JSrfnrc Uuprrt Daflp rectos Friday, OotoW 28. 1949 . WANTING D n n jC.P.R. Ray Reflects. . . HIGHER RATES Southbound after a regular! voyage to Skagway and other' Alaska points, CP R steamer! Princess Louise, Capi. P. L. Les- I lie, was in port from 3 to 5 o'clock I yesterday afternoon. The Louise is scheduled to make one more I voyage on the Alaska run before SI ... and Reminisces An liiOpwIeTit dally nnrpir?r d-Tit-l the tiptni'.lU'rft r.t Prince Kupcrt and-ml rommunit romprlrtng northern and central British Columbia. (AuthorUvd s Soeonci Class Mnll. Post Office Department, Ottawa) Published everv afternoon except Bundnv bv Prince P.tipert Dally News Ltd.. 3rd Avenue. Prince Ruert. British Columbia. O A HUNTER, Mannglne Editor. H O PERRY. Managing Director. MKMBER OF CANADIAN PRESS AUDIT BUREAU OF CIRCULATIONS CANADIAN DAILY NF WPP A PER ASSOCIATION being replaced for the wintei by the Princess Norah. ",pla" ". id. from A .Quebec railway eoriduao1- dividual. it' also a matter ul life Mr St. Cyr, won $77.oOJ in the or death. Irish sweep. The first ticket he! SO0. BS4'S::.iji4D SUBSCRIPTION RATES CWy CwrtCT. Per Week. 20c: Per taomn. 78c; Per fear, By Mall, Per Month. 60c; Per Tear, Pair n 1fV'. ..... 1 3 VMM I .. Phone Rates We fc Changed Downward Prince Rupert's telephone rates have been changed since 1910, Utilities Chairman H M. Daggett told city council in refereace' to a statement he made a week ago to the effect that the same rates are being charged as were instituted 39 years ago. "I checked through the records the other day to find out if what I said was true," Alderman Daggett .said. "I found that it was not. "Actually the .rates were . changed once in 1925. Then, they were reduced 25 cents under the. 1910 level. 8o right now. subscribers are paying less than they did in. 1910." Trouble teaches you two things: ( 1 1 How many friends you hey. and (2i how many people vi-re waiting to catch you bent over. never punched, yet "sec wkpt it brought him! And it was just to bad about the TorontJ nun who had been buying tickets ?.u years before he won S3 Y. 000. 'OTTAWA, P Attempt!!; ; to carry its fight for higher freight rates to the Supreme Cou't vt Canada, the Canadian rr.cllic Railway Thursday challenged the Board of Transport Commissioners- September 20 decision awarding the railways an eigh'. p.-rcrit increase. The railroad, which cl ii.ns the increase is too small. a:4 '.Ucl to the board for permission to appeal to the highest jourt. It wants to ask the court for a ruling on whether the board lalltd in its duty by not maK'-ii; final determination of t";e rnt." increase pending fuither board studies and report of the rova! commission on transpo'iAtion. W ORK PANTS-4 Special fr.m V IEN'8'woitsTf, Pure uc i N 8 HATK-ul Style. froin ,,,,, I MEN'S DltlSS vl SOX-Now I ':vs spo'kt k f Now 1 MCV'c ii. n. f Elmore Philpott, turning poli- George Frlzzell has walcnrd tician himself, ran for ofiic; in Western Canada grow and dt-Monday's by-election. H; dil not, vclop from a frontier to a lard win, yet to aspire for a s?at, was 0f good sized cities settled r.oi:i-not a bad idea.' After y?.us of munities, huge railway systems, criticizing others, in prtnt., he highways, airways, pip? lines u-invited Uie public to Uk a few ctuiy oil, grii growi:)? or ';. slams at him. The experience major scale and expanding poju-may give him several new angles lations. And he's jecn morion men and ir:&irs. In hit- line t,nan that. He has witnessed deep " "OUR jjj Do )Ve Want It? a couple of high class musical presentations FOLLOWING during the past year or so in Prince Rupert we took occasion to express regret that lovers of good music, who are supposed to be so numerous in this city, had not accorded the support they might have in the way of attendance at those presentations. In the hope that there may be no reason for commenting similarly tomorrow, we thought it might be more timely to speak in advance about the concert to be offered tonight by that talented new' -young Canadian violinist, Donna Greseoe of Winnipeg We hear from time to time of the lack of cultural activities in Prince Rupert and the dearth of high class entertainment as compared with larger cities. When such artists as Miss Greseoe come to the city, INOW I MEN'S LEATII of business, every litU bi: helps. sea f idling jn the North Pacific ! BREAK F.RS-AII Miss S. Kurulok sailed lai-t night on the Prince George for Vancouver. reckoned $20,000 would erert a three floor block. There must have been an early winter f'r someone got cold feet! Thiak ol it! Three floors for twenty thou.i- Special ! change from practically nothing Abolition of capital punUh- to whole trains of halibut Dull MKS-S ALL-wJ EBU ment in Britain is seldom ne.ml out trom pnnce RUp4 C M- UH. spoKen or. i. ce.i.ti.nv was u worW markets. He wa 89 this and! few years ago when the subiec', week. That's on the of bo verge weT was introduced with a flourish njnetv Well Geor'e The home of the United Ni-tions will occupy about sevent- ?n acres between 42nd' and 47th seem' you again, next year!" by the Labor government. Since then, it seems to have kept lading away. No one appear to ft C W I VI Mil 1 yt) f Jtppu They got as far as blasting ar.dj streets in the heait of New York not digging basements for two hotel know, today, whether w one in Prince Rupert, long ago. One we can tell by the attendance just how much is the there's a downright law. way or the other. F'-emiei .Ittlee was to stand on Second Avenue City. It will be housed in z 63-storey block and take two more years to finish. A woik'tiuI building was also erected for the League of Nations at Ge-nev: , net and his advisers have their hands and the other on First Avent c full to overflowing with problems and McBride Street. Messrs Mor- CRllSI R (,,. Special . W VS DUES M from MEV'S fKI)ER binations, mrdii; Special MEN'S RAISC0f: f it tinjc MEN'S CABAKliisj Full lined MEN S ( OVERT k fOATS-Tps in t, fit ! MEN'S DRESS PC assortment, prrl$t Now . KNITTING WIIOU-ity. Kreular l Now, per hall j BOYS' LACE tl R long after conclusion of the Iirstj Great War. I of state. Perhaps, with the gov eminent, as well as with Uie m row, Frizzell and Sheady were behind the latter venture and th"y ! L.,rH" av-n. vfe,at''!i . jij . M i"'.. demand for such things and how much of the talk of desire for these amenities is merely idle complaint M'jbich has no sincere motive. ' Jit The Civic Centre authorities are to be congratulated upon their persistence in bringing such high ifAass entertainment to Prince Rupert It is all part of their policy of doing everything to make Prince Rupert a better and more pleasant place to live. The best token of appreciation and approval that can be shown them is by the simple measure of the support ' they get in the way of patronage and attendance. It will be interesting to note how many turn out to hear Miss Greseoe tonight. t BOOKIRUf r a 0 J ..J BOOTS-A1I size Special ZtyfeW COM BURNER IM ritn Mte MP t u', m tmri bMU In Nmrr ll-trr T S mrm All turn HMMirU I Ural li vt t ! . H rotttt. J- 1 BOYS' SCHOOL 4, With the Future PANTS I- i. . L I t bonis the BOYS' RAINCOV OLD AGE PENSIONS fittini;. From BOYS' AIL-Wo I tCKETS in mind.. T"HE AVERAGE monthly amount on account of the basic and supplementary old age pensions i m M cheapest small Lignite Coals with 83 efficiency. Cut your fuel bills in half' OVFR 22.000 SATISKIKD USKKS IN WESTERN CANADA ltluMrtr4 fold. KhwMlnK tour Mm4tIa of H'M't" rt Hrmim and t arnacr mn OK KWUI 1 1 - t .... ifamt$$M It Pay.' tu 1 ISLAND CITY Bl'll.DKRS' SIPPI.IES 1 LM 505 McBride St. Blue 820 PERSON M. Xf From your o Come in and S' 4 10c EA.-25 9(i WKATIli PHOTO I I now being paid in each province may be seen in the following list as given in the House of Commons ;arly this month. Old Age Tensions Alberta, $32.23; British Col-$22; Manitoba, $37.86; New Brunswick, $30.15; Nova Scotia, $;J0.24; Ontario, $37.06; Prince Edward Island, $26.42; Quebec, $28.94; Saskatchewan, $37.12; Northwest Territories, $28.75. Supplementary Allowances paid by the Provinces -Alberta, $7.50; British Columbia, $10; Manitoba, $10; New Brunswick, $10; Newfoundland, $10; Nova Scotia,' $10; Ontario, $10; Prince Edward Island, $10;' Quebec, $10; Saskatchewan, $2.50, subject to means test. Northwest Territories may be authorized if requested. The foregoing, listed last June 30, is from Hansard. . Since then, all provinces had not completed the work of adjusting pensions in accordance with the provisions of new agreements bringing into opera-lion the amendments to the Old Age Pensions Act passed at the last session of parliament. " Special Notice INION STEAMSHIP LTD. Xt 11 v Effective Siiudav, Oct. 304!fl ; s. Camosim leaves Prince, Ru-jert for Vancouver and Wa Ports at SAVi) Ml W. L. WOf't) PHONE 31 l' r itASKK .- PRINCE Kj J P.M. (INSTEAD OF 10 P.M.) Th. cnlt,VLnim,l foil at P,l-l' Simpson on Tuesday morninysj IS CANCEI.I.En j 253' u as me new sec-etat-y of the lub. The president. Miss Muriel Soroptimists' T3 Seal Drive t fleeting at the home of Kn. Rlph Smith, the Soroptini'st vance, was in the ch?1- aR(I df, icious refreshments we.- served y the hostess. 3 PHONE 79 Clhb mapped out plans for the annual T.B. Christmas Seal cair-plgn and a committee consisting of'Miss P. M. Mooncy, fiss Ann Mr. and Mrs. P. Md-ims. rf Sioux Lookout. Ontaiio, wno ha've Illallar ILfbariu McLeod, Mrs. C. G. Ham. Mrs M O., Kullander and Miss Winnie oeen visiting in the ciy for the last fortnight sailed on the Prince George last night for Van- Pdxon was named to take chaige Miss Margaret McLeod was nam- couver enroule east. You can almost hear him Baying to himself: "Boy, if nIy 1 had the money." How many times have you sail that to yourself about things you vant? But it's well to realize that the one sure way to pet what you vant is to save for it. Canada outings ihinds are an ideal way Plan, or they ran he bought from' a hank or investment dealer. ' You ean rash them at their full faee value, at any time, at any hank, and as long as you hold them, they e-arn you interest. II uiidreds of thousands of Canadians have bought, and are eontinuing to buy, Canada Savings Bond. Make up your mind now to keep up this sound habit. to go about it, l I'eause they HOURS j Weekdays Oa.m.ioOp.i Sundays' 12 Noon lo 2 pi 7 p.m. to !) p.i SIXTH STREET and THIRD A make savins easv. ou ean buy liieni in easy instalments as you go, through your Company's Payroll Sating save as you qo wi th 1 TttWV' i. ........ Jgp Vim KVF.I1Y K'eV Canada bavin i ii 1 1 nici,1 1 UlU B o nds eries NOW ON SALE See Our LARGE NEW SELECTION' Latest Diamond Styles Complete stock of Siffiiate, Birthstones and MANSQN'S YOUR FRIENDLY JEWKM-J BOX 908 'ri""' ' "And, further, when you lecture me not to be a backseat onver, aont turn arotirrd to do it!'' . C.S.K. S i " - - ' nft -fmfrriHW J1f;lmi