I PliOVINUlAL I LIBRARY. PROVINCIAL G. Mini i u . t Daily Delivery NORTHERN AMD CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest." PH0I1E81 . VOL. XXVIII, No. 67. PRINCE RUPEUT, B.C., MONDAY, MARCH 21, 1949 PRICE FIVE CENTS cabs Red Currency A y? Fulp-'Mill foir K tm is ssyr Jowl)' '. vs. w&? NoLongerLegal Western Powers Take Action On Soviet Money in Berlin BERLIN CP) The western powers have outlawed the Russian east mark in their sectors of Berlin, splitting the city's economy completely. Today the Russian-backed currency dropped heavily in the black market. The new Allied order yesterday, declaring that Russian currency would no longer be accepted as legal tender, had been expected for some time. It means that western Berlin now has one THE WEATHER Synopsis The active disturbance that brought rain to the entire British Columbia coast during the past 24 hours is moving eastward over the southern interior. Cloudy skies and showers are general over the interior and ARRESTED AT BURNS LAKE BURNS LAKE Clifford For-ester Humphreys was apprehended by Constable W. H. Richmond lust Thursday whle quietly working In a nearby awmill. He is alleged to hav left a trail of worthless cheques from Vancouver to Burns Lake victimizing several Burns Lak merchants. Vancouver , stores and hotels claimed to hav5 first call on him and he was escorted to Prince George enroute there Bl't'K Afipr a stormy gtmlriils Counts readied last : I'm ISuck to fs 0f Carle ton ynw afternoon. It's appearance lB),lli'(l. Buck, '" until b.v plane j sprak at a" g,, ;m Ottawa g said (hat the tti(lf what side ,r between Rustled Slates on I circumstances Uic time ! iiicral Charles is leading i's kind cleric. Communist ft the coalition jrd. So far ; per tent . of jjic (onimiinifcls currency the west mark and eastern Berlin ha3 another the Soviet east mark. Chief Russian reaction so far . was a charge in the Russian -controlled press th" t the action by the western powers was a fraud against the populace. Big headlines in the Communist press predicted mass bankruptcy in western Berlin. 1 X $71" $ t x - - although the weathc is still j unsettled along the coast . an j appreciable amount of clearing f should bring much more pleasant weather to these regions during the afternoon. Some cloudiness and scattered showers will persist over the mountains of the Interior but the improvement will spread to these areas tomorrow. Forecast Queen Charlottes and North Coast Cloudy with widely scattered showers today. Cloudy tonight, becoming overcast early Tuesday morning with Intermittent rain in the afternoon. Winds southerly (20 m.p.h-t in the exposed areas, light elsewhere. ILttlc change in temperature. Lows tonight and RESCUED FROM CRASHED PLANE Alert Skipper Saves Lives of Two Airmen in Gulf of Georgia VANCOUVER, f An alert roastal skipper last night ef i-i Tiny Boy Wanders; Is Found Safely Lynn Mussellam, two-and-a-half year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mussellam, " P32 Tenth Avenue East, went f-jr a walk yesterday afternoon and, before he returned, his ur'"sy parents had sought police . L?lu and paged him over the raii'j. A search of the neighborhood by his mother at 4 o'clock 1 ''jd highs Tuesday: Port Hardy 30 and 48, Massett 39 and 45, Prince Rupert 38 and 48. fected the rescue of two airmen from the squally Strait of Georgia after the engine of their seaplane had caught fire and forc 4V . , lFdiicf lday t possibility of Hip mysterious i'lcaraiice of a ijmati at .Steve- TODAY'S STOCKS (Courtwiy b. D. juiio&Uw t;" ' ' 1 I"- t : I , I', - , J"-'- -y'TTrTr--"--'"--?'" to reveal his whereabouts mi the police were informed : :id A? his description was broa mil over CFPR. The toddler,, who soni ii. ins vanished lasl adcr a "scuf-,h" hail been ed them down near Roberts Creek, 25 miles tip the coast. I Pilot Bill Waddington and Ctaicf Engineer Hugh Thomas of the British Columbia Airlines Ltd. were taken aboard the converted Fairmile, Gulf Mariner, two hours after the skipper, Roy Barry, had spotted dis-j tress flares fired before the Sea bee was set down. I Waddington and Thomas, Miaky, wet and "sick as do3S," fouiht the fire on their $8,100, .00 8.70 .03',. has shown wandering .proclivi Vancouver Bayonnc Bralorne B. R. Con B. R.'X Cariboo Quartz Congress :, ties before, is usually tcWieic.l in the dooryard to prevent muii expeditions. At 5:30 a neighbor teleplwnen hulryman. Two ih iuul thrown fcviiie;li (lie win-ttilirfront laun- .10 1.15 .03 V: .35 north shore ot cove ( lei L hand of picture) where Wacker City townsite is located. 1 SITE OF NEW INDUSTRY -- Ward's Cove, six miles from Ketchikan, where American Viscosti Co. is establishing $33,000,000 cellulose wood pulp plant with capacity of 550 tons. Site is on Hedlcy Mascot to say that Lynn was han'ili' Pcnd Oreille : 4.55 playing on Eighth Avenue, a couple of blocks from home. He eenutderttble puwe'i " will be had apparently been enjovir.; liquet To r'Qc Shippei "-;-m"5 ""4 himself Jir' ditch: when the : rraTt after crash landing and had It extinguished a few minutes before the Gulf Mariner fame alongside to rescue them. The damaged plane, filling NIGEL 'MORGAN Pioneer PrlvaUer Reeves McIXnald Rwio" J.Z 1 -Sheep CriM'k Sllbak Premier . . in ; y i.n.iri,u si iiRu. xi us arrange- i 3 20 .19 2.50 ',00 ' 1.20 .35 .26 was searched previously. inent would make it unneces sary to build expensive power facilities in the Manzanita and Oy Hail Thru Rupert with water, drifted out to sea and presumably sank. Taku River ' HACKfiT V , -Tvvu.itH'll t i-inn salesmen kplimie Company racket in the nif La Salic dis-siiuroarh small Si. 1 threaten to aho-, removed tin-npwc In the BOYS ESCAPE Mirror lakes watershed. IS RE-ELECTED VANCOUVER The Labor-rrogressive Party yesterday re-lunied Nicel Morgan as president o ftt.s Biili.sli Columbia Vananda 33 FROM PRISONS C. H . Ormc left by air today to return to Vancouver after spending the last few days visiting in the city. KETCHIKAN Ketchikan is riding high on a(4o nouses planned crest of optimism and enthusiasm these days in the The magnesium process, per-definite assurance that the American Viscose Com-;fecU? b ie weyerhauser in- .. ... . terests and used , ,. 1 1 i' j ii now beins? in its subsidiary the Ketchikan' pany, through company, company.s Longview mill. Pulp and Paper Co., is to build a $33,000,000 550-ton uiJows for virtually 100 per cent Seven Youths Make Getaway From Two Greater Vancouver Institutions VANCOUVER, City and f use of the log instead of dump cellulose wood pulp mill at nearby Ward s Cove, six iiiwnbcrshiii of 2,000. -Ol fleers t'lecl'd to the 1940 executive at the annual meeting, held i:i caniera, were not announced. A spokesman said that the membership increased by 300 in 1948, mainly in loosing camps throughout the province. Salmon Oold 15 Oils Anglo Canadian 3.75 Atlantic - ''4 Calmont 38 f C. & E, 4-70 Central Lcduc 1 10.25 Home Oil' ., 13;! Mercury 157 Okalta 2.10 Pacinc Pete M Princess Royal Canadian 15 I Toronto miles to the norUi. The land has old hands in the pulp and paper ing a residue of 40 or 50 per cent, as has been the custom with the limestone process. If the magnesium process which Is beins watched hv the provincial police were still searching today along British Columbia's Lower Mainland for seven juveniles who fled Satur game, to Ketchikan as general-superintendent. He will bring' key employees with him and all Jn general,is not out of day from Vancouver's juvenile detention home and Burnaby's, been acquired, including much of the townsite of Wacker City. Negotiations have been completed with the United States Forest Service for a fifty-year timber supply. Adequate supply of suitable water has been found to be available from Ward Lakes In the mountains behind Ward's aui,UL o wui line mtxiij municipal Bisco nisUtution. .ll'a the experimental stage by the i time machinery is installed here, free lime probably (will be used instead of limestone. It can be converted men locally as possible. Wright engineers and millwrights at present work under contract as maintenance en- PACIFIC COAST HOCKEY FINALS Westminster and Taronia in North l,os Angelas and San lliejfo in South , NEW WESTMINSTER. mucin" ... . , MRNATIONAL INDUSTRIAL JOINT EDITION OF " lie Prince Rupert Daily News ' . - AND - . ' Kclchikan Alaska Chronicle f "y tin' I'l inre Rupert Trades and Labor Council Cove. Engineers are expected I gineers for pulp and paper on the scene in the near future j plants at Taconia,' Everett. Bel-a.nd there is reason to believe I lingham and Anacortes. to the magnesium process, which is more efficient and more economical. If the power Installation Is not needed, the general con .18 ',2 .52 .25 MVz .14 98 00 1.25 .52 .55 2.73 5.50 .17 . Five of the youths, ranging from eleven to seventeen years, escaped from the home. The other two, both 14, were from Bisco. Police say that one of the escapees visited the home of a former companion Saturday night and told him the gang had stolen an automobile and planned to head for the Okanagan. Called by an excited companion, the police arrived minutes after the allegedly stolen car had dis tract will include between 400 The plan for construction is to break ground this spring, with construction of the dock as the first item. Across the dock will be unloaded steel and cement fur the actual construction. At bona Aumaque Bealtlc Bevcourt Bobjo Bufialo Canadian Consul. Smelters Conwcsl Donalda Eldona East Sullivan . , Oiant, Yellowknlfe Hardrock Harricana Hcva llosro Jacknifc Joliet Quebec Lake Rowan ! and 500 houses for pulp mill that actual construction - will start this year. j Prince Itupert is expected to i figure prominently in the Kclchikan pulp mill picture as the Ketchikan Pulp & Paper Co. contemplates establishment of a car ferry service to carry much of the plant's out New Westminster, Taconia, Los Antjcles and San Diego threw Hie hunks into tlii-ir opponents over the week-end to gain divi j workers. It is not stated, how Thre old ferries reportedly , by comp!U,y or by a separ. O ccasion- sion her! lis in the Pacific Coast, Hockey League. I ate financial institution. At t Ul V2 ! -08', .24lii appeared. least one life insurance com fi UUIII Hit: I31CU.MI.1 u ojroirui Paget Sound, will house nonresident construction workers during the period of construction, 30 to 30 months, it was re- impeiiilinc Slairhooil of Alaska whereby New Westminster won three j straight in the series with Port- pany has surveyed the field for possible housing construction and local banks and individuals put to the Canadian National Railway here for transshipment East over Canadian National Railways. The ail vent .U'l ' 4 .34 . .08 land. Leaders in northern, divl- j i won regular play for the sea- i - . 'lump t.n take nnrt. in this ntiRKft After an Initial 325-ton FUNERAL OF MRS. VERM1G Lapaska 0(5 oi uie over-au project,. 1"'ih will b,. removed which at present prevent H use f uK, Vort of Prince Rupert as the gal- ' Mask t '"luMiial clcvcliinicnlH at Prince Rupert and n. notably the cslahlishmcnt of niulti-million "iiulo pulp mills at both cities Prince ,i,lrily being well under way, Kctchikan"s " wiauiicnce. .70 of Alaskan statehood will facilitate the use of (his port in serving such Alaskan industries as the, Ketchikan pulp mill as the Jones Act wmder statehood would become inoperative, ' The Howard S. Wright com is installed, It Is hoped to begin work at once on the additional 220 ton portion of the plant. Power will be provided by th3 Ketchikan Public. Utilities in the early stages of construct 'on and, if the magnesium process is used in the plant's operation, Little Long Lac Lynx Madsen Red Lake McKcn.ie Red Lake McLeod CoekshuU Moncta Negus .13 2.75 .37 4.00 .38 2.10 son. the Royals beat Portland 1 to 2 Saturday niaht and then a to 2 Sunday night. Meeting the Royals in the finals will be the Taconia Rockets who beat Vancouver 4 to 0 Saturday for their third straight victory. The northern division finals will open Wednesday at New Westminster. Los Angeles Monarehs knocked off Fresno 2 to 1 Saturday night to clinch their series. They Amendments have been added to exempt industries using new processes in Alaska, th ex-rniptkm to be granted by the tax commissioner on the basis of jobs made for Alaskans, costs of production in competition with the field as a whole, permanence of industry, amount of capital investment and similar iactors. Several contracts already have been negotiated with construction concerns for the plant Itself and it is planned to have 1000 to .1200 men on the job by summer. Some Ketchikan contractors have been consulted and will take part in the Nora i ida 531)0 Louvicourt , -19 Pickle Crow 2 08 Rcgcourt - -05 San Antonio 4-1S Senator Rouyn ..... ..' 40 High Requiem Mass for the repose of the soul of the late Mrs. Ida Pauline Wermig, who passed away at the week-end at the age of 60, was held this morning at the Church of the Annunciation. Rev. Father F. J. Rayuer, O.M.I, was celebrant. Interment took place at Fair-view Cemetery witii Father Rayner reading the prayers of committal. At a service at Grenville Court Chapel at 8:30 Sunday evening, the Rosary was recited by Rev. Father Mohan. Pallbearers this morning were A. W. Burnip, Charles McNab, Jack Batt, Robert McKay, R. B. Skinner and T. N. J. Fortune. Free Hand to Help Europe pany of Seattle, 'Everett and Pellineham has been awarded the contract for Installation of pulp mill machinery in the new plant. It is possible that Morrison Knudsen and company of Boise will handle the major part of construction. The Wright company plans to send Earl Peters .one of its v.'iH ni't'et can Diego in the southern division final, opening i hursciay. San Diego Sunday 'night defeated Oakland 4 to 2. President Trunin n to Slake Request of United States Congress e International Industrial edition will t.lnstory up to date in picture, news 2s and feature stories. hl"'ion Diic April 30 or thereabouts. filiation 12,000 copies throughout P and the United States including' oors of Parliament in Canada and Con-. Jot the United States, administration Ts of tho Dominion, the provinces, the f ai'l the States, leading newspapers , i"'ar .'""fibers of the Daily News and the -; c 'H receive the edition. ivm,sjlls uate$15() - column lllcll. PaW $150; Half Page, $80. d 0 h! fur advcrtising or copies of the edition sent, t, ce Rupert Daily News Ltd- Calumet Horse Equals Record MIAMI KP'-Coal town, Calumet Farm's great four-year old, Saturday equalled the world's record for the l'4 miles by winning WASHINGTON D. C. (p l'rts- overall construction program, it ldent Truman is expected to 4s understood. ask Congress for a free h-ind in allocating arms to Western Europe under the proposed $1,000,- LOCAL TIDES 000,000 military aid program National Guard of Eskimos Is Being Organized On Alaska - Soviet Line JUNEAU, Alaska, The Alaska, Senate unanimously passed a bill yesterday to establish territorial national guard units of Eskimo scouts along the coastline facing Russia across Bering' Sea. A similar bill had previously been passed by the House but the Senate's re-written version, with emphasis on the Eskimo scouts, must now go back there for concurrence. -. The. National,. Guard bill, provides for two scout battalions along ,the far western, and northwestern coasts for training as "eyes and ears" of the, military. It carries a $92,000 appropriation. Tuesday, March 22, 1949 High 7:04 17.6 feet 21:10 ' 15.5 feet Low 0:58 11.0 feet 14:28 0.9 feet BASKETBALL PLAY-OFFS TUESDAY 7:15 Peoples vs. High School 8:15 Fashion vs. Merchants HOOP SHOOT CONTEST the Gulf Stream Park's $20,000 handicap with seven lengths to spare. Carrying 128 pounds, Coaltown galloped under the wire in one minute, 59 4-5 seconds which was the record time set nearly ten years ago in Brighton, England, by St. Andrews II and equalled for the first time on the American turf by Shannon II. The program is scheduled to go to the Capitol about the same time as the North Atlantic security pact. Truman will send up the pact for Senate approval soon after it is signed here by the expected countries two weeks from today. R. P. Smith left this afternoon by air on a business trip to the Queen Charlotte Islands, Prince Rupert -.., ' r4