Prince Rupert Daflp rectus Monday, March 21, 1949 Sifts ; e ! St. Laurent, Drew ! Lunch Together . mid oiv AJso 'J hne I on etjJf Vfipple CkUArty'x faster ticiU Drive i - i gameiitl ! Prime Minister St. Laurent i caused a little raisins of Ottawa tfni,tIi MEMBER OP ' I f Mana,n Edltf"-. H. G. PERRY. Managing Utrwwr CANADIAN PRESS - AtTDTT BUREAU OF CIRCULATIONS 9 CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION SUBSCRIPTION RATES CSrr'W- jfS WOO. .Ws , By Mall. Per Month. 50c: Per Year. 5 uo &r-K it 1 eyebrows when during JSotary luncheon today at Chateau Laurier he sat side by side at clothes? A- At tk. Canadian Survival TlTr. Modern Etiquette I By ROBERTA LEE Q. Slmuld a hosti-ss wail indefinite length in time for m the guests to arrive for dinner' A. No longer than 15 0r 20 minutes after the time mention ed in the invitations Then even though there are one or two guests who have not yet arrived, the dinner should be served. Q. I have broken my engage- Albert Wilson, Terrftce, Buried 1 Funeral services for the late Albert H. Wilson, lonB-time resident of the district were conducted in St. Matthew's Church Friday afternoon. Rev P. Mailett officiated and the' organist was Mrs. C. J. Zoning-' ton. The funeral hymn wa "What a Friend We Have inj Jesus." Interment took place at! Kalum Cemetery. Pallbearer-: were George Anderson, jefl 1 Lambiy, Eugene Harrison. Ha lis Koch, Oi ville Spencer and John the same table with his three leading opponents in politics-George Drew, Conservative; M. J. Culdwell CjCF., and Solon Low, Social Credit for the opening of the Crippled Children's Easter Seal cUive. The event signalled distribtion of 90 million Easter Seals to raise $225,-000.00 for crippled children. Prime Minister St. Laurent bought the first sheet of seals .opening the fampaisui from lin' ' Win-'-Cuit,Jfe fur - ; -V. L--. ;r . v; I 10 Cluda y a new PtW.I UNGAVA IRON ORE BED Here as typical W rrj barren formaUo.ns that characterize Quebec's northeastern Ungava. The endless successions of valleys represent dried up river beds containing some of the world's richest iron ore. Most conservative geologists esUmate ther are at least 2,500,000,000 tons of ore there. Som; say five .times that amount. "Twvny," a crippled 11. year old boy who s symbolic of the work done by service cMibs and their society h) alleviating crippling pondiUons. Sitting & he same table just to jake it a gaud round ro.bU, were Hon. . ' Q. .Gardiner, minister, and Jion. Pauj MarUn, health) minister. A our leaders spoke ! In Jayor of the same subject.1 , most likely Jar the first andi only time during this session. 'Timmy" has been crippled CANADIANS need not fear that Canada will attack or join in an attack on any other nation, but every Canadian must face the possibility that Canada will be attacked. There is good reason for high hope that the Security Pact among the North Atlantic democratic nations will give them such strength that any potential aggressor will be discouraged. Canada is less likely to be attacked than it was before its statesmen proposed a security agreement among its peace-loving neighbors; but t anadian safeguards are also essential. , Fortunately, the measures which should be taken to preserve life and to protect resources jn the event of an attack are also those which Canada' should take to prevent the deterioration of its own people m overcrowded condition which are physically, mentally and spiritually unhealthfuj. The decentralization of Canadian life to restore the benefits of ample space and healthful environment to Canadian people is an important objective of this generation. ' . , Canada was pioneered and developed by the abij-, ity of its people to practice the arts of. survival and progress. In the event of a military attack, our i means of survival are too vulnerable in metronoli- Olsen. , LETTERBOX Classified Ads B.-n& Ri-sulb. KING EDWARD P J, TEA - SALE T.tiieir lives for your right to say jit. j; Democracy loves courage but I dislikes cowardice. ! Democracy would like to see some couraReous action taken ! Editor, pally News: non: mr - ,H I'rince Kr.pert Florist 300 3rd Ave. 3ox 510 TO. 777 f lowers fur All J)'ia.siMUH S. Patrick's J utuie t Delightful ffir Friday i Democracy and the British by the p. C. Government in re-Columbia liquor Jaws are ene- vising the hquor action to a mies They clash at every im- common sense basis. since seven years of age. Alter two years in bed, be .now waiks with the aid of bj'aces. Much of his assistance and help came through such services. King Liiward ijjhool was the 4 youa heaoquartIr? portant point of contact. A true Democracy believes in Sunday scene of acUvity" Frida - annual St. Patrick's tea and sale He protects his own lihertv , defence'1 nCy of Zllr . .TL J. -cler the auspices of the ' SEEDS A FERTILIZE; A Pemocrat confides in the oeo- oeer ' leacner Nation. GARDEN N , . ,. . iviii.. wiiue an- iiie Kuests were received hv fh Srrt !!Si timent Way pre- iesidentL'.T t MorlS ,3 Delween rthe- The tea tables were centred a proper oc DorturJ , v in short u..Ti00: . In. fire insUUitians of a with novel Iris hhau. snron... tan areas. Not only should the utmost protection be provided for all vital production and services but the - people of Canada should be trained to scatter hid to Jook out for themselves in small m-nnns in th voct and EQUiPME l7w-ab7dta73 aSS7- ,h0t U( Pwatic' id- ing green shamrocks, e work JveS ne,gnbors righU in of Miss Evelyn if f governed toy tov .uecent, , meix re- Sweeney's m. coaynou spccUve spheres. sion. sense laws. , A rimnrraf h.. ..... ! PtwQyacy demands is . Tea arrangements were in areas in which life can be maintained by people I HALIFAX HAVING SHIPPING BOOM HALIFAX Sixteen hundred longshoremen are experiencing one of the greatest waterfrou' booms ever known here. Only during the war was there anything to approach it. There are sixteen freighters and a few passenger craft in port and others enroute here from all over the globe. Leaded ships are clearing for . distant ports. Freight is piled high in the warehouses. A large consignment nf Canadian rye will soon be on the way to Capetown. .mv, ifi Mic uoc vi a iew simple tools hni7 : ;.r.c, - efficient service from all sour. cnare of Mrs. M. B. Mmon and XHik hTI Z, Tl"r..fCf: ces whether it be church or n McLeod, assisted toy Mrs. W. W. Bowes, Mrs. JF E. am--! tv.. a . - w's me niguesi virtues of his race. A Demncrnf i-Zl . wnat a Democrat obiect to V .tau THE BUILDING INDUSTRY frailities of manWnd " . .rOst ration of the " ' Z'J h"t: i) 1:1 1 vi k- CIIOM five to ten percent of the populations of the LfSS OF TASTV JSJjc Democrat on his i 0 u 7D e y fr the PurPose Ri tchk Mr. D a m , ' ough life .ever SL W- "r, snare or trap his . fellow man ThpgnT Lund. Mrs. M. C Brydges Mrs in order , to AefL W F' iJ!S punish without L Calderone. Mrs. F J good and sufficient reason hp- v lU6i, nave peen a pow WQrth Mrs winvii ti j RexC? BAD FLU EPIDEMIC COBQURG. OlU.. r-f.lim.r.F I liilicsc IWrJ cause the foundation of Dem- Wt Mrs. H. M. LindseUi. ocracy is based on confidence " Ule ACl was "trictly The home, cnnkina t.hi. . lecently exper.leneed jtbe worst iii i eniorcea aeainst nil ff00 . .. 0 " -: UC1 Q" tne supervision supervision OI of ninpt.v ninptv no ,..,..,f f .u. Mrs. Bar- ciioi'sm fiw, a uemocrat believes cause . w aaiut pop-;ney Roald and her auiant and effect, ,nH nation or pritih Columbia' Mrs Rpmhnt cw, wJ7 iui (epiaemic in several yi'a'' There was no way of officially dHermining the number' .r cases, but it made a noticeable cut In attendance at whwols end industry. . " Srntmtt Avenue opposite frin Ruptt iu a m. to 3: 3u Plume 173 for We to be natural laws -that man ! Jal1, Hardy and Mrs. Gunnar Sel- what ,'nuist recognize. hat a DemQcrat wants from vig, was laden with cakes pas- 1 To penetrate and understand ! Sv-rnment is reasonable, try and dainties.' ' ' , the mass mind of Democracy f"1" in :he White Elephant sale at- ls beyond human ability The t r quor' no Policp tracted many customers and key to that secret is hidden and n S !" Uil ee- varled were the purchases from' there lies the safety valve of iJemocracy beg the, Fort of its ample stock. Mrs. Eleanor ! civilization. tne Poor man- we cieniandfin Piche was in charge, assisted by ' ; A Democrat believes the fin- Pame the same Privilege' as Mrs. Len F. Brewerton and' "ll.Wi)H:HfIIM est flower in t.h u D,-,i : y on nt- f mu,e iortunate - brothers Grade 6 eirls Pemocracy is the rieht of nPn. , ,m 10 Procure a single Cashiers were Mrs. . ' dUV,ls re employed in construction. , No other industry soars more quickly to boom heights during good times or falls more rapidly to . mm depths when demand slackens. : No other industry is more important to world prosperity and full employment The very same war which reduced building sup-plies through battle damage and lack of coal and , transport has greatly multiplied the need of materials for reconstruction. Even in those countries which escaped heavy bombing damage, home building was suspended for four or more years of war The world now needs for building approximately two and a half times as much timber, bricks and Klass as before the three war, times as much cem-c-nt , and three and a half times as much steel Manpower shortage in the construction " indus- ' Y s less acute than it was two or three years ago but scarcities of traditional materials continue At the end ,of J.947 the cost of dwelling houses in Canada had increased 110 to 125 per cent since 1939 n other countries the costs had advanced as follows : United States, 106.7 per cent ; Australia, 80 to per cent; Great Britain, 130 per cent; Nether. Jindb, 3o0 per cent ; Sweden 153.2 per cent. It isobvious that these prices must be brought down through stabilization and modernization of the construction industry if people are to get the homes they need and if the building tradesmen are to enjoy full employment.1 Jacob Insul- pie nlP to rn rli.n aririK OI JlQUOr if U'P fool t Strand nnH Mr-c r- tt disagree " - v-. tvc -J. . X 1 ander. GEO. B. CASEY : A Democrat believes when all j think alike, some are not think-jing at all. j A Democrat may not agree ,with a word you say but millions of Democrats have given Many parents availed themselves of the opportunity tH visiting the class rooms wMi -nuu. in session during 'Ju naif hour prior to the opening. t f Navy Wife: "When we were first married you said I had a si ')n .tike 3 .bp.autiful ship" Husband: "Yeah, but your cargo has shifted." vil r.ri Quick ResuJUs' SCANDINAVIAN RECORDS . IIr: TO CONTRYCTOKS Jwuler for .sl, Ki(iillg Sealed Tenders, endorsed "Tender lor School Building" will be received by the undersigned up to and including April 16, 4949, for the erection and completion ot the following schools: . 6 1. Three-room school at Telkwa. B.C. 2- Three-room annex to High School at Smithers, B C Plans, specifications and form of tender may be obtained from the School Boa-rd office m Smithers, B C. or from the School Board office In Smithers B.C. or frym Sharp, PRICE $1.25 .v, .... ? ...... . ; rraw, Arcni- DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS BRING RESULTS . . ' Rmmmt 1 i " " " reiunaed on return Of Plans In tfnnrt fr.Hi.i.. . -L ... , r- 1 tt - . Record No. 4002 4009 1100 100 . 4001 1100 3105 1112 iomm fiSEEfi aii8aH! FRESHMAN'S SCHOTTISCHE HQMBCOMIXG H'WTZ BOKGIIILD REINLANDER DEN JGiAMI.E SYRA.V VALS SORLANOS POLKA SKI GITTEN REINLANDER FEM SMITSIGA S.MA FfSIGAR TRE SOTA SMABARN MINNEAPOLIS fOLJKA SILVER LAKE WALTZ KVASAR VALSEN BLAKLLLA SCIIOTTIS EN LITE SYLLNE RING TANGO IIA1VIMARFORSENS BLFS VALS FRIARE VALSEN ANN-MARIE SCIIOTTIS fJ vv,iUiuiuu. n certi fied cheque equal to 10 of tender and payable to the Board of School irustees must accompany the bid ns surety of good faith. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. A. MUHEIM Out. .. of .j. Print Secretary-Treasurer, School District No. 54, Smithers. B.C. March 8, 1949. (76) IN THE SUPREME COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE In the Matter of ti. .'.,... ... .- McRae Bros. Lid, ar.l Bvrne r,, and WALL' PAPERS AT 25c A DOUBLE ROLL WHILE THEY LAST. BORDERS 2c YARD. Some of these papers are regularly priced at $1.8.0 In the Matter of the "Aitmlmrnt Tonight ... Hear Art" TAKE NOTTPR th. v... His Honor Juries w r the I7th day of March, AD. 1949 r was appointed Administrator of the Estate of EDWARD rvbiim . Ormes Drugs DRUGS Hon. HERBERT AHSCOMB Lfder of the Progressive Conservative Party in B.C. andM ' ."ihj, lit ceased. ALL PARTIES v,o,,i against the said Estate r i .... required to furnish same nmnZ Of finance in tU IL a i -. inrnwt1" verified to me on or before the 30th day of Anril. A n iqq ac Paper a room for. $2.50 tittiiiw inea may be paid with PRESCRIPTJON CHEMISTS STORE HOURS WEEK-DAYS, 9 A.M. TO 9 P.M. SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS-12 NOON Tp PM.f 7 P.M. TO 9 P.M. of v mciuux to any claims which I then had no knnwlnHiTo ALL PARTIES Inriuhtrf the said Estate are herebv - 'uimjonTxnscorrio v.oiiuo Discuss: "Advance British Columbia" to rj wsx amount or their Indebted- I ness to me forthwith. ! GORDON & ANDERSON I DATED at the Citv of Prlnr. n,,. ! pert. In the Province of British Col- ' umbta. this 17th Dally car deUvery erytce from 9 a.m. (till a p.m. Emergency Wcycle dellttrt from 7 p.m. UU 9 p.m. and SuDdaj 1949. , I - ! GORDON FRASER FORBES Official Administrator ; Prince Rupert, B.C. : (77) ; CFPR-10:15 p PHONE 81