lr. and Mrs. Dickens Honored Watch For It! Wait for it! Prince Rupert Pallp Octos tD. Saturday, July 31, 1943 , Local News Items... Hear It! Tonight over C.F.P.R. t 6:30 and 6:45 p.m. (ft) on Golden Wedding Anniversary Inspector F. B. Woods-John son, provincial nnlirp left, ves- SHOWER FOR ISLA RAMSAY In honor of Miss Isla Ramsay, whose marriage takes place next month, a shower was held terriay on the P.M.L. 15 for a trip to Stewart, Alice Arm and Naas River noints nn official Astoria Shoes Cash for old gold. Bulger's. Pile Driver's meeting 2:30, Carpenters' Hall. (It) Annunciation Church, 1 Masses, 7, 8, 10:30 a.m. Public Meeting, Civic Centre, duties. Baseball Tomorrow Savoy ts. Merchants 2:30 p.m. (It) Mrs. Artnur 7uay sr. left on last evening's train for a visit in Smithers. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Ronald left on last evening's train for a visit in Winnipeg. Thursday evening at 'he home Hotel. . or of Mrs. J. . G. Anderson. Co-hostesses with Mrs. Anderson were Mrs. Frank Hicks, Mrs. W. J. Richards and Mrs. V. Menzies. A I Common Lounge, August 2, 8 p.m. H. G. Archibald, M.P., and W. Brett M.L.A. Highlights: High Cost of Living discussed. Everyone welcome. (180) sr rivals Mrs. T. D. Christie arrived in the city on the Catala last evening from Vancouver to join Mr. Christie. Prince Rupert A E. Lawson, Vancouver; A. L. McKenzie, Vancouver; E. G. Oldham, Victoria; H. Anderson. Vancouver; W. Arnold, Tofino; K K. Mills, Canadian Pacific Air Lines agent at Fort St. John arrived in the city Friday after NOTICE LAWN BOWLERS Games were played, the winners for court whist being Mrs. S. Dickens and Miss Marjorie Eby and for rummoll, Miss Betty Millar and Mrs. F. Schaef-fer. The gifts were presented to Miss Ramsay in a gaily decorated basket, after which refreshments were served. The beautifully decorated shower Canadian Legion Trophy to be noon by air, leaving by train played Sunday 1:30 p.m. Full last night for Prince George. He attendance requested. (It) W. Coburn, Prince George; C. M. Mclntyrv, city; O. K-jmphreys, , will fly from Prince George to Fort 8t. John. Mr. and Mrs. Allen returned to the city on the MR. AND MRS. DICKKNS tier wedding cake with golden bride and Broom of half ai ad,,rnmenta' whlch centred a STYLE And QUALITY Famous Scott 6c McHale styling gives these Astoria Shoes a slim, trim look and that feeling of snug comfort to your feet. Vancouver; A. Dixon, Court.may; H. Dixon, Courtenay; N. A. Bur-reau, Vancouver; R. Cuff, Vancouver; L. Bolton, Vancouver; R. Bailey, Courtenay; S. Xu- Rich- Catala last evening from a trip cake was made by Mrs, i lace-covered taale. The rooms Frank Dibb and George Dibb left today for Lakelse Lake to spend the week-end at their to Vancouver, Victoria, Princeton ards. ! were profusely decorated with century ago Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Dickens were honored by 28 family members who gathered large vases of gladioli, sweet Others present, besides the hostesses, were Mrs. S. J. Hunter. Mrs. F. Rhaeffer, Mrs S cette, Courtenay; S. Lenin, Los peas and carnations. The cake at their home at 210 Ninth Av and Allenby. They were two months away and travelled on the first train through the Frp-ser Valley after the flood. The damage was "almost unbeliev Angeles; Mrs. E. H. Simpson, Massett; E. H. McCorriston, Mas-sett; E. Stronach, Miller Bay. summer homes. Miss Jeancnc Coupal, local public health nurse, returned to the city by yesterday's plane from Vancouver. She has been spending a vacation at her home enue West Friday evening lor a golden wedding party. Setting the atmosphere for the occasion was a large, three- was baken by Mrs. William Rothwell, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dickens, and was cut by Mr. and Mrs. Dickens as they received the congratulations nf Dickens, Mrs. W. Rothwell, Mrs. Lee Gordon, Mrs. C. Barrie, Mrs. R. Wood, Mrs. Alex Haig, and the Misses Isla and Sheila Ramsay, Zona Hedley, Ruth Ram able." been esteemed residents of Attention Oddfellows and so in the south. the family. Pictures of the oc- Princc Rupert for 25 years. E ca.sion were taken hv Tne children are Mrs. S journing brethren. You are cordially invited to attend the meeting on August 3 when the j'irsl Degree will be conferred. say, Helen Balagno, Betty Millar, Mary Postuk, Leah Basso-Bert, Netta McLeod, Bessie Campbell and Marjorie Eby. Wrathall. AIR PASSENGERS HOW CAN I ? ? ? By ANNE ASHLEY (Alvinai Alexander, Mrs. William (Emily i Rothwell, Mrs. To Vancouver Mrs. Houston, (180) Edward (Rose) Morrow, Mrs. Jack (May) Bond of Ontario, Albert E. Dickens, Sidney Dickens, Mrs. Percy (Edna)' Bond and Mrs. Frank (Betty) Gomez. Mrs. Theo Fortune left on has Stone, who Miss Diane been visiting Gift to the couple from the family was a Golden Lady mantel clock and there were many gifts and greeting cards from relatives and friends. The presentation was made, by Mrs. Rothwell. last evening's train for Nanaimo at Klemtu, re- Miss P. Alston, Miss I. Collison, Miss M. Bowden, S. Levin, P. Lundrigen, M. Rae, R. H. Bigge, Don Bigger. To Sandspit M. Hodgins. where- she will pay a six weeks' . turned home on the Catala last tic 4- ,! tU. 1 - -J L.4. K I Q How can I wash drt3 shields? A. Use lukewarm water and a j teaspoon of baking soda. Rub ' soap on a smull brush and brush both sides of the shields. I in water of the same tompera-! ture and dry in a shady place. Lowrie. From Vancouver T. L. Chow,' E. H. McCorriston of Massett is a visitor in the city, haying G. H. Eaton, Mrs. V. Kamano.l An overheated stove in the arrived from the Islands on the Miss R. Kamano, Bing Chov, kitchen of the Broadway Cafe . r w i. Balmorals,; Brouges, Moccasin and plain toe lasts . . . . Buy Astoria Shoes for smart appearance and fine quality. Coquitlam yesterday. f Q How can I prevent chapped Buffet refreshments, prepar-' ed by the family, were served at midnight During the afternoon many Miss J. Koupal. I was responsible for a fire Fri- From Sandspit K. Mills, Mrs. day afternoon. The blaze was' ' or parched hands? residence' A Apply glycerine ond rose Fletcher, W. McLennan, R. Mc- put out by the city fire depart s during' water or lemon juice several Even for double the price you can't buy anything better than : ment before damage was done. Lean. I iiinivercit ; times daily and at night before .111(1 as a retiring. i:: three q How can I cut lemon mer- Announcements All advertlHemetmi i ttiln column will be churged for k full month t 26 ceoU l word callers had visited Mr. and Mrs. Dickens to extend their felicitations. Mr. and Mrs. Dickens were married July 30, 1898. in London, England, and came to Canada a few years later with their young family. They h?ve V ii .o eiuer- ln(,UP p,p wltnout difficult:', and With a capacity list of round trip passengers for, Alaska, C.j P.R. steamer Princess Norah, j Capt. Graham HuRhes, arrived in port at 11 o'clock Friday morning from Vancouver and sailed a couple oi nours later for Skagway and other northern I prevent sticking. It. ap- a RV wrll'iiir the nlo knlfr wy '5 i ,. .,. Loyal Order of Moose public basket picnic excursion to Ter-ace August 1. I with cold water before u-,ing. urt this lice had j I ' I points. She is due back here af- 1 v of gro-: carpen-,p The'.r iiitil tins southbound on Wednesday ternoon. Old Time Dance S.O.N. Hall Sat. July 31, 9-12. (179i Moose Bazaar, Oct. 14-15. Evening entertainment. Queen Mary LODE. Bazaar, October 20. Reminiscences By W.J. and Reflections for A oic Available! TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN J'Tlricken in the Rough' : Sons of Norway and Sonia Fall rvioo re-, if : rum the fuaut An-fc:,il police, frri' Idcntl- to take home CALL ItLI) lUj J . r ill Bazaar Oct. 22. This is notification that I am no longer connected with the Prince Rupert Plumbing and Heating. S. Julian. (180i f l.1 x t i ! : C 1 V I c V xj i iv u Canadian Legion W.A. Bazaar, Miliitov Is taking a vacation would be nothing the last "for a period of intlet-'ers within our gates would duration". It will be a! member longer or perhaps Fdirway II O 0 M $ I) I Is I N G November 10. UIJ l.,.:,i,, .,h ratl nf .,.nro Till1 Kllf!llt of more frequently. A Presbyterian Fall Bazaar, Nov. is exactly the kind of an out-1 midsummer evening in the TAKES TO AIR This picture of Dorothy JB- I TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN is a Ann Ru- Salvation Army Home League Any det,Us owing by Empire Peachy, popular Prince pert-born girl, daughter Sale, Nov. 23, 2:30 p.m., Sons oi Cafe must be cluimed before of f log we have always thought of ( north - can be fair indeed. The 1" , with distinct approval but nev-, setting of mountain and sea, I . . er managed to get around to it with blending music and color I T'! ' Just ' yet. ' increase It. f th.v had , WRATIIALIAS PHOTO FINISHING Dcvclopine. Printing Lnlanrimr QUICK SERVICE Amateur anil Professional Supiilies August 4 after which date the new management will not be responsible for them. I Chow Bing Quon. (183) Norway Hall. Cambrai Chapter, I.O.D.E. Sale November 25th. Dance. Every Saturday night Oddfellows' Hall. ' (197) This sweet-scented old world D'iV 111 .' Ml series People like dogs, but you ; is full of folks who seem to feel ....... don't v want fuilb to i.v take tfin.- them ...v... to bed' LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL IIUII! IIIK'I IIIIArtiUll 111 HIC - i with you? The country, and noti l() tt. tllP olner fellow how to til .ivnor O I a Rrowlng town, is the place lt Therefore, it's refreshing iaa. ar-''"r "I'rlncc". Higher license i nwrniii" ''','8 mWit hc'P adjust a situa We re not so Dumb tion in Rupert rapidly lug a doggone nuisance so to speak. to hear Henry Grady Weaver, a business man say "I'm not smart enough to run the personal' affairs of great masses of people. I've got enough to do just trying to improve myself as an idividual citizen." You said it, Hank! We know prompt, courteous service, plus quality goods equals satisfied customers. !fc ah from W of the I of the I replaces Win u to i.m aixmt 1 SALT LAKES FERRY SCIIKDl'LE Daily except Mon. & Tuts. Leave Cow Bay Floats Wed., Thurs., Fit 2, 2:3U, 4:30, 6:30, 7:10. Saturday Every hour from 10:30 a.m. Sunday Continuous from 10 a.m. . Last boat returns 10 p.m. Adults 50c. Under 16, 25c Return All schedules weather permitting. Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Peachy, who has joined the Canadian Pacific Air Lines with the inauguration of stewardess service on the "Prince Rupert-Sandspit flight. After a weeks' course at Vancouver, Miss Peachy will take over her duties which have been carried out recently by Mrs. Ruth Dakin who was at one time stewardess on the Edmonton-Fairbanks run, having had half a million miles to her credit. Addition of the stewardess service out of Prince Rupert is directly due to the great increase in traffic out of here. TOO LATE lli CLASSIFY FOR SALE Offers for removal of 3 houses located near 11th Ave. army cam). Phone Reci 912. (1841 FOR SALE Steel Quonset house, plywood, assorted pipe Red 9Ki. (184) JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue Wandering tourists ought to share In the satisfaction tjhat comes from enjoying future concerts by the Prince Rupert Shrine Club Band. There could be no better puWicity.' There 10 AD! "If it isn't right we'll make it right" at the friendly little store at Third and Second Ave. Inquiries 123 Taxi Chlorinated drinking water has been in effect here for weeks but no one has noticed ambulance or an over-worked heard complaints of a disturbed stomach, rebellious liver, or some mysterious affliction of possibly evil origin. Nor has anyone been heard hinting of having suspicions. No nut a peep out of anyone. HELGERSON'S GROCETERIA' IS AND THAT I 1 I L4 2 Phone Ked 656 Free Delivery See us for your Preserving Supplies If daylight saving were to continue indefinitely instead of terminating, which lt will within another few weeks, how manv would know the differ- and sapphire Phone Black (181) LOST Diamond ring. Reward. 251. A FURNACE IN YOUR BASEMENT IS WORTH TWO IN THE SHOP .... .... when winter drapes her frost trimmed garments around your home. ' INSTAL AN AIU-C OXDITIOMNG I TKNAt E NOW ' THOM SHEET METAL LTD. .,.. anvwav? Had it nevri III v. , ..... o Tl.,rl I tinvp FOR RENT-Basement suite, 3rd Ave., partly furnished, for quiet bachelor. Phone 855 or Black 1GG. (It) TINS, JARS AM) JELLY GLASSES CANNING MACHINES AND PRESSURE COOKERS WE DELIVER eni-e, anyway. have missed as much as al leged benefits claimed? Black 381 253 Last First Ave. I AWl LIT ULAI.Llt SATIN-GLO Beautifies the home and Increases the value of the things you own. Many attractive pastel tints from which to choose. THOMPSON HARDWARE CO., LTD. mm Moving, Packine Cratine, SliippinK and General Carlaje and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Etficient Service, call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Established 1910 rhones liO and 08 HEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Homo 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold Water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phoue 2S1 P.O. Bos 1M Phone 311 McBride Street By Chic Young Low Man! l'yj BLONDIE Hi" K- : I "It's for us." VOU'PE J OH GOOD- ( JUST THE TWO STRONG ) I'M SELLING A DSESSEF? UrSTAIBS i V AN ! Vwood Cafe - -i (-'OP ME r i it, r.- K ."-waw uaie in I'rince Kuperi lr"m 3:30 p.m. to 3:30 a.m. my: It's th c Rex Caie ja ... for Tasty Meals ?S -fpj j ChopSucy ChowMcin jQJ, Chinese Dishes a Specialty I " . Second Avenue opposite Frinee Rupert Hotel 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 a m. FOR outside orders Phone 133 ri 'iiA. VI KiVl CHOW MIEN v 1