I E5iiii nuym Dalip RrCJ3 Thursday, August 11, 194& , . L riu&flH d BUSKS house: wreckers Everything for Building Lumber af all kinds Mouldings, Fluorine, Siding, Cedar and Atphalt Shingles, Plasterboard, W a 1 1 boards, Fir, Cedar and Kirch Plywood, Cement, Brick, Plas- ill ' , itelJaL i a g VBTsTa casual SHIRTS" , ter, etc. ALBERT & Mc( AI-I KItV I.IAUM ) PHONE 116 EifADVEIIIIHINd IN TUB DAILY NKWU 1'A Y3I ' ' Tht Grort Mankrw ArlawH tnvic. In. i ANNOUNCEMENTS I AUvertisi Bienui in tm column will De cbvifed for a Jail pionth at 25c per word Catholic Bazaar October 5 land 6. Sonja Ladles Bazaar. Oct. 28 Rebekah Bazaar, Oct. 2D. St Peter' W. A. Fall Bazaar, Nov. 3. Legion Auxiliary Bazaar, November 9. Presbyterian Fall Bazaar, Nov. 17. LODE. Chapter Fall Bazaar, Nov. 24 St. Andrew' Cathedral Fall Bazaar, Nov. 26. Saturday. Miss Edna Liddle, after a week's visit here, left by last night's train on her return to her home in Moose Jaw. Father Frances Rayner O.M.I, and Father Edward Green O.M. I., are sailing tonight on the Prince Rupert for a two weeks' vacation trip to Vancouver. Mrs. R. E. Moore and daughter, Frances, sailed Tuesday on the Camosun for Vancouver where the latter will be married j to John Ernest Kenny. be Operating at the Follow- It will give him a chance to earn a little spending money and besides he's an expert in your line." Uvt-rtlsiiiK Is payable In advance. Please refrain from , wurd CiUS--'ll :a, i; J uiu l" ' uisiTuim, minimum Birtn Nuin-ea luK, caroi oi i nanus, Death Nutki. i.rSi Marriage and Engagement Annouiicetneiils: $2. SPECIAL DISPLAY, DOUBLE PRICE HANTMi Carpenter wants to rent lluht! liOU.ieHfepiiiK room ApiJiy hoont i. rioyul HuIlI tW J"A 6iiJ, Daily News. 19(l) Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Joyce and children Beverly, Judith and Robert, sailed on the Camosun Tuesday for Vancouver where Mr. Joyce has been transferred with Kelly Douglas Co. H OW to QCt WANTED TO RENT 2, 3 or 4-! ffiSS1 SET i!uj:;:L Bishop Anthony Jordan re-1 turned to the city on the Prince 'He - pert yesterday from a trip to Vancouver and Prince Deorge. i Mrs. R. Bury, sr., accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. D. Roblin and child, is leaving for Smith-1 trs on tomorrow evening's train on a holiday visit. Robert McChesney returned to the city on the Prince Rupert yesterday from Vancouver after spending several months at Tranquille sanitarium. , I Fire Chief and Mrs. E. W. Becker and children, Dorothy ' and Billy, left yesterday morn- ( Ing by car on a month's holiday ' trip to the southern part of the I province and the United States. 1 Red 325 or 47H. Ilbtll WANTED TO KENT-Furnished suice or nouseKecping room.j Mrs E Llewellyn I leu-ellun ond n., i ,i Christian couple, Box 5imj'.,, Miss Your Chest X-Ray It's Easy! It's Free! It's Wise! L- W. Lefler left yesterday by 'r on a business trip to Masset. important! Special General Meeting, Canadian Legion B.E.S.L. Branch No. 27, Legion Hall, Friday. Auk. 12 at 8:30 p.m. Subject: Mutters concerning new premises. U88t Louis Amadio left last eve-a nltii; by ear for brief trio to Terrace ami Kitwanga. W. J. fiance returned to the city Wednesday from a trip tc Vancouver. Dunce, Aug. 12 Sons of Norway Hull. Dancing Irom 111 to 2. Music by Mike Culussl. (183p J. W. Eastwood sailed on the Canin.Miii Tnui'iw Namu , r"'oute t0 Et8 Island. Hi larding places find house-be keeping rooms wil required for teachers when school re- opens In September WilJ any- cue liavina available mm pieu.se phone Red 442 or trail ut the School Board office 111 t U, lu Block. (187) Mrs. Joseph .Duron and Mrs - even,, tor a couple of days' visit to Ter- race. ncicnne Llewellyn ure tiuiliim to- mytil on the Prince Rupert for a trip to Vancouver. Dugald Campbell, representing the Canadian Linotype Co., will be arriving In the city on tomorrow afternoons plane from Vancouver and. after a cay or so here on business, will proceed to interior points. PERSONAL PEliSONAL- Hytiienict Products (Kubber Gooiisi. Best Service hlKh quality, low prices. Send' lor our liee catalogue I XL , Specialties. G.P.O. Box 57. Toronto, Out (213) PERSONAL M rs. F VerrettV Dressmaker. ;13 3rd Ave. Reasonable prices. Wedding Jd Evening dresses. (192i 1S1SINESS OPPOKTIMTIES FOR SALE Delivery business with two trucks. For information cull 383. (tit AGENT! WANTED WANTED Representative on Commission lor Northern Territory to seli KANT-SAG Upholstered Furniture to Retail Furniture Dealers- Photos and Samples Supplied Apply Tynan's Ltd., Fourth Si Commercial, Vancouver, B. C. U2i raiTsiw : SAVE AT OUR SUPPORT Mobile Chest X-ray Units will Mrs. F. St. Amour sailed on the Canibsun Tuesday on a trip to Vancouver. Attention! Members of the Ladies Orange Lodge are requested to be at the Oddfellows' Hall at 2 p.m. Friday to attend the funeral of our late Sister Moya Thomas. Tt Mrs. Mike Montcsano and little daughter ure leaving to morrow for a week's visit with friends in Smithers. Attention L. A. of the Canadian Legion. Members are requested to be ai, the Legion rooms at 2 p.m. Friday to attend the funeral of our late comrade Moya Thomas. (187) G. S. Reade, supervisor of fisheries, left on yesterday's plane for a trip to Vancouver on olficial business. Mrs. O. Odegard returned to the city yesterday on the Prince) Rupert from a holiday trip to Vancouver. A, O. Boas, local saniUiian, relurned to the city Tuesday afternoon by air from a trip to Vancouver where he has been taking a course. Mrs. W. Lund and daughter, Elsie, returned home on the Prince RuuTt yesterday from a three weeks' holiday trip to Vancouver. Charles Adam, Terrace moving picture operator, arrived in the city yesterday from the Interior for a brief business visit her, returning to the interior today. 0X1 I i ,.-..-ir j i I J j UfflTTffXs I f j'il i I ii ' . 1 lc;'K1 WJ; L ' " ' ' WSuJr,Si?t'C Nutritious S.'!'- J ' JS' mil K3-. tm.M Ml' li W SALE SO YOU CAN THE CARNIVAL ' ing Places and Times At the Prince Rupert Health I'nit Office 2nd Ave & 4th St. August 15, 16, 17, 18, & 19,-9-12 a.m. 1-3 p.m. August 22, 23, 24, 25, & 26,-9-12 a.m. 1-3 p.m. At Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Plant ... I m August. August. 18,-9-12 18,-9-12 a.m. a.m. ' 1 1 WtW-r-. h At Dry Dock-August 18-2:00-4:00 p.m. ,y;J I At Co-op Cold Storage-August 19-2:00-4:00 p.m. Vl Daily News. imo, WANTED - Sewing of ail kinds. Apply suito 8, bay ApU. 1 1UU WANTED Room to share wllh working girl. Phone Hed 6u3. (191) WANTED- pair Miioil binoru- lars. Aoplv Hi x it4. Daily; News. UUUi HELP WANTED WANTEDl'cirk7Apply" Doms' Dept. Store. II Bill WANTED - Cashier. Apply blOUltWUV Cale. Ul) WANTED Stenographer-bookkeeper. Apply Dr. K O LarKe. (U) HELP WANTED Waitress, bioudway Cale. ttil HELP WANTED H lit i' hr err. j"K on holKiuy, man wanted to relieve Iniu. Apply Kupert UutcliBis. HOY3 WANTfcD KelluDle boys ClesiniiH Daily News route should file their nmnes at the Daily News Olfice. afi HELP WANTED-Mun for lubrication work, pieierabiy sIiikIiv Bob Parker Ltd. ttli HELP' WANTED -Girl 25 to 3.r yeurs of age with dressmaking experience. Apply at Singer 6ewin Centre. (18Bi WAN'l ED- 3tenogruiher-secre-tary, duties win include, iuk-iug dictation in shorthand, typing, iiimg and socretaiiai duties. Musi have ut least o years experience. A(je range 2a tu 32 years, sti.p.e. Appiy National Employment Service, Older No. DliU. (til WANTED Young man 24 to 3D vim Junior man iculutioii' or better and ol koocI character and appearance. Must have poieniuci sales ability and desire to advance application treaU'd conlulentiany. Fur p.n liculary apply to Mr. Hay, Singer Sewing Machine Co. i (lyi)i' It 14 'I I At Nelson Bros. Fisheries, Port Edward i" XAJtJ. ) August 15-9:00-12 a.m.-l-3 p.m. ;7!55v I -August 16 9:00-12 a.m. f'X-' At Columbia Cellulose Plant Walson Island . August 16-2-4 p.m. August 179:00-12 a.m. 1-3 p.m. j Wl0i ' I lb ) EVERYBODY WELCOME llSjtJS I l " ' VKi 1 Keep your appointment if you can. If not come anyway. J I '-"'' II (190' 1 Fine Pure Wool Casual Shirts by Austin Kent; Brown, Wine. Blue and Grey--. Styled for comfort and nSr.. $10.50 Green River '" Gabardine Shirts with regular col- . lar. Grey, Mar- 3 oon and , t O 1f:. Brown . . yOtJ fj G.W.G.Purc' Wool Tartan Shirts, Heavy weight. In CO Aft all sizes . JjJjtj Miiniimniu Mll!K!!i;!!!:!!':W:1''"; 'lUIUllllllllliUliiillllli ,i ,; ,J STEAMSHIP PRINCE RUPERT SAILS FOR VANCOUVER and Intermediate Polls Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT For Reservati.ons Write or Call CITY OR' DEPOT OFFICE .' '. ' Glidden Paints FOR ALL Pl'RPOSES BLUE 846 SAANICH PLUMBING AND HEATING FOR ALL YOUR , REQUIREMENTS j REGM PRINTEliil PHONE 24 j j i 222 Second Ave. Box 42? ' i : t John F. L. Hughes, Dlci, Ph.d 21-22 Besner Bloojt ; Phone BLUE 44? ax : Appointment l i t WILL BE AWAY! ! ON VACATION : First Three' Weeks iiwAugust '" f n W fev . illU. M I lit. I , me citv Monday, 14S Mrs. Moya rJ. ;,9 years. ID If, IVfU ii""""' UnillV runeiui, ,1! be Held rriiuiy 11 Ul Hie laiiin.n io;a Tth Ave. fca.it, atu-nn E. llodson Iir.ermeiit to lol-)BA Hlol. Kuirview H c. Undertakers ul riaiKmenU. i,K.:Mi:vr Juines Johnston, i C . announce me ii Uifir youneyi flarbmu Prances to urn Medium Uiy-ilrs. H-!-n Gertrude Tiiiiy K.iwit. U. C : -J take place at !1,I)CI i. IWJ Ut UlH lit United Chuicll. i C. OK fcALK One 13-fnnt speed ill tixlurcs- motor i.viir.jiili'il. Snap. 417 litiwreii 7 and 189) Ej.stlmne Marine J luiiii.Mrr vnth piwpcllnr. Kot-Wm'uiisiii knmne. ii) tuth ii!l 12 leet. s Autu Court, llUcli m Ford Tudor. .hi.n KtUKinuble, ii!ii 21 foul pleasure ii ruMiiliuli. Black UH7) labudor retriever 0- B..X s32. Phone i uta i Haung no electric i? piiwiH address, mill ut a sucrillct' i;ij ftiL.ti winking i I'llUlillllCllt. ' Uuie bench saw as Jklli jiR .1W -Jty in.t drill " -'Under (2 belts dki nit (iff saw. in in ciindi-us all attaclunelits ' ''liic is well .,ver U separately or ' lor $j.,u (10. ' w'T. Quick, 11 c 1,111 Quick station. (188) Utl lumber can (in, Ave j 111) slUHgun'i ;wus , ammunition, f latest folders v """P Sales Co, ' ' st'. Ottawa, out U95I -Man's hiuh frame IttlSt 0 thr.-slu,.,i Phone Ureen 71(1 " U87i 1 Used Furn-"tl musical 1 S;w coal and ' iin, t,,'tVe Press ' Saws- "W arts h used'111"" ' tiim.,i u Mens ' rarC I..' 11. "'ifirs. etc at Uie lowest fiuture Co.. Allies' Sl'",v,?ls. Admni ""fsiini, "Hiiart ift Bros. t: da,-"""lenance VJWOH r-. , H Ruck f.am'she11 -klift , Scri,te Miver: KH,,,'Jr.Stockiiile 'usi ii Rice re p irt :a "iiius Nn M, ?tlon. , OCT 4K. and U: .. '-' AH Steel Sawmill'.. National Nutloiml "s and n ""'inn i,ri"iS ""vc'vors , Uchi,,'.'1 lrom ni Uf) (190) . . SALE H?5. I 'i:wT-Try.- . . ... . . . --V 1 COMMENCING FRIDAY, AUGUST 12 HE3.P WANTED- Bookkeeper OUR LIMITED SPACE FORCES THIS I Coat and Suit Clearance TO MAKE ROOM FOR NEW FALL GOODS Crepes, Moire, Prints and Spuns. Pieg. to $12.1)5 S4.95 DRESSES CARNIVAL SALE CI I ITC n Culssic an dressy styles. jUI I J Barathea, Tweeds and Gabardine. Sizes 12 to 24' . Reg. value to$G5.00 Q90 ?ft rftATC 1,r only distinctive styles, LUAI3 Crepe, Serge, Barathea and wool Coverts. Regular value to $5!.f,0- 5ft CARNIVAL SALE .. wy CARNIVAL SALE HOUSE DRESSES Embroidered and lace trimmed. Sizes 32 to 44. Regular value $4.95 QS QC for established firm, one who lias had experience. ln ,keep-linj a lull sel ot books"' State saairy requirecl, experience, age and relerentes. Iiox 5(i3, Daily News. r lay j i REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 4 suite apartment nouse close In. A uoocl In vestment. Prince Ii i p e r t Keaity Co. (18H) FOR SALE-2 smuTfTiTiuses on' 1 lot. 525 6th West. $25110 00.' Prince Rupert Realty Co. ! (1831 SWAP Will pay up to $500 with small wartime four in exchange for six-room house in good location, Black 213. (19HI rOH SALE -Four room wartime i house new paint Job. fenced and all decorated inside. 1551' 2nd Overlook alter 5 p.m. ( 191 1 FOR SALE Moderr. three-' roomed cottage, ulso box of carpenter tools. Apply 1138 7th East. , (188) FOR nf.rvT EOR RfJNT Tourwt accomo-: dation. Red 471. (tfl ' FOR RENT Comfortable room for one or two girls sharing. ! Kitchen privileges if . required. 1 Close in. Phone Black 258 or, call at 8U5 Borden Street. (188) FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms at 960 First Ave. West. I Apply 221 5th East. (187 I FOR RENT Portable electric sewing machines. Immediate delivery. Phone 864. Singer Sewlfig Centre (191) Quality g a r m ent s. SKIRTS CARNIVAL SALE Alpine, Gabardine, Crepe and Wools. 12 to 20. Reg. to $7.95 9 qe; SHORTY COATS Reuular value to $45.00 REDUCED FOR CARNIVAL SALE TO Qi Q Eft CARNIVAL SALE DON'T MISS THESE OUTSTANDING BARGAINS! AH Quality Merchandise at Give-Away Prices. Your opportunity to complete that Summer-in'to-Autunin Wardrobe. every pair perfect. gauge. -All sizes. Reg. CI IDC ose an Wruu?' Tail- jLll J ored and lace trimmed styles. Sizes 32 to 48. Regular value $i.!)5- co qc: CARNIVAL SALE ... HOSE 51 Nylon, $1.95 Carnival WHILE THEY Sale C Off' LAST . . V-i- All Sales Final Annette Mansell Ladies TJear 525 Third Avenue West No Sale .Goods Exchanged FOR RENT Modern sleeping room (or business gentleman. Apply Box 502, Daily News Oil ice. (188) Vou Saw It in The News! Florists -Box-1193 BALAGNO Phone Green 787 ; tilth, Dl'ly News I