Prince Uupett Dailg J3ttost " Wednesday, March 23, 1949 Social Doings Radio Dial wvu,UUUuns 10 inu Vernon will be welcomed) CFPR U 1240 Kilocycles (Subject to Change) MUSIC, FOOD AMD SOCIAL GRACE WILL ATTEND ROTARY SPRING TEA V ' i 1 1 ' ' ' - WEDNESDAY PM, 3:30 Divertimento 3:45-BBC News 3:55 U.N. Com't'y 4:00 tximunc! liotkritrpr 4:15 Stock Quotation.1- ..i:rj Int. 4:30 Maggie Muggins 4:45 Listening The suave touch and delicate social grace of Prince Rupert's Rotarians will be on display next month for the second time in three years when the club puts on its second Daffodil Tea at the Civic Centre. ' With similar aplomb (o that w hich won them social distinction two years ago;-' - the club men will don the pink Blackaby and Bill Bu.sscy, who ST. effective relief from SrC; III ! UDACHE, the aches ' f -4 A If ' " :'',v $ 'r r y pains of COLDS, jrific, Neurog'c pains a.u.i unu wieia me tea and cof- has been called in to join the ' lee urns In .the Interests of pub-'corps of swamis who will lurk uk weu-Deing, wen, aware that their proficiency' might lead teaspoon salt and 2 cups cold! beneath simulated Bedouin tents. Some of the more versatile members of the club will also water In a two-quart saucepan.! them Into the danger of greater domestic chores at home. But they are willing to take a 5:00 Rendezvous Room 5:30 Musical Cocktaiis ' 5:45 Supper Varieties 6:00 Supper Serenade 6:15 Sammy Kaye 6:30 Musical Varieties' 6:45 Plantation House Party 7:00 CBC News . 7:15--CBC News Roundup 7:30 Carmen Torres, 8:00 Julius Caesar 8:30 Juno and the Poyeock 9:00 The Great Election 9:30 -Feature on Sir J. Boyd lu;0U CBC News 10:10 CBC News 10:15 Eaiie Birney ' double for models in the fashion chance on maktaprthcir'Vccom-t'sliow which is being conceived Cover with a tight-litting lid. Set over a hot Ilame until It boils vigorously. Then reduce the heat as low as possible and simmer foi 14 minutes more. During this time the rice will absorb 'mm? yiuuuiuiu MIUW11 WJ W pUDllC Vy n. o. i"i ICKLl aUIl. The finest products at the dis and their wives for ,to a man, they have responded to the clarion call of project chairman Martin F. Stuart. Recalling the success of their original effort. the water and coinc out dtl-j " ' ' -f f " ' -''- -i 'rJf , - posal of a group of men famous for their appreciation of good cookery will be on sae at the home cooking booth by W! D. Vance, Trevor Hill and J. E. Bod-die. General catering for the tea itself will be under direction Vy Recipe 1AMI PEAS I ii;, end f winter, j j,',,, th- If'l "f rc-j 'J selves loo often. l(; ',.:(' b!'!T'l li I unyUiins that's a' l-ii and tempting ' J.,, or tu cat. That's intonations lift the' L tabic. Especially 1 ,. combinations of ,.h as this dish .w,kwl peas fresh, I lZ(.!i -with rice and I .simple seasonings I uuk's finger tips. j In this regard, they feel that they can even carry the thing off without the loss pf that most Cherished possession their male liciously tender. Remove the lid to permit the rice to steam dry. Lift rice with a fork to test its consistency. Never stir rice while cooking and the grains will be separate and tender. Makes approximately 2' b cups fullfy white rice. Keep left-over cooked rice in a covered bow) in refrigera of Roy Van der Sluys. Master of ceremonies for the various activities will be E. T. dignity. The dowager touch at the pouring table will bi lent by Dr. L. W. Kergin, P; II. tinzey, S. D. Johnston and Inspector F. B. Applewhaite. The raffle booths will be looked after by E. V. tor you'll find it handy next time you're in a hurry to fix a quick meal. ooked fresh- Whiting, James Rogerson, Fred Hemsworth and Howard McLe;.n. In charge of prizes will bt! Bill Terry, Bruce Brown and Bob McKay. Treasurers will be club 12:15 CBC NeS ' ' 'HI j 12:25 Program Resume j , l-:30 B.C. Farm Broadcast ( 12:55 Recorded'' Interlude 1:00 Concert, Hour ; 1:30 Bernie. Braden Tells a! Story J 1:45 Commentary Deeds 2:00 B.C. School Bdct. 2:30 Musical' Program (Oil.) j S.45 Western Five 3:00 Ethel and Albert 3:15 Spotlight, on a Star . 3:20 Sketches in Melody ' DOUBLE TROUBLE ', HURLEY, Berkshire, Eng,l! 1 canned peas Woods - Johnson ;,who have agreed to take that distinctive post for the afternoon. While they pour, the auditorium will ring lyrically to cham GIRL PERFORMS SELF-MUTILATION Pearl Polishchuk, who went east from the Peace River district during war-time labor shortage and worked for a.time in St. Catherines. Ont., before going to Toronto, was found in her Toronto rooming huse lying in a pool of blood. Police sai dthere was a saw-toothed bread knife beside her and both her legs were almost severed above the knees. For the past five years she worked for a knitting company where she had often told the part-owner she would " like to see the other side." She was a member of the Onward ehurch whose minister says the girl wanted to be a minister. In her purse were a number of religious tracts and a letter from a brother in Manitoba. She is expected to live, according to hospital reports. JmoKcd rice , ,n;, butler or mar- 10:30 London Studio Concerts 11:00 Weather Foiecast and Sign Off THURSDAY-A.M. 7:00 Musical Crock 8:00 CBC News 8:15 Morning Song , 8:30 Music for Moderns 8:45. Little Concert 9:00 BBC News and Com'ty 9:15 Morning Devotions 9:30 Morning Concert 9:59 Time Signal 10:00 Ellen Harris 10:15 Morning Melodies )C:30 Roundup Time iu:45 Scandinavian Melodies 11:00 Musical Varieties 11:15 Songs of Today 11:30 Weather Forecast 11:31 Message Period 11:33 Recoraed Interlude '11:45--Let's Waltz j ' r.M.' : 12:00 Mid-Day Mc:octies President D. C. Stevenson and Mix cooked rice and peas together and heat thoroughly in a saucepan over a low flame. Add butter and seasonings and blend well but be careful that the peas are not mashed. Turn out into a hot serving bewi and sprinkle with cheese. William Simmons. T. Norton Youngs will be in charge of tickets and Alex McRae will be at the door. .ns grated cheese iprika to taste .1- i i irry, u u- sntu ber music by a talented group of Instrumentalists made available for the occasion by H. T. Lock. There might, it is, anticipated, even be the presence of the Rotary Male Chorus to add a vocal touch. Through, the vernal, floral- i of white rice, 1 that means a few inches apart ADIAN ARMY "INSURANCE FOR PEACE" with a sunflower or hollyhock 2 or 3 feet, medium tali shrubs such as ordinary spires, pretty close to 4 feet, and with a maple oanKca setting, rugged groups Fishing In the Tttamesj John; Holland entanglecl his taCkl in. the branches of a tree.Whilel trying to free itiie tore hisupperj lip. Then he fell' breakidg his; " ' nose. ARDEN 'NOIEBO .UK tree the space between woiua oe at least 30 feet. A rencil Will Help A pencil Harden started at the proper will prove a most useful tool in' time, and to prevent duplication the gardener's kit, and it should1 and crowding. be the first one to use each sea- Lavins Out the Garden For of serviteurs will bustle, providing nourishment to the guests. ' This , team, which has already entered rigorous training under j direction of George' Mitchell, will consist of W. D. McAra, Stewart Donaldson, Oeorge Dybhavn, C H. Elklns, L, M. Felsenthal, Lee Gordon. J. C. Gllker, Jim Orcer, Dr. W. S. Kergin, George Green, John McLeod, Jack'McBae, Alderman H. S. Whalen. Sgt. L. A. N. Pottcrton, A. D. Ritchie, J. H. Thompson, C. L. Youngman and Alderman T. B. Black. An uncertified glimpse into son. True, it is not much use tlic vegetables planning is simple out in the garden itself, but with mathematics. It is just a case of j a few pieces of paper and per- determining how much space is j haps a small ruler it will come available and then laying thisi in mighty handy for planning.' out in rows of various widths.! And planning is an important FW?- vegetables' -of 'medium size j and pleasant part of gardening, like beans, letiuce, carrots and j It is not necessary to have an such things it is best to leave at ; exact blue print, or even a plan least a foot between rows and drawn to scale, though a rough up to twice this much will not ; future events will be made avail to see sketch in the proper proportion, hurt. More space between maltes ' able to anyone wishing " t V. 4 - - i what lies ahead through the offices of A. P. Crawley, G. R. S. I I :.. ' i ... w.ih tne prominent features cultivation easier. Larger grow-like the house, garage, walks, 'ing things like potatoes, peas, trees, etc., marked in about the corn, etc., should have at least right places! will make things two feet between rows, and a neater and easier. . yard will not be too much, es- The main thing about plan- pecially where a garden tractor ning, however, is to help get the- is to be" used for cultivation. -- .Three feet apart is about tne -ft j right distance for tomatoes, too, l? i nlthlnie.h they can go closer if 0m, , fry ' llbtef m m V' !; mi m m$ fe i fi ,(i ii if; ,, mm j they 'are staked. With sprawly tti,y vines lite cucumuers, melons i , ,, , . ..i ' ano small sqimsu, uic ucl piuu is to plant in hills of a foot to 18 1 M you handle her notice inches square and at least two EAl.ED. TENDERS. utfriri'HM'd Ui 1.h inirt m 11 r k V tl fCCt UCtWCCn. Tentlcr for Erection of a Cnmbiucdl pbnnv-.r I'luuer (Urden For niitnlliLi. n.wl I iT 1-. ' lit ill tin r.K'IllVel I .mil powerful, ihcge giiinis rotir tlirvup;li or lawns and iin to 12 o'clock noon.' Wcrlncstluv. lnc HOwei gaioen f 't un (ilitai lr. In ihe Arnionred (krps as shrubbery about the house, the e?cperts usually advise an ih- M tilt' lll':illl-llou tf t ".:ill:lll:l'k lll'U' ArillV April 6. 1!4!I. for the erection of u ! coinljilH'tl Dwcilinn and I,i(,'lit, at E;:s; Island. Qviixn Charlotte Sound, B.C. Plans. BpeciCitiitioiis .labour con-dilums. form of contract mid tender formal layout. By tnat, however, they don't mean just plant orms may uc oouuneu on applica ie .or ri ai ii()i'lunit it s for advancement imiIiI (m to lcnrn u iiftrful trule liks I''liiinj.. r.ii priii r. X-ruy KKi'ialist, aceounl-i. i,,..L,,. .1 - ...t ..f i TRY IT WITH-fe LEFTOVER MEATS m t,!u'AS! i tion to the Agent. Marine Services Department of Transport. 1'rtncu linpert. B.C.. upon receipt of an ar ccpicd checpie made payable to llio Heceiver General of Canada for th: sum of tlOOU Tins cne,up will ti-nturned upon tiie return of the plaiiB and specifications in good MteZVZ'Z.- P li 'HW I V i t, ; i'ww'T'' ii in i ji i n ii tt pc r .vi-i " " ti"r i i ' ' 11 . i i ' i i i i i v - 1 1 WW ing anywhere or, as one wit suggested, mixing a dozen packets of seeds together and sowing broadcast. . It may sound a bit Irish but what these experienced gardeners have in mind is a carefully planned layout to produce the informal effect, and it is not difficult to accomplish. A few simple rules will help. First, and of great import I ' '"Tinii. mil iiit- .uui uiuiu; ii I ""' uiaiiy oilier trades. I'"r eiuiile, lliere ii luries ri-lii now willi tin: Hoyul C.uimdian I 'Hiiiiin il Corps fr drnrris niecliiinieii, piiimers I'"1 w'i'elcnH operators. ISever before, lias llie condition Additional Information to the site of the work and in-pretatton of plans and spccilini- ' lions may also he obtained lroiu t!in ! ..i,i A,...,,t ,.t T.i,,rr. I?m.,rt f'n li.ul ko in licit lo offer Mum'' men to beln 1 "-IBP-- Each tender must he accompanied by a eertnieu cheque on chartered Canadian bank equal to ten per cent SUNDAY isn't the only day : you can take the little woman 1,11 Imilil miiiiiiI, secure enrerrs. -il your nearest recruiting ofliec noon. Get' '' 'oiupleie details on career opportunities "shi plans, niedieal and denial care. You are 'S'lile H ym, nro j-7 yPlir(i f ,. or 0ver ami 1 out for dinner.. . , ance, is the lawn. No. matter how small the amount of ground to be landscaped It is advisable to have a piece of lawn in the centre and foreground. Around this the flowers and shrubbery are grouped with, the house in the background. There is noth- (1UI of the tender price payable to the order of the Receiver Ucnera. of Canada, which cheque will be forfeited In the event ol a tenderer refusing to enter into a contract 01. the basis of his tender, if callc: upon to do so, or failtnn to satislau toiily complete such a contract t heques or unsuccessful tenderers Will be returned. 111 "icel lb,. Army's requirements. ' Try treating her to a dinner during the week with maybe a show afterward. CIVIC CENTRE DINING ROOM 'JZLZ.ZZ w n "noli a tfcll kept lawn to show N. 11 I'eriDimel Oppnt. Illi Atmti X lliiihbur Strt, JvUhv, VANLOUVt'.n, D.C. off tlie rest. One sliwild keep in mind the j mature height of the plants,! ' - i ' For Chickcn-iii-the-KouRli l- considered. Ihe Diipnrtmcnt, does not bind Itself to ucccpt the lowest or any tender. ' P. T. COLLINS, Secretary. Department of Transport. Ottawa. Onturio, March 17, 11)49 shrubbery and trees ti be used.1! . -yEEi-iNG up with the times is the responsibility o every Canadian, business. The latest addition to our cotton mill unit at Magog, 15 J Quebec, is an indication of Dominion Textile's appreciation o this fact. Designed on the latest structural plans for such plants, the building is air-conditioned throughout, equipped with fluorescent, lighting and the most modern cotton textile machinery, ; ' 4 It combines healthful, pleasant working conditions for the employee! with a production efficiency which means more and better cotton .good for Canadian consumers at the lowest possible prices. DOMINION TEXTILE COMPANY LIMITED For Reservations ! rilONE RED 705 Allow half as much space between as these individuals will finally grow. With an aster, CANADIAN ARMY ACTIVE FORCE Now! (70) GIVE GENEROUSLY Porch Paint Manufacturers of f0C'T$ 'Product "jl i a slIPle matter to keep your steps and veranda lookinc; cheerful, using- BAPCO PORCH' PAINT pson Hardware Co. Ltd.