train for Cincinnati, Ohio, where she wili pay a visit. emptied his golden vase upon the sacrifice. It was at the close of one of these celebrations in the temple ing in Prince Rupert. Miss Carter is in tiie service of t he Alberta provincial government. You suw it in ine Daily News that "Jesus stood and cried, j if any man thirst, let him come j unto me and drink." j Think of the extraordinary j claim involved in that invita BUSINESS AND PROFESS! tion. God, being the true fountain of Salvation, Jesus plainly put himself in the place of God. FOF. MARGARET MrLEOI) OPTCJMETRIRT ROCK KY.1l Don't Be Blue Let's lace the facts If Business is Not All You Desire, If You are Tired of Being Passed Up, TRY ADVERTISING In The. V CAU M. J. In New Offices RCX1M 10 STONE BUILDINQ New. Kt New Phone blue m All Irt Tunlnf U MIKE ilv rj Eras jrnuch of the world in hardship, tenseness and passive conflict. CLEARING THE AIR fiscal situation will, doubtless, come in CANADA'S for consideration at both Liberal and Conserva-; tive national conventions for high level economic matters may be expected to receive some attention itinid the mundanity of matters strictly political and vote-catching which will, of course, be featured. ! It may be good business and there is no denying ;the stability of Canada from the sound financing angle but, just the same, it is a little difficult for the .public to sec a staggering federal surplus on the one hand and continuing oppressive taxation on .the other. No doubt there will be airing of views on this and other matters at the Liberal convention and there may lie some sharp differences of opinion expressed in the course of democratic debate. ' As Liberals and Conservatives go about the business of choosing their new leaders, the rank and file inay be expected to seek a new deal all around on 'many matters. And the upshot of the whole thing "may be clearing of the air on a number of subjects from the governmental as well as other 1 He plants Himself over against the whole of the human race, and professes that He can satisfy every thirst of every soul, through all the ages. Every, ' craving of heart and mind, all longings for love and wisdom,1 for purity and joy, for strength and guidance, He assumes to satisfy by the gift of Himself, j There is only one conclusion! we can reach if Jesus said these words and made this claim andj that is, that He who spoke them is God manifest in the flesh, the everlasting Son of the 1 Father. I The use of water as. a figure' for salvation is most appropriate. For water is not merely a' luxury, it is a necessity. We notice in reading our-Old Testament how strenuously the tribes fought for the possession of the wells. To hold the wells was to hold the country. In the East water is recog V. DR. P. J. CHENEY DENTIST 8UITK 5. SMITH BU)CK 'hone 705 PO. Box 1401 lit. i:i:r Everybody advertises.Kome way or another but Nome people do not advertise very effectively. llcai:',' fOIIN F. L. HUGHES Chirojiractor 21-22 BRSNER BLOCK O HOX 894 Phone Blue 442 ill Results show that the most ef fee live way of advertising j local nevvsnawr which evrvliaHv r.nrl wn in your 2(14 4th S'W . ' 1 1 . VTVIJ lllT . You are not wasting your advertising dollar in the Daily News which br-nt's you results on the spot and cumulatively, otherwise we would have no advertisers. - nized as the gift of God. Listen HOMll GEORGE I, RORIE ublic Accountant, Auditor, etc. 'ncome Tax Returns Compiled. Besner Block Phone 387 OKNF.KAL Building ami Roofs. Chlwr-I to the water seller passing through the streets of Cairo or Alexandria What does he cry? Not water, water, but "the gift of God, the gift of God." What then is this salvation of which the water is a symbol. It is, first of all escape from something. "Cursed is every one that contlnueths not in all things that are written in the Boo kof the Law to do them." It is escape from that curse. YOUR DAILY NEWSPAPER IS ALSO A LOCAL SERVICF AND A LOCAL INDUSTRY. . IU! yjY WAY YOULOOK AT IT, LOCAL NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING PRODUCES THE GOODS. MIIKCHANTS In, ym know that the Dally News h the most effective medium of adverti.iinc n Prince Rupert? N nr nisse ynur message if lt' ad-."ertlsed in the News. It's the eally efficient way of putting t over. tf. P1KI Orefii ' (itAim v ixH j ii Serving the Fisheries lndusti- Wells (P.R.) Ltd. I Better English MAC SI She Qwmitt3ciicf(xmaa Cartage, Labelling, Wetghing: Box 774 BI.I E 780 BLUE 980 The Daily News PHONE 98 at Your Service COTTAfl New Cre"1 By D. C. WILLIAMS 1. What is wrong with this sentence? "He searched everyplace for his watch." 2. What is the porrect pronunciation of "lozenge"? 3. Which one of these words is misspelled? Chiffionere, chinchilla, chivalrous. 4. What does the woid "imposture" mean? 5. What Is e word teirinnlne MfA Chandler & Cowgill ' Pliotographer Developing, Printing Enlarging , Box 045 218 4th St. ALL Gana&te$le$efvc Grnitj daring tW tDar Prince Rupert Florists 300 3rd Ave. Box 516 Tel. 777 Flowers For All Occasions wih imp that means "threatening to occur soon"? Ormes I V "drugs J PRESCRIPTION CHEMj ANSWERS 1. Say, "He searched everywhere." 2. Pronounce loa-enj, o as in of, e as in men, accent first syllable. 3. Chiffonier 4. A fraud; deception. "Libraries are the shrines where all the relics of SAVOY HOTEL 1 STORE HOURS WEEK-DAYS, 8 M SUNDAYS AND HOUDAYB-12 NtX)" 1 P.M. TO 9 P.M. Offers Are Invited for LEASE POWER PLANT, WHARF AND BUILDINGS This plant is located on the west side of Princess RovaJ i,i and B.C. in the heart of the herring fi-shing Snd, it a hydro electric Installation, now cal operating of a rated city OU240 h p. Buildings consist of power hue Rehouse, bunkhou. staff cottages and worshop. Wharf is of heavy construction. AU above facilities available for lease ideally suited for fish reduction or similar plant ' Apply: W. Itussel Watson, C.A., 02 W. Haslis, Van., BC. ' (170) the ancient saints, full of true virtue, and that without delusion ' Emergency frnm 7 or imposture, are preserved and reposed." Bacon. 5. Impending. FOR RESERVE SERVICE Applications for the new Reserve Army Certificate are still being sought by Army Headquarters from personnel who, while unable to perform active service during the Second World War, contributed to the victory Jhrough membership in a Reserve unit for six months or more. Available in English or French, the certificates are intended as Official recognition of the part played by Reserve units in the successful prosecution of the war. Carl Zarelli, Prop.. Phone 37 P.O. Box M4 FRASER STREET Dally car delivery iervlc from 9 a.m. till 8 p.m. andSf: j Pnnce Rupert Advertise m the Daily News! PHONE 81