5rince Qupctt Oailp i3efci Monday, March 21, 1949 Local News Items . . . Social D oings REGULAR MOOSK,Ljlj LOCAL NURSES iJHuiiiiii.itityiJiiiiliiiimiiiiHiUiimiiaiiiiii (Contributions to this section will be welcomed) Meeting i ucsuaj " r-Ll 22, 8 p.m. sharp. ITiM 1!A PARTY PRECEDES ,CT DATDIPK' IAYCFF. DAMPF 1 31. rAi!.Vi J Initiation of Candidates, vFOK: t Dimension & Finish Lumber '?ts5 Plywood and Wallboard -fp Sash and Door Cement, Plaster, Brick k ;RT & McCAFFERY LTD. "Everything for the Builder" (67) ATTENTION MOTORISTS Extra miles is time wasted on highway driving, pick up your needs at your Imperial Station on the highway entrance, Midland Pines. (gg, Ronald C. Barbour returned to the city on the Coquitlam yesterday after spending a couple of weeks at Massett in connection with the develop Miss Williams and Miss Keith, Formerly of Prince Rupert, Like Ballarat Two former members of the Norman Nelson of Nelson Bros. Fisheries arrived in the city Sunday night on the Cata-la from Vancouver on a busi AT TERRACE TERRACE St. Patrick's Day was celebrated in Terrace with a very successful tea and sale, card party and entertainment by the ladies of the Catholic Women's League. For the occasion the hall was decorated with Irish motifs and the young ser- ness trip to the company plant ment of the new Limberlost re-!at Port Edward sun ai oangan Kiver. Mr. and Mrs. W. Landon entertained at a delightful cocktail party at their home on Friday evening after which the party proceeded to the Junior Chamber of Commerce St. Patrick's dance. The guests included Mr. and Mrs. O. Odegarde, Mr. and Mrs. E. Williams, Mr. and M,rs. R Tough, Mr. and Mrs H. Lindseth, Mr. and Mrs. H. Hampton, Mr. and Mrs. D. Mc-Nab, Mr. and Mrs. E. Lindseth, Mr. and Mrs. P. Berg, Mr. and Mrs. A. Martin and Mr. and Mrs i. Steeves... , '- , ... . PHONE 116 i f Neil Kingston returned to the nursing staff of the Prince Ru-j pert General Hospital, who left f here recently for "Down Under," have joined the staff of Eildon; House Hospital at Ballarat, near I Melbourne in Victoria, Australia. They are Miss Gwendolyn will- j iams, whose home is at Cumberland, Vancouver Island, and who' is a graduate of St. Paul's Hos- j pital, Vancouver, and Miss Kath- city yesterday on the Co Mr. and Mrs. George Sellars. who arrived in the city a few days ago from Dawson and have been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Abbott, Fifth Avenue East, sailed last night on the Coquitlam for Vancouver. Mr. Sellars STEP OUT , IN A . FLANNEL THIS SPRING To complete your wardrobe for spring and summer, may we suggest a Flannel Suit in medium grey-. quitlam after making the round trip to Massett on busi ness. He reports work of im Standard Time accompanied by a half-hearted sprinkle of rain which soon gave up. The season, with its accompaniment of house cleaning and garden preparation, will remain until 10:03 a.m. June 21. for many years was located n Prince Rupert as a member of a staff of a local wholesale-house. ikes ntry leially came to I Sunday, drawing I one of the most nters on record, jenson made its viteurs looked very charming in their green shamrock aprons and caps. During the afternoon, Mrs. A. H. Irving, as "Madame X," dressed in the traditional fortune teller's costume, passed from table to table reading the cups of the patrons. The prize of $5 for the correct solution of a Shamrock crossword puzzle was won by Mrs. Dudley Little. provement and extension of the new Limberlost tourist resort at Sangan River is proceeding satisfactorily under trie direction of his son, Ross Kingston. Lumber has been ordered from the Anderson mill at Massett for the recreation hall and 10 new cabins which are being built for use this year. CHURCH SALE IS SUCCESSFUL erint Keith of Havelock, New Brunswick, graduate of Ottawa Civic Hospital. A Ballarat newspaper, which has been received here, shows a picture of the two girls and prints an interview. They have been, apparently, favourably impressed with Australia and like the country and the life. They HOW CAN I ? ? 't By ANNE ASHLEY Want Ads Bring Result! Advertise in the Dally News! at 2:49 Pacinc, A rummage sale held hv t.hp WomAn'i Assnrlntinn How can I improve the appearance of window shades ;of First Unlted ChUrch & that have become soiled, and compare nursing work in Australia with that in Canada. Receiving the guests were Mrs. Doll, president of the C. W.L., and cashier was Mrs. E. large number of visitors during the day to 326 Second Avenue where a wide variety el articles were on display. The sale was Whalen, At the apron stall were successful in raising a consid- Mrs. H. Cote ano; Mrs. Koefoed; erable amount of money for W home cooking, Mrs. Christy. A. activities. , Mrs. J. Gordon, Mrs. G. West. Surprise Shower Held at Terrace TERRACE A surprise shower for Miss Judy Curtiss, whose marriage to Alex Holden will take place on April 2, was held on Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs. L. Johnstone. Hostesses were Josephine Jordan. Mrs. Edna Cooper, and Miss D. Haugland. Seated in a Made up in a double breasted model with hand picked edges . . . Lasting appear- are not washable? A. Take them off the roller,, turn them upside down, ' and j majte hems at the other ends. They will look like new, because the end near the roller is seldom soiled. Q. Should the gravy be poured over the meat when putting away In the refrigerator? A. No; the meat will keep longer if kept separate from the gravy. The travy Is likely to Chandler & Cowgill PORTRAIT STUDIO Film Finishing Enlarging Flash Photos Taken at Home Phone Green 389 216 4th St. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. . . Tailored Generous donations from a ! Serviteurs were Rosemary and large number of city merchants Lyn Tetrault, Ivy McConnell, provided a good stock of new j Gloria Irving, Yvonne Norman- articles while the "white ele- deau. Assisting in the kitchen i phant" table was laden with ! were Mrs. Hobenschleld, Mrs second hand clothing provided j McDonald, Mrs. J. Lever, Mrs by the ingenuity of the ladies J. de Kergommeaux. Miss Agnes , of the organization. 1 Tetrault was in charge of the j "Bride's Chair," the happy Perfect ance . . Comfort Taste. i bride-to-be opened a basket-I ful of lovely gifts. This was followed by the serving of refresh Morethan a score of ladies crossword puzzle. sour more quickly and taint the meat. Q. How can I prevent costume - jewelry from leaving greenish marks on the skin? took part in the event .either acting on the sales floor dur- Deluxe Delivery Phone 383 Prompt and Efficient Service AFTER 6 P.M. CALL Anything Black 419 . Anytime " . 285 Anywhere " 892 ing the day or assisting in organizing it in advance. Presi A. Wash It in warm water 2.10 In the evening, at the con elusion of the card party, Irlsb songs were ung by a quintette composed of Steve Obzero, Bob-, by Bissonnette, Pat Johnson, Mark Tetrault, with Gloria Irv- dent of the W.AS is Mrs. An-! a,nd baking soda occasionally Rinse and dry carefully drew Thompson. : n: . 11.. IS- a ments. Those present or sending gifts included, besides the young hostesses and honoree, Mrs. Pat Hobenschleld, Connie and Pat Tumilson, Lillian, Sarah and Margaret Miles, Mrs. Ford Jackson, Mrs. H. Holden, Mrs. C Holden, Doreen Murie, Mr Roberta Berry, Violet Jackson. Mrs. Lambley, Leah Carruthers. Betty Curtiss, Mrs. Curtiss, Irene Haugland, Merle West. Elsie Crego, Onolee and Jean Kirkaldy, .Colleen Whalen A reunion after a quart- as centurv of senaration was ex- s Play," a stunt play written TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY r,Pr,neprf at. th wPek-Pnd bv K. ; by Mrs. A. H. Irving and pro- Opposite Health .Unit AIKIE'S j CANNED FOODS f C. Atrd, 227 Fourth Avenue East, and his sister. Miss Selina Aird, WANTED Housework with one year old child. Margaret Hill-vard. 2063 Seal Cove Circle. P.O. Sub. No. 1. (69) duced by Miss Tetrault, was very much enjoyed. Players were Mrs. Kofoed, as Mrs who arrived here Friday night Home-Made Candy and Fresh Roasted Nuts iiiiiiiiiiiiiii Scot- j flynn; Mark Ttarault as Mike by train from Edinburgh, WANTED 2 or 3 room suite voun married couple, quiet, furnished. J Jefferies, Red 246. Suite 4, 628 Taylor Street. .(72) land. Miss Aird plans to make uonea, -ui.m ' her home here. She crossed the ,Flynn, Bobby Bissonnette as St. Patrick, Steve Obzero as a Atlantic on the Aquitania. Druid, and Mrs. Normandeau as Advertise in the Dally News I a double. Announcements All advertMenMiM n tma column will be charged for a tall month ttt 3 centa word FOR SALE Single bed, bungalow size. Pnone Black 881. (691 FOR QUICK, DEPENDABLE SERVICE . .'. TIH 1 1 !i I ItJTn IV f aft o l kjit li 11 lit ikjl uii aim regular car check - up.- Your V word per insertion, minimum etutrg. Me. Birth KoMcaa: It at Thank, Death Notice. PunonU ftuttoea. Marrlag I nt Engagement Announce men r: 2. SFKCJAL DISPLAY, DOUBLE PRICE (tlsmg u payable in advance. Plea retrain from (lepnoDinc Rebekah Fashion Show, Mar. 23, Oddfellows' Hall. Presbyterian Tea, Church Hall March 24. Card Party, Catholic School Hall, 8 p.m., March 24. Prince Rupert Symphony Or- servicing needs will receive immediate attention. .H NOTICE FOR SALh t. B irn to Mr. and FOR SALE One new Gray chestra concert in siiDnort of Marine engine, type Lugger v,.,.f r-u r..,.ii : Kri Cross Hospital, n0 D-3154 77 HP Size Six- xvupciv rum uuuuv.ii, Marcn it. uuj A.arch 10, a son. 226. Reduction gear 3 to J mod ei rCrJ 33, one propeller rnmrnenninir Marrh 98 two FLATS FIXED, CARS WASHED and SIMONIZED , Service Hours: -.. . Weekdays 8:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. Sundays 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. BOB PARKER'S UPTOWN SERVICE STATION 'SAfll. Ill) 1:R SLE ' inch dia., 20 inch pitch; one, " " , ,, . 10 foot bronze shaft and one : weeks University Home Fur- i tLm it "Alt.n " i nnn Vi.." I JUH 1U lilt ItVO Jiiuw uiVMiniv HIlillll(t,J VUUi . ill UVI uwv'ii shaft, also water cooling pipes. pVprijn(r SPssions Resister Civic rriro i nnn no nlna 7lc. rlutv if sold to other than a bona (Centre. PHONE 7!)1 Second and JVlcBride fide fisherman for use in his own boat. Can be seen at Prince Rupert Dry Dock and Shipyard. iH) IMPORTED TOYS FOR KENT ' lirst class trol'ler. 3 iMS 981. (69) Neu and Used Fur-tliiWware and Office f Sightly Used Artt-"Wi field Bed, Wood J and Oil Ranges, El-wrs. Corner Enam-i BtMns. Office Chairs, (hairs. New Articles-"mR, Toasters, Cups fl Axminster Rug than regular price, Wimer Sots, Tea Sets. ' a the lowest prices. ! B C. Furniture Co. dun . ;2' M v iil it vie ' .... V i Operetta, Borden St. School, at Civic Centre, March 31 and April 1. Lutheran tea and sale of home cooking, April 2, at Mrs. Soiland, 130 5th Avenue West. Women of the Moose spring tea, April 7, at Mrs. J. P. Mol-ler's, 124 Fourth Avenue East. Orange Spring Sale, April 13, 2 to 5 p.m., Oddfellows' Hall. TO DELIGHT THE KIDDIES O NEW DIFFERENT tve- I FOR RENT Comfortable Bedroom for lady with kitchen privileges if required. Close in opposite Borden St. School. Phone Black 258 or inquire at 895 Borden St. (tf) " O NOVEL Spring Powered Boats, Cars, Planes, Waddling FOR RENT Furnished two room apartment. 801 Borden Street. (tf) WANTED Ducks, Pecking Hens and Butterflies -. . . 'HVReautiful console i mm - phonograph, tollable. Call 309 8th t between 7 and 9. (72) rE.1,!)41lD,clKe Station - 2 8th East. (70) Reasonably Priced .these are some ol the Imported Toys on display at WANTED TO RENT 3 bedroom house urgently required by Navy man and family. Write or call Chief P.O. Pelan, H.M. C.S Chatham. (69) "Apr. 14, Borden St. P.T.A. Sale and Tea. , Queen Mary I.O.D.E. Tea, ' April 18. Rotary Club Daffodil Tea, Civic Centre, April 21. Presbyterian Spring Sale, April 21. Anglican 'Spring Sale, Satur -EU-1D41 rinrlno Corf in Stay put in your frame, Mr. Withers! WANTED Interested in purchasing green clinker built rowboat under Co-op gear shed. Owner please Phone Blue 148 if willing to sell. (73) Phone Red 400 518 3rd Ave. W. crrrtition. Phone Blue . r (72) -Feather Pillows, room chairs, end r' lounge chair and l table, sewing boxes. Upholsterers. (It) '-Cream enamel oil ir o??Re- Cal1 eve" 16113 7th Ave. E. or f9". (It) day April 23. Legion Auxiliary Spring Sale, April 27. WANTED One or two housekeeping rooms or. small cabin, about first . April.. Box , 494 Daily News. - (67) , WORM. ANTED ESTATE LANDSCAPING, driveways and gardehing , done. Phone 544 after 6. - . . (68) Hold Down That JUST , . 1 Use Genuine Dustbanc and Dustbane Products Paper Towels Brooms Mops Soap ; Wax Rags and all good JANITOR SUPPLIES tL,anrrne 4 room War- 1019 7th Ave. East. St. Peters Y.P.A Musical Show, "Spring Fantasy" Civic Centre, April 29.' -The United Church Spring Sale, May 5. . C.C.F. Spring Sale, May 7, Sons of Norway Hall. Eastern Star Tea, May 19, Mrs. L. W. Kergin. H.M.C.S. Haida Chapter l"O.D. E. Tea, May 21. Sonja Ladles Tea May 28. Now he pives competent advice on how to arrange your life insurance to take care of all the money prohlems that arise in connection with protection and retirement. These prohlcnis are more complex than tlicy were in Mr. Withers' time. And there are many more kinds of policie available. Thus your agent's help is even more necessary in order to build a sound, well-balanced life insurance programme. Today more than a million Canadian families have benefitted from the experience and advice of the life insurance agent ! In HIS DAY, Mr. Withers Was considered a very able life insurance agent. The idea of life insurance was pretty new then. And Mr. Withers had to keep his foot in the door most of the time as he tried to convince people that this type of protection was worth what it cost. Ife served his generation well, But times have changed ! . People no Jonjerneed to he told about the value of life insurance. What they" need now is advice on the amount and 'the kind of life insurance thry should own. And the modern life insurance representative ha kept up with tlie times. CARPENTER wants small jobs in. city. Satisfaction guaranteed. A. Jones, Box 493, Daily News. - (69 unce ior , cash. iL"24' (67) V ,"4 ()m Wartime asonable 1425 Pig-- S (70) LOST tet Sen immediately, LOST Brown plastic purse. Phone Green 78. Reward, (on Sold to Industry in Prince Rupert at Vancouver Prices FOUND sir 'located on 9th t,mc villnalla Hall. ',ms. See Armstrong one; 342. (69) 3y - FOUND Keys in case. Owner IN THE SUPREME COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE III the MatVr of the '"Administration Aft" may have same by caning ai i,he' Dallv News office and WANTEQHave a Isos T.war"ne and (tf) PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY HOUSE 712 Second Ave; . P.O. Box 772 . Phone 632 paying for this ad. PERSONAL (67) 111 tlie Matter or the, Kstsite of Kari (Carl) Johmi Osoterluml. Drct-asert. lHtPHtatw. TAKE NOTICB that by Order of His Honor Judge Fulton, dated the 17th day of March, 1949, I was appointed Administrator of the Estate of the late Karl (Carl) Johan Oster-lund, formerly of Terrace, British Columbia, who died on or about the 31st day of October. 1948. All persons having claims against the said A helpful citizen in your community Then your anent sells'ynu liff insimtnoe, he aim help to improve your community. For a large part of each life in-surance dollar is put to work,, through investments, to build schools, bridges, highways, industrial plants and many other projects that create jobs and make for heller living. You share in these improvements, made possible through the efforts of yonr helpful fcllow-citisen - the modern life inuraiii'e agent ! PERSONAL DRUG SUNDRIES (rubber goods) twelve samples for 50c postpaid in plain sealed wrapper, catologue included. General Novelty Co., Dept. 'PR', 71 Major St., Toronto, Ont. (79) i"uy jurnished 4 it. .H0"s? with nii . All hip rWJO.OO cash PERSONAL The Acme Cloth- ino- Qtni-o W nnnniince the estate are required to rorwara them to me on or before April 30th, 1949, Dronerlv verified, and all persons In WANT ED At PLICATIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED FOR THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS FOR 1949: CAMP MANAGERS BOAT CREWS ONE SKIPPER J. CLAUSEN & SON RUPERT MARINE REALTY Box 548 Prince Rupert, B.C. - '"-u OIZ. (70) arrival of a new shipment of Ladies' Corydon Burbury Coats, sizes 14 to 20. (71 A message from the more than fifty Life In 'irttnre Companies in Canada ( LIFE INSURANCE . . . (,W,ia Canadian Homes METAL TVOrtK 1 " ur&tiJC lo-dati tne modern u, SawmilS 'National '"wu, Vanenimor debted to the said estate are required to pay to me the amount of their indebtedness forthwith. DATED at Prince Rupert, B.C. this 18th day of March, A D. 1949. GORDON FRASER FORteES . . , . official- A4iuinlBator Prince Rupert, B C. (77) PLUMBING -r- Installations and Repairs. SHEET MET A I. wnpir Tar anH Ornvpl Roof 1-1181 ing. Letoumeau Si Sons. 629 Sixth West. Phone 543. (U