Announcement "ff "! r- Prince Rup-;rt Daily News Friday, March 31, 1U HO i ll arrival; W SHAH . tvT3TTrr for- .... appearance . . ". long life .... low cost Hear and see arUst-evaneehst ; - J"1';' nsim. first )U;i- u;,t Church nightly to April 2 ' ' Pi iv.n r . c. . Trim Hero's "Prompt Relief Beyond B. i:-.f Fr,-m Tl- Pa:,s Qf - L- W. Lcllcr left on today's I'ne for a trip to Vancouver. George Currie .sailed Just ni-lit ' et'lt Concert, Friday, March 31, ' , ' ('s'"v on IWP,.,,, , .. 18.15 D.m ' C huren, A. ! Kupert i'o.; J-. Is i i 1, i 1 r-w IP ASPHALT SHINGLES . iu xv um;i i jor van-i i i- t ror VanctuT i -- H I 1 "day Mitrch 31, at 8 p. in. In- 1 ! Arr.auii, O ;. h.ulcs: red, green, green blend t-k Bui's V Work Clothing (it prices that will uo-ljivrii blend delivered per square $10.73 w.iave you ordered vonr RAK. ! "latum, Silver M.irrli l'nlu! Mission Uand r-:xil,.r..rJ' !:. 1 Kit H nufno ... Grey Grrcn per square $10.00 and Choir Cake Walk. (7u)'!'r'"" '''a J'nv-ibyteriai --"".,no yet. riione us April 4. K Sin.s.n. C mil siiuiM f.. ieu uuu tjieeii .... per square S 9.00 or "ruP in BALAGNO Jack Lindsay ir r..,,,eri t,! FLORISTS. (n the city on yesterday after-! Cuuadian Lugion Easter Sale 4 BERT & McCAFFERY LTD. AIR ( VV R- Norman Nei. r t , i""""s P"'' from a business , ra,,ul " Prina- Rupert for Van-1' April c, at -the PHONE 116 stand comparison To J l Caisv.'.-jl si " couver. Museum Board of Northern' niiuaicu, fourth Ave., West 1 cj -, x, , . ' " uiuia annual mm-' Mary l.u.p.E. tl . . , ' i mst and dance Fri-1 Ciyic Centre, Monday Ap-! Queen . spectively got back last night. I March 31stWhist 8:00 u- ril 3rd 3 p. m. Interestinir a.,d April 10. i, (j. Uo'le.n, J,. W. Tea,' Letter. K. Ikart. T. C. C7e,v:-jhan, F. B u-ns. i Fruiu Vancotiver iTijtir:day, I T ( -;i'v nP j m ;-.,-,. Quarrel I a lamny quarrel In which the clock. Music very 'iwrtant matters by Mike Coins Lolu"'A i to bel ,,, i above factor, figured after hu. 1 R(.rr .. UR,t , discussed and derided a-! Culhcdral SaIe APrU 13. FhOiO FRAMES Frame iypc Mousts See our iji.e s-Iec!U-a of Ela.y VRATH ALL'S i """ cveruor v w. - . . UJ"U a,,u w"e cun nred over the co-nie n-u rested may attend. (77) i Card Tournaiiienl.. Cni l.nli..' H fjiilm..n s n, , i o u. , (70 . ! Hall. 1 llnr,;., n i .., i i i.-. .... ,.. ,-.'.'. . ' Court J of blood, an !- tannic ineiiiDer oi the houseliold resulted in David Lawrence Jor- I Mrs. M. F. Stuart and fan.i,;.!" ! ' " ' ! 'f rein l.r.l.v-. ' ick IJnd ; iy uan appearing before the ' J judao sailed last W'sl ni.-l.t i, , . , . v ' " " ,'ul,u ,. ul "' aioo. Novel: , on the , charge of . ..te n'8"t by ' the I'nnce hw wk aboard the Ii.,h ,-knr I nn-- Tea. A-nil l'i n.. .daSO-cuiiuic Win- Clue Denim Waist Overalls by Western Glove, Caribou and Heacl light, t i $3.25 to $3.95 . Hickory Stripe Coveralls Priced at $6.50 , Khaki Drill Coveralls ' ': obstruct , the R 1 " f,r Ijr v'7 , c-V -,cuUV"' l"ke -P notice police whn who Unro were called coll ,,A sn,.n, t 1 I ! up eir.p! rv.i ufu-r spenuiiig Hie rami in a domes- : Now Hazelluii a ; was suspended fur eiahioon -residence. Mr. Stuart who pust fcw wec'ks aL hi (,c here St. Peters Snrimr k.i A,,rii mnnths nn fha ,v,i;Wl.4 WUS recoiltlv irniKforrwi u : a t, . . . .... , 20. 5 agu WUltU itru UJJ v" "'tun AkUJlUlIlg " oJULi 411 W wuiuiiia OiJ ILU liUI . UllCIr lnana'.'euieut. will now - Pr-.v,t jbstnictiiiK a police lhat he kecP the Peace. The plea.,lhe service ol the Swift Canadian ,1,cw Spring sa.'j jwas guilty I Co. open from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m.. feat- April ft. us dealt with by a 113 'urinrr li.i,.,,.. r.. ..i -i . V W - .J Fulton in a special 1 Mr. and Mrs. Douelas Frizzell Hobby Show Api. 27, 2'i and 20. "r. L. M. Greene returned to : hamburgers, milk shakes. Tele-! tv Pnurt -At Kttilt li l...-f .(..!. .t. . mc oiv on yesterday nfli.r.:, .. .. .. . . um'-uui .ii ueis. i lut i uninor. .m.,, Sale un'd Tea, M i. il ' ""i infill, on me x ' j".".iUUj aua- f.. pnoiie ........ ana lll;u .. i The judge re- Rupert for a trip- to Vancouver. noo"'s Planc from Vancouver city on Tuesday ;Thev wll be aeenmnani.-H hv ihere nls 'ouug son. Mic.hae!. : C ;1. C. W Peck VC.;l).S.O. ar- i Priced at $5.00 Hickory Stripe Bib Overalls Priced at $4.75 and $4.85 Blue Denim Bib Overalls .. by Westerrf Glove, G.W.G. and Headlight. ' $4.25 to $5.00 -i - ' . , . . .1 : . : 1 1. . . lived ii board Hie Princrss Nor-i United f), ,,,,., f ,i MacLeod 1:tCl Itliri Frizzell's lP.-lvoll'o father. fr.tK... - T71: .. i an operation for the rc ;id R. M Georee Frizell moval of his eye followine :m l1 tllis nioniini; from Sydney , i Sale, May 4th. wn. who acted as j who will attend a Shrine cere-lence counsel re- monial in Vancouver. ; accident last week. Vancouver Island,, lor. the Sat- j .""""' Student w'Hai, Recital, combine coiubme i urriav oncniiv of Mm new dm- vi I Mrs. R. Atwater, wife of Ron-Udian Lestion- buildin! on Fir.stiuJla aiKl l)i;U10- 5. 7:30. aid Atwater, relieving agent Avenue - 1 Gyro Klondyke Niht May 5. ' lor Canadian 1'acuic Railway here in the abscence or H. Dav-ies, arrived in the city this morning aooaiu the Princess 9 The Rhythm Band, the -in! Presbyterian Mission-, T a Has" and the "Honey Bees" will' Church Hall, May 11th be in "Eunnv" Borden St. i Ml Carpenters C v e' r a I I s, , , by G.W.G. , Western Glove'., ' and Headlight. ' $4.75 to $5.25 ; Painters' Overalls and'.; ' Smocks. Priced at $2.75 Schools operetta, in the Civic , iiuian iroia Vancouver i 1 ' Sonja Tea May 13. Eastern Star Ten May 18. Centre on M.jndav nr.! Tuesrinv IS in 1KJ Studtn's ! Dr. and Mrs. L. W. KergH Lave , at 8:15. Adul's Mc; sold their home on Fpurth Av- 1 25c. (It) S.O.N. Badminton Dance every Saturday night.. U ! Leather Gloves , : . $1.50 to $2.25 : .; ' ''.4 Mi,, enue West but are not leaving' nu, . . ... . Prince Rupert although some I tf rumors to that effect have 'lt ttl." going the rounds. They will be Rupci.t All-S.ars We,lr,c.-day moving shortly Into one of the and Thursday sailed lor Ktch-apartwents or. : KeriU.i ikan this morning aboard the at 320 Second Avenue. ; Princess Norah. ! 'fry a C'lassi-ieu aq ioi iie-o. j ! pimne 'piiouii ; n 0nly WELL NAMED 0 fl ' ii-6sasJ fH 1 t C .. ! " : Air ums Pointing & Decorating I . .3 DRIVER CONTROLLtCD CASS The House of Dependable And Courteous Drivers (7Si WALLPAPER HANGING ratjiat m m n-rtt-tm -nnwinaini-i niBTumrir Tlii: i r diM-! ,i bv Hi- , 0 v. Uli SPZNCE & MATUK ; iiovt ri ;.u: i,.m I.tijuor Co nil : ' :-;vcr:;;n. i.t 'hone Blue 215 lied or hv t':- ril i -1.! CoIlil',i:i 233 11th St. It Complete (Limited Supply) . ssf -J-sS.rr r'jr a mi C DINNERWARE Service for 8 AND !rC SILVERWARE Service for 6 OF 78 PCS. ALL FOR $32.50 Ln Account v. . Oil rillT IJ tl il I. II I I 1 -Gosh, Miss- I'm seared GE COOK JEWELLER r '51 i! : ? j 527 3rd Ave. f- - ? .- e fr BOB PARXER LTD. Strict Agents For 'iC'':-s "FlfLy Ways New for 'SO" Cars -More ;ifli Beautiful than Ever" I Tn i"' Cilrs "Be Thrifty in Fifty" ."" "Bonus Built" "elisl, Trucks -High Value, Low Cost" nlor8a,ld Implements Credit Union Splits Melon TERRACE-Terrace and Community Crndit Union, v.i its annual meeting last night, cut a net liH9 pn,Iit melon of $-laO.Ct among i(j 226 members at the annual meeting last night with a 15 percent dividend for shareholders and 2',2 percent interest to dcpos'.tois. The president, Robert Squires, repot ted a year of pro;",rcsi. Officers for the coining year wore elected as follows: President, Roucrt Squires' Vicc-nesidcnt, S. G. Campbell Directors James Reynold.;. A I lile and W. Toop. , : :. G. West is secretary-treas i I i2s m tit-, K p i L --.Uj1l I t t f V"" (ii'l a I.ii,..,... . .... , ,aoe-m Allowance h" "Id Car r Truck 1 1 1 urer. I II - I of- f uses ress siioes ;i r )f Suedes, Plas- U i.. L .v ' - J fabrics 31 1 J Pumps and Calves in a! Popular Colors 5 1 Hi hWm ' 2 pair for , we nr i- c i. i ' VTai - VVHILE THEY LAST ' k ' Red 324 3rd Avenue