I this request. His p'anei are i Prince Rupert D?.i!y News Ruhbrooit Height, before the winter sets In and Editor, Daily News: ; e have recurrence of I read your very compimen- year when was uexr to ed. tonal on the eood lob ib-e to have coal, oil or erocer- i LETTERBOX Tr.iiy. Aug-a: 25, lilO : SO IES. aha: happens If and SITE SCR IPTION RATES By Carrier. rr Week, 20c; Per Month, 73c; Per Tear. , i the city, with the assistance of ies delivered. I think most cf the tVHT THE SECRECY? " : the provincial government, have pecp.e living on the above Editor, Daily News: done cn the downtown streets streets are sc.idly behind my re- This mornin i announcement and 1 heartily approve, but quest. Q 7 r v See ID it when the Chinese mainland Red armies carry out their long planned tnrasion f Formosa? i J30O; By Mail, Per Month 50c; Per Year $3.00. "i? Suppose the VJS r.eet defeats cvsr station CFPR that "owmi nat about the forgotten tax- this invasion 'as I l-e 1Ure it to draiaiitaiei bevond our payers ut in the "Suets," name- Yours for better streets. JAMES McK. ANDREW Aa tedependect dai:y newspaper OvoVd to the upbuilding of Prine P.upert and nor.herri and central British Columbia -Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau or Circulation Canadian Daily Newspaper Association O. A.. HUNTfcK, Managing Editor. H. O. PERRY. Managing Director ; could i would not the result be control we are unable to bring y Fir5t' Overlook Street, Pugot ;mar between China and the you the news" Just about 'burnt Avenue. PUgot Place. Second ! IT S A O 1 t,t v . . , t r)Vr!n kr Street anH Hrmsn 1 ton; Arivertiw thoiiaH mis; n . ' t-- t - pi i.nnp nun BrtTr me up- " y ciiai we ce ioa B ELMORE PHILPO I I Hn tn th iom. v.. ... Srrt Rnr w it l ih.ii.1 tim - - - - i itriwrj me nature oi me circum- ... coiiid our men be fthtfog under stances is? Is It X such secret "mhing was done to these 1 .ru .cnAnj ray4 LETTER TO LES. I , Mac Arthur's command in Kor- character that 'he explanation am uta! think most op- i a onH r.t f ifK a w i . Aratnr nf ral lniire t t fitlr (Thi U h, t,.nrH nf tarn . -'- -satiui. ucu.et wou.a enaanger our national " --" urns is use second oi io ,,- if .hoc. , . . . . . . . . vr. tm-b. oa tsvik. open letten to Hon. Lester B Pearson from his bojhood " " u.ior ureu Li tiic " .. iuuuu -u- eaiety.' oareiy we mignt ce Uia tKcrean border? ; If the Interruption is due to a endorse my iUfement. that they ' mm i me;hanKil breakdown iw tn i,n. are a downrient disgrace. school chum and team-mate. So let's have something done WHAT The New favorable -atmospheric . condi . Ap Editorial Experience WE had a unique editorial experience one day this week. Ve wrote an editorial on a very tentious subject and were complimented on our "frirness bv persons on both sides of a current discuss on. Conits ler't Sem u' CatLidusu-sj.; tor Orsrw " ' IN MY former letter 8Ta'Psmn and Nation of Ion- Uoru; or to the lines being dam- ' don says on the front page of its aged, or the result of the raii-Les, I Urged you fellows August 12, 1950, Usue: way strike. Such Information in the Cabinet not "to Send ' u w begin between fotid o harm bat could give , , . , . . , China and the United Stales on tne radl0 ne" conid- a boy to do a mans job. the Issue of Formosa, the a- eration" Lindaay'i fj StorageQ s We do not claim to be experts in compromise or If you are going to send iscr wm not be the com-- f ' diplomacy but it was satisfactorj- to hear that our troops to help reverse the uKah be it . . . , . f 1. 1 t 1 i m - - Plr evance ftgjumt ihe CEC. Why that those on Uie trans- 1 1 pieteiiLaLion oi a cae naa oeen consiaerea iair. mm 4 Of course, this sort of thing could go to extremes. S&y one who tries to please everybody is not going to do anything very constructive. Progress is not aggression in Korea, for the doing ot." a?,th , !tl 5D! service at those cr. tne Genrs! MicArthur. who is fme n ' -ir- J ap-' tne love of MlKe, Semi parentiy mating some'hlng like' Djmlnl0n network? We aU pay fnmmh -a P-rate alliance with Chiang. lhe same cnce fee. I cannot uuu6"- Kai-Shek and the group of conceive of any business firm Send a division, to match the racketeers who surround him treating iu customers In the, ten which the United States will . . way that the CBC does. Where need, from the look of things. I .customers pay the same amount' JOHN Attained hi' h-irtr lor n n.ereiv or(A Parents have the responsibility of being sure their child's eyesight is clear and Keen. Children who are reluctant to study or whose marks are low usually have some eye deficiency. agreeable, lhose who reaJK- fin thJnrra Mnn.'if nlunvs rinv-p tV,Pir par tn BUIE But don't send a single Can-; ,""7 7 Yrr 1 they get the same goods, the ; .... aiuv ... o-a mru luiLra uLra lib j unci 1 1 1 i.i rw CI1T r ... ,. , .!!.. 1 .v. tKo orrmnfl .adjan. Les, un.ess you get uus In k.v, .v. same quauty and the same " T ,. . , Korea-Fcrmosa contradiction d'onT amount- lon t all radio r t ended tn fia In the editorial inhere there are two general cleared up in advance. idtter it u cur duty send Ucence hokJer4 get elual treat- --classes of writers-those who carefully tr' to 1 PAPERS m.orldi ... . Id in an emergency such as1 "MeUow Mature ' The Optometrist is at your service to examine their eyes and give counsel on ' corrective measures. 1 .guard against illwill and those who are reckless of are wamir.e asainst the elarin! Z h , ' a crlme 10 exijU a' present we should get John ly1 the Far East. ic' " . V" i. J uc people expect and deserve aU ! Ttrf i iic iui uiwHi mrieen consideration. In Korea the VS. is on solid help from Canada and help from what they say and who it hits. The former may tend to lack lustre and interest. The latter provoke " interest if not goodwill. tu; There must be constructive criticism if there -PAID-UP- and ' FED-UP-RADIO LICENCE HOIJDER. morai ana iegai grouna. ine chian Kai-ShUr thu dvertiKment is not published a Aiplyed by the Liquor Control Bord m t rtt GovrKnJ oi Ekitiah OriitUa R-w.c: aggression against the lawful- " government of South Korea was; i a clear-cut violation of world1 Mr- and Mrs Ed.-rd Gladding . law For even the nrimitive and and child, who have been on a IH:i-;MtTraiTn is going to be progress and achievement Author jut There is a question of Which 13 the more Useful crude law written in the UX! three weeks 'holiday visit to! nxcrtr. Contact &t t Serriett xjl -- cmm iv-narxer jeavea no room tor Vancouver, Seattle ; and Nara-doubt about rights and wrongs. , , , i there. ' mata, returned home on yester- ! But in proclaiming properly5 A7 aflernoon Po "editor the one who draws bouquets or the one , -Who gets the brickbats. The latter, in the end, probably commands more attention and gets more done. See the net J ELEfTKOin POUvffi Applies th ir I Ormes s trr land promptly the intenUon to, .resist by fore the aggression 'against South Korea, the Am-! eric an government simultan-i eo:y proclaimed an utterly il-1 j legal and unwise action. It said " that American sea and air forces . would protect the Chinese island i , of Formosa against attack from ' ! the Chinese mainland ; in other j Newest Skope$, Size$ and Fabrics Low Priced (or Smart Wardrobes! -4 PECSI Phone todijfsri stration of 5 OUTLAWING LEGAL STRIKES FTER having been bold, or shall we say indis-SsjA creet, enough to suggest, as it impended, "at a railway strike in Canada was unlikely, we might be expected to hesitate about making any "further predictions on the subject. of the ELEC2.: pinnFiEHiKiJ i worcs k announced its inten-;tkn of taking direct part in a Chinese civil war which has been going on for over twenty- five years. FLOOR pr the Pioneer Druggists PRESCRIPTION SERVICE However, it has been suggested that the government might propose to the forthcoming special session of Parliament legislation that would have the effect of outlawing strikes on the railways or in! other essential services. i To give this amazins act'on sme basis of justification the . VS. government declared that ; It was asking Chiang Kai-Shek s ; armed forces in Formosa to re-ifrain frcm further attack on Doily Delivery Service PHONE 81 c8 While we do not, of course, know what is going mainland. , , , , .i , !. As you know. Us, Chiangs to be proposed, we can be very sure that any pro- , forces have not compiled with posal of such outlasving would not be accepted by Parliament without fight even in the face of the SHOP AT - THE B.C. CLOTHIERS THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS OF GOOD FOR etc furious emergency that now exists. Outlawing of the strike weapon, especially when it is legally exercised, -and the Prime Minister himself emphasized the fact that this strike is a legal one, would not be such an easy matter, - In the totalitarian countries, strikes can be out- awed and the worker can be told when and how he Fashion Footwear LiMUt Buildtn i C CLOTHES AND SHOES AT REAL SAVINGS!! SALE OPENS 9.30 a.m. MEN'S SUITS DRESS PANTS SPORT JACKETS I49.5A to S56.e0 SUITS. Woollen Gabardines and Worsteds , Now frojp S37.50 825.80 TOPCOATS. These are a real buy at ihL price .., $16.00 $29.50 MEN'S SPORT JACKETS. You an save on these .. ... ... $2q'm $7.50 to $18.00 MEN'S DRESS PANTS. Hand tailored from $5.00 MEN'S DRESS AND WORK SHIRTS T-SHIRTS $3.25 DRESS SHIRTS. These are fine quality Shirts Now $2.25 $5.50 SPORTS KHIRTS. The Latest Styles Now at $3.95 $2.75 WORK SHIRTS. Priced for quick sale Now Jl.KO $1.50 T-SHIRTS. These are the T-Shirts you have been took'.'.; for Now at $1.00 going to work. In a democratic country it is different Limiting of the workers' right of action, even iff.some people might not agree with its employment, ..would seem very much like conflicting with the principles of democracy which we have cherished so" much. m In this case, it is unfortunate that a situation should have been allowed to arise where such a proposal as is now discussed could even have to be suggested, much less entertained. HOLLYWOOD CAFE HOBBY V NOVEL TOY! MOST UP-TO-DATE CAFE IN THE CITY OPEN FROM 3:30 P.M. TO J:30 A.M. We Specialize in Chinese Disnes CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN For Outside Orders PHONE 133 SCRIPTURE PASSAGE FOR TODAY But what shall it profit a man, if he gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?" Mark 8: 38. MEN'S SOX DRESS & WORK GOOD QUALITY WORK SOX .. From pr. 40c DRESS SOX at real savings .... From pr. 45c MEN'S WORK PANTS - LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S HOSE LADIES' STOCKINGS Now pr. 30c Children's Sockees Reg. 35c . .. Now pr. 20c DENIMS GLOVES 3 FEEL LIKE LOAFIN? MEN'S FIIIE DUCHAIilE WORK i'ANTS. We have a large selection of Work Pants made of hsrd wearing materials. From . - $2.95 DENIMS. Sturdy Denims. All sizes " Now from $2.85 WORK GLOVES. Yonr choice of a wide selection ;......... Prioed from 40c MEN'S JACKETS AND WINDBR EAKERS PLAID JACKETS. A complete selection of all all types .. Now from $6.95 WINDBREAKERS. 36 to 42. These were $5.00 T..... Now for $2.95 BOYS' PANTS DENIMS JACKETS OUTFIT THE YOUNG FEL LOWS FOR SCIfOOL HERE. BOYS' DENIMS. Sturdy, well made Denims. Regular $3.50 Now $2.25 BOYS' ALL WOOL PANTS. You will find what he needs ihe're From $2.95 BOYS' ALL WOOL SWEATERS. Good quali r perfect fit From $1.50 hind I 1 FAST EFFICIENT SERVICE We know that when you order printed matter, you want delivery as soon as possible. That is why we've arranged for rapid printing anc1 rapid delivery on all orders. Call us! Prompt and LOAFERS i!ov at ENGINES BOYS SHOWERPROOF WINDBKEAKER8. He will -need on of these Now $1.95 Cjsiiwnwoods j Phone 234 I Jii 3RD STREET, PRINCE RUPERT l I ' PRINTERS STATIONERS OFFICE SUPPLIES Hr,i ... winrt MEN'S OXFORDS AND SHOES AND BOOTS $4.95 to $6.00 MEN S WORK OXFORDS. Solid and Strong. MEN'S OXFORDS. Good Year Welts and Fancy Trims From $6.00 MEN'S 4 BOYS' RUBBER BOOTS MEN'S LACE RUBBER BOOTS .. Now $3.30 MEN'S KNEE OOTS Now $3.80 Boys' Lace RUBBER BOOTS From $2.25 . i.i tun "j T mirM hr&fK mi ana ,j Soli N ' ) Halll'Ut "LT IN CHOOSING A DIAMOND Let our years of experience with Precious Stones be your guide A REMINDER! l.rlnUS B. C. CLOTHIERS Ltd. ON 3RD AVE. SINCE 1930 PHONE BLACK 324 - Pay your bills In full TODAY so that your Credit will be good TOMORROW! CREDIT BUREAU OF PRINCE RUPERT ". to B.enU I t'C n GEORGE COOK JEWELLER Box 1188 Phone e