Fiddler Creek are Installing ft Prince Rupert Dany News . Friday, August 25, 1950 District Is 30-ton mill for ore from the Fiddler Creek mine. P. E. Peterson Is In charge of operations. More Active ?iSSC' m Bills High? More Going On Tnau Fur Announcement 1 They hope to be operating by the '.end of September. j Nicholson Creek Mining Corporation Is . diamond drilling from the surface at Orion adit. Kevin Shannon is In charge. Two Years, Says Resident Engineer 1 There Is more minina activity turned homL0? O-W.Nlckerwnieftonyester-famii. vt lln her t0 Vancouver and Seattle. in the district than there ha.3 Trades and Labor Council Labor Day sports, September 4. Dance at Civic Centre. nnj the added com- been for over two years, accord Mr. Hemsworth said that, although the activity is not great, it is encouraging to see more activity. ing to F'. J. Hcmsworlh. Inspector Meeting of International Union of Operating Engineers, Local 510, Friday, Aug. 25, Carpenters' Hal', 8 p.m Be sure anc see ine rurnlturc display by Christie's Woodbilt Products at the Industrial exhib -tion at the Civic Centre Carnival this week. (200j Of Mines, who has iust returned Bazaar, October 4 Catholic from a trip to the Interior. and 5. . .Vv At Hazeiton Western Cobalt. insulated nome uy msiumuy of an EGLAS Roll blankets. EGLAS can easily be installed in your evening, and costs only $6 per in an Rebekah Bazaar. October 18. Uranium Mines Ltd. are working mamm liilliiiiliiidlitiiilliliilliiiui:!'! will be tevrk thi. o,,.bit.h f,o.! - p- Tinker: who has been on the old Victoria property and St. Peter's Fall Bazaar, Oct. 28. C.C.M. BICYCLES and tunneling to investigate under a wonderful sPendln the few weeks in holiday Shop re- opens Monday 9 a.rn. For an-! the clty' ls sallin? by tne Prince Sonja Bazaar, October 27. George tonight for Vancouve CHILDREN'S VEHICLES 1 square reei. enroute back to Naramata on Okanagan Lake where he now ground surface indications of radioactivity. They have also taken over the old Rocher de-Boule property which has been Idle since 19:30. They are retim-bering portals, cleaning ice out Moo.5 Bazaar, fJov. 2 and 3. Legion Auxiliary Fall Bazaar pointments phone 947. 2uu HOW CAN I ? 7 'i Q. How can I prevent white makes his home. EGLAS, complete with vapour barrier, ,.. i i rnilinn ini:t hist roll November 8. t to tit Deiwccii M i- i Modern Etiquette Presbyterian Fall Sale No?. 16. I O.D.I, fall bazaar Niember of tunnels ar.d tixins up the j camps. The Victoria turnel !s on 1 the 5170 foot level and is now 224 feet into the mountain. W. 23. I woodwork from turning yellow? A. If using soap for washing, always use a white soap. Or, to clean white enameled woodwork, use clean turpentine and a soft cloth; polish with a clean cloth. It will remove al lspots without EGLAS can also be installed by your .McGowan is in charee of the L.O.B.A. Bazaar Dec. 1. Q. Should a young man who is hi CONTRACTOR, on a time payment 20 down and I monrns to pay me I removing any of the gloss. engaged to bc married resent questions asked by the girl's father pertaining to his financial affairs, business, and health? A. No, as the father has a operation and Martin Jasper is engineer. G. Cates Is cirrying out a geophysical survty above and below the Silver Standard Mine. At Smithera C, A. Munro's RCA VICTOR'S hce. Q. How can I prevent breaking the meringue when cutting I a pie? I right to be concerned about thing that might effect the nap- INQUIRE TODAY AT A. Dip the knife ink) 50th Anniversary Glacier Gulch Mining Co. is j nutting in an sir compressor and will diamond drill the silver, lead, water before cutting each slice piness of his daughter, of the meringue pie, and see Q. How full should the wine-how neat the slices are, without glass be her. serving wine? beaking or sticking. , A. Half-full Q. How can preserve the Q. Is it cor.ect to seal the en- iert & McCaffery Limited Special MCk'S : Shoes IFor Men : . For over one hundred years Dock's Shoes have been, famous for fine ' ' ; leather, style and Craft- manship. This year Dock's offer a selection of over fifty .styles, The choice of Canadians tor over 50 years. Built for Strength and Durability. See them now at color of green vegetables? velope containing a letter or ln- P.O. BOX 160 116-117-58 or should it be left A. Add a lump of sugar to the i troduction green vegetables when putting j unsealed?. them Into the vessel to boll, and I A. The envelope should not be and zinc leads, hut for thetime will not follow the cold. John NSikora and Oscar Nelson have a hydraulic operation about three mile? up Lome Creek. Ne?" the me"th of the same creek is the dragline operation of Warren and Jones. Another hvdraulic ooeration is that of C. W. Flder at Cold Creek. Silver Standard has been incorporated into Sylvan Co.. which has gained control of the old Duthie and Coronado on Hudson Bay Mountain. . Dcrreen Gold Minos Ltd. on It will remove all spots without sealed.' til U. Every Day ! McBride St. Phone 311 I ! WSimBllUaWi W'ByPHBIMI!' IWWIWPI'II'BWI' WMPH1I!I1 which we believe tabe the finest Shoes they have ever made. 7 Agents Ml ONLY $179.95 1 ) MAKE Dom's Dept. Store YOUR SHOPPING HEADQUARTERS DURING CARNIVAL WEEK Visit Cur Bargain Basement Greatest Value in RCA Victors History Play all record! perfectly, automatically with unmatched mh of operation. Hat Standard Broadcast radio with powerful 6-tub f5fennnnf7fe J10UR 2ltiilUUl!il 1, orformanco. WE WILL BE OPEN TO SERVE EAKFAST AT 6 EVERY MORNING!! ' IS- , Vf Specialize in Steaks and Chops 1 Modorn Styling in lustrout walnuf vonoort. Alto in mahogany or blond at slightly highor cost. Jff n TODAY AT Mdtac "If I asked you once I've asked yoii a nundrcd times to fix the stove . . . Here's your pancakes." SPECIAL BUSINESSMEN'S LUNCH II1S .. in Plumbing Service PHONE 108 ;' PRINCE RUPERT PLUMBING & HEATING BUD KCHUMAN , lOld ruslOftice Bid(.'' 65c MAI . V i'- i (CLOSED ON Sl'NDAY) J Mfffip Classified eas br;ng results. Try a Daily rews Classified W DROP UNBJ REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETVRN3 PREPARED PORTRAITS Films Developed aii'I Prihled - "I'ROMPT SERVICE CUANDLKR'S STUDIO 216 4th Street Bon ,645 Phone Green 333 Prince Rupert Nutty as a Fruit Cake? TrV Ccrtoinly Our Fruit Cakes are Full of Delicious R. E. Mortimer 324 2nd Ave. (Near CFPR) FRESHER Nuts and Fruits. 3J PERT BAKERY LTD. ypURS-fiiple value Crisper flakes! Fresher than other Bran Flakes I Double your money back if you don't agreel Send empty carton to Kcllogg's, Dept. 4 A, London, Ont. Big Economy-Size package! Ji, .J 'i l l ( 8 A KAIEH CO OR " ' HARDWARE if it's Linoleum Y want drop in and :heck our stock of WRN 55 6 i 1 ' HIRAM WALKER'S SPECIAL OLD CANADLN avhisky BOTTLED IN BOND This advertisement Is r.r published or' diapl lyed by the Liquor Control Board or by the government of British Columbia Kcgular sue too! Kellogg s Bran Flokcj contain the bulk many need to keep regular! Try 'em! New exclusive "Signature" pattern silverware offer! Your own initial -on every lovely piece! See back of package fcr details! I "ikT w SERVING THE B.C. COAST O Inlaids ir British made O Congoleum O Hall Runner six and nine feet wib O Floor Mats O Rexoleum Ru PHONE WE DELIVER WRITE 179 251 - 3rd Avenue Box 1137 MOTHBKZ WOWS ft8ST SUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS FROM PRINCE RI'PERT F.;et SKEENA INN PORT ESSINGTON PORT CLEMENTS ' JUSKATLA QUEEN CHARLOTTE CITY ALL1FORD BAY CUMSHEWA INLET SAVE . . . With Electricity tfFfrffrv Special NOTICE Licensed Premises Clean Comfortable - Rooms 11V $139.50 55140.50 "YOUR HOME AWAY FROM HOME' JANET BROWN, Prop. WASHERS G.E. Washer MS9 ... G.E. Washer MS9P . RANGES Moffat Ranges Gurney Ranges RAHGETTES Automatic Oven Non-Automatic PRINCE RUPERT 9.00 A.M. 'Except Thursday and Sunday FROM TRINCE RUPERT E ARM , STEWART ' ' RINCE RUPERT THURSDAYS 9.00 A.M. fEWART FRIDAYS 9.00 A.M. ETs - INFORMATION - RESERVATIONS PH0NE 476 f l CHARLOTTE AIRLINES LTD. 236.30 Due to strike action called for Noon Friday. August 25th . the last northbound sailing LEAVES VANCOUVER THURSDAY, AUGUST 24 at 9:00 P.M., DST by special arrangement. SOUTHBOUND SAILINGS Sunday 9:00 p.m. DST Regular Schedule Monday 1:30 p.m. DST Regular Schedule , (Instead of Tuesday 1:30 p.m.) After noon Friday, August 25, no cargo will be loaded to Union Steamships Ltd. vessels but passengers and baggage only ill be handled after the deadline. their present trips to the All ships enroute will continue home port of Vancouver, B.C. (201) Royal Canadian Air Force Those desirous of enlisting or re-enlisting In ROYAL CANADIAN AIR FORCE please arrange for personal Interview with MR E. CLAUSEN, J. Clausen & Son office. Waterfront, Prince Rupert $74.00 S67.0a. NORTHERN; B. C. POWER CO. ! MY Killas & Christopher Bldg. l Between 4 and 8 p.m. STEWART. B.C. PRINCE RUPERT P.O. Box 548 Phone Green 975 p? Air Freight on oil Flights PHONE 210 tf