C.CJF. MEMBERS Prince Rupert Dan? FSetos LtD. Continued from Pare I) Saturd&y, July 31, 1948 ft, l 'r 'i r- r ... V. -A, burse them and the I would foot the bill. (, msrrtton. minimum eharsa, SOe. Birth H, r VTlB Notloei. Funeral Naticea, Marriage, STEWART NEWS Liitf'StfroniPorthindGinulMiningCentn' 'i "U'J.wm'ent Anouncirwn MotUaa: w: 2 PR ICC rem sale FOR BALE 3-piece m i ir t ; J fill ' '- .Ta a. - Premier People Moving: Out Terrace Hying Boat Jiusy Stewart Canal Cets Good Values STEWART Another batch of Silbak Premier employees left here on the Union steamer this week and thus the company town of Premier is gradually being cleared out. The deadline is August 15. Some of the men who are unable to pay their fare I il- -":Yi r"t I;. out of here are being assisted by the local of the Uni at work at present and, if values REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE ON THE FARM Gov. Thomas E. Dewey of New York, GOP. presidential nominee, takes things easy on his farm at Pawling, N Y. The governor is seen looking over one of his grade Holsteins which is expecting a calf some time soon. Dewey's partner and manager of the farm, holds the cow. Chester- 184 1 FOR SALE Two army sheds, one 2436' and one 12 x14'. In centre of town. Alao furniture In fully furnished 4-room suite. Everything good an new. Bun-sUiwJ Block, Suite 1. Can be wen Sunday between 10:00 and 4:00 p.m. FOR SALE Radio, "Zenith" 6-tube, table model. $10.00. Wllford Electrical Works, Cow Bay. Blue Stl. i84. for Kr.vr FOR RENT - Front 2-roomed Aui. Apply 221 5lh Ave. E. j (184) FOR RENT Large housekeeping room In private home in town 613 3rd Ave. Phone Oren 780. FOR RENT One large housekeeping room and one sleeping room. ' 650 7th Ave. East Red 471. (tfi FOR RENT Flat, hand Block. Apply Ma Heilbroner, Jeweller. . tf) FOR RENT 2 room apartment B01 Borden Street. ufi FOR RENT Furnl.sied rooms, 843 Bih West. . (180i 5 ' r , " "''' I ' ? - ;V PLANS FOR Committee chairmen made progress reports and general tlllinK U'HrO rlitnn, .-.,.-1 - i - ,n, of the CWn e" u val Committee held in the Civ,c enire last night. This year's carnival will be held completely within the Civic Centre building ixtead ul outside as In iurmer yeMrs. A major feature of the carni val this year, as In other years, will be the horticultural Khm-' which will be held on August 25 V' L e:irnlval Uself ,.:,, I: , If".: ! uMwv , a..., ;r ...; .Ddl:! j ' i uiiu Ljie wueen win reign for the rnii uir r he carnival, on Port Day, Aug-1 ust 26. she v. Ml preside at the marine actitliies. Results of the Queen C inte.it, which has been held at the Capitol Taeatre this week, will be known to- nlr.ht. Features of tlie hortl ullural Miuw will w c large llower anri Totl ui j in Sport , Reid Mitchell Second High Scorer As Canadians ted Mine Mill and Smelters. - Knm nf the fnmm r ing homes In Stewart and intend staying for a while at least. The optimists of the district figure, and possibly not without reason, that the close-down is only of temporary nature and that, in the near future, the mine vi!l re-open as a revitalized operation. William Martin has been busy with his flying boat taking supplies into the Morris Summit Mine on Summit Lake. Martin ! has his headquarters at Terrace and has been doing a good deal of flying business here this summer. Up to within the past week flying conditions have been very good. R. H. Dunlop, from Smithers has taken over the duties of general foreman, for the provincial department of public works for the Atlin District, replacing Hugh McDonald who has retired from active service. Mrs. William Martin of Tcrace with her family, has been here for tlie past week visiting her sister, Mrs. Hector Stewart. Reports from the Stewart Canal Gold Mine (John Haahti's property) indicate that they have run into an ore body over slxteen feet in width Bivlne good values- Thev have small crew of l'rince Rupert and son of Vancouver, who is spending second high scorer last ni i taxpayer i The Prices Committee recommended the return of price control In certain cases but Mr. Archibald did not think the government would take action just yet despite the protest from a number of Liberal members. In discussing controls and subsidies the speaker quoted Mr. Ilsley as stating at one time that for every dollar the government spent on subsidies, $12 was saved by the consumer. COOO YEAR FOR C.C.F. ; "The last year has been tough on the people of Canada but it has been wonderful for the C.C.F.." the Federal member announced. He was confident that the C.C.F. tfould be the official opposition after the next election. In his opinion the Progressive Conservative and Liberal policies were too far apart to permit coalition and he predicted that the Liberals as a party were likely to disappear. In reviewing the session's work Mr. Archibald mentioned the revision of the labor code and the increase in freight rates. In the later case the C.C.F., he said, had tried to stave off the increase until the eastern and western provinces could get another hearing. In the case of increased freight rates in coast shipping Mr. Archibald said there had been no control board to set the rates, a situation he hoped would be changed in the near future. "There is a great future for the north country and the C. C.F. wants t He in there when the development Marts'stat-ed Mr. Archibald in closing. PROVINCIAL SITUATION William. Brett, M.L.A,. ad dressed the meeting first and dealt briefly with the provincial situation. He mentioned the Social Security and Municipal Aid Tax as a piece of bad legis lation, describing It as "notori- ous" and something that is "not verv sweet in the nostrils of the I people." The C.CJ., he declared, had opposed the bill all alone but they "were snowed under." .... He spoke about price con trols and said the C.C.F. had consistently fought to have them left on, a policy which, if adopted, would have saved a lot of grief High wages he declar ed were only incidental to the increase of living costs "the result not the cause." "The Hospitalization scheme," Mr. Brett pointed out, 'is godo piece of legislation and is long overdue. In the main, except for a few amendments, the C.C.F. gave the bill full support." His only criticism was that He scheme did not include medical care. George Anderson, acting as chairman of the meeting, introduced the speakers. IN THE SUPREME COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE In thr Mutter irr the "ArtiiiliiUU-mlmi A,t" and In Hip Multer uf llir Kt(r of l"rld Rur-glill! fohaiietl, IMMfased IntfK- (atf. TAKE NOTICE that bv Order of His RENT -Comfortable Klw;- lug room. 427 5th Ave. East. Phone Blue 907. 1183) FOR RENT Five room Apt. Near school. Phone Blue 43. (179) WA.MTKD WANTED Car batteries, car radiators, brass and copper; paying fdod prices. Bee BC FURNITURE CO.. Black 324 HELP M ANTt.U BOYS WANTED- Boys desirlr News routes should leave their names at the office as vacancies may be occurring any da vegetable exhibits, as well as a margin of 2 to 18 at half time, compel it ions fur the best cake, U was the Dominion's first apples bread and preserve put pearanee in Olympic' basketball up by Prime Rupert house- compKitlon. Canadian speed and wives. . , RUPERT MARINE REALTY .WANTED -Girl to work in di'V cleaning department. Apply Pioneer Canadian Laundry. and extent of ore continue, mere extensive development is indicated. 1 1,1 1 i-ifeaiili'"'"' Pi iitA A urn I ' Princess Line SAILINGS to VANCOUVER and way portp Every Monday 10 p.m. to ALASKA Ketchikan, Wrangell,; Juneau and Skagway" August 6 and, 9 to ALERT BAY and Vancouvef July 31 and August 4 Cm? S P.O. Box 721 AL JOLSON ! (J. CLAUSEN & SON) We Take Listings of . . . ' " I BOATS FOR SALE OR CHARTER BROKERS IN BOATS, MARINE AND FISHING EQUIPMENT TRY 'RUPERT MARINE REALTY: FOR QUICK SALES OR CHARTERS (Just East of Llpsett's, Waterfront) Box 548 Phone Green 975 O' - I IT:' rrni4eiel ..t. ..v,.,n Enlrliie " i 00 or n4 1100 i " ".Vi J 1 184 1 1 .herTeabinet ' 0.01). 2 r"t 3i rVK Ave. "Te fiuecia fin if pm- HnTud Fur-ir(iwarf. Slightly Suit. Kltch-n ;50, Bed, coin- carpet In good "nal and Kitchen ri Wash Basing j Typewriter In Office Chairs; 4 BUOK l-UMB. household r- JRSITURE CO, tf orid-iiand 3x12 :.) fir or oak U. Appiy a Piwne Ked 182 n llllie. Excel-n KeasDiiable iack 7B7. U80I llLS, Steel, 10.000 f Jze Writ? iuman' BoiiFOR .'.lull f, Toronto, 17 gallons WAK IM $1.75 per gal- surplut painU .prsetc Allcol-inciudlng white, by C.I.L.. Sher-U)we Bros., U'ritu for nrvo ,Bx 1005, rW-,S jronto. Canada. 1 179l ester.'ield Suite oil storr, etr i. 17i Horn furnished w'.l. 142J U82i Plrlt.nn 1 lni " sPr'gs. tire i, mi muriarr.l wd condition urner, Installed Wagner 5 h p. single phase, Phone Green I 225. (1791 niouern speed iiigh sp-ed ryUuiiK in A-l ' T. Dalil. Marine J'-i- l-nd. U8V pet sedan, boy's -ederick Street, Nice'. C81i fAVMKNTS cottap.p near house. Seal umls, very prion) house near fireplace, new- umber of War-at reasonable well built i throughout AGENCIES Hi 2U7 (eves.l (183) iu.e : - EACH fwe, BeauUful Us m double or 1 all PasteJ N each. ,Js full 90x100, 8 basket desljn 18 each. Also f Huoked Rut;., f fO-Three for f tides are wnrt.h rni COD. plus y immediately "Ul satisfied lstrbutirs, 25 '"n West, Mont- l0ft SALE r the modem 1 1'1' WANTED Housekeeper compau i(in fnr for elderly i,u.rlv aiunnn woman in In acatiomiw with lour Points to check before you leave to ensure a carefree holiday: ENGINE TCNE-l'P Maximum miles per gallon of gas. Insurance against engine failure. BRAKE INSPECTION Safety and Confidence. WHEEL ALIGNMENT Driving comfort when at the wheel for long distances Prevention of excessive tire wear. And last but not least a thorough LINDSAY LI BRICATION and know that every part of yonr ear has been correctly lubricated and checked includes under-car inspection. LINDSAY MOTORS LTD. " PHONE 866 O of Mrs. John R. Mitchell James IL Mitchell of West the summer here, was eht for Canada's bask ft- Games at Harnnmiv Arn team defeated Italy by a BOSTON TEAMS STILL LEAD1KG Margin f Red Sox in American Leagae I p to One and a Half Games BOSTON, i-Boston Red Sox re again leading the American Leaiue with a margin of a game and a half over Philadelphia Athletics as a result of a close 8 to 7 victory over Cleveland Indians yesterday. Philadelphia Cleveland and New York are stlil closely bundled for thii , runner-up spot. In the National League the Boston Braves retained their ive and a half game marpin over the Brooklyn Dodgers, both tt-uius toMiig uieir games. Yesterday's Big League scores National League St. Louis ,6, Boston 2. Philadelphia 8, Cincinnati 5. Pittsburgh 10, Brooklyn 5. New York 9, Chicago 1. American League Detroit 17, Philarilephia 2. Boston 8, Cleveland 7. Washington 3, St. Louis 2. Chicago 8, New- York 7. National League Boston 55 38 .591 Brooklyn :. 48 .533 New York 47 .522 St. Louis 47 .516 Pitstburgh 45 .500 Philadelphia 46 484 Cincinnati 41 .4301 ! Chicago 39 419 American League Boston 57 37 .606- Philadelphia '. 57 40 .588 Cleveland 52 38 570 New York 53 39 .57t) Detroit 46 46 .500 Washington 40 52 .no St. Louis 33 55 .375 Chicago 31 62 .333 , TIMRKR Slfi: ln:tifl Sealed tenders wi; I be received bv me Minister ol Forests at Victoria. C. not later than il am . Monday the 9th day of AiiKwt. 148, for the purchase of Licence X43396, to cut 2 172.000 f.bm. of Bpruce. Cedar, Hemlock and Balsam, r n an area ad- Joining the North boundary of Lot r, T.i.,Dh d.. c ic r-. Lund District. ' 1 Two (21 years will br allowed for remoynl of timber. Further particulars of Vhe Chief Forester, Victoria. B.C., or District j Forester. Prince Rupert, E.O KHURIFF'S XU.F. In the :( heqiier roiirt of Canada The king vs. Hurry Rowland Keuven Acting upon an order to me directed by the Exchequer Court of Canada, dated at Ottawa. July ISth, 1P48. I have seized the property of the defendant. Hurry Rowland Bea-ven, both real and personal, comprising the general store, until recently, conducted and operated by tile aaid Harry Rowland Beaven. at Wueen Charlotte City. B.C., and Lots 28 and 24. Block 6. Townalte. of ' Queen Charlotte City. Map 934. ! All of which Is hereby offered for sale by tender, for . cash. Tenders should be sealed and addressed to the Sheriff, Prince Rupert, marked "Tender." Tenders must be in the office of the Bherlff. r iu the Prince F.upert Post Office, not later than 12:00 o'clock noon. Saturday. August 14th, 1948. Tenders to be made for the store stock, and the real estate separately. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Inventories of stock may be seen at the office of the Sheriff, Prince Rupert, at the Police Office, Queen Charlotte City, or lit the District Police Office, Court House, Prince Rupert. Dated at Prince Rupert, this SOth day of July. 1948 M. M. STEPHENS, Sheriff . (IM) Reid Mitchell, grandson call learn in the Ulvmmc London. The Canadian score of 55 to 37 in the urelim - , inary round. Twentv-m vt-ur ,M Pot Mr. Geer. also of Vancouver, was higli scorer for Uie Canadian team. He made twelve points. Mitchell made, nine Panarla u.rt an tho umu Ravine in evklt.n,,e lhan hl t'he ilal. ian team. Olympics What Canada Did Today FENCING Rhoda Martin, Vancouver, defeated in five oi six events, tailed to qualify; Betty Hamilton, defeated in six, failari to qualify. WRESTLING Harry Peace, Toronto, defeated A. Irvine, Britain, welterweight, continues in competition; Mario Crete, Montreal, defeated by A. Jousville, France, lightweight, eliminated; Norm May. Toronto, defeated by B. Erinser, Hungary, bantamweight, eliminated; Maurice Vachon, Montreal, defeated by M. Gandemin, France, middleweight, on split decision, continues, protest entered; Morgan Plump, Toronto, defeated by R. Bau-mann, Hungary, lightweight, continues. WOMEN'S 100 - METRE Pat Jones, New Westmins-ster, first preliminary heat, qualified; Viola Myers, Toronto, second, qualified; Millie Cheater, Vancouver, four'h. failed. MEN'S FASTBALL SCHEDULE July 31 Co-operaiive v. General Motors. LIFE IN TiE MHITH (Continued fritm Page ) fluff becoming to a 14 -year old boy. Amid great derisive hootinp they lined up front; among them the bank manager, 'a big fellow resplendent in. high boots, bright plaid shirt, several guns, a ten-gallon hat and a sparse beard the color of spun gold. (The regalia is so becoming to this g"nt that when I met him later in modern garb I felt Me cheats himself to dress like other menK The winner was picked and labelled "He would if he could-but he can't " He stood six feet tall a slim fellow with na creeping up from his adam's apple, and an eyebrow on his upper Hp. Even when he pocketed the prize money his wife was probably the only person who was glad he could not grow whis- kers. Honour Judge W. O. Pulton. Local Judge ol the Supreme Court of Bri-t llsh Columbia. I was on the 26th day of July. AD 1048, appointed AdmuUstrator of the Estate of In-.-r fcrld BornhlU Johanaen, late of Atlin. There also will be a garden lumr.M, in wnicn judges win visit the different eardens in Uie ciiv, awarding prizes to the best gardens with 30-foot, 50-font I and 100-foot frontages. Results so lar on the Port Day committee's proposed Industrial exhibils l!iiic:iie that there will be only one major display, thai of the C'eiani'se Corporation of America. Committee chairman i Edward Mus.sallem reported I that many possible exhibitors already have committeed themselves to putting displays in the Pacific National Exhibition at Vancouver which will be held at the sametime. Others re-j quired more time to arrange: displays. I Professional entertainment will be provided during the week by a group of Vancou-j ver cntertaineri. Barney Potts end his Supper Club Orchestra There will be a stage show in the auditorium during the early part of each evening and the orchestra will play fur the dance which will be held later each ntfht. A novel guessing contest Is being arranged. On display will be pictures of 20 prominent local citizens in their infancy. Carnival patrons will be asked to identify them and a prize will be awarded to the person who makes the greatest number of correct guesses. Present at last night's meeting were W. F. Stone. Carnival committee chairman, CP. Bal-agno, J. J. Payne and Mrs. W. E. Becker, representing the Horticultural Society. T. Norton Youngs, in charge of ticket sales, Ralph Smith, personnel, R. G. Moore, Carnival Queen chairman, Edward Mussallem, Industrial exiiibit, and Don Forward and Neil Ross of the Civic Centre sta?f. SCl.OOLS AND COLLEGES CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS PREPARE NOW for Summer and Fall examination. Write M.c.o Civil Service School, 301 En-derton Bldg., Wtnipeg, Manitoba. PERSONAL FOR BEST HOTEL SERVICE in the Interior, stop at Telkwa Hotei 244 miles from Prince Rupert, Just half way to Prince (tf) George. FIIONE 64(1 for Arrow Cab, now at 349 Red Top Cab sig) METAL WORK repairs. SHEET METAL WORK. Tar and Gravel Bog-. -i.-onn xr. Sons. ol ing. - rtf) I"' 543... Sixth West. Phone GREER & BRIDDEN BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS ' , .I.-,,.- ---.- .Ml ! 1 Repairs Construction Alterations Floor Sanding a Specialty a qalet city hoine. Light yorfc. $40.00 pir month. Box J74 Daily News. m WANTED Saleslady. Apply of flee of Wallace's Dept. Store Ltd. 9 a m. -12 uoun. Aug. 2nd and 3rd. U8u HELP WANTED Salesmen, part or full Ume, to covr logging industry outside Prince Rupert. Excellent opportunity and good commission. Box 176 Daily News. (18H WANTED A driver, class B license. Apply 112 Taxi. (tfi HELP WANTED Butcher, with grocery experience. Apply Box 375, Dully New. U84 TENDERS NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Teadera for School Buildings SEALED Tenders, endorsed "Tender for School Building" will be received by the undersigned up to and Including Augur.t 17th, 1948, for the erection and completion of 1. Two-room school at Tc!!:- wa, B. C. 2. Three - room school a' Telkwa, B. C. I. Three-room annex to Higu School at Smithers, B.C. Separate tenders for each J ' school are required. Plans and j specifications may be obtained from the School Board office in ' Bmlthers. B. C. on payment of a deposit of $25.00 which amount will be refunded on return of plans In good condition. A certified cheque equal to 10Tt of tender and payable to the Board of School Trustees must accompany the bid, as surely ' of good faith. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. A. Muhelm, Secretary-Treasurer, Board of Trustees, School District No. 54 Smtthers, B. C. Smithers, B. C. July 2tSth, 1848. 18S) It Pays to Advertise t .. Advertise In tue tmliy Nwsi Phone RED 561 AL JOLSON AL JOLSON Brltsn Columbia, who died on or i about the 18th day of May, 1948. at Whltehorse. Yukon Territory. All per- i sons Indebted to the said estate are I required to pay the amount of their (indebtedness to me forthwith and I 811 Persons having claims against the i B"lu ""-"' 'c '" " properly verified on or be- ' the 15th of September, IMS. failing which distribution will be made having regard only to such claims of which 1 shall have been notified. ,, nTED at Atlin. British Colum- bia, this m lay of July. AD. 1148. ALBERT EDWARD RODDIS Official Administrator Atlin, B.C. (ltW) Consult u lor your needs in all types of printing work. Everything in high-class stationery. Fountain Pens Cards for every occasion IMItlt Printing BESNER BLOCK THIRD AVENUE IN HIS LATEST DFCCA ALBUM VOLUME 3 24397 "I Want a Girl." "Where the Black-Eyed Susans Grow." ' 24398 "When the Red Red Robbin Comes Bob Bob Bobbin' Along." "Someone Else May Be There While I'm Gone." 24399 "For Me and My Gal." "When I Leave the World Behind." 24400 "There's a Rainbow 'Round My Shoulder." "About a Quarter to Nine." DECCA ALBUM NO. A-R49 NOW ON SALE AT MiaSm.Md rUlJ manutac-; inal ..,. """.ninery , ea' Vancouver, at)