Ptince nuperl 2?aiT HGj Monday, March 21, 1919 CFPR Radio Dial 1240 Kilocycles r (Subject to Change) MOVIE KISSES MERE ROUTINE By GENE HANDSAKER HOLLYWOOD (AP) Ever wonder what a movie wife thinks when she sees her handsome husband passionately kissing other women on the screen? Brenda Marshall used to blow ' Y j. ... rs - . - .... ... eitnatita 1 a (trie ttc ca I y(( jher top or, as she says, flip my yfi ff (tii'cil ceil; iiu. ii tormented me. Her husband Is William Holden. Driving home from the pre view oi one or his pictures, he asked, "Well, how did you like it?" Brenda snapped bitterly. I us "LUXURY LOOK"! r,a,l.r-I.ine Slyling in in lower. lover, y j -rni" , MONUAl -rM. 4:00 Chicho Valle 4:15 Stock Quotations and Int 4:30 Magic Adventure 4:45 Easy Listening 5:00 Musical Program 5:30 Pops on Parade 5:45 The Question Box 6:00 Supper Serenade 6:15 Martial Airs 6:30 Musical Varieties 6:45 Plantation House Party 7:00 CBC News 7:15 CBC News Round-up 7:30 Club Date 7:45 On Mike Tonight 8:00 Out of the West to You 8:30 Guy Lomoardo Show 9:00 National Farm Radio Forum 9:30 Immortal Music 10:00 CBC News 10:10 CBC News 10:15 Provincial Affairs 10:30 Musical Nocturne wulrr, rtcifr uow you kissed that Claire Trevor!" i .. Ml C: 1- C. r ... Bill was silent and angry for " ami llcr-t-as-a-rorket lines all around... "Li development of the new "functional ,lr ear'- several miles. Flnallv. he e '00 J ploded, "Is that all you can say about the picture?" There followed, Bill says, "one of our worst fights." The problem was "a big fighting point," Brenda adds. "I'd lose all sight of whether a pic Cool and ;UL FROM EVERY ANCLE! -m a. ..... creamy ton-yuc-tinaling peppermint, richly coated with smooth, delicious Moirs chocolate. MWm'A j,-i.l.r Itoilics l.y , nil. hi i!inr-iix-ii-- niii-lcriiew J i,f line coai hi raft Jn-s, cMra-fmr up- lunrly of alluring jj,,i-i. -aulifii from anJ outside J 10:45 Bain Quartet 11:00 Weather and Cin-OII ture was good. One day she visited his set and planted herself where he'd see her w hen he went Into a elinrh. "Anything to throw him," Brenda admits. Bill led her aide and said, "Get off the set. You're upsetting my leading lady." , This was. several years ago. Brenda has become reconciled even proud. "After all, which could be more Intriguing than to be married to a biz romantic Beyond question-Ow &sf J TUKSDAT A.M 7:00 Musical CIock 8:00 CBC News 8:15 Morning Song 8:30 Music for Moderns 8:45 Little Concert 9:00 BBC News and Comty 9:15 Morning DevoUct,' 9:30 Morning Concert 9:59 Time Siarna' 10:00 Ellen Harris 10:15 Morning Melodies 10:30 Roundup Time 10:45 Scandinavian Melodie 11:00 Musical Varieties FOR SALMON ENTHUSIASTS-Some of the finest salmon fishing in the world can be found in the waters of the rivers and streams of Newfoundland. Few tourists have experienced the thrill o." landing the fcig ones tha tabound throughout the country. Tins is the Lower Humber River in the Humber Valley which is one of the finest salmon rivers in Newfoundland. star?'' FANS PHONE It didn't annoy her a bit when )IT EVERY POINT! lir Interiors fca-' I ivr loot Seals," i. leg and elbow-iluionliiiary scaling Twn pasM-iiprs; ,0- tliat llie giant ,4 lial amouiiM to 12.00- Mid-Day Meiodies 12:15--CUC Jn-wr. Prouram Resume 12:30 B.-C. Farm Broadcast 3:00 Ethel anrf Albert 3: 15 -Spotlight On a Star 3:20 -Sketches In .Melody 3:30 DivertimiJhW' ' 3:45 BBC News 3:55 U.N. Commentary three New York telephone oper-ctors, on their afternoon off, recently made a party-line call to Bill at a restaurant here. Just wanted to talk with their movie CIVIC "CENTRE Whafs iXeiv (il 11:15 Songs of Today 12:55 Recorded Interlude 1:00 Concert Hour 1:30-Bcrnie Braden Tells a Story 1 :4.'i - Coin't'y Consumer 2:00 -3.C. School Bdct. 1:30 Musical Program 2:45 Western Five, Ottawa 11:30 Weather Forecast 11 :31 Message Period 11:33 Recorded Interlude Mrs. Ray tier Montgomery left last week for Ruskin, acoom-panied by her two children, to join Mr. Montgomery and spend the summer in the south. DOLL DRESSING -There are They will be able to make slip 11:45 Let's Waltz just two more doll dressina hero. "As long as It's the females who arc being aggressive," Brenda smiles. "Now, If it were the other way around . . .! " It did annoy her that Bill never complained about her own movie love-making with Errol Flymi and others. ("She didn't do so bad," Bill remarks.) Except lor JOY ALL! nit Viiiiililv, with i i.MimM. lIlilllllT ,. and .'10' morn JWi.MII.I. -1-1 1 1 i I you all. and to travel covers, hassocks and can also recover other items of their own furniture. Those interested in making hassocks should speak early to their butcher or grocer tor butter or cheese boxes. classes this season. This Wednesday all the girls are to brins their dolls with ail tn.e'othcs they have made for thorn.- A . It's so different today I lWf'' Iwf f life, I i 1 Aski At "WhlsDerlna sewing machine is Ul'.ir Dor- the forthcoming rowed so that all tho partly made i clothes can be cewn nu and fin ished. Though the Hobby Show, MISS DOBBIE IS Smith," Brenda has sidetracked her career to bring up their children. He calls her by her real name, Ardls. The lloldens live in the big- SIRS THAT "BREATHE"! is some time off on April 27 jt is hoped to have all the dolls ready for it before llie end of jdcii-ure of ridiii- in I "ear tliat 'lli riie iiraling and. vriitilating NURSES' HEAD Miss Edna Dobhie R.N., ? i'ic aiMilmnul f'i rniiijilrli'ly has, homcK-and-lots-of-lawn suburb of Toluca Lake, In the San Fer the classes. The clothes being the been elected president of f iiin air to every nui.t anl corner of llie Ulterior 4 - and keeps "Iiim elear ill all weatlit-r. (Huaty ill ujili'iiial at extra cobt.) made for the bii; doll that is to'! Prince Rupert Chapter of the I be raffled are being brought! Registered Norses Association o I &ZZZ&A l,M ' S i L il -J K I next, week .so the thiu can be putt British Columbia with Miss Mar- on. disnlav. .- Kavet Sleeve' as viec-Dresldent: ' nando Valley. Around 7 p.m. their three youngsters U t 21 years arc in nihilities and bathrobes on a living-room davenport, absorbed iy-blackrae comedy on television. No actor is a star to lite own kids. Youths who come to the , fc ,. ,-.; - ., i tiitiSr' Barbara, Jolinsonr secret- HOME FURNiailING COURSE 'W, and Miss P. M. Mooney, Miss Eileen Cross, home cpcmi- treasurer. '.Miss Dobbte was ap- 'HE'S A REVELATION! I'fnf"1 I'llilUvJ Kuee k-, i' rnliiiH-J with nei : airjj.iiio tyic sliock alt. i!ai rear, and extra lowr :,5, fines llie staliility. idoor for Bill's autograph are. to omist. of the University of B.C. pointed delegate to a con von 1 Extension Department, will at- jon of the Graduate Nurses rive in Prince Rupert on Maich Association of British Columbli' j nr. u.. r,.,-,,i. i, t.ti be hplri In Vnne.fiiiver Anrii 11-year-old Virginia, "silly." Fan magazine photos of the Holdens are noted by the Children without comment. After attending Raiding the store-room whs mi rni-oiintp-tl iu (ili-rn (lioiicrr diiyn. Itiil IkiIhv r.ilI mi llm ji J T 'aJ ojkly yuu Lave AU. iltl iiin.-j in imiimii- lngs will be given over a two-. 22-23. A dance and raffle will b: week period with two evening held April 29. . t I iiaiitry fir di'lifitMif I'ostV (rn'-ju INtslV Criipi'-INuts f'tikes liavi lliiil Hiilif-iitiililr (iraiM'-Miils fliivtir in m.0 hom-v polilcii flakr fnriii. liiry prfxiilr ilouri-tiiuriit ri'rrr-tmv. iic-il. uffiil qiiiuilili' if ruruuhydriilnK iiiiriii.-s, niint'ralii uud 41I licrCnoi rshrnliuL. S11 . l 11 L I y wrvcil; ho truly poitd. lour fiocf lua I'list's GlilB-.utB I tlkch. '. ' tu. mr,rt Pi-run rilMi-nHn" five-! ICWUmiiiv .,, ,-nnM,, for Peter u'a;,n '"- mitii"b j . . . vear-old West (short uliulild l'riup no ri prixif. Vu mrd tirvcr run linrt of tlii lirulllifiil, rcjily-lo-cat. t:uxy-to-lii;t rerraL it's jicrfcit for llie brlweru-iuciil Miuik. West Hold t said merely VltUb IH ... ... ft r t ftftr: 11 ... n t of each week, ana llie oiner u- iviciicou . saueu ihsi v.oi uin "a westerif Dicture. Thursdays and Sat- nignt, on tne Uociuitiam ior a dui riri,H "nirt vnu see daddv 'Tuesdays ! : LY ONE WORLD'S CHAMPION ENGINE! imr re.v(,, f Cliendel's sturdy VlC-inIIral tert niiK. in nil Qievrolet modi-Is . . . tog.-tber with all fci"iiey--ainp reonomy of rratioii and upkeep htl iKirW,, ,1mm linn engine for miles berved, owners i vtan te?lej and provrd. D,u l""".vu, - , l,J,. Dnoiclrlinnc Clio nnw triD to Vancouver. nicintrrioitpri v "Yean, i vv.b.oM.t.w.. in By CHICK YOUNG -No Extra Handling BLONDIE 1 , .. . -. I saw you." West reported sadly the other tre office with participants stat-day, "Rickey (a playuiatc'i says ; ing which class they will attend youVe nothing but an actor."! ' Bill retorted, "Tell him his DEMON IN SMITHY father Is nothing but the vice- MONTREAL, P Zoulou, a president of an oil company!" Montreal police horse, will be . : .void to the highest bidder soon FORM A.A. CHAPTER ! because he has an Achilles AMHERST, N.S., (P A chap-1 heel. One of the most popular , f Aifniiolirs' Anonymous 1 horses with city mounted pol- ''lisfiiiiliiiiii1111'' in iiiiitti T fiiilil! liilh ' 11 a" '"'j'" it s 1 i li 1 1' j "j , , OP BPEAD IN THE ' - f just R GUT 1 J (, V0U5T RIGHT! , f. TOASTER FOR ME, ) . . DEAPi X ' ' X " V r PLEA5E, J? v , - r i t S r I THE COMFORTS! 'Mwicr Tor vimpW, cav :; Haiiiti;.(;,.ariiii with ulaiisinii-sioii for m:ii-''-WW: and liim FoiiihIh-'"Jar Innne for ride-;! .eadinex! iinsiir-''' Cliewiilet price range. i I I I ihas been formed Here. Meeting in ill he held every Wednesday icemen, Zoulou could not see the sense of bcin shod. Whenever thus was attempted the otherwise docile animal would kick and become the demon of the city stables. and It is understood that a number of citizens are takinti an active interest in the SWIFTLY AND SAFELY! wii-Safe llvdra.ili.- '( Ve filler (;,! wj, Growing Pains e mi; ihest ''''' hraking action for '"wliinily, I On Keditccd Prices m I T WASH VOUP I' Sufm- , J SX"1 'Kfa ThmT I'm NOT ''n H V MANDS FOR )fS -rTu 7 f ' ALLOWED TO X Cy, U' SUPPER rlDEClPEP J 1 A Y rJ H STreETst t U MAM0N --I MORE MONEY, TOO! J'"lri is drsiiird, rttinmcJ and built to hkJ all these 14 . "'' J niM au iiiioiMvenieiils at the loiresl mica and '"('(inn .. . - The New York diamond market has been rather quiet -veenUy and prices have taken a temporary ' drop. - operation ami upkeep. i to offer the re- For the next 30 days we are able tempting values. In some cases some very 'CENTRE-POINT DESIGN! w 'it i 1 Way cnginiTriiia mlvaiu rrlu CENTUt roiN CTEERINO - - - c ..riM.. ... MUli-l in Us Iiiid. anil f'lirmwhtlfv ill. ductio.t Is as much as 20 to Now is a good time to buy-a $100 ring would thus .ost only $80 and a $30 ring only $40. Other prices would be accordingly. -Give Him Beans, Blondie! una 1 tferillii- f1.,.,!!'.,;..! 0 (.cutre of Gravi.y .J "r lls'ension gives tW new - iimvp ni' can only last as long "nving results without pre- I " r T 1 ll-nll.,1 stocks are gone. until present the market is slow or I PROMISE, ' FPOM NOW 1- . in Mw-ist motoring. That .' ' N f VOU WERE we ALWAVS KISSES j I'M ( HELLO, ) afR0MANT,C VtP?. WOODLEV ""HELLOy C I'VE BcEN ( , V DEftR y -ttFT'Tr UkEw R: BEFOR-e we looks r negligent, V, CtNTM-fOINT JEATINO om i'll STOP IN MiOUg. b.s stork any time. f I nt.irl to show our ... "u,'l ri.lillg.niUic hmJ a new kind ''klni-r ri-rvcd for owners of ,Js. KcincnilHir only new Centre-. , R,v Vuii Ml ,1, r... WITH 1 , iiOtN FOR SUPPER tf' , VVOODLEy ) VJ?A ! IOWEK rffvN CFNTUt OF yr- CltAVIIY (5Ski w new Clifviolet Lriiigs you CENTKE-POINT SUSPENSION A PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS ,. , r-a?y-wit.". i;i u- ....... ....... -