Prince Rupert Daily News - Friday, August 25, 1950 ook Better English 1. What Is wrong with this -sentence? 'Tie is very brainy Dogs, Cafs-One Turtle - k'ZZ',.." ' SHIPS and WATERFRONT permit to carry meat to Port Angles in bond and thence by TRUCKING , TO ISLAND VAMCOtJTEB Vancouver Hears "Van" man.'' - 2. What is tbe correct jiro- nunclatkm of "cynosure?" 3. ' Whfch one at these words Is the American ferry Chinook to Harry Knutson's Great Dane Danny, walked orf with first. trucks liave received a special ; Victoria. misspelled? Soule'ss, soubriquet, re-sling address at the m,WlMWMW"?rj'" the children'-, pet show I at the Civic Centre carnival last Th freighter Robert Eueene. i niiht Harr faa v, iEn .. luncheon - yefiiuoj., K oveeign. 4. What does the word "avid", I " " ' o-- 'wuo bile 1JU UUUI1U I fJuuv.-- er sluys outlined tne wWch went agj-ounfl gome days j animal Irom a wash tub The dos ' " mean? - fa vr H r ) 1 liti pitsw u 1 ag0 ax naorainrnui . uuunu m us oniy nine months old t l ,-.u in ui-i'"3 oiiMtn inn 1 iin.i .oouiio. naa ai .1 nntrp rnr tiio want n fchw 16 " ; jhunarea wn cargo 01 general loaaoi tne Toaaana Pluto show. Last 2 Days rt;y u merchandise lor delivery in ai- txe was well pleased with the 5. What is a word beginning with am that means "friendly?" - ANSWERS 1. Say, "He is a very Intelligent man." 2. Pronounce si-no-shoor, i as in sign, o as in obey. Lj into a more aska she owned - by M. B. turn-out wmv of m y. pets u with Willi their bllt:ir j youthful masters and made both 1 Dahl ii Song, Inc. of Juneau. OF i,r tnld how he (?o Distress calls being promptly 1 boys and girls and their four- L rooking. He started I rr wi i oo as in shook, accent first syl-! lable. 3. Soulless. 4. Craving J eagerly; greedy. 'His avid eyes i constantly followed her." 6. 1 Amicable. MANSON'i d COOK 1U1 L of a large company t While he was taking picked up, she was soon given aid. The batteries being almost under water, the radio could be made use of, only tor a short time. The Robert Eugene has a crew of five. Pegged friend? feel at home as soon as they came onto the stage. With hi ready wit he kept the show moving at a fast clip throughout. ' . In addition there were four prizes for performing dogs. They iceshlp, ne aii.ciii.o-,!. One of the most : t d nf a rnuk the ss. i were lar8e pictures presented by Among those aboard L bje to purcnase iwm. l0 nraotical demon-! VARIETY SALE Today arid Saturday Mr. ioaa. aii comestams received a small prize and a small picture, from Mr. Todd. There iw to judge iouu. c ,v0 fggs, one fresh and '.liter. By touching his hoih ends of an egg, OIL HEATERS BUY NOW AND SAVE! $54.50 and up NOW ON DISPLAY Prince George, due in port to-, jilght enroute to Vancouver after what may be her final sea-sou's voyage to Alaska, aie several persons of prominence. These include Roy Davis, president of the Atlas Steel Co. of one he found one ,-i'sh lierably warmer wan were 40 entrants ; Dogs, cats and even jme turtle were among, the entrants and considerable amusement devel-' oped as they were induced or j cajoled to do their tricks. A lot' aopeared to be suffering from With the not-:so-in-Mi "And how's my little darling's disposition today?" nds were nearly the Welland, Ontario; F. M. Connell, fc A Special Clean-up of All Odd Items ; ra'ure. The other test SMALL POPULATION ' The climate of Korea is about'. The statp of Nevada counts like that of the eastern United at THOMPSON HARDWARE CO, LTD. GORDON RONSON vas to show Taow to a mining executive oi Toronto; and Major Gregg Vegeant, a Kansas City architect. Tr Be Early to Make Your Choice! st9"e frtht. Tt was a -wide variety I ' I of "an'ne and Wines from some little more than one person per j States with an annual rainfall j e All coffee, he saia, t little chicory to it full flavor. However had little -chic- xnuurP iri nr. buuui -u Anita, A fishing vessel, the Santra. ,,, ,,nt monRrels. each one Doe of Juneau, was recently in , however, to his or her Prince Rupert having come here owner's heart, for survey and repair after hav- ,t l By placing a spoon-! ('ee io a lumoier ui r , . . v. .f f.,o TT ATlTSf . . K.QVfPu now uic n-wiic ing experienced some damage Dy f w II grounding at Dt'Long Island, ! f" llfnPC ut nd the cnicory He adjudged tne about thirty miles from Ketchl-I kan. ! Ld coffee. tier sluys tola or join-. L ietv of French Chefs t! time in great hotels Y warld. He mentwuea tse were not up to pi -a;:ve cooks, that they vcy imaginative. He Quick Action OTTAWA M. 3. ColdweU, CC.F. leader, Wernesday urged the government to exhaust every means of ending the railway tie-up without waiting for a session of Parliament. He suggested that the minimum demands of the unions and the maximum concessions of the Tatlways be ascertained and, If . necessary, there be $ government subsidy lor a tentative arrangement pending final settlement. a long time on steam- To Advertisers To Injure yuncaUon or display or clasitfied advertising :opy for samt must be In the office of the Dairy News b p.m. the ay previous ,U' advertising, r equirement o the mechanlcvl department oiake this rule necessary. Family Shoe Store , CREPE SOLED TWO STRAP for girls. Smartry styled and exceptionally long wearing. got about as far as on them. He then lc to howls where lay The Universal Boys' Pyjamas HARD WEARING STRIPED-FLANNELETTE MATERIAL. Sizes 26 - 34. Pair oncy in cooking. He, l.nea some ui iic :i as moulding sugars, : d ouevres and sauces. 3 .emal European hotels, r said, the chef was oniy t V, alio commanded re-tever he went. A waiter -'4 a dignitary about a he said, that type of MISSES' SIZES 12 TO 2Vz. ,on with hash .house klusion, Mr. Van der BROWN CALF OXFORD for Boys or Girls Hard wearing Neolite Soles. of the prablems met g bread here at prices fc with thou in Vancou- For one thln".he.said. Boysr Broadcloth Shirts FUSED' WINDSOR COLLAR. GOOD QUALITY, ..BROADCLOTH. ; WHITE ONLY. Sizes 11 Vi - 1 4Vi aver loaf Is 15 ounoes, with 16 ounces here. He Sizes 5 to 7 .... $2.80 8 to 10V2 .... $3.30 11 to 2V2 J.. $3.70 ted that the services bv consumers made the of necessary. fcndcf his talk, Mr. Van jested the practice people to tell of their less might prove of In tin.e to time at meet- Boys' Wool Jackets SO GAMBLING BOYS' CREPE SOLED.' OXFORDS ;: Sizes 11 to 13.. $3.85 Sizes 1 to 5 .. $4.70 ins of Monaco, home of w - !-famous Monte Carlo, kiden to enter the gam- $I25W BRIGHT CHECK PATTERNS . PURE WOOL WITH PLAID LINING. Sizes 8-14 years , :msy COMETS s more actual materia! Sbic inch of air than In i tic miles of the tail of FAMILY STODE TIHIE UJKIIIVEEISAL 3RD AVENUE AT '6TH STREET Box 638 Phone 375 Charlie Roberts Bat Backstay teas a boatswain, A very jolly boy, No lad than he more merrily Could pipe all hands ahoy. For over a century Lamb's Navy has been the call of those who know good rum. Smooth and mellow it, is matured, blended and bottled in , -Britain of the finest Demerara Rums. toll's toy -Baa 9 : - smm This tdvtrmrmcni is not published or displayed by the Liquor Gtntrol Biwrd or by the Government of British Columbia An oid tea ikanty i r l l ll 11 f l i MS) II uuiry rurnoce T- on Moke Your l Bills Soar r f FINE PRINTING at overhaul your furnace nrrrni nnimrrnc D you'll be Ready when utheasters Roar! C (Hi 1L NUN I LIU EC! TO TOniUAS FIELD GUSflS in tkj noviia Canadian Anmtchv tn Defensively and offensively, artillery forms a solid backing in th operations of the modern army. Keeping pace with the speed . and flexibility of the Canadian Army, it includes airborne and; air transportable artillery and many, other of the new develop ments of modern warfare. There's important wort for young men in th'e Royal Cana'diatf' Artillery. It calls for young men who are quick-thinking and physically fit, ' - . jraf .' von lie ELIGIBLE If YOU AKF - f5 PHONE 24 222 Second A P SHEET METAL LTD. f for "Iron Fireman" ? ve. Binpk 8R7 notic; 1 RuDertFlnrio. er er for for ( AH AH Occasion Occasion. WATSON ISLAND STAGES LIMITED ANNOUNCE THAT BUS SERVICE TO TERRACE IS NOW IN OPERATION 1 ftve. BoxKis J. A Caa Jia citiun or British subjtcf 2. 17 o 2 yean of agt. 3. Singl. 4. Ablo to moot Army tost roqutromots ; 7 5. WUItag to voJuntoor for sorvieo ooywaor l ... r :. !AT!N - GLO REPORT RK5HT AYAY. TO Recruiting Offle, 475 How Slrl VANCOUVER, B.C. DpH pM AJ. ta 10 TM. dolly. l,lmg nrlHIcafM of ag wkI Mfwcatloa wlA yoa y ifr.n9th.nJn9 ConacJa'. Arm4 for cm hxioy to buiW os & Hiah Gln lb Vikm ogoJnrf oggr.Jlii wrywhw. Leave Prince Rupert 11.30 a.m. Arrive Terrace J OO p.m. Leave Terrace - 5.30 p.m. Arrive Prince Rupert 10.00 p.m. Fny beautiful tint prior decorating. . FICK DRvlNG Join o finrnwoa-flDCTCfilWE FOE tSeal ITHOMPSON DEPOTS: Prince Rupert, 3rd Ave. at 7th St. tServlce Cabs) Phone 555 Terrace, Silver Tip Cafe. f are CO. LTD