S2!?NT1BLE CAELNEVAIL, AUGUST 1-3-2 ORMES DRUGS Daily Delivery NORTHERN AND CENTRAL ksilTlSH CCkt I IA S NIWSPAPCR Published it Canada's Most Strateeic Parifif Port-"Prince iiuh ert, the Key to the Great Northwest." PHONE 81 VOL. XXXVIII, No. 187. PRINCE RUPERT, ?TliuriTAV,- K UST 11, 1949 PRICE FIVE CENTS n ppositiomi To European Arms w DROWNED OFF NOVA SCOTIA ,Gas Stolen From Plane Caused Recent Crash On $500 BAIL SET IN THEFT CASE Ball of $500 was set by Magistrate W. D. Vance in city police court this morning In the case of Pearl Manerey, who plprlfi not guilty to a charge of theft of $100 from Earl Carter, a cannery worker. The accused, a i tress, was remanded until Friday afternoon for hearing alter entering a plea of not ru'lty. she appeared without counsel. INVERNESS, Nova Scotia 9) -Four persons were drowned in the sea off this western Cape Breton mining town last night and two of a party that at tempted to rescue the victims Near Here Senator Taft Will Not Lead Fight Against It Military Chief Are Strongly Supporting President Truman's $1,400,000,000 Plan WASHINGTON,!). C. (CP) Friends of President Truman's $1,450,000,000 arms-aid plan were cheered today by word that Senator Robert Taft (Republic- Ohio), one. of the administration's chief critics, will rot lead a fight against the plan and that strong support from military chiefs is assured. Tuft, who Is chairman of the Republican policy committee iarni the once-powerful France. told reporters that he will prob-l Tpn senatori sought today to ably vole against the plan torl PnPral Douf;,as Ma, .,, , . , Arthur recalled from Japan so arming friendly countries bul he tnat nis vlPWS m Eu'ropean Body or one of the victims ParKea at the beal Cove air base during a night Meivin white-was recovered previous to the-ill-fated flight on July 29 is held re-InT 0wereg "" b? Charlotte Airlines Ltd. for the body was washed up by the sea. trash at Digby Tsland that morning which resulted a courageous attempt by a in the virtual demolition of a twin-engined DeHavil- DeHavil 0-man human chain to save Iand jngmea Raplde geaplane from ,. arms aid could be heard. Digby Island Theft of gasoline from whirh ntln ,,..wV hiiu itii cc fjaoatrii- gers miraculously escaped. Following the making of official reports, the company has com-) mended Pilot Roy Berryman for the presence of mind he dls-' nln., 1 . ! F'cu in me emergency and,1 due to which, it is admitted, a much more serious accident was averted. Arrangements have been made for special protection of aircraft at Seal Cove air base in future. A. J. Spilsbury, general- man- .ager of Queen Charlotte Air lines Ltd., who thanks this news- paper for "excellent handling of the matter at the time." has S hetl 'ollowtag olflctal irrT The crash was very carefully "3 UUI "'"y au Persons connected with f CHARLIE KICKED BUCKET, NOT GIRL Jt was all a mistake, Charlie Lee told the court. He had not Intended to commit an assault -he merely kicked the bucket in exasperation. Charlie, proprietor of the EasUe Rooms, was before Magistrate Vance on an assault charge laid by Alice Brown, a native girl, who claimed that he threw a waste Daner basket at. her. Several stitches were required to patch up the cut on her forehead. When Charlie told his story, the court agreed that there had bwn no intent to assault the girl and dismissed the charge. Any assault that had been committed was against the bucket, not against the girl. It seems that Charlie had re tired for the night after posting flusirr-s t,f approval of his $1,450,000,000 .aiJp:.ji lu ikJii ; brighter again. dlirl Is Selection Of it carcXuUy quesUooed, and :weL- - - - - - ; , , oV ymcoinnn u i j t a i mmmut aigon -the door of his room AdVisins all and Kiinrlrv that.' fcpfrt's liU'.l nominee lor "Miss I'.N.K." ic National Exhibit ion CITY CONSTABLE RESIGNS POST Constable A. UosKlter, who has beer) a member of the" city force here for the past four years, has resinned frdm the British Columbia Police effective August 21. He is remaining in the city. THE WLATHER ! (Synopsis) Cool unsettled weather will persist in most sections of British Columbia today and tomor- row l,io-6;evcr ctearir- is;eK pec ted by evening over the north coast. Temperatures will continue below normal In all regions tomorrow. (Forecast) North Coast Rgeion Clearing by evening. Ciear tomorrow. Little change intemeperature. Wind light, becoming northerly (15 mphi by this evening. Lows and highs tomorrow at Port Hardy 50 and fiO; Masset 48 and 60; Prince Rupert 45 and 60. Putting Up New note Modern Addition to Savoy Hotel Bring Erected at Fraser Street Corner dijrlilful Ten-ace girl demure medium ibiwnette Cynthia Norton who, by tidy -the choice of Capitol Iheatrea audiences H thru- nights in the elimination con- the aircraft as it was Jet Transport Plane Success TORONTO Oi Designed and built by Canadians, a lour.en- glned Avro jet liner successfully flew Its first air tests yesterday. It is the first jet transport produced on the North American continent. The big plane, designed to carry fifty passengers and to cruise at 430 miles an hour at .. 'jn e.nn fnAt t i t i WM1 the honor of being the first of its type In the air. A somewnat simar Jet Uner took to the air recently in Britain. , I iff l fill II I III 111 VVlU IJJUL 111 UNITED STATES OTTAWA ih Finance Mln- fclr Douglas Abbott yesterday announced the government's intention of offering a $100,000,-000 issue of Government of Canada bonds for sale in the United , States. A registration statement covering an Issue 6f 25-year 2 percent bonds in that amount will be filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission at Washington "in the near future," the minister said in a statement. . . , Proceeds of the issue wul be used to redeem three issues of five percent long-term bond? of the Canadian National Railways and Harbor Commissioners of Montreal, all payable in United States funds. MINE CHIEFS GIVE UP FIGHT 1- SYDNEY. Australia 0 ,The general coal strike, which has paralyzed winter-bound Australia for almost seven weeks, will end August 15. ; "'" The communist - dominated executive of the Australian Miners' Federation has given up the fight and has authorized all miners to return to work on that date, R. Hamilton, acting president af the Federation, said today. Until the mines are brought back into full production by the regular miners, troops will re main in the pits, the government announced today. New HazeltorfcAFE (Next to New Hazelton Hotel) Under New Management GEORGE LEONG, Manager HIGH CLASS COOK Open from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. . r;s ,?.;,'! Short Orders Fast Service Soda Fountain Ice Cream MODERATE PRICFS (139) ,uul -wa mniwuii onus, aged 16: Gerald MacNeil, 14; Simon White, 52, and his son, Meivin, 27 ended In failure. All are from Inverness. TODAY'S STOCKS (Courtesy 8. npjohiutcn Co T.td.) Vancouver Bayonne 05 2 Bralorne 10.15 I B. R. Con 03 B. R. X .07 Cariboo Quartz 1.17 Congress , .04 j Hedley Mascot .24 Pioneer 3.40 Premier Border 04 Privateer 21 Reeves McDonald 2 50 Reno 04 Vi Sheep-Creek". 120 Silbak Premier .40 Taku River .25 Vananda .... .16 Salmon Gold. .... .12 Spud Valley .07 Oils-Anglo aCnadlan 3.50. A. P. Con 15 , Atlantic 66 ' Calmont .31 C & E. 5.30 Central Leduc 75 Home OH 10.15 Mercury 09 Pacific Pete 2.40 Princess .15 Royal Canadian 06 Vi Toronto Athona 12'-. ' Aumaque 17 Vi Beattie 69 Bevcourt 27 Bobjo - 15 Buffalo Canadian 13 Consol. Smelters 99.50 Conwest 1.07 Donalda 56 Eldona 65 East Sullivan 2.40 Giant Yellowknife 6.90 God's Lake .47 Hardrock 2.26 Harricana 06 ',i Heva . .11 Vi Hosco 16 Jacknife .. 06 Joliet Quebec 47 Lake . Rowan ... .08 Lapaska .07 Little Long Lac 60 Lynx .15 Madsen Red Lake 3.00 McKenzie Red Lake .51 McLeod Cockshutt 1.14 Moneta 43 Negus 2.38 Noranda 59.00 T ; i ijuuviuuuri, loV2 Pickle Crow 2.20 Regcourt 06 San Antonio 4.35 Senator Rouyn 41 Sherrit Gordon 2fl Steep Rock 1.65 Sturgeo nRiver .20 Silver Miller .39 TODAY'S BASEBALL ROOSEVELT PARK 6:30 P.M. MERCHANTS vs. COMMERCIALS uuuca uiai ne will not spearhead the opposition as he did j against the Atlantic Treaty. Taft came nowhere near win-! nlng his fight on the pact but he gave It plenty of trouble. Joint chiefs of staff -General Omar Brarlly of the Army; Admiral Louis Dcnfeld of the Navy, and Gen. Hoyt Vanden-berg of the Air Force added words of form support for the arms plan yesterday. The military chiefs disclosed to three committees that the bulk of European assistance would go to TALKING DI.IENCE OTTAWA Lewis Johnson, t'nitcd olatfs sjerretary of defence, lost no time in grt-linc down to business with Canadian Hefence ; Minister Brooke ("lixton and chiefs of staff following his arrival here today from Washinglon for a conference on "matters of mutual interest." VOTE FOR STRIKE DEKOIT Employees of Ford Motor Co. voted 60,000 to 11,000 yesterday in favor of strike action unless their demands are met. CRASH NEAR WIIITF.HORSE tVIIITEHOKSE Two ocru-pants of an Amrriran fighter plane, which fell out of formation and plummeted to earth 75 miles north of here while on a fliijht from AVhitehorse, are believed to have perished. LI MBER I ROM RI'SSIA LONDON The British government has Riven an order to Soviet Russia for 198,000,000 hoard feet of lumber. LIBERALS WIN ST. JOHN'S The Liberal, ll.irold Norwood, defeated the Troifressive - Conservative Samuel Gamt, 1268 to 133 in the deferred provincial 'flection in Labrador seat. This Rives Liberals 22 seats, Fro?-dessive - Conservatives five and Independents one in the Newfoundland Legislature. MORE POLIO THIS YEAR NEW YORK CP More than 3,000 new polio cases this month so far have boosted the total in the United States for this year to more than 11.000. An Associated Press survey through August 9 showed that the number of cases in 1949 was run- ninc rouchlv 4.000 ahead of W. L. Woods, proprietor of the inion Football Association, suc-Savoy Hotel, has purchased the ceeding Dr. O. J. Todd of Van-double corner at Fraser. and couver. Dr. Todd, professor of "l tuivHii.ru ucuiiu any u-uoi of the following "The aircraft left Seal Cove on the morning of July 29 with insufficient fuel in the tanks. The aircraft has two engines and two entirely separate fuel ' tanks which are not cross-connected in any manner. Both of these fuel tanks ran out within forty seconds of each other leaving the pilot with no alter native than to effect a forced landing In the trees. Both fuel tanks had been filled on the evening of July 27 at the end of that day's flying and the aircraft had not been operated in I I the interval. From the reports of both mechanics, log book entries, and evidence of the gasoline used,, from the available supply, there can be no doubt that this was carried out. Furthermore, the aircraft returned to base on July 27 with sufficient fuel in its tanks to carry out ever an hour's flying without any beng added.' "In addition to the evidence of the two mechanics, the pilot of the aircraft, Roy Berryman, personally witnessed the refueling on July 27. We are convinced that the gasoline was stolen during the night of July 27 or 28 by persons unknown. Theft of gasoline from an aircraft is such an unusual occurrence that such a possibility did not present itself to any of our personnel w-ho dispatched the aircraft on (Continued on Page 2) POLIO NOT ALARMING VANCOUVER A fourteen-year-old girl was Vancouver's latest poliomelitis victim yesterday, bringing the total of cases so far treated at Vancouver General Hospital to eighty-one. , There appears to be no let-up as yet In the outbreak although Dr. Stewart Murray, city health officer, stated yesterday that it was not alarming. He pointed out that there had been only two deaths and none of tne i present cases were acutely ill. )'car-old Cyn N the best of j grants on thci '"I lire and fiK-1 'M'-v ami slaj'o and thciri I W 07 votes. "-, iVP. m. 227SJ, R w-rr an. ru.'iii'-i ,s-iii. J Wnwrrow t;m!it 'il leave by the Kr,"'P.!M'd by -ni-ouvrr whi re W in tlv finals ol 'M,,s r.N.E."i a v.Tik's vi.,t: lw 0!l-Ui'--".p;)! "H .is a 5,i(ioo ' I !r 8 Lral Kir I ,a"'-k at Vim-1 tU' other """d ni l r.N.ii.- i the - i with : tlu-'I l.i. -lit IT-(' i.'li !,.., .s;;te' Tin aw '0 !. . 'ice aiiri .iai) r,t with natu,. 1 she U 5 f. his rooms were all occupied and to be governed accordingly. About 2:30 a.m. he was awakened to see the sign being slipped under the bottom of the door. " This was followed by a thunderous beating on the door itself. Charlie rase In wrath. He entered the hallway to -see a group of pranksters disappear down the stairway. Exasperated, he kicked the bucket. It flew down the stairway and struck the girl on the head. Charlie was-sorry about it all and assured the court that he would look after any medical expenses caused by the girl's injury. NEW FOOTBALL PREXIE NAMED CALGARY '(!' Charles E. Pin-nell of Calgary was yesterday elected president of the Dom- classical languages at the Uni verslty of British Columbia, was named honorary president and John Nolan of Montreal was elected vice-president. NORTrTSHORT WINS SOCCER CALGARY tr North Van-' couver played heads-up playoff soccer last night to overpower the fighting Hamilton Wectinghouse squad 2 to nothing and capture the Dominion football championship. It was the second time the red-jerseyed veterans from the Pacific Coast had shut out their lighter, speedier opponents. North Shore United took the opening game of the best of three series 4 to nothing while ITimiiton forced the second with a well-deserved two to one victory in the second. The coveted challenge cup, won last year by Montreal Car-steel in a series' with Vancouver St. Andrew's, was presented to Captain Tom Cummlng of North Shore In a brief ceremony following the game. Jean McGlashan's formal was powder blue with pink trim and her bathing suit was royal blue. Audiences on all three contest niijhls were large and approving. Manager J. Harry Black was master of ceremonies, Miss Maris ie Bruin (Miss P.N E. 1948U announcer and Andy MrNaugh-ti.n, pianist. Two Cases of Black Death I'.ut Mortem Treatment Works Wonders With Bubonic Plague SANTA FK. New Mexico tf. Illness of two New Mrx'lco res- itilents was yesterday found to be bubonic plague .the black eath of the Middle Ages. Only twenty-one otier rnses 'f the disease have been listed n the United States during the ast twenty-five years. rr. Vernon Link of the West-cm Contaidous Disease Control Centre at San Francisco told a press confereee that modern druss had, apparently, achieved a smashing victory over the ancient flea-borne disease. The treatment, he said, had brought dramatic improvement In both cases. Friday, August 12, 1949 "'eh 3:13 19.6 feet : 1S-4B 10 S feet "".ww 9;3o 3.9 feet Fifth Streets, adjoining his hotel, from Mrs. M. T. Lee and Kenneth Lee and will erect thereon a new and modern addition containing twenty rooms and bath as well as an extension of the tavern. The new structure will occupy the entire 100 by 50 foot of ground and will be two storeys in addition to basement. With concrete foundation, the build ing will be constructed of th.; new cement-pumice' hollow blocks. Cost will be about $40,000. it is estimated. Plans are now being prepared by J, M. Harvey. Vancouver architect, who was here last week. Each of the twenty new hotel rooms will be 21 by 16 feet and each will have private bath, be,ing of latest styling and appointment. Four rooms will be on the ground 1 floor and the other sixteen on second floor. The property which Mr. Woods has purchased is occupied at present by a small taxi build ing, a bungalow dwelling and a tailor shop, all of which will be removed. The deal for the property was handled through the office of M"r eves , c! 'm coStumo t ,r' !rra last n1 Piess go vn ?16 6't was a 'anna. Sown wa: a l!ylon f0i- u'1 was wIm I that for the same date In 1948 21:52 6.0 feet A; imu vs. PERT - Sunday 1:30 and 830 p.iti