.Prince Rupert .'Symphony Orches FRIDAY, MARCH 25, 8 P.M. PROCEEDS FOR v FRIDAY, MARCH 25, 8 rPiroiniee Rupert Hear Fine Program And Support A Good Cause :THE You can support the . . . t7 Pr'nce Rupert Film Council FilmC ouncil PROGRAM and Prince Rupert Symphony Orchestra ARE WORTHY OF YOUR FULLEST SUPPORT - Plan to attend the Grand Concert you'll enjoy the fine program and will be making a direct contribution to community enterprise. show your appreciation of . . Prince Rupert's Symphony Orck and enjoy an evening of fine er.tr by attending this GRAND CONC Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co-operative Association ORMES DRlj O CANADA TANCREO - OVERTl RE Chechia Rossini A lively and melodious Overture, by the nineteenth century Italian composer Rossini, perhaps better known as the composer of the Operas ' The Barber of Serine" and -William Tell."' TWO MINUETS (a) MINUET IX E FLAT W. A. Mwart " (b) MINUET IX G MAJOR I. J. Paderewski A group of two Minuets, the first, in E Hat, by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart the second, originally composed for the Piano, by the eminent Polish Pianist Paderewski. and later arranged for Orchestra. Mr HEART AT THY SWEET VOICE Camille Saint-Saeiis TRUMPET SOLO Ge. J. Rrawn. Sotott This famous and dramatic aria, from the French Opera "Samson and Deliia." while originally w-ritten for the Contralto voice, has become one of the best known Solos for the Tr.unpet. It is performed here by Geo. J. Brown, First Trumpet of the Orchestra, with full Orchestral Accompaniment. SERENADE - LES MILLIONS D'ARLEQOX R, Drif In this melodious little work, popularly known as " Drigos Serenade," the principal melody is given to the First Violins. VICTOR HERBERT FAVORITES (SELECTION) .,, YWUr Herbert A collection of well-knowt melodies from the Operettas of Victor Herbert arranged by Harold Sanford. INTERMISSION IN A PERSIAN MARKET INTERMEZZO - SCEXE Albert W. Keleifcy The composer gives us the following description of this scene: "The Camel drivers gradually approach: the beautiful Princess enters the market place, and slays to watch the jugglers and snake-charmers: the Caliph passes through nd interrupts the entertainment: the beggars are heard, the Princess prepares to depart and the caravan resumes its journey, leaving the market place deserted. ARTISTS LIFE - WALTZ j.ha Str Jf. One of the best -known WaiUes of the Austrian composer Johann Straass. Jr, the "Walta King. We are proud to add our support to the BEST WISHES TO THE PRINCE RUPERT FILM COUNCIL AND THE PRINCE RUPERT SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA, TWO COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS WHICH DESERVE FULL SUPPORT. TREAT YOURSELF TO AN ENJOYABLE EVENING ATTEND THE GRANT) CONCERT. Prince Rupert Film Courx aad la extend Best Wishes to the Prince Rupert Symphony Ore1 GORDON A ANDERSON LTD. BROWNWO0I Cur-Best Wishes . GOOD WISHES to the Prince R'jpert F-x BEST OF LUCK to the Prince Rupert Syxc and may the GraM Ccaeert hate the sacss Attend the (Wand Concert We can t think of a more p isut way of showing appreciation for the ociribu lions made to the community by the Prince Rupert Film Council and the Symphony Orchestra The Variety Store ORCHESTRA Best of Luck... t the Prince Rupert Film Council and the Prince Rupert . Symphony Orchestra Success...; to the GRAND CONCERT Fraser & Payne THE BUND PLOUGHMAN KEEP OX HOPIX MARGARET SEXDAJX Mfjio Sopnno to the Prince Rupert FUm Council and the Prince Rupert Symphony Orchestra, two commanity orgaruaa-tions we are especially proud to rapport. M. RadeUffe-Iua F. Stata ALETTA GHJCER Accompanist WAnS & NICKE PRATER OF TtLVNKSGIVING A. Valerias A slow, rnrtociois Foik Son? of the Netherlands, com- f-wi m tne year ijss, oy Adrian us Valerius. SONGS .J SCOTLIND Arr. J. IWe.alt La tape A grand selection of Scottish Folk Sonjs and Dances, feat-aria? the iricas instruments of the Orchestra compiled and arranged by i. Bode wait Lampe. ORCHESTRA GOD SAVE THE KING Burns & Co. FOLLOW TKS CROWDS TO THE GRAND CONCERT and show your appreciation tor the fine work beirt dene by the PRINCE Rl PERT FILM COUNCIL and the PRINCE RUPERT STMPHONT ORCHESTRA." WALLACE PHARMACY LTD. TO THE PRINCE RUPERT FI1M COVNC. PRINCE RUPERT STMFHONT ORCHiSTSA -i CESS ATTEND THEIR (RAND CONCEET & futtre AcnvrnES. r.cRae Bros. LI Conratutk-u to the Prince Ripert T-z. C1 Prince Rupert Sympfeocy Orchestra cc ?J and Best Wishes for future success. We extend our compliments to the Prince Rupert Film Council and the Prince Rupert Symphony Orchestra for the excellent service they are rendering the community and wish them success with their A DOUBLE CHANCE TO CONTRIBUTE TO COMMUNITY ENTERPRISE ' ATTEND THE GRAND CONCERT a:d show ywtr loyalty aad appreciation to the Prm Ha- pert Fiira Owuica and Priac Rupert Sympfccsy Orchestra Commercial Hotel Wh appreciate the fine work being done bv ttie Prince RupertFilm CouncU and w"e take this opportunity of wishing: success to it and to Prince Rupert Symphony Orchestra CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORAGE COMPANY LTD. A rbisdUry ef British Columbia Packers Ltd.. Vancouver, a. C Packers and Distributors of the Famous i n rr m ii m t i r l ahi Grand Concert We hirCij tacors the comaxurctr ff-.r5 o: Ce Prlaee Rupert F&n Cooocil and the Pns.ce Kupert Syxtp&jcy Orwstra ad Iheai ett-T ucc&s with their Grand Cvr-.vrt RUPERT. BRAND" We wish every success to the FFJM FILM COUNXIL and the PRlNCSj; S YMPHOX Y OP.CH ESTRA-3'jLS Concert he a SeH-OuL Prince Rupert, B. C. Phoned P.O. Cox 659 -Fashion Footwear NORTHERN B.C. POWER CO. LTD. D0M5' DEPARTMENT 0