rTZ Prince Rupert Daily rNtwi tViee-P rincipol Of ! School is Named Friday, Aurust 25. 1950" Walter Thompson ItAYI FOR AISANsM , ' . For the team to play asair.s? ; jAiyar-sh in the challenge fact-j ball ease tomorrow evening the! Plenty of Coal On Hand in Cit usiness nd L. E. S'.ach. of the Department of Transport left on today's plane 'for- Vancouver. Mr. Slacht's' headquarters are in Ottawa. I Being Honored .f i V"T"D CAT .rit, the fields of nr. . ,. .a .fTi 'r' . " as.: S- I -jmic reunions w:ii father in M:mtxl Rf.- October 7. to honor Waiter S ; JJrcfej s.ici. jinompson, CiE, retiring Dir-tthe rewr oi r-do.-e. Relations for the resu.t. there is now enool?h coai Canadian National System at ajon hand in the yards to meet' testmcnial dinner sponsored by, norma! demands smfl Septem-i the Montreal Men's Press Club. r 15 or later. Inquiry e'iciu The dinner win be under the tha hr bas been iittle, if any, patronage of a national commit- !tndencJ r o panic buying of coal, ftee headed by Prime Minister I nre-.Lot; is St. Laurent and will be J aiienoea Dy members of the :"s tro -3r- the United Zr ar!Q ,ne nile1 Kmgdorn. Pres C5nbrs organizing com- , , -sssrsi 5""5 .ri.u. j mark , th. -n,. - - v.itAun VI ttri s stosi b: BUI ,L oLa, a,ia moii or nis 35 yeafs of service to Canada's1 ncreasea its night schedule.. active life was spent in Western Railways. After lolnin the Q'Jn Charlotte Airlines are recomputed Car.aia ar.d or. U tt,L k. t w A "Zlivin. mr- orrt .. .. . i ui:& aiiu vriaria ittjtk & - c .ouj iwi Choir Group Flying Home Following the conclusion their coneert at the First United Church last evening the members of the Egar Junior Choir ; from Vancouver were in a very Jovial mood. They explained. when they had c aimed dewn a bit, that they were on the last leg of their long trip and would j be home t&day. Through the co-operation of Canadian Pacific Airlines. Direc- tor C. L. Rnciater said that the members left by two special ' flights from here starting at 7 j vzpit MSfes-v the er0liP hai Je Vancou- ; I r l7V a theii 'jubilation on having the lor.z itinerarv ar..i ?L ay 'e' a r rrnai i tribute to their conductor , ar.d to Mrs. Flndlater. their ; ciiaperon. they gaUiered round the piano and sar.g. with rare gusto and verve. For They A - Jolly Good FeUows" wf.h Kuesii oi nonor m the centre.! They were a happy group. : LOST - - UTsT. iair of. elasses. ' t XJ InnhC Reward. ziX; Pacific in 1914 Mr Thompson ! charter flishU. With only one became Director of Pub!5c;ty ! P:an stationed at Prince Ru-i when those lines amalgamated ! n- Q'Jen Charlotte Airlines' into the Canadian National ! ar taxed to the utmost to keep Svstem in 1922 Subseqnently he 'even wUh demands. One of their also became responsible for all 1 P-w has been transferred to' CUR. advertia-.r.g. From 1537 to!A:iJord Bay and another, is on! Gordon Freeman has been appointed vice-principal of Kin? ; Edvard Elementary School as' jfrcm the commencement of the I xottheoran fall tefm. Miss ML' r - . Dorothy Robertson is among the' i nsembers of the staff of this school i Nobby Clarke I Passes Away I Another of Prince Rupert's pwneefs and war veterans died' recenUy in the person of George Nobby Clarke, who passed away - "' ""MU- H'jr; had a loie rine 1 Mr. Harke came from Truro.' Vn.iP...: . . - MrTed trough the First Great War in the 7th Bn C.EF. He is Hmved by a brother in East-1 era Canada. As far as known there are no relatives on the coast. , He was a tailor, and for a eond many years was in busing m 6th Street. of BCILDERS lc CONTRACTORS MODERK Pairjn g and Decor- aRd tuik i Ph-ii taone. Biacg 21a. evenings or, COMPLETE builders suDDlies fast service, aland City Bj:;d- we oucpes. tiiue 820. (18na) P521" fnfl Heaant- Sneet Metai work Tar and gravel Rooflr.z. CaH 629 6th West Phone 543. Letourneau and Sons. (jf, Ji, 7- IZ .'" TgnZZ Newton. Black 89 i8rn GORDON D New wirk or inpplied-A: tr. 5 r and stov-j grr,' HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Wavtni Beauty Culture to an fts bracehea 204 4th Street Phone 83$ CHIROPRACTOR JOHN F. L. HtJOHES, D C. 21-22 Qesner Block Houts. 10:30-12:30 & J-5 Evenings, Mon. St Fri. 7:30 Phone Blue 442 colussi's music store Agents for the finest In Musical Instruments PIANOS TUNED . AND RECONDITIONED 210 4th St. Ph. Black 389 A. P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 1118 Melville Street VANCOUVER, B.C. GEORGE R0RIE & CO. , Public Accountants and Audi-I tors. Income Tax Returns compiled. O. L. RORIE. A A E. S.,B. LAIRD, B. Comm. Besner Block Phone J87 HANDYAMN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of ad kinds ROOFS CHIMNEYS OIL BURNERS PHONES Black 334 Red 894 ' p. o. Box mo It all adds ud to a wise act eoEditlorj! ran: feet tatiSiccr, lerre 733 5:h WtS -1 Kotice, MaLge . SPECIAL DISPLAY. DOUBLE PRICE QV AITT7 E-For Dstt-jc;,. and WrJ VAC SHOE HC3 Box 774 for Rrsr " i RJF"T-Room to r. ! Mi T-Roomaa5 t r&Joom for rent. Phone B.k trn.. .... MATH' Mr. r.O. Box llil. (tl) - FOR Phone Blue 111 ?f 330 SetiH Prince Ey. There Is not m.-h rt3nr o,. o .J 'T. ! . "." " . "S "5 v t coa' oeiore me railway s-nke is .r.ti over irai Local w-i ria Vr .,.i. build up their stockpiles durine ! summer months and. as xi I f j Air I ratA! fW Mil 1 1 U I Wl . Mounting - p huik lucressro aemanas adian Pacify Airline ha. Charter to the fisheries board. Last Sunday the line brought a survey party that has been i vrtrn a irs in in the U5e Meziadin MeaiaOin Lake' Lake jdistricL They have returned to Victoria. The helicopter used! the survey is now at the air, base at Seal Cove receiving an: overhaul. It will be used for' more work in this district before 1 being sent back to Vancouver.! PEot on the -helicopter is Bill! McLeod. while the engineer is1 Slg. Hubinig. I Progress On Liquor Store It Work tm the new Itauof store ' Avenue is coming i alcn well. The only r.y that, now tarn no in the ointment vuc rjcui:r.y ie tan ana ' steamship strike might drag: However, most materia' completion of the project are ' nana, and there should little delay in finishing It. With Its 100 foot frontage on Second Avenue and 60 footi Offices and wash rooms for the staff and a large storaee ca-! rn .... '.OCS room WU' DC around the east and north of t.-tj, uuuumj;. j .Jftrday the cement base for j - -sc ouvji jk m QBCK poured. The ground was excavated down f V --J UA 11 make sure of a solid footing. The rouh roof and roifgh floor are completed now. 1 0 8EALFD 'l-ETOERS addressed to undemlirned. and endorsed TENDER FOR SEAPLANE LAND-' INO. MASSET. BC . wtu be rewtwd ' until 3 00 PM 1ED8 T1. WEDNES- j DAT. SEPTEMBER 13. 1950. j Plana, form ol contract and upect- ficatlon can be seen and forma Of , tender obtained at the of fic of the r Chief Engineer. Department of Pub- i Worka. Ottawa, at the office of District Emrineer. Poat OffK Building. New Westminster, B.C.. and the Post Offices at Mswtett. Prince Rupert and Vancouver. B C. NOTE.-Upon application to the undersigned, the Department will ' supply blue-print and specification the work on deposit of a urm at 20 00 in the form of certified bank cheque payable to the order of j Minister of Public Works. The! deposit will be released on the return the blue-prints and specification within a month from the date of re-1 ception of tenders. If not returned' Tl1!" h" the epostt win forfeited. lenders win not De considered un-; made on printed forms supplied ( me uepartment and In accord ance with conditions set forth there I . . , hlL". must be companled certified cheque on a chartered b?n.k ,nlf,a?da' p-le th order Minister of Public Works, or Bonds as specified in the form ! tanla. ... a un uiount V.. A. AAKKAWAT. Actlne Becretam. Department of Public Works. No. 2ii Cow Bav.'Elaci l'.1"' mum , . j '-J-J -f i FOR RENT S'.eeoir.j room for . two. X18 eta West 201d. Ft rm prvr RE3T-Sleeotn? cr rxm for woir-ar.. Prone Green 270 a.ter 7 c-m. iVio for kEKT-pr- rd ist 2 men. Pr.or.e Rrl fA. FOE. RE?TT- l-rxm ftrmi-hed "- rrsjTJi Ked To) tiy, &Si RE?rr Tro-room.4oat-?-r-t. No cridxtii. "43 Mh Are. West. ,Vip, PEESOXAL MARINE and e en erai sheet cni cimh. ' i depth, the building without par-metal work. Thorn Sheet r'V m,fT J ZZlZl . tltions. appears tremendous. Works. B.ac& $24. . -rtri ie i r--. o i When It is completed, it will : (18m . an Acurto. Tmc H. J-o i have a SD-acioiW mihli- riv.-n ! i Prince Rupert eleven wH he Mazzor.t. o:sen. Darrow Ootr.ei. Gomez. Pat Pat Wilson. Wilson Pavhk Pavr.fci ... . . . e Smith. ' "i""-"-"'5. ArmstroT.g. -.-.un.j. Murray. John aiuim T r"' er?U90T1- " Gomez- ' "a DS,lPr' GE-NER'- MOTORS' LIE-l'P For their match with the Heavy Battery this evening in ' the Manson Cup competition the I team to represent the General Motors will be chosen from fioulter. Prke, Weliens. Horneil. Olsen. Ford, Lien, John Wiison. ' 'Pat Wilson, Reynolds, Youden.l . I Or A W v- n tmc ana jee. XSK- F6f ' SCOTLAND'S fAvouiite Son JOHNNIE WALKER SCOTCH WHISKY v. OIN Hid STlli COlNO STONG fCCtl f good Scotch DhtiUed, Blended ana Bottled in Scotland JOHN WALKER I SONS LTD. Scoteh Whisky DuMWi KllMAINOCK, SCOIIAMD I ' - i This' 4riu-w advertisement or 1 1- . ... w is . ..... not dud- ' 61 K lRL """f ernment of Brith Colirmbla, .1 I . m v i Mi a CAR GOT HIGHWAY ' HOBBLE? If your car bumps along the highway, making life uncomfortable for you and the family, better drive up here for service on your springs and shock absorbers. The cost Is low and i e f t i e e is rapid. Drive up today! Bob Parker Ltd. Ford-Monarch Dealers Ihe Home of Friendly Service. Prince Rupert, B.C. Always Prompt and Courteous) j We re Here to Serv; rou VI Commodore Cafe? I Hospitality and Oood Food" ' Phert It for Send-Out Orders l d, Ave.- David ChOW. Mgr.S , . ( St. Phone 649 -i ,J2? Rroert Order House, wish JT2--''0ar:e their manv eu- 1343 he perforfed the same , functions for Trans-Canada Air Lines. out Recognized .ciursrjr.j gcnrraiiy generally a3 ju the irir i dean of public relations profes- sion In Canada- Mr. Thompson handled the press releases for on many of Canada's most distinguished r!ifoTS, Ineludina His Royal Highness the Duk? of S Wir.d.scr wheT Prince of Wales. and the Rt. Hon. David Lloyd George. He served as Chairman the National Publicity Committee on the occasion of the Diamond Jubilee of Canada in 1527 and oreani?ed press arrangements for the Royal visit to the Dominion. At the outbreak of World Ward n he organized CensrshiT and PjW'e Inform-! tion Services for the Dominion Government m can ( w I I out. DCTAKTMEXT OF TRADE A.VD COMMERCE s iot TiNcra so. c a-ws i on ' second tender call ;tI FD TEXDERS wioOTd is 3 frxM mt ts T-r-irr ; T4 ion .'it b, rcV4 it th. Cnm CooTeml nu (onf" "- - . No voir I will il h fXi-HAtni ripn im'iWf wim m a for u! at: UM-t. .! it.,t w tkt urmt foru r rfana a art HfBA .. PM tad wi. . kZlJL. 1JZm. I ".Ir.Th UWUJ Umi1. (7 l.Ta M.ftl, r. si t : was 5? Ami-?' " i fZZ . b m.tid -h rimx) ) mhun. nn. ri timis w. si i iihJt th OrMnartMi leytin F.irhanca ' w " '. MSI next Hft'i v ft.. aurtttivr. ' . arvl flw Cnwiat f ust OtTm, Pruara Rtfrt, B.C. F.l fawl Wa ..nt..! I . frlrt"4 rhTW oa a rttartd hank m ana.ia , u iiv itnv-r on.ti o C'anatls. or hy btiw hnnda. aa aLNtrtrtpti in 'Y.l'"" nS"l',;J'".2? "ral tl'i' aVrtWIflt to n or trUoeT, AB dfr' mi- win s rK.inH . to it mio euntrart the th work hTi rviftrtTi to do n or f harm T.tTM mtn Th wff or wry trnor will oot rsxvs- CANADIAN COM MERCIAL CORPORATK 1. d. McCarthy, lie 8wtary. the Ottawa. Ontario, Aufuat 17, IKS. at "- 7"' of I.NT ACT the Notice of Intention fo (plr of to Lraae I .anil In the Atlln Land Recording Dis trict of British Columbia, and aitu- " e Atim Townsite Lake shore i be u-ontage between High and Low wawr mark, and fronttng on Lake less Street near the foot of Rank Street. and laying beneath the present dt Wharf Structure. Toba. ..... . . i . t n in. in..... Ilia, i . nariKr nCKVL. Prospector, of Atlin. B.C.. occupation Pronectm., V . ny lease of the following described lands :-Commenctng at Post No 1. S' being Its Easterly cor th?nce Nor- therlv 80 feet wt.n. inn rt ' J -" - -- ruu' x "y all. I I . i 'more "l.a or wmmciicemcuv j Avwel1 alVJ 33 1 bJiit--LoSd Ph and it pays off . "1-s aiiC1 overcoats j T.-o.-n $31 fj. )t, FOR SALE ( j . T1H P!t,.-. I j i cUuon. Phone Red 240 dTioi FOR SALE Coal and wood Vve ii5. Phone B.ue di&cl , FOR SALE Cor-r ch!" ran- fk e 3,J- '1P, FOR SALE BS chesterfield maienins; chair ar.d ta'o.e a.i j'jr yvjm. taoir.ei raiso i loO.OO. Aatlv Vj4 i-.b E 201p FOR SALE 1537 Ford sedan' tverriau.ed. 20 : tn Ave. West Paor-.e Oreen zzi. . 20is tO.-C SALE Self-stoker Tron Fireman furnace ral' pmi 234 after 6 orn. ' 2&1d' F(.'fr";Bl? chesterfield ' 6 '201;, -8tn -Weit- "t':J'u-'r!fIiw sooxing coal and wood stove. 202 &th West. Kftasonabie. Phone Green 725! iuip; FOR SALE Fnmed oak dirin? table and chairs. aio .lS'. Vi113,1""- CaJ1 at 326 6th : pft SALE Buffet and tab'e ; Phone Red 471 iO i -K SALE'43 fTne i,-ton ' ITUCC- A-l condition PT )tt KIT P . It.." ,,. newr new. tv, Tmt"? ma l V u,""( '" i Room 51. Prince RuDert Hotel j (2fi3ni ! ' r' v52.Hav Ave. Phone tsiacic mi. . (201P11 WHEN YOU SHOP WA-rro " ,FOR SALE Man's bicvcle. good WATCH Kecrarrs Dromnt ef.n-' concition. Ji5. Ao viainnt went, aem.ee Georee Co.it! veneer 6-ofece dinTne -f-,ier. rom Saasfacuoo rcaran-i suite: excellent ; S mmm xt i ca.-. blrxes SPECIALIST' ef7e &e'7lr-.& Retains. G. D Qr'y'a Bc j3 at, tyi REAL ESI AH '-' J1 SALE Tao-room cabin on two we.i cleared lots, well lo- LM "11 j ACCOC rTTANTS ( " ' - - - l rLHLJC ACCOUNTANT b'nsw q lax soecja.ist. S O Furk a u "- . . tk - 20m) ( . ' FOR SALE OR TRADE ! DEALERS TN ALLTYPESoi us1? wuioawntT mill, mi" - algin .uddii; new and ued ire rooe: diw and fit- iinas: chain, steel oiate and ar snaDes Alias Iron & Met?lj Ltd.. 25 Prior Pt Vancouver BC Phone PaclfS? 7 tf i "' HtXF WAKTEU r ft HELP WANTED ranah w. man ....... ior nouseneeoer. jvyu.icikccwci . Biiiau lamuv. nleasan' Drivate room, HO V.'lXinff. s!e'n in nr nit Box 780. Dailv News. (200c) Oi HELP WANTED Bovs or trials ' " -' ncna luuwrs ft otee Dally News. -the Kiioert Radio and Electric txDenence and personality reoulred reoaireo. ttii ' WANTED ' WAN FUl V.. w.,l three-room suite for , AddIv Box J202D1 !mi!l V n WANTED Room and board by two hieh school eirls. 199c) commodatlon. 2 or 3 rooms . - " uvA luat a-fauj News. (203P1 - . WANTED Small furnished ap-, ?rtJ"ent or hW bv OUlet re-' i'3,01 COUDle. Phone Blue 11- (201DI . . wavtfti fmror, .t k, . , r -ov. uiacKi Conner. batteries inri rarti. T n . . i-iZr "5'. '-"1'rs- f3", 781. Daily News -i "LTi-. -urwm. suite.: -.. niita rariner. en1 tarilo riin. WAVTFn OUICK SALE Chesterfield WANTED Voune couDle. ex-suive. larze. 3 pieces, sorini?-' pectine baby in few weeks are 1li-ea ciiiihinnr hr.ur.rH v.,.a I desnertlv in noori orine. mattress: dnj.sser'i "I arawers; LeSaee iurnLsnea. or what have vou? j? and bench, excellent) Mrs- Findiav. St. Elmo. (200p) condition. 1402 6th Ave Ean ln,.xTc . (200fi WAJlTED to cre tor WOTkinK woman S or widower's home vca lJn J5AL15 oars.... 1 Ynrfv ti'. ; r, f rvr tn rnrtmi Dr.. TBI r.. . : I J I eT fs-x ) JIIa) ( fe P""' 4 A( r?' u.. rjrif.e or. v l'Wi iVi trm avaiia&.e. ' . -tc.j . . ut-ttji . : aiu ana Dair.i- te'y,,. IE HOME for large family -oniror.e wanting revenue V fTV f rat. w irm rratn rroer.i louncatm. hot air lumaoe: iarge r,lavrr-vm to hii-. . . I" .......i.i. i.-ti ;tj;i-rT.f; ui suite. Located well ir.'lde bridge. U c.oe to schools. Can be oouznt for casn or ternw. ror in.'orrr.a'ifin or Lnsoection ee Kot-ert E. ISonUdor L'd - '2041 tCi SALE! 5-room house, full U(unent ba-se-rient. 2 baih- ii.j artd suite with 2 corner . jVi- harbor ie. Phone Black "T5? w aooiv 117(1 Ambrose Av-- -etfoe. 2oo0) FOR SALE - 5-room house, carets, oouliie bunk, pioexi-in oil neater, oii stre. vacuum -cleaner. Phcr.e Elack 735. ufi FOR SALE Ei?ht-roomed iuse, two cuitivatd loU. ' near Conrad KTrB., t;iu 5 nfifi 4,uw ca.sn, Balance like rent. ,Phone Blue 24a. 219p) rt cart? or. - ... ""t, ""it urm mnes irom town on vi razrf 4-rijtjm house, bath room, barn! viui.it! . wrjrxunea, l acre garden. i' tralyrries fruit trees also tran line. AddIv to O Mat. Boc 35. Terrace. BC. fhone 23-M. (IWd) FOR SALE-R-rm house. Fifth nvenue jiasi. tsox 7t52 Daily News. , 20tip - FOR SALE Waterfront nroo- erlv on Lakel.se Lae. 2 nhins. alxjut 300 vards south of old hotel. Write Mr. 8. Kohut. New Dodwm Hotel. 25 East Hastinas St., Vancouver. BC. - (III FOR SALE 5-room furnished house with 2 lots. AddIv 436 i Sherbrooke Ave., nr nhnnp RpH FOR SALE Two of the choicest View lots in Section 2 nn Atlln Avenue. ooDosite Gvro Park. E. Mortimer. 324 2nd Ave Phone 88. Real Estate, and Insurance. (1991 ators. Phone M3 Pall fiOQ ath.AL- . . . . lt Etrt rva.. ..."t1"". ""S 1 . U.r?i w .: I afjja mill. I, Ca . - .aaaa- M " I j LING THE TAILOR ' tuuic ' Wlltil ,, , . 2!5r benctl as new: i; rtroo-ieaf kitchen tihln t! drawers: 1 sinzle bed. sonna ar.d mattress, good COnd iti'm ! Pnone Red 915. ltoi'l HI-POWERFD hrTti,Zifi-. "n,.,:. . Jy. "'ortn Ri" write fr.r : :r " ' . o i- t,aiasu. ueai- er ennuiriea lTiiW cr..l Hale? Co I.irf ior r c-. i 114. rt.fi ' FOR RAIP-N k,. VKli'.eDi.neJ cot8 t-'nnainted chests of drawers. Scores ol "IV" ?r'.icies. very reasonably priced. B.C. Furniture Co (tf ' ioTe hlrdS - 70 Cabs. (iit. HV" l j" VYir""? NO,VN NAMES Line-belt Srx-edor Shovels- cranes: Draelines: Adam S?3?.-": Llttleford Bros Black Ton Rnar Mai"enanci; Eouipment: Owen ClamsneD Buckets and Rock Grannies; Ts h. Concrete Mixers: Clark Forklift Trucks: Nelson Bucket Loaders for Stockuile arid Snow Removal: Rice Portable CentrifuKal Pumps: National Dracllne Scraners and Buckets: National All Steel Gasoline Honti: National Portable Sawmills: National Rotary Screens and Conveyors Full information from Na-1 tlonal Machinery Co. Limited VancotiveT. E.C. (tf j IF YOU ARE WISE YOU OUTFIT THE LADS AT THE (tl) : WANTFin Tfm uiTurin. PRICES PAID fnr arar. fXU f5el brass cnnnSr "ffl lrt"- Hones 1 ? IrldinTmm-- gen! madelnSAt0mironDaV: v..o Liu., ajv rrivT ot.. van- couyer. B.C. Phone Pacific . ' BUSINESS OPPORTtNfTx" : FOR SALE 3rd Avenue Business for Sale. Ideal for Woman or Couple. Location is one of the best. ' $5,000.00 WILL HANDLE Information only td those Genuinely Interested S. D. JOHNSTON CO. PHONE 130 ' " " . . . oireei ana nan street North- erly 50 "-Westerly 100 ft.--thence Southerly 60 feet; thence Easterly; 100 fe" to Plnt of commencement; ornd1eSntainlnB 6000 "e roOTei ITeaW n .aa 1 , a! Shelter Dock. HARPER REED. August 1st, 1850. (220; WRATHALL'S PHOTO FINISHING See our Kodak Camera Line-up. Flash attachments for all Cameras. Kodacolor and Kodachrome Film. Developing, Printing and Enlarging. 320 - 3rd Ave. W. LADIES' AND GINTS' TAILORS O MADE TO MEASURE SUITS 0 LATEST STTLES IN COATS O HIGHEST QUALITY O GUARANTEED FIT PRESSING WHILE YOU WAIT LING THE TAILOR SPORTS SHO ' Jackets Trousers 0 Painrnalt HafS Box 286 220 - 6th IIWIIIVVHi