Prince Onpert Daflp I3etos . N O W CO ME .S J H E LEAD E R WITH 7 . Y E A R ADVANCE N 0 ....... i .. --'' . yy . ...... . v-r SMS US 11 U MLtSmS UJ II U 111 II V M ff If M II II . '"l,,""' We cordially invite you to see llie new Chevrolet the first completely new car the leader has built in more : Yes, hero's the newest of all new cars-prc-lcstcd aiul preproved o.. ihe great General Motors Proving Cround-and prc-destined to win even wider preference for Chevrolet as the most Beautiful buy of all, from every point of view and on every point f value. Come in and sec, it today! than seven ycars-and the most beautiful buy of all! You'll find it's the most beautiful buy for styling, for 'driving and riding case, for performance and safety, and i for sturdy endurance born of quality construction through-out ... because it alone brings you all these advantages of liiglicsl-priccd cars at the lowest prices and with the low tost of operation and upkeep for which Chevrolet products liave always been famous. at Lowest Cose Motors yd CD Corner 7th & 3rd Avenue Ii''-C;c.C(.'ia- Audi'0 WEDNESDAY 7:30 p.m. ... Shrine Band io