f Prince Rupert Daily NewV Friday, January 0, 19a0 e Fine ;.V.t? V ' ' .ill !nue lower Prince Ku- ill ..-.linns M c uru..i.... I. . . . . ... Jack Lindsay sailed last nigh'.; month of Nov- .aboard the Prince George on a on the Prince George for a busi htss trip to Vancouver. than inose ... lower Vancouevr. uusmcss trip trip to to a re- n.lnnfl nil. Guaranteed Sayings Moo.se Whist Drive, a n a Meeting of Jobs Daughters Dance. Moose Temple, Satur-. Friday Jan. o at 8 p.m. General day 8:30. (&), business, silver March and Par ty at v.i.. (4) dby UK' ri ,,hIrcnt recently. J ,huw a total of J,. f,llc:U'd In Novell $1,190 con.slst-, $242 of court , and ,;:, October fines to 750 which was , lun during the lttgulur I5f!rtf Meeting Moose Tuesday C!T s,. 'fi; H Miss Eleanor Carr, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. It. Oarr, 92u Borden Street, left for Vancou 10 8 p.m. -i i ver 'aboard the Prinne George of 20 ON A FASHION-CRAFT ' MADE TO MEASURE SUIT s Quality Style Fabrics Comfort Value You can save yourself $15.00 to $20.0Q if you buy your suit during the Fashion-Craft January Sale Total reven- jlltmiiis; IncUKling cosU ',-uber mio! jean mcaiuc sailed oy i lust night to resume her nurs-thc Prince George last night tojlng duties at St. Taul's Hospit-rcturn to her studies at the Unl.l al after visiting m-r home here, verslty of British Columbia. Mrs. Mary Hutchinson, stew- $2 048.35. a!Kl maintenance of j totalled $743. ardess on the steamer Prince George, now on vacation, arrived in Prince Rupert aboard source oi uc ret j k - OIL BURNEUS-Strvice and repairs. Phone Black 900. G. D. Ronson. (5) New Spring Jersey dresses all sizes, priced from $8.95 to S-9.93 at Annette Manst-ll Ladies Wear. (1) the southbound vessel last night. Visiting friends in Ket ,m liquor convicuuua 'j, ti,c Government Linnet the Indian Act. iial more natives were ,1th being intoxicated acre so charged chikan during the holiday sea son, she will leave by rail to night for her home in Vancou-! ... .. .i convicicu ui ver. rOF? it HURT'-Sympathetic spectator as Sylvia Joan, 7, has a tooth pulled in the dental clinic Alexander. The extraction was the. first witnessed by of Toronto school is Governor-General a His ExceScS wrTo with Lady Alexander, was in the Ontario capital for the Royal Winter Fair. f were limior. Hlkil (CP Phoio Dr. H. K. Richardson is the dentist. ' ' . r 0f people cnargt-u jc Government Liquor Pd 25 while 5 were con- Peter Poulos of Halifax, after spenoing the Christmas and New Year holiday season here with his cousins. Mr. and Mrs. O. Christy, First Avenue West, left last night on the Prince George for Vancouver enroute I LIFE UEIIIND IKON Cl'UTAIN i Continued iron; rage ii represented but,' due to trouble and finally to the United Slates. !for A Polish citi- many reasons ' I? "i '.!f.n 1 n m,w'. with Tito, was d-lsouallfied. she Chairman R. G. Van der Sluys . second offenders and ,,fl.nrlnr Pnx- including another American, ' mPraber, is said. She added that It was odd presented Mrs. Lundqulst with a and u not a parly i I a"u' 11 "u 1 ' . . ..... ji.i.iu;h i all H ., f calmnn tnr for hfintr being the the a iiuiu - - in a restaurant. . hidirectlv .Dcrseeuted. The Red to note me oisn-.ouuuu v- u - . w. ....v.. .,v.w ..... n . .u v... uul t. iuuiii where they were held for many roc people before the back east. ,., ... h nut. Ml'- allCl guest from the farthest away point. On behaif of members 1 to Russians and Poles. -'ficials secret police and government of- prizes have taken over large I Offered a scholarship, she rc Mrs. C. G. Ham re- 11 me uuur..-. - i .,,,.,,,,(1 to the city on Wednes- she and guests, she was thanked Dy villas in the countryside. If a per- fused on the grounds that case o' dav afternoon's plane after spending a few days visiting ; .M0101.1 liiu. J" ...... ... pntpr. !-- hours during which time count- j less questions were asked. "They, apparently had no-, heard of the Centennial," Mrs. I.undqulst said, "and I was the iinal person questioned.'' i Warsaw Is utter desolation, the i pianist stated, and very few peo iiijiun nau. n . point. Queen son Is a party member, he Is per- would not enjoy f remaining Mn Tom cnrsue. Mr. and I M In addition to. milted to live in an apartment, that country for three or four Homes and property of the citi- ' months. Leaving Warsaw October Ol.en Lundqu - J H. H. 7cn are taken away by the Reds .1, she was greatly, relieved to. ar-' were , B J. McCauJand ur. and made his 8-; Klce cha,.,olte Xslands as the gucsls The police hi- , h $12 Mf and j R mm tl and .won nailed the Walch lor Ihe NEW 1950 CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH You get the Good Things first from the Chrysler Corporation High Compression Engines Hydraulic Brakes Floating Power All Steel Bodies Automatic Over Drive Transmission O Fluid Drive And Many Other Firsts See your local Chrysler Plymouth Dealer liVl'Eia MOTORS LIMITED Semmrns. Charles Baiacno, R. G. Large and John Sims and In most cases lack of food rive hi Copenhagen.'. '. ' , 'and clothing, prompt people toj -it w-as'like. eettinf. out of a Qrcumsianwai c" idirl in confession. The Married Here '.tomb," she . stated -In Copen-; ;hagen lively .ar:ci happy people; crowded the streets in deep con- j trast to the-ciur'.; tnd frightened ' Announcements linj oincers nau iuuiiu riieles of glass from the . , it I...- 4.. V.lu ple walk city streets. Alone for two days without another American to speak to, she was very happy to be taken iii by an American Embassy offi VI1U1IHV uoin-iiiig iu ii"- Regular Cards. Catholic Hall. and liant cuffs. A 1 Al New Year's January 5. , ,nt found on a piece o cial and his wife. During those ! atmo.phere of Varsaw where people are constantly on the alert for secret police and de W.O.T.M. Card Tournament, two days, she said, she ate omel- j join the Communists The contest had eleven competitors and the Ameriran entries were included in an elimination test. All satellite coun- tries, F.nglard and Bra7.il had previous . eliminations. Mrs. Lundquist achieved lH j out of 18 points. The American tn-; tries were asked to meet in the i committee room where they were told they had been elim Kiarriagc vows were exchhngfd l January 12. Ail Welcome. glass tallied with the He was convicted by ,!c W. D. Vance and is rvinc three months at Okalla prison farm. on New Year's Eve by ituu. Forbes and Percy Kanisse at Civic Centre Bridge January 13. ittes because trial was me oniy j I I word on the menu In the hotel ' ! ! where she lodged that could be understood. prived of normal. .healthy. living, j while gluttonous.' and depraved 'coniniunists look on. I i From .Copenhagen, Mrs. Lund-1 i!' OF TASTY MEALS AT THIS Card tournament, Cauioii. 19. niiUt. iiiiimpwil'tn Paris and. "d" J"UJly First United Church. The Rev., ! L. G. Sicbcr performed -he cere- i mony and '.he bride's sister, Mrs. i Mildred Long, was bridesmaid ; With Austin Cassidy acting as1 Rex Cafe after sDendinu five days In ttj ! Salvation Army Native Home. Mrs .Lundqulst spoke of ruined . structures slowly being rebuilt by i , hand because no machinery ii available. Only two buildings . inated from the contest. ,d Mrs. Duncan Mc-: ;ot ;uieouver aboard ice George last night Yugoslavia was to have been French capital, left for Glasgow Birthday Tea and Sale, Jan: 20, Chinese Dishes a Specialty are left standing intact and slow progress has scon one third of the city rebuilt. Taken for a drive CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN it to the southern city '" MiAcr Wand points' Mr. Karrls.se is a former resid- ; Duncan, the home of ent of Ottawa and Mrs. Karrisse Sacs parents, Mr. ana is from Toronto. The newlywetls C McRae, tormerly of will take up residence in Princt ' ; Rupert. Second Avenue opposits Prmce Rupert How ; Canadians are thinking 7:00 ajn. to J:30 a.m. Phone 173 lor Outside Order der J 1 of tomorrow through the capital, she saw sights that might have been considered impossible. In the country as In the city, very few men ne seen, most of them belnfi dlled In the war, and women of ,he country toil In the fields, with heir hands. Pot-aloes are the main source of food and grease is very com-.non. The Poles possess a fanatic .laired for the Germans, she said, ant she could not understand why the people hated Brahms, Beethoven and Bach, German PAPER TOWELS PAPER CUPS TOWEL CABINETS LIQUID SOAPS SOAP DISPENSERSDISINFECTANTSDEODORANTS and FIXTURES LAMPS PASTE and LIQUID WAX DUSTBANE and SISAL tl Advcrtisinu is payable In advance. Please refrain frou uiig. Classifieds, 2c per word per insertion, mlnimuu Birtli Nutice. 5(K-, Cards ol Thanks, Death Notice. . Nutiecs. Marriage and Enguucment Annuunccmcnta: $i SPECIAL DISPLAY. DOUBLE PRICE LOST AM lOl'ND l).i ill hrown male l)U Iutlustiial Janitor Supplies at Vancouver Prices Manufacturer's Representative months old, 0U1 5lh East LOST-ov 3 Blue Kill. sl.E j ALE 1042 Dodirc 4 door .. new tires, soiinus. new t and new lockd. Heater, -out iiiilit. Terms 537 8th 1 (0) i 3fJc EPA Jftfl I Si C - wor; Re . - b,' do-im $ IS--n $ ! gr D U ' tc $1 cc tw: s i ood mg 1 a D m 279. () HlXP WANTtU Tt40 Ti IW IMt IMS .!.-' ' ZZHZ ZZZ pjl S2.01f.M2.7- . v ; ; i.i'n dp fc-Tw-'yi r(t t whw eutpitn ALE - One McLarv Larv Ranr.c Uanr.c I help WANTED Abdications Phone Blue i v. ill be received bv the under- oil burner. PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY HOUSE la) Thone C32 - P.O.-Box 772 712 Second Ave. SALE Oil burning or. Minieu 'in u rruiHv. jauuau 20th lor vNisiti'Mi of Don rax and Poll Tax Collector. Au-uiiciiit to state we. niantal iiiitus mid to soefify whether composers. 5ti:nc'Ii of ukad "The Jewish Ghetto is one dls-jrderly mass of bricks," Mrs. Lundqulst said. It Is" the site of the wartime massacre of 300,000 Tews and beneath the rubble, over 10,000 bodies arc burled. Instead of removing the rubble ,it is being leveled off, and when completed will be six feet higher than any .other section of the city. While we were there, she recalled, "we had to hold our noses & wood ranuc complete., c Ki'U 4J0. tin he desues ic worn on a sai-oasis and SALE tsca doors, win- arv or commission lumber. Phone 543. Call commission M Are. W. Itf) what salary or would be reauired H.D. Thaln Citv Clerk (6) ANALLY K.NOWN NAMES- Dell Sueedcr bhovels PK.KSONAI Uf Draulii.es; Auauv a Graders; Llltleford Bros. ion itoad Maintenance MIKE'S MESSBNGER SEKVic&:when walking tlirougn uie lenl; Ovumi Clamshcl w. Anvtlunu. Anvwnc e. ii-ru iwrlnllv hv the Ghetto time. Phones. Black B8. "'11131 w,, ,, w and Rock Granules; 6nul.li CunrreLR Miners: Jurklift Trucks: Nelson i a Phone 311 DIPOIITS AT THE B of M HAVI -HOW IOMI MOr THN TWO IUION POUAM ! refuse was horrible. rit tTtlnlMrl n nd , 1-lp'lt.ini ft Loaders lor Stockpile I IjUIVIDII-ivj ii ie . '- - .( Kimi.i. Mehii work, tar ana , The Poles hate the Russians oiiu HPinovai; Mice rori- eravel nii'liiv;. Phone M3 J-t'mriiuifttl Pumps; Na- or 11 Mill r,al Sixth Ave. wcsi uiHi-liiie Si-ranrrs and ttl) Lclourm-au and Sons. National All Steel 'line Hoists-. National JDIe SkA-milln: National AMEM v WANTED -To rent liuht house-keronni room. Younu married ,.niile Aimlv Liox 03!) DaiW rv Si:ri-eus and Convevors. inforuution from Na-d Machinery Co. Ltd., uver. B. U. ltt Headquarters for WINTER SPORTS EQUIPMENT Skis and Ski Equipment' C.C.M. Matched Ice Skate Outfits : Campbell Badminton Racquets and Shuttlecocks Sleighs - 17) News. iAJ.E-Ne & Uwd Furnl- Hardware fc Oltice Fix- '.Electrie. toasters, Cups saiUTis si nircr Kewinir j fP And by thinking of tomorrow, tlie people are helping to build die Canada of today and tomorrow. For their savings determine the support the Rank can bring through investments and loans to. the enterprise of men and businesses across the nation. Indeed, this year, loans made by the B of M are the highest they've ver betn. Working with the people of Canada for the past 132 years, the Hank has kept continually before it these two guiding purposes to assist actively the naiion's economic development and to justify ways the confidence of its depositors. WANTED Two or three-room suite for vouna couule. urseni Phone Red 1!)3. WANTED Small furnished hoiisekecoiii'i room for am el Wnes, China Cabinets Injns. Cribs, Dlsston Saws, Ne- Iirgging Heavy 3-i Iv Roofinss u iii k ni' e i i uio.se in. (4) This huge sum is tribute to Cfldins' forcMiiht and thrift. Ten years ape, H of M customers kept f tnlal of $818,000,000 in their, saving! and current accounts. During the war 5'cars, these people took the opportunity to hiHist their 'f und For Tomorrow' to $1,613,0110,000. Their liahit of savinc for the years ahead has nut only persisted since the war hut has gained in strength. Today, their de-posiis stand at more than two billion dollars an all-time B of M record and the largest Canadian deposits of any hank. Of this money, well over a billion dollars is in Sitt ings, s The fact that the H of M s resources 1- have tupped the two-!S"ion mark during die past year proves one thing clraily that the sic of it financial institution suijt as the hank of Montreal simply reflects the nu-astire of confidence a million and a half Canadian men and women share in it. - - 804 Citv. ,,r. Nrw Ti'i Winrnns. rin rtui's. TVnewTlter. iiNTM)Tu rent 2 or 3-room 1112 RimU nulllpsli'm imnrMiiiMit or small house, no )iRuin, siti'htlv used Ra-1 r.hiiripi.n Phiiiie Red (11)3. ur (5) uent. HIK BKNT 'e. at the lowest prices. . f unnture Co.. Black 34. KAI .K Ivi7" iTm',1 Stude- 'r elianinions. Auplv Ar-Ubs lS4ti. (tfl l We Stock a Complete I Line of I RADIO and I PHONOGRAPH - 1 COMBINATIONS R EN T- Ln r o ,1 lou sekeen- FOR llli Koom. nu-oiu rnii Tiii N i- siecnma room b.Hi )4 f"V.'f "UlTlHH Calibre converted (tf 7th E. Red 471. "tercel soortlnu rifles; . .nil models- ilv nnil Ion ' rencatt-rs 1nncv.hMik i railli-f. 4!1 rnnnils ini-l FOR RENT Electric i"';':abl2 Kcwiu.. machines. $.i.ui) a month. Call 8G4 Sinner Begins Centre. for RENT Sl.nlivv room r "lion $3 (III (.ni-i... nssni-L- '!''w lifies. shok'.uns, H'0l..ic 8iifhi8.o.e. Write board and room, rnone ui. 000. When you wa.r.1 a satisfactory job, let experts handle I it! Your radio was an ex- pensive coinhiodily new: get full value from it by keep- . it in guutl working; order. Bank of Montreal Prince It u pert Branca: G, It. S BLACKA11V, Manager H;r latest folders anil ,WH Sales Co.. 320 l'i .Street. Ottawa. Out. ,' ...... 111! SAl.li Coaliind wood See this week's USED RADIO SPECIALS J'lRST IUG VALUE FOR '511. 5-Room House, attached k.ii-aue. concrete basement, hot cxe.elle I water heatina - value and. must be seei to is a This be anom-iaU'il. barealn for vou if vou a it !....i.;...r f.r n now. waim S i'Hil electric runuettc, " I wo weeks. BarKUin. Black J73U, (6) SALE Pair of Men's Sklis ' Boots. Aoulv Wick 1103 101 Ave 14) Stewart Branch: G, J. H. ANDEUSON, Manager MISSING MISSIONARY -Rev. Henri Paul Dionne, 42-year-old O ii 1 a t e missionary missing since Oct. 21 with two Eskimo friends and believed lost In the wild Hudson Bay region. Is shown here in Arctic garb. Father Dionne, a veteran of 16 years in the Canadian North, disappeared on a seal-hunting trip about 200 miles north of Churchill. Man. (CP Photo' NOBLE & WICK WORKING WITH CANADIANS I N EVE I WAIK OF UFE SINCE 1 J 7 r SALE Cream kitchen ,ll and table. Red 471:.jUf) WUUK WANTED and coin fort-able home in a oulet neighborhood. ARMSTRONG AGENCIES Phone 342 or eves. Green 2J7. Phone 100 201 3rd Ave W. ;rt.Talve in Children for rKlll Mothers. Phone Red