8 Prince Rupert Dailp nctos iPVDftC DCTAIll Wednesday, March 23. 1919 U I KU J KlIAIN TODAY 7:00 - i):25 "D"el in i 7.7.7.! ELM WOOD KNOT 1 1 THURSDAY Toig "I.ucU," Snort Koiarians After Bridge Disaster Nature wrought consummate 'mi ly and fashioned a tree on an i f""t Ontario hillside and, after a long catalogue of vicissitudes, that elm arrived in Prince Rupert KIPERT MAILS TAX CITS (Continued from Page 1) price. This is drastic enough to amount almost to removal. However, they saw themselves taking a loss on stock already on hand since it was purchased at the taxed price with no apparent allowance for refund. "I guess we will Just have to take it," said one. "We can always hope that elimination of the tax will stimulate buying." Renival of the 15 percent transportation tax was seen as a big help to Prince Rupert because of its distance from other centres providing the. transportation companies do not slap on immediate fare boosts. One transportation company ir Vv. a I J , ' "'...' f'-fz "V-1 where it was put to peculiar use : It has become the cherished j -i k j prize of a bloodless battle be REBEKAH FASHION SHOW WEDNESDAY NIGHT, 8 131 MARCH 21 ODDFELLOWS' HALL Admission 50c - FASHIONS BY Iween two groups of strong tut far-frorn -silent men. Resurrected from limbo alter its apparently final use as a railway flatcar stake, that exiled cousin of Charlie McCarthy was placed on a lathe at the dry dock and turned into a trophy by A. J. Croxford, skillful ar i it. : WALLACE'S-or r MAN Hl'D BH9HBBBIIBIBBH tisan. Thereafter, as a master-1 vanau.au nauouu-sata mis uve-April 1. it would boost u morning that it was dropping ratcs l0 take U) the the tax, effective today, on both ,... rIlnrm XTF boat and rail fares. The lwoC"C?L'"' n'RS(, other steamship companies had! i hnmatlon o he tax on MINE MlS'r: IiSrN jJSar mf t i 4. What does the word "ag in., -n.,l.,J , 41 I Better English By D. C. WILLIAMS - - at UU i ill BLIND MOTHERS AND WIVES Learn the principles of Home Nursing'.'as taught by Red Cross in more than 300 Canadian gravate" mean? 5. W7hat is a word beginning with pre that means "taking mi- piece of natural and human creativeness, it departed far from its initial .perfection. What follows is a chapter that Rotarians would give much to ; morning but it was believed 1mcd,?U! 1rctJ"ct'on fru,n 8c to 7t likely that word would be re-'1" P"ce ,al'Ir"Bt Ue Sto,e- 11 niav rcsuit n he ma"u'ture eelved sometime during the day.1 PutUnB a larger bar f, - U With the tax i wiped out. first u oie 10114' 5 Tu,lsly alierr,,; suffering arr" and fog, from an forget. For that with its trophy, J )deflnitcly. We wlU be wilins two inscribed plaques, is a sym due liberties; overbold"? ANSWERS 1. Say, "I am somewhat (or rather) tired." 2. Pronounce da-nop-man, first a as in. day, oo as in too, second a as in ah. to meet you again at an early , ' OC K 1 lCC S0"1C lW 'UolC Class Kt.pamKhln fnr l V., -. bol of their defeat on two oc date." ', 1. What is wrong with this ..sentence? "I am sort of tired." 2. What is the correct pronunciation of '-denouement"? 3. Which one of those words is misspelled? Parochialism, parsimonious, paroxism. Modern Etiquette By ROBERTA LEE i vn.iiUtiij a CV w 11 tWU ;ver will be $31.50 as compared 1,,..,, . casions to the Gyro Club at the salers believe. One merchant, The lunch, which followed' looking u..; mi i ' to $3G 25 with the tax for a onc- uiluBC lauif. xiie secona rame thcse courtesies was on the .' WaV lieket. and S"fi 7fl fir a rnmul accent second syllable. 3. Par-. iin niarKea aecisiveness last' Rotarians Q When calling for a young ; trl Uckct It rormcriv wa. UAJ"""- 10 me worse or more ai xne uivic centre. Gyro players were Duncan Mc- situation over, voiced a word of a an caution. j01k- Dr A.I. "This has been described as a ""'dlcul toitt 'normalcy' budget and .if it is ; "d '"mg Ir so. we can cxDect different, rnn . 1 . 10 'njifti; $05.20. The provincial 3 percent tax still stands. 4 u.i.w.uij "'wjmh ui iu iiri- juuiuuus iJiujuig imiuenceu me v, p Miiis w n , . lady, is it proper to blow the automobile horn to announce one's arrival? A. Most Certainly not. The ghbors aggravated Tom's evening's results is purely a mat sor- rlitlnn frnm . !!,. - I Mpllal hwt The Canadian Pacific Air row." 5. Presumps uous v.iwov v. i iiavt known in the past." he said. "It Lines e office had a received "ceivcd no no of 5 J i i KEN'S RADIO CLINIC For Satisfactory Service Call 53 718 Second Avenue West girls father would be Justified'"1 of- Dally He,,. J Jack Lindsay, Bob McKay, jr. Dr. R. G. Large, Dr. A. W. Large W. J. Scott. Rotary players-Lee Gordon George Dybhavn, L. M. Felsen- means that the economy is down ter of viewpoint. Rotarians mutter dourly of "luck" while their Gyro opponents chirp blithely oi "skill and experience." , Total point results, based on 111 IVAUOAllg HIV ...M. WuicK ReiuiU MULTIPLYING MICE Mice bring forth as ma.'.y as uns mornine nor could t.n melt hi,;(nm ai n. 17 litters a year. ana me gin sncuia icei ine same way about this lack of courtesy. thal. F. B. Woods-Johnson. C.P.A.L. agent E. C. Williams gravy is gone. From now on, we say what the company's policy, will be operating on our earn-might be. TransCanada Air ings and not on money stored T.hmc its mi .-.tti..- . . i 1.. ii o... . x.uims a, u,e uve tauies w D VaRce j D MfR Jack 111 PlaV: f ATr-T c,H tl ...u rr Q. When a person inadvert- 29,830. . Style Beauty Parlor I Elkins, T. N. Youngs. cntly Jar. another, should hcnounccd " ' nt tt u t " 0 say, "Pardon me ? A. "Pardon me" is not good j BiaiMfcBMWMBMBMMB.MBMMM form. It is regarded as too ab Rotarians, 10,570. Gyro team captain Joe Scott accepted the knot of clmwoori vviUi the following generous offer: "If you Rotarians feel vou rupt. It is better to say, "I beg,' TRAIN SCHEDULE For the East Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 8:00 p.m. From the East Tuesdav. Thursday. K:it 111-:1? Ray Reflects . . . your pardon," or, "I am sorry." Q. Is there any time when a husband or a wife is justified in TOM GO WAN has taken over the Style Beauty Parlor, formerly operated by Miss Connie Michel. MR. GOWAN is thoroughly experienced in all tvpe.s of Permanent Waving and all lines of Beauty Culture, as he has had 13 years experience in this business. He is ably assisted by MISS EILEEN MORRISON oi Vancouver. lour continued patronage will be appreciated G9 need any further instruction in the fine noints u... - of VA hriHop I'm 1 111 If:' r. r v. . ... . una and Reminisces ixcnumscas n. it is vriy i uue anu in I. bred to do so. .wk, - ' 1 . sure that the Gyros will be more ' 10:45 P-m- than willing to give you another! lesson" SPANISH FOUNDERS Rotary team captain Norton Santa Fe is the second oldest Timings replied: ci,y in the united States It was "Such luck cannot continue- settled bv Suaniards in innfi ! It seems clear that in Ottawa, lived awhile and graoally de- aoter-isire- auay' thCre 15 n deep yearnln8 to hear clined. Whatever it is in a conv (Tim Buck's message of light. It position that puts soul in a mel- Classified brings results. j .was expected ne would speak lnody is hard to define but it is the Chateau Laurier but the there. It has to be. i management hold the vitw the! Chateau is a hotel instead or a After performing a pretty building where controversial sub-j powerful spell of having ooli- IxV.tV, SCAMPERS '! eaiiMP ! jecu', are airea. There are feasts chans for dinner, spread over but more substantial than feasts the past few weeks, It might be of eloquence. Tim was in Prince' a wisp nreennfinn tn t?il- u f(. - wik A . - " ' I KLf i - i T ir mil . i I , , V- la k . . . more imiMi liv.- r :iSt0it--0mmr . ! Rupert years ago. sneakintr in shnt i.f Ki.inh.ir mi i the Capitol Theatre on a Sun- The stuff has served In the past, day forenoon. There was a good- and while somewhat gooey and lVt- ? lesiSn. Keep ,...ir feet r. l S . . , . ' . J i u ana an oueriy audience messy can do no real harm. For You'll find iti ection of In: fira,v Flannel and Sharkskin To cumpiinw n.ui menu DUCK KCM COOl and I.' K II cnrinir o,l o.l.., pears to be the main objective with everyone. choost a fH Coat. SUU ; $341 WRATH ALL'S PHOTO FINISHING i Developing, Printing I Enlarging QUICK SERVICE AC! FASHION FOOTWEAR ! " , ; fc.,j U ulsUL ' j CfiBQtA I FOR ALL TYPES OF PRINTING- j & j . ..,zi : rrSTi! j CEREAL or fTPORRIDGE! SEE , amg-gpB f,-'- v.-i-w i t CLOTHIM Professional Supplies Mennonitcs who left Manitoba for Paraguary last spring are glad of the chance to come back They have had all they want of South America. Paraguay governments never last long. There have been three different administrations in less than a year. Clearing jungles means extremely hard work and not without risks. Thert, there are other vexations and disappointment. Promises are not kept. ThP Men-nonites had prospered In th.j Canadian West. But evidently that was not good enough. HOLLYWOOD cafe 1 Most Up-to-Date Cafe in ' fl the City Open from 8 p.m. to 4 a.m. Wc Specialize in Chinese DW rnnp kitf.y f'liow MI ... VAr fifft i&'Xf ' - v "Springtime In the Rockies" meant something twenty years ago. It still does, in a way. But. the popularity that heard it, whistled and sung, it seemed! everywhere, is missing today. Like so many so-called hits, it -w m. mm m. - FOR OUTSIDE ORDERS PBOM A. Macli IF FURNTT 0 BUILDING LITTLE ...... t ini ii III IF SI ins IS BUILDING BIG Oriental V Unit Will' IS ( nliinii Prices from SJ nsJI WHICHEVEIl IT IS YOU'LL GET SATISFACTION WHEN YOU DEAL WITH US CONSTRUCTION IS OUR BUSINESS Plumbing or Heating Call SMITH & ELKINS Phone 174 Box 274 inu,S2 3rd) PACIFIC 0 LOOK F(f R THE " , SMm.E II Remember. t ' 'n "i . caill I nC,VV 1C'U AINU. Sunday, 10 p.m.. Coquitlam II V A - 1gf- " WHITE " i ALICE ARM, STEWAHT AI J V , 1 I fJl1 ' port simpson J kV'tV pff 227 1 J Aitxrrii ihP. GOLD SEAL LABEL f , r,V ! WPmffitffi I, ' " , ., CHARLOTTE ISLANDS I klfifefcj if- -i s.s. Coquitlam.March 11 and I ' Ul?EII I REAL ESTATE ( 25 10 p m ' J SHl K ' INSURANCE Itl ; SSn,S .w,, " INCOME TAX I s.s Coquitlam, Mar. 4, Mar. 18, feMPpNS RETURNS PREPARED j 10 p.m. Vw ' W'fefPSPlSM ? ' I FRANK J. SKINNER . NMV fffjTWW I h. MOlrlMVI? MOIvTIMLK I I IV. Prince Rupert Agent . V j ' I 324 2nd Ave. (Near CFPR) Third Avenue Phone DOS ' St U) n . ' S jSSjS-'""' . ' Niogura Falli, Ontari X Stevedoring & Contra COMPANY UJHTKP - nrl Con v Vllvl OI K.J IV TVUMi - Stevedores for Canadian National MITCHELL & CURRIE LTD. Builders and Contractors PHONE 303 OFF UK AD CABLE ADDRESS , "PACIFICO" 1H1NCK BIT rM,," : VISIT--- MAENSONw AIVJ?LE WHEN YOU PURCHASE YOUR ff SONSUJ Gift a 20 Cash JDJJ Manson's Jewellers To Select the Most Cherished Gift of All . . . , - . K )Mm&. mm. hJfmJ Oil .".yorthtwo in the bush. So remember, when puttlg yjiiL!g Friendly Jeweller. " Free Insurance-Free Inspection and Polishing Service-Every Ring Guaranteed PerW Hitthonthe jcr Engagement Ring I This Is oenous!