til I" Prince Rupert Daily News Fridayj August 25, 1950 1! rsinifer The Experts Say . . . PEOPLES STORE ra3 : Kny Reflects Eigar Choir Pleases Again n WAV REX j and Reminisces Canadian Press Staff Writer I Hill JUIABT sW. EGGS Luncheon dish, Qeprri! riiLcprt no mat fs';;-:-,?a-s:-sAJr-a3 ' Another large , audience left A Seattle church bulletin re-' First United church last "'Bht ccntly announced that, while the ! tnorouehly satisfied after hear-pastor the Elgar Junlor cholr ,n was on vacation, the as-ilng ter what the recipe there usual- J ly Is an egg yolk or egg. white, their second concert. The pro. si.stant pastor would be "in com- plete charge of church services and pastoral cuties". In it somewhere. Home economists quote a French chef as saying "the egg is the cement that holds the castles of cookery together." They list a few of the ways ADVERTISING IN THE DAILY NEWS . Job Daughters are back home secure in thj happy knowledge that not only have they again distinguished themselves, but their presence in Los Angeles has given Prince Rupert a unique advertising. Publicity, equal in value and on a business basis, would have cost a handsome bank roll. eggs can be used: thicken, as inj custards and puddings; leaven, wnites which every good cook! by beating to Incorporate air, as , sh0uid learn. In cakes; and color, richness) in orcjer to get the greatest' and flavor to individual dishes; tvolume trom whipped egg white! coat, as In breaded meats; gar- u ls lmportant that no fat be nlsh, as in canapes, salads and ( present. Fat, whether It be soups; bind, as in meat loaves, from yolk from mki or and croquettes; emulsify, as n!fr0m some other source, so in-salad dreslngs and cream puffs; I terferes with the whionlnir of gram was another evening of delightful singing In all phases. Choral numbers of a surprising range in variety were rendered with equal skill. Sacred numbers held the audience with their reverent renditions. " Folk songs were gay or sad. Dance effect numbers went with a fine swing and rhythm. Unaccompanied numbers were true and melodious and humorous numbers brought a smile. In every type the choir excelled. : Many of the selections as presented on the first night were repeated but some new ones Included the popular "Road to the Isles." A recitation, Van Dyke's In retrospect one realizes what "A Handful of Clay," very pleasingly given by Gordon Gibson. - Saturday Only 10:30A.M. Special NO -TRY ON -SALE DKES-SES Reg. Prices $11.95 - $13.95 -'$15.95-$19.95 -$25.50 Sizes 12, 14, 16 And 18 These are not dresses that have been in any of our summer sales. These are crepes and print dresses that we are clearing right out to lucky jrou. There are only thirty-five dresses in all but you might as well be one o f the lucky ones. .. .'. ' ; No Exchanges Cash Only the egg white that if it is present In any measurable quantity it will prevent whipping entlrey. clarify, as In preparation of consome; hinder crystallization, as In the making of refrigerator ice cream and in candy making. Announcement is made, formally, that transient guests at the Hotel Vancouver will have another day in which to move. At lei today, because of the railwav stiike, the staff will be restricted to one telephone girl and one elevator operator. And. possibly, one waiter. One drop of egg yolk will reduce a tremendous amount of work must have been done so that the choir could render such a long Home economists say that the i the volume of a whipped egg Job of cooking eggs isn't quite' white to less than one-third of as easy as it appears. Theywnat It would otherwise have should always be cooked at low been. temperature because excessive The degree of whipping egg heat makes them tough and whites has a great deal to do leathery. witti the final product. When - Boiled eggs should not be lit-, egg whites are to be used for erally boiled. Rather theyj leavening, as in sponge cakes, should be cooked gently. This angel cakes and omletes, the keeps the egg delicately tender. I whites should be beaten until AVOID BOILING ' "Stlf 1 n0t dry '' When the A sizeable black bear after lunching in a Prince Rupert raspberry patch, strolled around and varied program without hav- to inspect an Ambrose Avenue ! ln8 the words in printed form be fore them. All numbers were home, much to the dismay of the done from memory. The mech good housewife. Incidentally : there are around twelve hundred anics of the singing were per- fSrl UK gwuiitrs aie over ueaicn iruv lose their shiny appearance and at this point the foam has lost some of its elasticity which ls so necessary for leavening. active school children living here. . fect and the interpretation ex-Bears have been known to dine pressive. The tone at all times on more than raspberries. . was true and pleasing. Harmon- J ized numbers were well balanced. Tars on H.M.C.S. Cayuga are and diminuendo passages were cultivating a somewhat bantering ; breathtaking while crescendo outlook. As the destroyer recently i and dimiuendo passages were RUPERT PEOPLES STORE on escort duty.off Korea elided perfectly controlled. With It all Vi. (U. cin.... : i i .... Gust la eoit, oxtoi; final London Dn 1 by the Sioux, a sailor waved and When making a-custard sauce the cook should be careful not to let the water in-the bottom part of the double boiler really boll. If It does the custard will curdle. However if the latter does happen the best thing to do is to quickly place the top of the double boiler in cold water and beat the custard with a rotary beater. This will again produce a creamy sauce but it will not be as thick as it would otherwise have been. When combining Hot mixtures and eggs as In milk puddings, cream fillings and souffles, com- called "Cbye. Will be seeing you in a Siberia salt mine". Italy To Ottawa For George Drew FLORENCE, Italy. George Drew, leader of the Progressive-Conservative opposition in Canada, will have to travel the greatest dlstai-.. to be back in Ottawa for the special session PHONE 79 PHONE 79 the children gave every evidence of thoroughly enjoying each number. This concert will surely rank with the very best music that Prince Rupert has ever heard and will provide a lasting satisfaction as well as a stimulus for more choral work especially among the younger elements in the city. si Accident Victim In Critical Shape In hospital In very critical condition' ls Angus Smith who was severely injured in an accident on the highway near Miller Bay Hospital Wednesday afternoon Mr. Smith was hit by a backing truck and knocked to the ground. He was taken to Miller Bay Hospital for treatment while awaiting the ambulance from Prince Rupert to take him to Genral Hospital. About another month of daylight saving to be observed, meaning, of course, there will soon be one l&ss nuisance to keep In mind. Thus, we approach the more serious task of trying to save a little more money 'for winter Instead. laUao of Parliament next Tuesday. Dine me oeaten eg?s with a little of the hot mixture and He is now here awaitlna the ar- !"'! "T."" ""I then stir them into the hot mix-! rival of a Royal Canadian Air fey the Govtmmnul k to' lu" Force plane from London . There's a trick to beating egg ) take him back to Canada. Classifieds bring quick resuiVs. pi annaoj If Canadian ground troaps see Korea, they may find themselves BLONDIE The Younger Generation is Making Him Old. By CHIC One of the mink in the Indus-. going ashore there about the be-trial exhibit at the Civic Centre j ginning of winter. Many Cana.-Carnival is owned by T, W.jdians nurse the notion thai Rowe of the. Shawatlans Mink China and Japan mean a tropic-Ranch, the other two bv A. I climate. Th Iruth, it is said. IT t Vl n Vnr.n ( a HnnomKn. Tnni. Mattson of the Star Ranch. j nuica ill -t:it-iii 'ui ui tiaiiu' ! ary is sharper than a Prince Rupert blast, and more disagree n'lU, I am, TwIT) TlyL LiiX IJIjj BUT VOuTRE NOT IN j r i 'I I NICE, HOT CWS "v I 7f J18 Anc VOU J I OKAY KOW 1 firW I HOURS Weekdays 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. . Sundays 12 Noon to 2 p.m. 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. SIXTH STREET' AND THIRD AVENUt able In many other ways. Yesterday was Thursday No trains, no sunshine, m ln-,t c?!' for dinner In the (lin'm car arrl no linunr or other br"ir:c3S after one o'clock. ' BROADWAY CAFE BRANDRAM-HENDERSON 'A Best Food 7 finest CocK!ny , Try a Da'.iy News Classified. ' j'';': jf ""ef ! .rn V On the Beam! y yffxf YYYTu rriYYWw fYll jThls advertisement ls not publlshcU "S Va ttji PSw-j Y ""J-. MM ' Htur 7 a.m. to I a.m Foi Take Home Orders -Phone 200 tor Chesterfield. Suites y - SPECI, Way t Saturday fRASER & PAYNE -Ira n p Nylon Hose 51 Gague. Slf. Subs. ic We Have in Stock or Can Obtain for You The Most Modern Chesterfield Suites Styled by Master Craftsmen Fall Coatings 56" wide. Pure Wool, heavy weight. Fores Green, Desert Sand, Turquoise, Navy, DoveO Ladies' Dresses, Fall Weigh! The new Miracle Fabric. Glen Check and Hounds Tooth Rayon Worsteds. Assorted ' Styles. 14 to 20 $9.95 Ladies' Rayon & Lisle Ankle Socks Assorted Colors. Sizes 8V2 to 1012 4 Pr- fr $1.00 Ladies' Penny Lou Blouses Assorted Shades Celanese Silk. Reg. 5.95 and $6.50 yafd oy PAINTER PETE When you paint with satiny, washable B-H "Fresconette" you Turkish Towels Everything for the Home! Run of the Mill 5 for $1, And SuhsrnrwHnrrlc 9 for si! 14 to 20 $2,98 m paint with ease. One coat covers walls and . " 9 BEDROOM SUITES '" DINING ROOM SUITES : . BREAKFAST SETS : : A CARPETS and LINOLEUM' ' Ladies', Misses' and Children's Seersucker, Crepe and Flannelette Chenille Spreads 6 only. White with Colored Motif Baby Chenille. Double Bed Size . ceiling . . ; dries in a few hours. Gowns and Pyjamas We Clearjng at less than Manufacturer's cost. HI must make room for new stock. FYTRA Sr'r Boys' Suits 1. A Mackenzie Furniture Ltd. A Good Place to Buy Over a Quarter Century y 303 3rd Ave. . Phone 775 D.B. W Boys' White Broadcloth Shirts 12 Suits. Tweeds and Donegals Sizes 8, 10, 12 years. Clearing at Sizes UVi to 142 h $195 McBride Street. Phone 311 Elllllilllll!!!